
Imperfection Acceptance Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"A little bit of imperfection and a little lack of symmetry isn't the end of the world."
"You don't have to be perfect, just be present."
"A bit of roughness a bit of imperfection is okay and the thing to focus on is the content of the game."
"Equality isn't going to be a thing until marginalized people are allowed to also be shitty."
"It's okay if you bore people... Decent people don't expect you to be perfect."
"You can't expect that your tribe is perfect. You can't expect the world is perfect."
"Just start, you don't have to have it all figured out, you don't have to do it perfectly."
"An item doesn’t have to be perfect to become a wardrobe staple."
"Real love acknowledges imperfections and chooses to see the best in someone."
"You don't have to be perfect to be precious, everybody's flawed and everybody's got issues, that does not mean that you are worthless."
"Despite there being one bad apple, nothing's perfect, you gotta accept it."
"And perhaps most importantly, the replacements-only habit encourages me to practice being satisfied with what I have now, even if it's slightly imperfect."
"Nothing is ever perfect, perfect doesn't exist."
"Stop waiting till it's perfect to share your stuff, just share it imperfect things as often as you can."
"The humanity of a person is better than the perfection of them."
"Perfection of the messenger isn't required, but correction is."
"Nobody cares if it's not a perfect game because my dudes it's our favorite game."
"It's not a perfect system, but it's very robust."
"We shouldn't put our heroes on a pedestal and ignore their flaws."
"Nothing in life is perfect, okay? No matter how great our hair looks."
"So, as you can tell, I really love this camera. It's not perfect, but nothing ever is."
"He's not looking for perfection, He's looking for a willing vessel."
"We have to make this system respond to us, and it's never going to respond perfectly."
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
"There is no such thing as a perfect relationship."
"It's okay if things are left imperfect... other things took priority."
"Love each other unconditionally and then overlook imperfections."
"It's not a perfect game... but it just does so many things right."
"Your bullet journal is not meant to be perfect so don't be discouraged by perfect looking bullet journals online."
"Embrace the comforts of home even in all of its imperfections."
"Embrace imperfections... It's mostly just a self-control tip about being patient with the software."
"You don't have to be perfect to embrace your faith and let your faith start working on your sins."
"Change can be hard and we may not get things perfect all the time, but I also know that you want to be part of what we're doing and where we're heading and that means everything to us."
"Nobody is perfect. You have to find the person that's perfect for you."
"The universe is not perfect; imperfection is true perfection."
"This is a beautiful camera, it's imperfect, it's not perfect, but for me, it's exactly what I need for a camera."
"It's not about being perfect; it's about being human, god damn it."
"You don't have to be perfect to start putting yourself out there."
"Don't always try to be perfect. People are going to like you more if you look humane, if you show that you're human, that you make mistakes."
"So my point here my overall point is whenever you're looking at different options and systems just make sure you realize that most none of them are going to be perfect."
"I'm not striving for perfection, I'm just driving for progress."
"Start doing it because you don't wait for perfection at the first."
"I keep forgetting I do need to close that one, that's not perfect or pretty but it's going to work."
"Nobody's perfect, but we are perfectly happy together."
"Gardens are not meant to be perfect. They're meant to have flaws, and that's what makes them beautiful."
"It's never going to be perfect all the time."
"It's better to take imperfect action than perfect inaction."
"It's not perfect, you guys. It doesn't have to be perfect."
"Perfect human being nobody is. I think sometimes people expect someone to be perfect and they put them on a pedestal..."
"It doesn't need to be perfect, that's the vibe."
"Just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean that it's not amazing."
"Be willing to be completely honest with yourself and don't feel ashamed for not being perfect."
"It's no reason to try to be super squeaky clean and perfect because it's never gonna happen people talk [ __ ]."
"If every pork chop was perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs."
"Stop trying to make every man be perfect when we're just people."
"There's no such thing as Perfection. You should be changing over time, getting better."
"Be yourself and be imperfect because it's more interesting it's healthier and it will make you happier."
"Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person."
"Beauty standards? Nah, we need to start acknowledging imperfections as well."
"Thank you, Lord, that you never leave us and that you don't require perfection."
"Accept that you will never be perfect; human beings are always a work in progress."
"It's like the imperfect world I talk about, your family, your company, your church, your neighborhood, it's imperfect. Everybody is so imperfect."
"Morals are made up by humans and humans are kind of inherently imperfect beings."
"Because it's really hard to relate to someone who seems like they have a perfect life and I'm just letting you know that I don't."
"Don't be so quick to expect other people to be perfect, show people a little bit of grace."
"You find somebody that's good they ain't gotta be perfect they just gotta be worth it."
"Your dream, whatever it is, work towards it right now. Done is better than perfect."
"God admires our progression and not our Perfection."
"Life is about embracing your imperfections. So here's to that."
"You don't need to be perfect to do this work. What you need is to have all your imperfections open to his merciful love."
"Everyone I show them to notices the cool swirls and fun patterns before they notice any of the imperfections."
"Not everything you create has to be perfect."
"Nourishing your body can be fun exciting simple but not always perfect and that is okay."
"Rarely does it ever go perfect. I don't really think there is such a thing as perfect."
"It's about having fun, it's not about being perfect."
"I think letting go of perfect is really important."
"Just because I love a book, it does not mean it's perfect."
"You don't have to be perfect, you don't have to sit like Buddhists in the correct posture."
"We're not looking for perfection; this is the first time you've done it."
"We don't have to be perfect to be loved."
"...there's no such thing as a perfect chemistry, there's only the Perfection of the relationship in front of you."
"We need to have a bigger process that is tolerant of the fact that we are imperfect and we can't know everything."
"It's not perfect, but I am happy with how this turned out."
"Although the edges aren't perfect, it looks really, really cute."
"The goal should always be to just have fun and be creative, not to be perfect."
"Keep God in the center of it, don't expect perfection, and allow God to be present."
"We're not shooting for perfection; we're just shooting to have fun at the moment."
"I'm not gonna fret about those little imperfections."
"Finding the beauty in an imperfect relationship."
"I'm not really worried about it being perfect; my image for this was hoping to come across as though this was kind of etched into our piece of wood."
"Nobody's perfect and we can always learn."
"The positive community, nobody's perfect."
"Love isn't claiming something to be perfection; it's appreciating and caring about something despite its imperfections."
"It doesn't have to be perfect, so take a deep breath, relax, and have fun with it."