
Political Crisis Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"If the president of a country at war is unable to dismiss his senior commander, then that shows that the situation in the country has become grave indeed."
"It is imperative that the military authorities heed the calls made by the Security Council for an urgent solution to the political crisis."
"There's a real crisis here, isn't it? A total breakdown in faith in our political structures."
"It's almost impossible to exaggerate how troubling what is being discussed is. In fact, I think it is fair to say that we are in the middle of a coup."
"What we're looking at right now very simply could be the end of our democracy."
"Democracy is in true danger. This was a coup attempt. It was an actual insurrection."
"Why in God's name would someone think attacking law enforcement and occupying the United States Capitol is the best way to show that you're right?"
"The current attempts against Dilma is a coup there's no other word for it it is a coup in this country cannot accept a coup against Dilma."
"If any of those circumstances broke differently... we would have been almost certainly in a full-blown constitutional crisis or worse."
"Fascism is a very real danger... There was nothing that occurred like January 6th in the history of the United States."
"Many of these Mothman cultists aren't actually worshiping the Mothman... they are worshiping a corrupted version of these Lovecraftian forces."
"With our partners, we will hold accountable those who participated in yesterday's siege of the Capitol."
"People are angry. They will simply not accept the results of this election."
"The country was in the midst of a full-blown constitutional crisis."
"This was a president who was willing to do anything to overthrow the presidential election of 2020 and clearly had violence within his sights on that day."
"A mass exodus from government ranks, ministers and aides quitting almost by the minute."
"Donald Trump lost an election and tried to keep himself in power despite having lost, which is just about the most dangerous thing that can happen in a democracy."
"If Dr. Eastman and President Trump's plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution."
"We're living through a time when democracy is under assault."
"Closing down Parliament in order to force through a No Deal Brexit is not democracy, it's dictatorship."
"The world that I am describing to you is simultaneously libertarian, Marxist, and Keynesian."
"They know this ends badly. And yet, they don’t stand up to him even on the most basic things."
"This is not going to end well, this is why so many people are saying to the governor, step aside, resign now."
"The ESG model is one of the main causes of the Sri Lankan government's recent dramatic collapse... it's a man-made crisis."
"We have a crisis at the border, we have to respond to it."
"The 20th century's most successful political idea is under attack: democracy is facing a crisis of confidence."
"For the first time in our history, a president tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."
"Democracy itself is at the greatest threat it has been at any point in the history of this country."
"This did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated... Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country."
"Food shortages topple governments they turn moderates into revolutionaries a food shortage is a big deal you don't want one but now we're getting one just a little over a year into Joe Biden's presidency."
"There is nothing more serious than a democracy starting to lose faith in its elections."
"Our democracy is under unprecedented assault tonight."
"An organized effort to get thousands of people to descend on the capital during the time when it is counting the votes... that isn't an Insurrection then nothing is."
"One of the most significant ways in which people understand and experience the political economic crisis we're going through is through a sense that they don't have any voice or any power." - Grace Blakely
"The fact that democracy is on trial right now or being tested unlike any other time in our lives and perhaps anytime in the life of this country."
"Senator Tammy Duckworth says this is unlike anything I've ever seen on domestic soil. This is a shameful day."
"There is a coup happening that's happening right now."
"Our Founders never contemplated that you would have someone so utterly contemptible present themselves for the highest office."
"I mean are we are we joking do we not understand that we are right now on the precipice are they complete and total meltdown of American democracy it is one scary Prospect."
"Mitt Romney, what happened today was an insurrection incited by the president of the United States."
"American democracy under attack because the defeated former president of the United States refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election."
"They're chanting 'hang Mike Pence'... this is happening while it's all going down."
"The US could send troops into Haiti after the bloody assassination of President Jovenel Moise."
"In this dark chapter of our history, trust is shattered and doubt seeps into the hearts of the American people."
"The war process... has caused Russia to face the biggest political, military, and economic crisis in its history."
"One of the world's most influential human rights organizations is calling the political situation in Hong Kong an emergency."
"There is a crisis of political leadership in almost every country right now."
"This is the moment of reckoning. This is the logical culmination of what Trumpism is."
"Our democracy is under unprecedented assault."
"Donald Trump attempted a plan that led to an attack on a pillar of our democracy."
"This was a coup orchestrated by the president against the vice president and against the congress."
"The entire senior leadership of the Department of Justice said that they would resign en masse."
"An attempt to subvert our democracy is threatening what makes America American."
"A real reckoning moment for the Republican party."
"The fact that this important session hasn't been taking place indicates that Xi Jinping is experiencing a political crisis within the party."
"The assault on the Capitol shows the power of American democracy because we didn't collapse into a fascist state."
"Michael the first was forced at gunpoint to abdicate as king after his palace was surrounded by troops loyal to the communist government."
"I never thought I would see the day where an American president would threaten not to accept an election defeat."
"We did an interview with Andrew Sullivan in the days after the January 6th riot, and he was nearly in tears in this conversation about how close the Republic came to breaking. But it didn't, really."
"Yes, absolutely, because this is a very dangerous time for democracy."
"I think it's absolutely shocking what's going on in this country we should not even be debating a second referendum."
"I think one of the most important events leading up to the crisis that we have now was the coup in 2014."
"The Deep State war on Democracy... If this crime is upheld, we don't have a constitutional democracy anymore."
"Our democracy was attacked, no other way of saying it. The U.S. Capitol was breached, which had never happened before in the history of the United States of America."
"There's an existential crisis facing the Tory Party."
"The assault really is on all three branches of government and it's pretty severe at all levels."
"Haiti is under siege and it's important to understand why."
"There is now a peace council which is what the coup is calling has claimed over the country."
"We're at a very dangerous hour in this country."
"Those who storm this capital held a dagger at the throat of America."
"The climate and environmental crisis is overwhelmingly a political crisis, a crisis of power and equality."
"Politically speaking, we are reaching the end times for our system."
"For the first time in our history, a president had not just lost an election, he tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob breached the Capitol."
"A disaster for the UK Prime Minister tonight."
"There's nothing Boris Johnson can do to hold on to power."
"The foundation of our democracy trembles under the weight of this harrowing revelation."
"This is absolutely a crisis of the administration's own making."
"What happened on January 6th was America's Reichstag moment."
"We now know looking back on that time, April ’74, that Nixon was only four months away from resigning the presidency."
"The question is not Putin anymore, the question is whether he will have enough people to carry his criminal crazy orders."
"It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power."
"Everyone outside of DC knows what this is: a crisis."
"The best thing he could have done for the people of Burkina Faso was killing that piece of [ __ ] before he was cooed by him."
"By and large, the border crisis is the big kahuna."
"Putin, who has made several mistakes in dealing with the Ukrainian conflict and internal difficulties, will not be able to avoid the power of the people this time."
"This is a coup, an attempted coup and we cannot allow this to stand, not by any means necessary."
"If a guy sends a mob to your house and it kills people, that has to be over whatever line you draw."
"The politics are awful and the economics don't look good either."
"This is history... it's an anomaly... but in fact, what we learned is that the institutions we have strong though they are were not strong enough to prevent an attempted coup."
"At the very moment when our entire democracy hung in the balance, probably because of fear for his own life, he finally did the right thing and stopped Trump."
"The tensions at the southwest border reached a 20-year high."
"Pro-democracy activists call it the death of the one country two systems' principle."
"Those who storm this capital and those who instigated and incited... held a dagger at the throat of America, at American democracy."
"If Trump fires Mueller... it will be a real test case for US democracy."
"It's a huge moment in history... Mike Pence while a mob of pro-Trump supporters were chanting to hang the vice president."
"What happened today in Washington DC is not America."
"Democracy will fail in a patchwork, uneven and patchy collapse."
"This should be a national crisis... it's an existential political crisis."
"I am sickened by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create."
"It's no longer a border crisis, it's a nation crisis."
"It's a terrifying act of state territory terrorism... a blow not on Ukraine but on Europe, on democracy, on human dignity, on human rights."
"It's about the United States of America. How long can we survive the autocracy, one man, who is, this is a self-described, self-induced crisis that the President himself has created."
"Our democracy remains in danger. The Conspiracy to fraud the will of the people is not over." - Over the next few weeks, we're going to remind you of the reality of what happened.
"We're in a severe political crisis because Donald Trump has basically hijacked the entire Republican Party."
"There's definitely a crisis that the Republican party has right now and once again are they going to fix it properly no of course not they're not going to they never do they don't want to listen they don't learn."
"He's literally prepared to bring the whole country down."
"When it became apparent that the vice president would not agree to stop his Electoral College counting, the former president encouraged a violent crowd to go to the Capitol and they attempted to exploit that."
"The President slumped back in his chair and said, 'Oh my god, this is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm [bleep].'"
"Wow, that's the worst attack on government since the Civil War."
"We came very close to losing our democracy on January 6th."
"What does that mean? Well, it means the total disillusion of a democratic mandate and attack on the democracy of the people."
"This is an existential moment for this democracy...whether we have a democracy in the future or not."
"The president sees the crisis at the border to be a real one."
"If January 6 succeeded, imagine where we would be right now."
"We are literally seeing a coup in the United States right in front of our eyes."
"The United States is approaching a constitutional crisis."
"The US has a bulwark... the Constitution is currently in an exile that's going down the drain."
"We are also confronting a domestic threat that we've never faced before: a former president who's attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional republic."
"Belarus in one way or another may be on the verge of losing its sovereignty, if it has not already lost it."
"He wanted to use the U.S military... to install a dictatorship."
"Our government is under attack. Our capital has never before needed to be flooded by soldiers to stop the enraged supporters of the guy who lost again trying to stop the new president from being sworn in."
"Putin is facing the biggest crisis of his presidency."
"Our system nearly failed and our democratic foundation destroyed."
"This is a crisis completely of the Republican party's own making."
"When politics is so deeply polarized that each side sees the victory by the other side as intolerable, as beyond the pale, democracies are in trouble."
"People need to realize how close we were to losing our democracy that day."
"There has been a catastrophic loss of trust."
"Our democracy has been threatened and attacked, put at risk, put to the test."
"The Biden Administration is going to be facing an unprecedented and unexpected crisis in the coming months."
"...if on the 31st of October they are announcing there's not going to be any agreement whatsoever with the EU... it's hard to see what they'd be able to do after that point to avert complete disaster."
"Israel is sailing into uncharted constitutional waters right now."
"Putin is in a very big trouble both internationally and internally."
"The 1966 Kabaka crisis, also known as the Uganda Omengo crisis of 1966, was mainly caused by the disagreements between the then Prime Minister and the Kabaka of Uganda."
"The Liberals are in crisis. Is there an apparent way out?"