
Weaknesses Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"The more you talk about your weaknesses, the stronger you become because you learn to surrender. That is how you become wise."
"You have to pick a business model that plays to your strengths rather than the ones that highlight your weaknesses."
"Even your weaknesses aren't a liability; they actually become a platform for the strength of God to be displayed through your life."
"This is just domination. This is just one character's strengths against another character's weaknesses."
"Every great side has a great spine, so if they are missing, they're never quite as good."
"Your greatest strength is usually your greatest weakness."
"We can do very deep legal analysis, we can do complex economic analyses, but I think it is also important to point out that one of the weaknesses that wannabe authoritarians have is to point out their weaknesses and that is historically true."
"Your weaknesses are what qualify you to be used by God."
"Everyone has weaknesses. There must be something you are not good at."
"This is kind of a new thing I'm trying out, discussing the natural weaknesses and what you could do to fight against them."
"Water and dark: combination has five weaknesses six resistances and an immunity on top of solid offensive coverage."
"Annihilate rocks go with Terra ghost and boost your attack while removing three of your four weaknesses."
"Grateful that you meet us there in our weaknesses and our confusion."
"Every AI is a chess piece, and it's got weaknesses and strengths."
"It's Humanity's greatest strength and our greatest weakness that we can get used to anything."
"Everybody has strengths and everybody has weaknesses."
"Water: the natural weakness of devil fruit users."
"God can gift you with great strength... but all of us know examples of people who had great strengths but were limited by their great weaknesses."
"Attack where they are weak not where they are strong."
"Knowing all this is great, but to get the most out of your monkeys you also need to know their weaknesses."
"Naruto knows neji's strength but he also knows his weaknesses."
"We want SKT, we're seeing weaknesses we can exploit."
"Your greatest asset can become your greatest weakness."
"By understanding an enemy's various weaknesses, strengths, and vulnerable areas, players can make short work of even the most intimidating foes."
"Craven now knows the weakness of the Symbiote. Craven now knows oh I just need loud sound and I got you my boy you're not a threat to me anymore"
"Sometimes you have to see your weak points... that's what it's all about."
"A weakness is not an inherent deal-breaker; it's really whether or not you're willing to deal with it."
"The pandemics highlighted weaknesses in different societies."
"Annie's biggest weakness was her relationship with her husband."
"I'm glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me."
"You don't want to fight someone to their strengths, and Sean Strickland's strength is really just to walk you down and box your ears off."
"It's not good on defense... the AI doesn't know how to connect the exposes and keep the Train of exposes and turn leader going."
"We all have gifts, we all have strengths, we all have weaknesses."
"Your greatest weaknesses are also where you will find your greatest strengths."
"He's one of the easiest bosses in the game for one thing horos has not one but two weaknesses."
"We're all kind of self-aware of the things that we do well and the things we don't."
"If you can identify your weaknesses... trying to architect your life so you avoid them is the goal of all."
"Sometimes you just have to know what your strengths are and what your weaknesses are."
"For the INFP, what are their strengths, what are their weaknesses, and which cognitive functions can they really leverage to really get the full zest out of life and enjoy life more."
"Sometimes our greatest strengths can also be our greatest weaknesses."
"Sometimes your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness."
"We can't relate to somebody who's only a superhero. What is their Kryptonite?"
"There are major weaknesses in the liberal world, the Western world, and even the system of capitalism."
"The societies were set up to try to help people overcome their weaknesses."
"I have a lot of weaknesses, a lot of struggles, and you know, most of them pride has never been one. Yeah, and envy is not one, I envy no one."
"Try to think of it not as you against your child, but as you and your child together against the human weaknesses that we all have to battle."
"Demons pray on you according to their observation of you and your weaknesses."
"Shake That paranoia as well, so it gets you praising all your weaknesses and fears."
"...if you had to fight your clone, which is actually one of my biggest fears because they would know all of your weaknesses, physical and mental."
"Work with your strengths instead of your weaknesses."
"You want to work with your strengths instead of your weaknesses."
"They all have different strengths and weaknesses, but there is a funny dimension to these where they are both reflecting the guardrails and the choices of the programmers."
"When you're in competition with somebody, what do you not want them to know? Your weaknesses."
"He plays to his strengths, never his weaknesses."
"Maybe worse in other areas, and the United States is probably better at some things."
"He was a number 10 and uh we have to accept these number 10 with all his weaknesses yeah we love we love the advantage of these players because they make the difference they make they bring the joy into the game."
"Staff your weaknesses and double down on your strengths. You'll make your strengths exceptional."
"To understand his weaknesses is to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of his strengths."
"At its core, it's a study of humanity's greatest strengths and weaknesses."
"My biggest weakness is the fact I have trouble asking other people for help whenever I am carrying out an important task or project."
"Everyone has a weakness, a gap in the castle wall. That weakness is usually insecurity, an uncontrollable emotion or need; it can also be a small secret pleasure."
"Remember the weak point on a system, almost every system in terms of pressurization, is actually the fusion plug on the compressor, the compressor shell is actually low pressure."
"The double hull has its downfalls but also its strengths."
"There are all different types of Jedi with different weaknesses and strengths in the order."
"So what stacking the deck means is putting yourself in situations where your attributes are more likely to reveal themselves as strengths and try to avoid situations where your attributes are more likely to pull you back."
"The flip side of the problem behavior almost always has a strength in another context."
"The biggest thing that holds Tobirama back in my opinion is how readily he's going to have his Flying Rajin kunai present."
"Weaknesses, limits, and costs are more important than powers. Focus more on what they can't do."
"The destiny number goes into details about your strengths, the things that you may struggle with the most in life."
"...what your strengths are are their weaknesses and what your weaknesses are are their strengths, and it's like you balance each other out and you learn from each other a lot."
"Highlighting your weaknesses... without this, you are leaving room for failure."
"Everyone has some strengths and weaknesses and the more we are familiar with them the better we will be prepared to deal with them."
"Even overpowered skills like Phantom also had fatal weaknesses."
"You accept who you are, you accept your strengths and you accept your weaknesses."
"...make sure your characters have strengths, make sure they have weaknesses, especially weaknesses."
"I really enjoy the process of working on my weaknesses."
"Lean on your strengths to counter your weaknesses."
"No one wants to talk about their weaknesses."
"...these scenes can absolutely feel like a weakness for the series sometimes but I would also argue that they are always one of the greatest strengths that the series has to offer."
"We are a combination of strengths and weaknesses."
"Develop your strengths and manage your weaknesses."
"Embracing your weaknesses does not mean giving in to them. Embracing your weaknesses does not mean giving in to them. Embracing your weaknesses does not mean giving in to them. Embracing your weaknesses does not mean giving in to them."
"Everybody's got a strength, everyone's got a weakness."
"Play to your strengths and accommodate your weaknesses."
"Japan's strong point has never been software, it's always the hardware."
"You want to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses."
"You got to know what you're good at and equally as important, you got to know what you're not good at."
"Your strengths and weaknesses should reflect the requirements of the job."
"Do not shy away from talking about your weaknesses."
"This is the current state process map which is completed, only this time we've highlighted areas of weakness."
"One of the profound lessons of life is recognizing that whatever our strengths are, that's also where you're going to find our most terrible weaknesses."
"What is it about you that makes you great? Do more of that and do less of what you're terrible at."
"You have to make your weaknesses seem like your strengths. This is how you beat a larger, more formidable enemy or opponent."
"Maximize your strengths, minimize your weaknesses."
"Instead of running away from your weaknesses, embrace all of you."
"Everybody has holes in their game, everybody brings something different to the table."
"The aim is to pursue goals that leverage strengths and mitigate weaknesses."
"Always be aware of what your weaknesses are. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see it real quick."
"Your biggest strengths will usually become your greatest weaknesses. That's been the story of my life, dude."
"the nature of its construction compensates for the weaknesses"
"The vampires of Fright Night do not age and cannot be killed by regular means. They are weak to stakes through the heart, sunlight, holy water, garlic, and crosses."
"Focus on your strengths, really sharpen them, and then be aware and mitigate your weaknesses. Your weaknesses are not what will make you successful; your strengths, things that make you unique, those are what will make you successful."
"...as for her weaknesses, the power of an electromagnetic pulse can cause her to temporarily lose her powers."
"So she meets with Tariq and Tariq's like I love you I've come to save you and he's like what are his weaknesses why haven't you killed him what are his weaknesses."
"Ocean-dwelling beings like him and Aquaman are always gonna be stronger underwater, but that doesn't mean they're complete weaklings on top of water either."
"...they're so confident in their ability to play to their strengths they want to improve their weaknesses and I think that's a strength in itself."
"Vulnerabilities are the weaknesses of a control, a weakness in an information system or security procedures."
"All of us have particular gifts, all of us have particular strengths, all of us have particular weaknesses."
"The dudes who take the weaknesses and hit them as hard as they can to turn them into their strengths, they're the ones who set themselves apart."
"Venom once held up a giant carnival ride similar to a Ferris wheel, even after getting struck by one of his worst weaknesses: a sound gun."
"Learning to be loved in your flaws and weaknesses is the answer."
"Any system can win, any system can lose. There are holes to every system."
"I have weaknesses but I also have strengths."
"Why are you so worried about your weaknesses? You just focus on your strengths."
"It's amazing that you recognize your weaknesses. Part of our ability of growing is to be able to self-reflect."
"Emotional intelligence: it's a set of skills on which people can have strengths and weaknesses."
"This is one of Light Yagami's weaknesses which is ego and it really does affect his performance here however even with such a weakness he is still able to grab his bearings and welcomes the challenge against L."
"The world... teaches us in so many ways to work on our weaknesses."
"I think more so than snatch game, roasts can really show the strengths of a queen and also where a queen doesn't do that great."
"Jewelry is my weakness oh or purses oh wait shoes right oh wait coffee cups and and water drinking stuff right wait there's more there's just there's just more weaknesses that I have."
"It has its flaws. It has its limitations, but it also has many strengths, and I hope that helps."
"While you are weak in one particular area, you're also strong in the other."
"If there's any guy that you would say that has superpowers, it's probably this guy. His right hand, like he's not good at fighting at all. No, his fundamental garbage, probably the worst fighter you've ever seen. But if he hits you with his right..."
"If I never would have worked on the things that I wasn't great at, I never would make progress."
"At least Superman doesn't have weaknesses like Kryptonite"
"You need to exploit your strengths and try to minimize your weaknesses to the most extent possible. You're never going to eliminate it, right? You can't completely eliminate it."
"Every RV's greatest asset is its greatest liability and I think that's true of people too."
"The only true weakness these vampires have is sunlight. It burns their skin and if exposed long enough will kill them."
"Bluffing doesn't help. I know you have a weakness, trust me, everyone does."
"I am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me."
"Assertive people relentlessly pursue their strengths and actively avoid their weaknesses."
"Both Rey and Kylo were just taking jabs at each other's biggest weaknesses."
"When you master your weaknesses, your strengths will take over."
"You gotta know what you're good at and what you're not good at."
"We all have our strengths, we have our weaknesses but we're at different points in our journey."
"I know what I'm good at and I know what I'm not great at."
"I think it's important that we identify our strengths and our weaknesses and not just work on our strengths but also work on our weaknesses."
"Every character has his strengths and weaknesses."
"Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses and no one's perfect at everything."
"Winning covers up all kinds of weaknesses."
"...view your weaknesses as opportunities for growth because discomfort is really truly the only way to grow."
"People's strengths are their weaknesses and their weaknesses are their strengths."
"For everything that Navarrete does wrong being a warrior being an aggressor is absolutely everything he does right."
"I'm going to work hard and pump up that thing that I'm weaker at."
"All good heroes have an Achilles heel."
"Every tool has a strength and a weakness."
"To answer 'What are your strengths and weaknesses?' in two minutes is quite difficult. For your strength, prove it with an example. For your weaknesses, try to give something that is genuine."
"The strengths of the movie were the premise, the performances from Spader and Russell, some of the world-building, the sets and locations, the costumes, and the mash-up between sci-fi and ancient Egypt."
"The weaknesses in my opinion were the CGI, which didn't age well, unfortunately, and the lack of exploration of the world-building stuff that was set up. I really wanted to know more about that world and their tribe, their gods, how they evolved, their own language."
"Naturally education can overcome such weaknesses."
"A great example of how incredibly productive you can be with some very widely perceived weaknesses."
"Any good leader knows their strengths and weaknesses and lets people take over at their strengths to handle things accurately. That's just a good marriage."
"Every card has strengths and weaknesses. Everything is duality."
"It's about growth and dealing with your weaknesses."
"Know yourself and how the enemy gets you. Be a student of your own weaknesses."
"Characters are a lot more interesting, especially protagonists, if they're really, really good at one or two things and then really, really bad at one or two other things and then about average at things in the middle."
"You've got to minimize your weaknesses and maximize your strengths."
"Advanced squatters need tools to work around weaknesses."
"You have to induce as many weaknesses as possible before embarking on a concrete plan of action."
"For we do not have a high priest who was unable to sympathize with our weaknesses."
"Know your strengths and do that, know your weaknesses and don't do that."
"All of us have certain strengths, but also all of us have certain weaknesses."
"Finding weaknesses... do not ignore them."
"We're not built the same, we have different strengths, different weaknesses, different flexibilities."
"All four are absolutely fantastic, but all four have their strengths and also their weaknesses."
"We need to be doing drills that show our weak areas because that's how we're going to improve."
"The beauty of conjugate is really what we're doing is looking for weaknesses and trying to figure out how to get those weaknesses stronger."
"You got to find out what your weaknesses are before you can really find out what your strengths are."
"The first real step is to work out what you are good at and what you are bad at."
"He's playing to his strengths, or he claims his weaknesses actually."
"What's more important, mitigating a class's weak points or emphasizing their specialties?"
"Find your weaknesses, find your sticky points and work on them."
"Gotta work through both our strengths and our weaknesses, especially working to improve those weaknesses."
"This Sensor Fusion takes advantage of the fact that all these different kinds of perception have their own strengths and weaknesses."
"Our greatest weaknesses... are the opportunities for growth and learning which become our most authentic strengths."
"Your greatest strength is knowing your greatest weaknesses."
"They aren't immune and they have weaknesses that can be exploited."
"Develop your strengths while you manage your weaknesses."
"Rule number 33: Work on your weaknesses."
"The things in your personality that make you really really good at one thing can make you really really horrible at another."
"China is not 10 feet tall; it has its great strengths, it has its great weaknesses."
"Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, I won't be angry with you if you don't do something well."
"We all have our own strengths and weaknesses in relationships."
"You don't just play to your strengths, you also have to manage your weaknesses."
"Our superpowers are also our weaknesses."
"Understanding your strengths and your weaknesses, that's the big thing in the league."
"You've got to know your game, you've got to know what your strengths and weaknesses are."
"What are your strong and weak points?"
"I know my capabilities, my strengths, and my weaknesses, that's for sure."
"Rejoice in your weaknesses, for they are the conduits of my greatest work in you."
"Your greatest weakness is your greatest strength, and your greatest strength is your greatest weakness."
"Recognizing what your weaknesses are and using them to your advantage, absolutely."
"My strength comes from my weaknesses."
"I have big strengths and very big weaknesses also."
"Knowing your weaknesses, knowing your strengths."
"They both have their own strengths and weaknesses."
"God, these are the areas I acknowledge are my weaknesses and shortcomings, but in your hand, you can help me and strengthen me to be a better man."
"We're all going to have strengths and weaknesses, there are going to be some areas that we're not going to be able to switch or change or improve, but for the majority, we'll be able to do quite well."
"You need to know who you are because you need to understand your strengths and your weaknesses."
"I'm better at history and English, I'm not good at math and science."