
Book Sales Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Marie Kondo's most popular books...have sold over 14 million copies."
"This book is sold like absolutely crazy, and it's one of those books that is being driven by word of mouth."
"Never split the difference, which has sold more than two million copies worldwide."
"In a world where you got to sell books... why not?"
"Thank you if any of you are watching... you just bought my books, thank you. It means a lot."
"That's freaking awesome you probably won't sell as many copies but guess what you're doing really good in the world."
"I want everyone to buy your book so it's the top of the charts."
"There's a majority who understand that something is going awry... my book is now a bestseller for five months already in Germany."
"Someone in Texas is buying some 2000 books next week."
"Throughout his career, Stephen King's books have sold over 350 million copies."
"Thank you so much to anyone who has bought a copy of the book pre-ordered a copy of the book."
"I need to beat Brian Stelter, so even if you don't care about this book, I can't sell fewer copies than he does."
"The beach did amazingly well considering it had zero marketing simply from word of mouth it sold almost 700,000 copies and has been translated into 25 different languages."
"Do me a favor, pre-order this book... the more you pre-order, the happier my editors are with me."
"My book is alive and crushing it. It's already an Amazon bestseller."
"Honestly though, all I'm saying is if you're an author out there and you make a book with a cool-looking cover like that book is gonna sell way more than a book with a lame cover."
"Easily over a hundred thousand copies sold, with endless reissues and different editions."
"CS Lewis's Narnia stories have sold over a hundred million copies."
"Alternate plans for NFL game days would be weightlifting or some kind of outdoor activity like Ultimate Frisbee or hiking"
"The fact that my books are less than 25% print anymore."
"Last year was the first year we finally outsold George."
"Make sure you pick up my two books that's on Amazon right now."
"Just that one book is going to go on to pay for Joe's college education. So, I mean, just to give you some idea of how far you can go with this seemingly simple little business."
"The book is gonna sell out, it's definitely a really good book."
"There's a way for you to make as much as five to ten to fifteen thousand dollars a month from selling books online."
"If you purchase the hardbound book and get it autographed, there's a lot more money that I'm able to put forward."
"If you buy this book today, there's a very good chance that copy of the book will contain a $50 bill."
"Your book sales is heavily determined by the cover."
"if you can sell ten thousand books that's a big a big success and I always think of it like a Siege stage startup where it's like even if you do everything right you're probably going to fail doing it"
"You're saying that the reason that book will sell or won't sell is because of a f***ing number."
"Show me the book that has restarted its book, renumbered it as a number one, multiple times and it is selling more books today than it did 25 years ago."
"If your book made a prediction of the end of the world, then people may want to buy it."
"If every one of you who listened bought the book, then we would be guaranteed that our book would blow away every single other New York Times bestseller."
"The book was an instant success selling 40,00,000 copies in its first 6 months."
"Implement these strategies and you will get more Book Sales."
"The mindset you want to have when it comes to running ads is ADS only show your books to more people, it does not sell the book."
"It's not often that a book will just take off immediately on its own without any outside help and just start making sales right away without you having to put any effort in."
"Most people aren't getting reviews, that's why their books aren't selling."
"It's contemporary proof that a book can sell astonishingly well for no apparent reason."
"On the Origin of Species sold out on its first day"
"Getting your book in front of faces through advertising can lead to unexpected sales."
"...once you start the ball rolling on the sales of your books, Amazon will push it up the rankings."
"80 to 90 percent of Book Sales is pretty much determined by the book cover."
"...one thing that was new to me at this Con was a lot of tables in the artist alley ended up being taken up by writers with big stacks of books to sell."
"...a lot of people are not selling a lot of books, I guess."
"Just because they say they'll buy your book, doesn't mean they will."
"I know we've sold in excess of a million books."
"Try charging a little bit on the lower end to begin with because you want to encourage some sales and reviews."
"The book is now printed in 23 different languages and has sold nearly 50 million copies."
"I mean, if you're going just books, Harry Potter probably sold more books and was more popular. If you're going all multimedia, then I would say that Game of Thrones is more popular."
"It's a hell of a way to sell books, but it's better to sell them than not sell them."
"Near-death experience books have sold more copies than all Bible commentaries and Bible reference works combined."
"Books will be for sale after this presentation... another opportunity to spend time with Marcus."
"The Bondage Breaker is a Christian Classic and has sold more than 1 million copies."
"The initial print run of over a million copies sold out before they were even done printing."
"We sold them a lot of copies of that book nevertheless, and in all 50 states and a few foreign countries, so thank you very much."
"They have sold books to people in all 50 states and 45 countries around the world."
"These keyword slots, they're really important, they help customers find your books."
"Having sold well over twenty thousand books already this year, I want to help you do the same thing."
"Your books are going to be selling to people in America, people in the UK, in Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia."
"Sometimes the marketing team or the sales force really falls in love with the title that maybe got a smaller advance at acquisitions and they push it really hard and it blows up."
"The more books you publish, the more money you can potentially make."
"If each book just sold one copy per month, you'd be making about two thousand dollars per month of passive income."
"The cover of the book is so important when it comes to sales on Amazon, so take your time with it and do it right."
"It is possible to make sales on your books through TikTok."
"I remember a point... we were sitting and doing an event with several well-established long-term writers who are fantastic writers and who were talking about the fact that they can't sell books anymore."
"She's now the best-selling author of 30 books which are available in 28 languages."
"The profits from the sale of the book go to our rescue center."
"All of the profits from the sale of the book go to help feed sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife."
"It's looking good, look at this book talk bestsellers box set."