
Propagation Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"Viruses stop because they want to propagate. If there were a virus that killed all the population, the virus would have died as well."
"Dividing your plants not only increases the amount that you have in your garden but it also helps rejuvenate your plants."
"Propagating a houseplant is a great and cheap way of obviously making more plants in case you obviously want to give it to your friends or family."
"Now that you have these guys in your propagation station, what you want to do is actually place them in an area that gets a lot of bright indirect light."
"To achieve fuller bushier growth in philodendrons often pruning back or propagating the top section of the plant is a good way to do this."
"What people actually mean is that hate speech harms you in the sense that it propagates societal values that lead very very directly the harm of people."
"A tsunami is just a huge wave. It can propagate across the whole ocean for hours and hours."
"You can buy rarer varieties of basil once. And then once you're done buying them, you just propagate them ad infinitum, right?"
"It's more about understanding what plants you have and how to begin propagating them... if you cut and make new life that's pretty cool stuff."
"The first thing is that you pray that it should not happen in your lifetime at least it can be delayed, and secondly, you prepare yourself for the preaching and spreading of The Message of Islam."
"Propagation is a really great way to grow more plants."
"That's what's so good about... these plants that you can easily propagate them."
"No one's coming after you for propagating your own plants at home."
"Seeds are cheap plants are expensive."
"Start a bunch of stuff yourself particularly from Air layering and seeds and cuttings."
"...learn your propagation skills, that's one of the best ways to reduce the cost in your food Forest."
"Let the words of God, like precious fertile seed, go forth and find fertile soil."
"Cuttings make cloned plants by growing a new plant from a part of the original plant."
"Tissue culture makes hundreds of thousands of identical plants from a small number of cells."
"Persecution was the vehicle for spreading the gospel."
"The gospel message was exported despite persecution."
"...you're not getting good propagation capability with through that loaded element..."
"Allah was very pleased with Abraham and Ismail for spreading his message."
"Starting a propagation wall is arguably the best time of year to start this project because you can propagate clippings that give you entirely new plants for the spring and summer season."
"Rooted cuttings are typically as strong as the parent plant."
"We think, therefore we are. Therefore we will propagate. Therefore we will remain."
"This Royal Fern is looking great, we have it's setting its spores right now so that's what these brown things are, there's nothing wrong with the plant, this is how it propagates itself."
"The main goal with cutings is to get the stem or other plant part to the point where it is self-sustaining."
"Propagation of plants simply means making more plants."
"Cloning is a great way to get free plants."
"...I feel like it is one because it's so quick to grow and because it's so easily propagable I feel like it is one that we're just going to be seeing everywhere..."
"It was my first time actually being successful with wet stick propagation."
"I have chopped it so many times to propagate it."
"The gospel only had to go as far as Rome could tax."
"Changing this weight eventually gets propagated over to the l sub i that we care about, but it's not a direct process."
"Honesty really good and again the seed pods, if you keep the seeds and scatter them anywhere, they'll grow like Cress."
"If you're new to propagating and cloning your own plants a fig tree is a great place to start."
"It's so ridiculously easy to propagate you can essentially just cut pretty much any section of the plant."
"Allah will make Islam spread even if disbelievers dislike it, and now we see the huge war against Islam."
"With challenging propagation conditions higher noise levels in urban environments it's becoming a real issue QRP low power operation and even compromised antenna situations you can still have worldwide contacts using FTA."
"Look go forth into the world and propagate this message for the betterment of all."
"The movement from Jerusalem to Rome suggests that the Christian message is overcoming all obstacles and will defeat even imperial Rome."
"Plenty of them, we'll have little saplings growing everywhere."
"You've just created all of this free plant material that's genetically identical to proven winner plants."
"Strawberry runners are amazing little offshoots that let us know our plants are healthy. As a low maintenance crop, it's the one thing we have to deal with when we're growing strawberries."
"It's kind of amazing how many plants you can get from just one."
"Let it be a reminder to always strive towards giving dawa and sharing the message of Islam with those around you."
"Mist propagation neatly provides the necessary conditions with this system, sprays of fine water droplets discharged through pressure apparatus coat the cuttings with moisture."
"Division is the simplest method of plant propagation whereby the plant is broken into small separate units."
"You're going to be taking the fruit off that tree, collecting seeds, and planting those things for more trees—for free."
"Islam spread through scholarship, through dawa, and through scholars providing services to the communities that they were a part of."
"The work of God will go like wildfire through the grass through the stubble."
"As I said earlier, these plants are also really really easy to chop and propagate to make new plants."
"...the Ramones were like the Johnny apple seeds of the whole new wave movement."
"And I don't mean chop the stem off Chuck it in the bin and wait for new growth on the existing plant no I mean taking the chopped off part and starting again with it."
"If your plant becomes too large, you're gonna want to propagate this at a node."
"Every cutting that I've taken out so far came out with a decent root system."
"I love propagation. There's a lot of reasons why people propagate houseplants."
"If you can grow these out for a few years, harden them off, throw them outside, you can take cuttings. It's great."
"...a tank with some mother colonies and you just take frags off it, this is the leafy version of that."
"It depends on the species, but something like Japanese knotweed, you know, a piece the size of your pinky nail can start a new plant. So, cutting it down and just throwing it out there is probably not a good idea."
"And this is another one that I did the chop and extend on so this one at one point just had a root system purely in the moss pole and nothing in the soil whatsoever."
"They are truly a joy to grow and they are ridiculously easy to propagate."
"I got some cuttings at the first plant swap I think and no word of a lie they took like nine months to root they took such a long time I lost some leaves."
"All you do is this you come to a piece of it and break it off like that see how I just broke it off of that plant right there and all we're going to do is stick this down in the dirt and it will grow."
"Our job is simply just to propagate the message, and then whatever the human being chooses to do after that, it's completely between them and their creator."
"I would say again if you don't have this one then I I would get it because it's just so great it's also such an easy plant to propagate."
"Taking cuttings... It's when you use a pair of scissors, you snip off a side shoot from a plant, you dip it in rooting powder, you plant it in soil, and it starts to develop roots, and then it grows into a new plant which is genetically identical to the original plant."
"Each attachment is Associated and propagated based on the attachment tag."
"I think any kind gardener who hasn't got into propagation needs to, because it's just so satisfying."
"Propagating lavenders is very simple."
"Every single tree out there was a rooted cutting over the winter."
"This method works on pretty much any woody tree. So if it's got bark and you want to clone it and you're scared about doing cuttings or you want a bigger tree right off the bat, air layering is the way to go."
"Propagation is one of the most fun aspects of keeping plants."
"...this philodendron has been very maintainable very easy to grow easy to propagate."
"These plants are so easy to care for, so easy to propagate, they're available almost anywhere, and you can get them for a really affordable price."
"I just got this philodendron back from my friend and thought, hey, I'll make a little propagation video."
"So, I think the best idea for now would just be to cut it and then probably plant it together in the same pot, and then now I'll have two strands growing up the same poles. It's gonna be all nice and bushy."
"Node propagation is probably my favorite type of propagation because it's so rewarding."
"If you have a plant and a leaf falls off, you actually can chop that up and grow a whole new plant out of that."
"...in my opinion this is one of the biggest secrets in propagation... and so I've had great success with it."
"Plants are so easy to care for, easy to propagate."
"When you propagate these plants, you can make more plants... I would say it doubles, triples, quadruples your plant when you propagate."
"Pray that the word of God may have free course, be glorified, and spread freely."
"Well, guys, that pretty much sums up our video. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope these tips give you confidence for propagating your own plants."
"So that's pretty good we've turned one plant into four plants."
"You can cut a piece of it, put the end of the stem in the water and it will develop a root system very quickly and start growing."
"Japanese Christians also tried to get on good terms with the government by propagation in Japanese colonies."
"Air layering is when you, you we do it with bamboo, you can take a piece of bamboo and you layer it, lay it down on the ground and you cover it up with stuff and uh, it'll start making roots."
"The other way of propagating hellebores is by seed, so you would cross-pollinate the best hellebores together to keep improving the strain and the genetics of the plant."
"The ability of radar to propagate beyond the horizon depends upon the frequency of the radiation."
"Vision is to propagate and develop communication from the infinite mind of God to the mind of the masses."
"These plants are also really, really easy to propagate to make new baby plants."
"I have a very interesting video for you guys today on rooting fig cuttings."
"Free plants for everyone; it's not hyperbole. Anybody can propagate trees."
"Most types of Philodendron... they grow great in water culture and they're easy to propagate."
"The cheapest way to make your house look nice with plants is to multiply your plants through propagation."
"Perennial kales are incredibly easy to propagate."
"What we're showing you today is how you can propagate mulberry trees very easily during the growing season."
"If you take a cutting of one of these plants and it has an aerial root that already exists, your cutting is going to succeed."
"Monstera and eye... they propagate really, really well and that's because they just put out great roots."
"Philodendron gloryosum... oh my god, this is fantastic. I don't get failures when I propagate these plants at all."
"Alocasia and Colocasia... the reason that they propagate well is because they produce their own pups."
"If you're wanting to have a plant to pass to a friend or you want more of them in your house and you're happy to wait, these are fantastic because you don't have to do anything, you just let them do their thing."
"This is the number one plant on my list if you want to propagate away, this is your boy, forget variegated monstera, forget dark lord, forget jerry horn, it doesn't matter, just this one."
"The air doesn't move from the computer speakers or headphones to your ear; the sound wave moves, the air stays where it is and oscillates as the energy travels through it."
"Electromagnetic waves do not need a medium to propagate, and they move at light speed."
"This is actually one of the fastest ways to multiply your plants in tissue culture at home."
"Cashew tree propagation is a critical process in the cultivation of cashew nuts."
"The cool thing about it too is that you can literally break this off, like break one of these pads off, and then put it in the ground; it will root and grow a whole new plant."
"A wave is a disturbance that propagates with some speed and also some frequency and some wavelength."
"The actual energy vector travels in the dielectric."
"A lot of times with normal succulents, we take a cutting from them, so we just cut off the top and then you can plant that, and new babies will grow from that stem."
"It thrives on neglect, it's easy to propagate, and the leaves are so beautiful."
"Venus fly traps just like this one here are plants that naturally divide on their own."
"It is actually very easy to separate and propagate these guys."
"That's how you get as many Venus flytraps as you want."
"Kalanchoes are beautiful soft succulents easy to propagate, typically with showy flowers."
"If you're happy with how to care for your String of Pearls but you just wish that the growth was a little bit fuller and bushier, what you can actually do is take some cuttings from your existing plant and propagate them."
"Propagating, especially this type of plant, is something I absolutely love."
"It's so cool how you can make a plant from literally another plant."
"These plants are super easy to propagate, one of the reasons why they're called the friendship plant, also called the money plant."
"Religions evolve. Their features can exist for the sole reason that they help propagate and preserve the faith."
"Religious moral systems propagate through coercion, conversion, and conquest, and secular moral systems propagate through reason, evidence, debate, discussion."
"If you wait, you will get these additional little pups growing from the base, which means you have new plants."
"So this adder, is also known as the Ripple Carry Adder. Because here, the carry propagates through each full adder stage, or ripples through each stage, before it appears at the final stage."
"These leaves propagate really well provided you pick them at the right time or when they're still young, and not too old."
"When you're doing air layers, you're actually cloning a part of the tree."
"I'm very positive about air layerings, and I think we should all be doing more of them."
"The thing that I love about vining plants is that you can propagate one leaf at a time."
"I'm going to be showing you how to turn one elbow monstera into seven."
"The node is where the roots are going to come from, the nodes are where the new branches and leaves are going to come from."
"As your Aglaonemas begin to mature and get more comfortable in their setting, they will start to kind of fill out themselves by putting off these baby plants."
"The little bump where the leaves meet the main stem, that's called the node, and that is what you need if you want to propagate this plant."
"Oh my goodness, we could probably get a couple of divisions out of this."
"I hope this video has helped show you that even with expensive house plants, you can buy one plant and have a never-ending supply of that plant."
"What is propagation? Propagation is the process of creating a whole new other green girl with the existing plant fam that you already have."
"They make a beautiful hedge, and I wanted to propagate these things myself."
"Hoya plants can also be propagated really, really easily to make new little baby plants."
"Put it in water and start a new plant."
"My societal standards propagate equality."
"That's how simple propagating coleus is."
"It's obvious that two nodes does just fine, this one's making two plants out of it, and a single node will also grow and produce."
"Radiation is any process in which energy is emitted and propagated through space."
"Figs are in general like one of the easiest fruit trees to propagate."
"These guys are extremely easy to maintain and to propagate."
"Cloning in general is a great idea because if you have a plant you love, it's going to make a copy of it."
"It's about trying to get people excited about cultivation and propagation and breeding."
"Buy a little tiny thing of Sedum Angelina for five dollars at the garden center, you fill your whole garden with it, and you don't have to worry about weeds anymore."
"It is so so so easy to divide this particular variety of sedum; you won't have any problem."
"Propagation is not just about starting seeds; it's about understanding the life cycle and growth of plants."
"Propagating is one of the most easiest and successful ways to grow your garden extremely fast and cheaply."
"As long as I can get a piece of the tuber connected to the stem where there's some eyes on it, that will grow a whole new plant for next year."
"This plant has been a workhorse for me, I have propagated this thing so much."
"I hope I taught you something and maybe you guys can use these tips to propagate your own plants at home."
"It always has beautiful variegation, grows really stably, propagates really well, grows tall fast, climbs really well."
"Light propagates with an incredible speed of about 200,000 miles per second."
"Elderberry is one of the easiest plants to propagate, especially during the dormancy season that we're in right now."
"The sound waves travel through the air, through water, through solids."
"Energy travels through the wave out in all directions."
"Cloudflare is going to propagate this and after a while, your server now points to your htscp server."
"Cloud flies pretty fast so the propagation is going to happen fast."
"The real advantage of doing your own propagation for bonsai purposes is that you get to have complete control over not only the genetic material that you're propagating but also the shape that you're propagating."
"Hopefully that's been helpful for some of you guys, that's how to propagate these plants, very easy to look after, very easy to propagate."
"These are super easy to propagate out."
"I got it as just a stem cutting with a new growth point and just propagated it in water until the root system was sufficient."
"A plant that's well watered is less likely to rot or die during propagation."
"This is Nature's way of ensuring the strongest bucks will propagate the herd."
"802.11ah operates in the 900 megahertz frequency band which has much better propagation characteristics than the 2.4 or 5 gigahertz bands."
"I'm going to be dipping each cutting into this rooting powder."
"When you are taking cuttings from your mother plant, you are going to promote new growth at the incision point."
"It's an all-rounder in the sense that it grows really nice, it's tolerant of underwatering, it's easy to propagate, it ships absolutely fantastically."
"Understanding how the electromagnetic spectrum is doing, how it propagates, what it can do."
"By the Grace of Allah, radio is also another medium of propagating the true message of Islam."
"And then you see the roots, come on, I love it, you can make more plants sometimes."
"Philodendron and pothos are known as some of the easiest types of plants to propagate."
"Propagation of jade plants is super super easy."
"Informally, a wave is a disturbance that propagates in a medium."
"I love anything to do with propagation; it's always so fun and satisfying."
"An easy one to germinate from spore should you be interested in trying to grow ferns."
"It's really satisfying growing plants from leaves and stems."
"The philodendron brazil really took off in that propagation box."
"I'm excited, I have three different plants here, and I'm going to show you what I do to kind of make propagating and adding props back into your pots to be successful."
"It's kind of a win-win situation."
"Propagation with this plant is super easy."
"The shortest path tells us something super interesting about the minimal amount of information required to propagate that motif in time and space."
"Propagating houseplants is one of the best ways to grow your plant collection."
"Growers usually propagate a given plant until they have enough numbers of that plant that they deem okay to start selling."
"Propagating your hoyas, you do not need a node which is really awesome."
"The speed of sound is greatest in solid, then liquid, then vapor."
"Nature wants us to extend our DNA in space and time."
"Maxwell's equations... explain how the electromagnetic waves in nature propagate and behave."
"Wavelength times frequency equals the velocity of propagation."
"Cutting of the rhizome actually stimulates new growth in the section that we cut."
"Our kind of customer service is trying to propagate the culture of West Africa."
"Propagating this plant is extremely easy."
"The temperature disturbance cannot propagate at an infinite speed but it propagates at a finite speed."
"Propagation with these plants is super super easy."
"Attention new gardeners, here is a way you can get more plants basically for free."
"I've never lost a plant when I water propagate the roots and then put it into lecca."