
Proactive Action Quotes

There are 230 quotes

"The ultimate tragedy would be if we, as the first generation aware of such a threat and able to do something about it, fell victim to it."
"If you wait until you see that processing is resumed, then it may be too late for you to be processed as quickly as you thought might happen."
"But if you ask me, a further question to ask would be, shouldn’t action have already been taken to prevent this exact tragedy."
"Remember the lessons we learned: if you wait to act until it's obvious, it's already too late."
"Better to stand forward awake when the costs are low and perhaps when the potential rewards have not yet vanished."
"We should do everything in our power to make sure that we're not the asteroid or the comet."
"Imagine if that toxin spread all over our homelands. We don't know what Zeno Lifer's plans are, but even if there's the slightest chance of our homelands being endangered, that's reason enough to survive, to fight."
"We've got to build culture. We can't just sit here and be like, 'It's bad they did this.' We've got to do something else."
"If I am not for myself who will be; but if I am only for myself what am I; and if not now, when? So now is the time. Pull up your pants and get to work."
"We should have been calling this out a long time ago before it got here."
"Faith with wisdom and action sets you apart for leadership."
"It's better to catch them on that slope rather than at rock bottom."
"I'm trying to warn as many people as possible, as quickly as possible."
"Now is the time to put your foot on the accelerator."
"The best time to plant a reactor was yesterday, and the next best time is today."
"The remnant are the people who have the chance to see it coming and take action."
"I figured it was finally time to do a good bit of roads policing."
"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, second best time is today."
"The time for waiting for the thing to come and save us all is long gone."
"We don't have to wait for the laws to be dictated by the court, we have another branch of government, the Congress, they are called lawmakers."
"If we don't get this right and we don't get it right like right now like yesterday the world is going and it already is descending into total chaos."
"Oh boy, looks like somebody needs our assistance. Let's go be superheroes for once."
"Many people are amazed at how early I acted, and I did act early."
"Step forward before the universe takes action for you."
"If there's something you want to foster and create, start now."
"It takes just as much time to do the right thing as it does to ignore it."
"Pick up the phone and call today; I know you can call City Hall, Sea House Authority, County Hall, County House Authority, State Hall, State House Authority, and get that big money."
"The best way to shock yourself out of analysis paralysis is to go do something."
"If your opponent's just sitting there doing nothing... you need to do something or he's just going to win the cycle for free."
"We got to do something, we can't do nothing, and we did the thing, we did something."
"Imperfect action is better than waiting for the perfect plan."
"If you could see the future, would you do anything about it?"
"It's time to ask not what can be done but what must be done."
"I just wish that I could have intervened sooner."
"We went ahead and changed your password for you, but you know, Thursday night, we did it."
"Just take action, that's what you all do best."
"If you don't confront evil when it's young and small, it will always get bigger."
"We shall use it to deliver a great blow against the evil which torments this land."
"You can put yourself in the hole, now it's a conversation to do it when you can go on ahead and do it early."
"You know what it's time to go... We're taking over."
"We're not doing this because it's politically easy; we're doing it because it's the right thing to do."
"All right, it's time to start planting, every second counts."
"Most likely outcome is someone taking action on this because it's toxic, a lot of toxicity there."
"Talk to an adult about it. You must, the moment it starts. Don't wait. Tell everybody you possibly can."
"Remember to bring extra batteries and don't wait until they're dead, swap them out early and often."
"Release and have faith because there's something better."
"Fantastic job our Hats go off to you guys and if there's more people to chase go get them."
"This isn't the passive targeted wakanda we've seen so much; this is a wakanda that chooses to act upon the larger world."
"I'm ashamed that I have not acted on what is the first time that I've seen a Weimar mar-like situation in our country."
"Just do it. Just go right. So we built this thing." - "The best advice I can give you starting a business."
"I'm pumped up today because I want to encourage you guys to take bold aggressive action now."
"It's time for Christians to not just push back against anti-Christian sentiment, but to actually try to replace those ideologies as well."
"Prepare for the survival of our species, start now."
"The incantation: 'I hear the warning and will comply before it does intensify, if I do this with lightning speed I most certainly will succeed.'"
"I had to do something so here we are." - Taking action
"Sometimes it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness."
"The longer you wait to act, the worse it's gonna get."
"There is a difference between somebody who recognizes that trauma and wants something for their trauma and somebody who recognizes that trauma and is going to work to take something in the time frame that you've been given on this Earth."
"YouTube has had a big problem for years and it's about time I do something about it."
"We must act to seize the future, and I hope to discover hints on how to go about this through this talk with Professor Harari." - Governor Koike
"That's the process: you gotta complain, the squeaky wheel gets the grease."
"The best time to have planted a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is right now."
"You've got a crisis, you've got this supply chain issue, jump all over it."
"It's the old adage: the squeaky wheel gets the oil."
"After years of been giving the run around about the college one day Bart Halderson, Chandler's dad decided he was gonna call the college."
"Start now, don't wait until you have everything you want."
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is today."
"It's gang up on them so before they get a chance to attack, you already have them taken out."
"Take action now and keep your hair today with keeps."
"It's time to take action. Losing the standard of the US dollar could be our greatest defeat."
"Start small, start now. If you get excited about something that's probably something you should follow right."
"If we do not act boldly and aggressively, we will be in a position where future generations will question what we did."
"Unlike those poor souls in the distant future, we can do something about it."
"We need to start the discussion and do it very quickly."
"Stop putting it off, the fields are already white unto harvest."
"This dude's been lying ever since he was a kid."
"Sometimes you've got to stir the sludge, in order to make change."
"We had to take control because we were being lied to."
"You can't really wait in the market and say I'll get in when I see the real panic happening; it's far too late by then."
"Unexpected opportunities again where something just drops in your lap, and you really want to grab it and run."
"Whether or not you're applying that and yeah, and also if you know someone's about to kill several people, you do what you can to stop that person."
"The best time to plant an oak tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is right now."
"The future is yours. It's in your hands. It's based on what you do today."
"Don't let that happen, you're gonna get swan, you gotta smash buy."
"You just need to start. That's the secret. Just start."
"If you see something say something and do something."
"Let's get it done if that's the truth and that's the case."
"If you see any red flags, just leave because it's not gonna get any better."
"They don't leave it better than they found it... when you are out here in the wilderness and you see some trash pick it up."
"Don't wait for instructions. If you see a problem that needs fixing, I think you're the one to do it."
"Someone's gotta do something. It might as well be me."
"Those people that recognized the signs and moved immediately away, they were saved."
"If it's something that you want to do, then do now and think later."
"Let us make a real difference in how this war pans out."
"You know, we're gonna grab it, we're gonna advance move it up."
"When you think that you know what the right decision is, you have to act on it."
"Shoot your shot if you already know something works, share that with other people."
"You have the skill, the confidence, and you're taking action. You're not procrastinating, this is focusing your dreams rather and you're turning those visions into reality using inspired action."
"2020 has shown us, don't wait to hit your doorstep."
"It was easy, just run you go and get the ball."
"It's like the reverse version of pledge rides that run around and they just fix things instead of the other way around."
"I feel like I've learned a lot about myself and the diet that I was eating not gonna make excuses anymore and I'm good not gonna eat like a child anymore."
"Hebrews 11:7 says that Noah built an ark when he hadn't seen anything."
"You can't wait for somebody coming to kill you for your organs before you start protesting because by then it's going to be way too late."
"We need to be fixing our own community and fixing the problem at hand, that's what we need to be doing."
"This is getting out of hand. I need to drive away and call the police before it's too late."
"If we want change, we have to make it happen."
"We can curse the darkness of our broken media environment or we can light this candle."
"You can't blame the fire for the snake, you gotta throw the snake into the fire."
"You have immense manifesting power; it's time to take action and take the lead on creating that dream life right now."
"It’s time we put doing something about it much higher on our To-Do List."
"Prevention is key, so ultimately, the faster you act, the more hair you'll save."
"We've not done enough behind the scenes, we're not proactive enough to actually get in place to compete with our rivals around us."
"What's the most proactive action? Find people you can depend on."
"Me dismantling the aisle was the only way I had to get rid of the mold."
"Do something rather than talk about it forever."
"Things get better as soon as you start throwing cobblestone about."
"Let's make it happen, warriors in the garden."
"Replace your worry with trust and take action with conviction."
"I remember saying to mom, 'I'm going to the police station. I have a really bad feeling about this, and I would rather be wrong than be right.' And she said, 'Really? You really think you need to report her missing?' And I said, 'Yeah.'"
"Taking control as early as possible can make a big difference to achieving your goals."
"But let's face it, they should have done so a long time ago."
"Do what you gotta do to get out there and stay prepared and stay ahead of what's happening."
"It's time to understand the causes of things all around you right now... and we must win."
"Later is too late, our climate is changing around us yet we keep polluting, so what are we doing about it?"
"So please, get out of your own way, call back your power, and do the damn thing."
"We urge you not to wait to be told by the courts that this is an abuse of state sovereignty."
"It is better to destroy something today rather than wait until tomorrow to do it."
"Using database technology, you can also monitor data and autonomously take action when required."
"Do it, get moving... this is a golden opportunity that you have in front of you."
"Democracy is either going to have to man up or we are going to have to do it ourselves."
"You miss a hundred percent of the torpedoes that you don't launch."
"If the house is burning, do you stay in it? No, you get out."
"The best time to have done something was 40 years ago. The second best time is now."
"We've got to do some adulting roll up our sleeves get in and clean it up."
"When republicans don't play offense at the state level, what happens in California will happen in your home state unless we rise up in opposition."
"Tensions were far too high for them to sit complacently any longer."
"Doing nothing is not an option, it will only lead to destruction in the next generation."
"Listen to your intuition before acting and then act."
"One of the biggest kind of takeaways that we've learned... it's really important to just do it if it's something you're interested in."
"There is new opportunity, new growth here, but you need to take action towards it."
"Somebody's gotta be on the front lines when this chaos erupts."
"If these guys don't start looking at this in a serious way, we're gonna be in big trouble."
"Now's the time if you haven't prepared that you need to start thinking about preparing and start taking action to do so."
"Let's hunt down the bad and hope that we can destroy it."
"This is a time to take action... Destiny is going to help you move forward."
"Always do, that's the way you're gonna see one."
"We can draw on our advantages now and do what needs to be done."
"Trust your gut and take action before it becomes obvious to the herd."
"When one of the most important opportunities arises, it is very important that we seize it."
"Catch all the foxes before they ruin the vineyard of love."
"How to survive a grenade: pick it up off the fucking ground and throw it back."
"Stop swatting flies and start killing demons."
"Jason what do we do? And don't talk about it, be about it."
"Nobody was coming. I had to do something." - Mel Robbins
"Stars are aligning for news to come in, catalyzing action and overcoming obstacles."
"He realizes it's not a simple kidnapping and resolves he can't allow such suspicious people to be on Yangju County's front lawn."
"The boat is still sinking, you gotta plug the hole before you start bailing out the water." - Unknown speaker
"Remember disasters have no warning now is the time to start so don't procrastinate."
"As soon as you hear the b of the bang, you've just got to go."
"David ran towards the battle head-on, not giving Goliath time to strategize."
"Trust your instincts and mix intuition with action."
"Great defense. That's why you don't just sit there, you gotta fight."
"Let's capitalize on the momentum that we've managed to build for ourselves somehow."
"Don't think just do is like the best tip I could give you."
"If you want to do something just do it, that's the best thing you can do."
"Your idea is divinely guided. Take action to bring it to fruition."
"Let's go break the bank with some huff and puff then, let's do it to it."
"So if you're concerned about the planet, give your money something good to do."
"You need to change the terms of the conversation before you can put these things into action."
"You're called to bring it forth in the earth and not simply wait for it to show up."
"Quit talking about it and just [expletive] do it, bro, yeah, 100."
"Boldly taking action towards something... find my inner confidence."
"Just do it now because there's no better time than right now to do it."
"When something doesn't feel right to you, act on it."
"We no longer have to sit by and just take it on the chin. We actually can fight back."
"Just do it. And make sure you get their permission to do it before you do it."
"Elena rushes towards the fallen knight and kills him herself."
"Stop overcomplicating and actually taking action."
"General, if we want to win this war and help our country, we are going to have to charge and someone has to be the lead."
"The best time to start working on your soil is probably 10, 15, 30 years ago."
"To live an ethical life, it's not enough just to say I'm going to obey some simple moral rules. You have to think also about what can I do positively given the advantages that I have and the problems that we have in the world."
"Anything that you do now is something that someone else doesn't have to come behind and do for you later."
"Why must we wait for accidents or active illness to bring them to the attention of our enlightened communities?"
"A stitch in time saves many a nine."
"They saw their chance and they seized it."
"I can't just sit here and do nothing when I have the resources and the knowledge to be able to do something about it."
"I think they're aggressive, so let's just start running the clock and start fishing."
"Success favors those prepared to strike."
"There really is no right time to start saving except right now."
"Everyday heroism: the power of one. Be there first, if you don't act, who will?"
"You want to strike while the iron is hot."
"Never wait for emotions to totally sell; do it anyway."
"You got to do it if you believe in it and want to do it, not just because you're in a position that you could do it."
"The best time was yesterday, the second best time is today."
"If something is going to bring benefit now as well as in the future, do it."
"What can you do by looking downward? Lift your head, face forward, and reach out your hands."
"It's so important to act because they might be the only person that will; they could save a life by stepping up."
"Let us also, therefore, carry out some courageous act of our own accord; let us be included among the ideal types of history."
"Don't just watch it, start playing with the various tools I have talked about and make changes to your site today."