
Learning From Experience Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Even though this wasn't an accident, it was a close call and in aviation, a lot of times if you can learn something without anybody getting hurt, that's the best time to learn."
"It might have been painful, but it was actually a good thing."
"Entrepreneurs don't say that, entrepreneurs say win some, learn some."
"I've learned all of this the hard way and I love it when I'm able to work with a beginner trader and help them avoid those same frustrations."
"The lessons doesn't have to keep getting repeated and you keep having to learn it. When you go through these things of opposition adversity and challenge, it's always a lesson it's always a blessing it's up to us to extract it."
"So don't ever put yourself in this situation, because learn from me, don't do the expensive carwash."
"We've learned a lot, tremendous amount has been learned... this will pass through and we're gonna be even stronger for it."
"I would say it starts with the healing stage after the breakup obviously you learn a lot about yourself no matter what it is I feel like you bring that new learning period into your next relationship you learn more about yourself."
"No Guilt or Sense of Responsibility: They seem frozen in adolescence and they lack the emotional tools to learn from experience."
"Don't be afraid to ask people that have been doing this a long time questions, yeah, ask a lot of questions."
"Women hold a lot in order to function every day in the man's world... we utilize the experience as a lesson and move differently."
"That's the best defense offense. Yeah, because you learn from last year."
"What I did them how I tweaked them to make them fun to run and that way you can run them and learn from my mistakes."
"I survived high school and all the problems, go and I grow from them and I learned from them."
"I think the Oscars need to learn from previous experience."
"If you learn something even though you went through something bad at the end of it, you still learn something."
"A smart man learns from his mistakes, a wise man learns from other people's mistakes."
"With all we've learned, I think we have a chance to be stronger than before."
"I think listening to your gut is something that we learn and then you f***ing do it again."
"Continue on until you get bored, then start all over again applying the Lessons Learned in an entirely fresh playthrough."
"Crystallize your vision and focus on what it is that you've gained from this experience."
"Experience is what happens when things don't go according to plan."
"The key to that is those shitty moments from earlier."
"You should always sign your work even the stuff you're not proud of because even if it's not your favorite piece ever, you learned something from it and that in itself is something to be proud of."
"Every single loss that I've ever taken, every single profit that I've taken has taught me something."
"Let's learn from it to understand better how we are connected to the supply chain."
"Never write off your experiences as mistakes."
"Real estate is a scary thing when you do, and you need to hang out with people who have actually done it so you can learn from them."
"We really don't like the word regrets. We prefer learning experiences."
"I hope you found this video inspiring and that you could learn from things that work for me and things that didn't work for me."
"It's okay to follow something and then look back and admit it was nonsense."
"Analyzing each of those ups and downs so that you know what went into them, why they happened, how they happened, so that you can get more ups and stay as far away from the downs as possible."
"Reflection is a big part of doing well at Pokemon. You have to be able to learn from your wins as well as your losses."
"No one wanted this to happen, and now that it has, only take forward what's good."
"We need to evolve beyond this stupidity. Let's take examples like this, learn from them, and show restraint in how we interact."
"Hopefully, you learn from those moments like, now [ __ ] that instead of staying there, and that's the difference between people like you and me."
"Every time you have an experience particularly if you have a bad experience a painful experience that there are lessons to be learned."
"You've got to learn from the previous experiences. If we ignored it, I think we'd be making a mistake really."
"I think people should be learning from this whole situation that she's trying to tell everybody about."
"We learned a lot from these scary experiences... just really to trust our gut."
"I hope to god that those brothers they got picked up you know that like I said that the Lord protect them and that they learn from the situation like everybody will learn and that they they get home safe."
"It's a reminder of how things don't always go perfectly, especially when you're trying something out for the first time."
"One thing that I hope people have taken is that there are so many factors involved."
"Learn from wholesale, hoe did that so you ain't gotta go through that."
"We should learn from experience from experimental data because otherwise we'll be trapped in our illusions about reality."
"Everything that just happened in the third launch of the Starship is an opportunity to achieve SpaceX's goal."
"It's like when I look back, I'm like, what was I doing before? Like what, I didn't know, or what? But that's how I learned, right?"
"Men learn one time and then we move accordingly after that that's seriously how we move."
"Figure out what you learned from this painful situation."
"You're not on the wrong path. Learn from your experiences and keep going."
"You always learn from your past experiences in Minecraft."
"We learned, we prevail, and we live to drift another day."
"Let this be a lesson to anybody in the future."
"I definitely should have done this before I went to El Mirage but that was a Shakedown run and that's what Shakedown runs are for."
"The more you do the easier these projects get like this fireplace went together so much quicker than the one in the bedroom just because we had tried it before..."
"I hope this video was informative. I hope it reveals some rocks in the road for anybody that's getting started down this path."
"Even they require sequential practice and calibration, even they need time to store memories of what works and what doesn't from real, actual gameplay."
"Being prepared is a good thing. And once you get caught in a snowstorm, ice storm, you make a promise to yourself that you'll never do that again."
"With this new life and the knowledge and experience from his last, this time he knew he could actually live life right."
"That's what I love about older adults because they have the patience and they have the wisdom to know that they can learn more from listening to someone and learning from experience."
"I've been through bad things when pushing it, but I've also learned in that what works really good."
"Learn from my mistakes, you'll still make your own, but learn from mine and maybe you won't make as many."
"Patience is a learned trait, usually from the pain of not having patience."
"Just actually grow from this experience and learn from it, and then you will attract better relationships in the future."
"Experiences are incredibly powerful things to learn from."
"Don't take it as a loss, but as a lesson to okay, now I may live long enough to see another one of these types of situations again, how can I prepare myself for the next one."
"You don't dwell on it, but rather you show how you learned from it and what you took from it and how you turned it into a positive experience."
"Every bad encounter I've had with a client, whether it's something that I did wrong or if it's just like red flags that I know to look out for in the future, I always learn something."
"How you should never dwell on past successes or failures... you should learn what you can from them and you should move on to the next thing."
"This is all the stuff that I wish I knew years ago."
"The high level of safety of the air transport is the result of a systematic return of experience after each and any accident."
"I want to go out and tell my story so they wouldn't walk in the same shoes I did."
"A cat sits on a hot plate on an oven that happens to be turned on, that cat will never sit on that oven again."
"Hindsight's 2020, I guess that's how you figure it out and learn."
"I hope the lesson learned from this is that never again should we be unprepared for something as catastrophic as what we're going through now."
"You will take what you learned from this and move forward, it's only going to bring you prosperity."