
Non-traditional Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"A Jesus Freak wasn't your traditionalist hymn-singing, confession-giving Christian, but someone who wanted Jesus Christ to be at the foreground of their identity."
"The fourth political theory is neither liberal, communist, nor fascist, offering a unique stance against traditional political ideologies."
"This relationship may not be traditional... but it's definitely going to bring you inspiration and insight."
"These openings just don't feel like pop songs tagged onto the production."
"There is a Christian network that will emerge...and it will not be religious right wing."
"Sometimes the route to success is not always the most obvious one."
"This is not traditional stuff, but we're just not in a traditional market. This is the craziest market I've ever seen in my lifetime."
"We might not be a traditional family, and maybe we're a little dysfunctional, but that doesn't matter, we're still a family."
"Even if you're not a fan of traditional Adam Sandler movies, this is not one."
"I would suggest finding something outside of a traditional learning setting to do."
"On god, you have the alter. Yeah, we accept that. Okay, not what you say before a sword fight, oh no, that's ours."
"This movie was amazing. I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't your typical Christmas movie... I love the action... I loved the writing."
"A wonderful portrait of a non-standard father-son relationship."
"It's everything it's so not your traditional comic book movie." - Rob
"This loving relationship within an unconventional family is important."
"It's a beer for those who don't like beer because it tastes like fruit juice."
"When we win Florida, when America wins, I don't sound like a typical Washington politician."
"I mean, it's proof that there is availability to go and make money doing things that are not just your typical nine to five job." - Rachel Cruz
"It’s Always Sunny is great, in part, because of what it’s not: a traditional sitcom."
"I know it's not exactly comic book Canon but I think it's part of the history that most marvellous aren't so passionate about."
"It's hard not to see this version of sworn brotherhood as a functional gay marriage."
"Relationships are cool and all. I don't care about titles. I just wanna be happy."
"Relationships that don't necessarily follow traditional models do require more communication and consent."
"It's not a traditional happy ending, but when Savannah and John run into each other again in the future, there's a hopeful feeling."
"From the name itself, you can tell that Hamilton will not be your typical cat."
"I know it's not the traditional turn based, but I just think it's such an epic experience."
"Bob's paintings aren't paintings. Bob's paintings are an excuse to practice joy."
"This ain't ballet but it's extremely dangerous."
"His path to success was anything but traditional."
"That's a good point. I work a pretty non-traditional schedule and so would be able to watch the kids while my wife is at work for a good portion of the time."
"I'm not doing sort of traditional science in the sense of making a system and then... I'm not actually having a system where there is some kind of axiomatic or starting point and then I'm reducing Y."
"The best lives out there are non-traditional, they're different and they're not just dictated by what society says is normal or right."
"It's so non-traditional... I big points for that for me."
"We wanted our wedding to symbolize our true soul bond and decided to go completely non-traditional."
"So much of this stuff is going to be...it’s not stuff that you learn in mainstream school, or college. None of this."
"Ellen is not a typical stay-at-home mom."
"It is a very non-traditional path to college, but I am just not a traditional person and it worked for me."
"I want something unique, I don't want your typical wedding day."
"Their wedding was certainly not traditional by Western standards, but it somehow seemed fitting for the newlyweds."
"When you deal with these kinds of very dangerous criminals, they're not traditional criminals."
"We have so much fun but we just don't have time to do it with the traditional route."
"...you don't have to be alone in your second half of life but you also don't have to do the traditional like I have to get married."
"I wanted more for myself, so I decided to refuse the traditional paths that were laid out for me."
"There are a lot of jobs that may be non-traditional but would be great for someone who is interested in urban studies for example I know a lot of people who went on to do careers in research or analysts."
"I didn't like having a traditional job."
"Not only was my path to college atypical, with having a YouTube channel and also working at a museum, but there's definitely things that you can do, having academic rigor, like being involved in many clubs."
"It's not necessarily traditional but it's got some good tones hidden within here."
"I'm very non-traditional. I feel like two people that love each other very much, or even that love each other very much as friends, I know there's these little things can co-parent."
"Just because something's non-traditional in family setup doesn't at all mean that it's wrong."
"I think non-traditional relationships are going to become more and more popular as society breaks away from just more traditional forms of relationships."
"You don't need a degree or film school to make it in the end."
"Weddings can be non-traditional with a love that's unconditional."
"An object-oriented approach will be not to produce an exact written text."
"To achieve her objective of well-adjusted children, Diana allowed them to follow some distinctly non-royal pursuits."
"DuckTales is definitely a show about family but that doesn't mean it's a show about traditional family."
"The movie doesn't operate on traditional logic."
"Not fishy, so we're gonna go ahead and make some tacos."
"Some of the happiest people I've ever met have never left a traditional, career-based mark anywhere."
"That's an education guys, that's an education you're never going to get in college."
"...if you don't want to go the traditional route if you do want that innovation check out alien gear shoulder holster."
"I started as a poetry major, so if I could do it, anyone could do it. I didn't work at a bank, I didn't get my MBA."
"There's something to it because every year I go a little bit crazy and I go through a big decluttering, I go through a big cleaning and I just, I'm not a new year's person."
"More money came in when we said we're not passing the hat."
"God wants to do things outside church."
"This might not be Arapaho cooking but it's tasty and mighty filling."
"He didn't graduate high school, but he made it happen."
"The most successful people on the planet, most of them don't even have a college degree."
"...it's not fair to say because someone doesn't have a degree... that they can't be considered an expert in a field."
"We're not the first people to have a baby outside wedlock, you know."
"You don't have to be able to fly to be a hero."
"It's nice to see something different that wasn't a road run or plough or tractor pull."
"The religion of the Buddha is not a religion in the conventional sense because it lacks a system of faith, dogmas, and sacred texts."
"It's not an accredited college, but the classes are real, you do get a diploma from Santa, and it also benefits charity as well."
"Education is really important, but there's traditional education and then there's other types of education."
"My mother was never traditional, always open-minded."
"It's not typically Christmassy, but it is cozy."
"He'd come into class with a guitar and he wouldn't teach us, he'd just sing to us."
"I'm a learner, I'm just not a schooler."
"I'm not really traditional like I've said before. I don't really want marriage or kids, but I'm a fan of good relationships and generally traditional style whatever that is, wherever, as long as it's just love and respect for your partner."
"I think YOLO Park are smashing it when it comes to nontransforming Transformers."
"UCSC is such a unique campus; it's very non-traditional."
"It's not like the K-beauty like double cleansing method."
"She's not technically a Disney princess, but she has become a beloved character."
"We decided not to have a bridal party."
"I think relationships can still be important and not have to end in marriage or lifelong companionship."
"Eleven years of traditional investigation hasn't solved the case, so we figured we try something a little less traditional."
"We have always had the plan of eloping, making it official, and then doing like a ceremony, a big party."
"This is a love story, and it's a little non-traditional and very messy, quite circuitous, but ultimately beautiful and full of mystery."
"MIT does not require a high school diploma for you to gain admittance."
"If you're not doing anything the traditional way, you failed, right?"
"You're not a traditional granddaughter, Marinette, and you know what? I like it."
"It is not traditional for a millennial Midwestern mayor of a community about the size of Columbia to be talking about the future of the free world."
"Non-traditional students tend to be more confident in themselves than your traditional students and also more clear on their path and their purpose."
"The amount of successful people you chat to who didn't do well at school... it's one of those things for me."
"We decided to elope instead of our traditional wedding."
"It's not your typical fall Saturday in September, but nonetheless a beautiful day in southeast Michigan."
"What if I told you there's a thriving western comic industry with stunning artwork, sleek graphic novel formatting, mature movie caliber scripts, and not a solitary superhero in sight?"
"We don't have to be legally married to be committed."
"Your child can come to you in many different forms and sometimes not through your body."
"He is unlike any psychic we've ever seen; his readings are real, raw, and 100% no BS."
"Happy Thanksgiving, I'll be having pizza."
"I'm loving the non-traditional, just a hint of Valentine's in this."
"It's technically flywheel but it's not a traditional flywheel."
"Many college-age students believe that Steve Jobs personifies the hope and possibility for success that come with dropping out of college."
"There are people so immensely talented and they're just not traditionally trained in lots of different ways and you have to be really open-minded to understanding that."
"There are so many ways to make money that it's not a corporate job."
"I think it should be somebody out of the box."
"Funerals may call to mind a church service, but it's possible for a lay person to MC the funeral."
"I never had a typical education, so I feel like I learned through so many things."
"None of these ideas are traditional in any way, but they're very delicious, all of them, every single one, I promise."
"Sometimes your weekend will be Tuesday and Wednesday, not Saturday and Sunday."
"This is a great sale with some great finds, but it's not your typical garage sale video."
"Love is an adventure to these people; they're not looking for the traditional way."
"I'm not a purist at all. I think it's fun, I think the mix of both is fun."
"If there's a career that sounds interesting to you, see if you can pursue that career without going to college."
"Look for the unusual, look for the things that are out of the ordinary, look for the things that are not fashionable."
"Yes, you can get your dream job without having a traditional resume."
"It speaks to USC's willingness to look at things in ways that aren't traditional and that represent a new order."
"Breaking the 9-5 for the past few years taught me a lot."
"If Heathcliff is a hero, then he's certainly not going to be your traditional pure justice-seeking hero."
"It's gonna be fun to talk about something related to music but not directly about the music itself."
"Not the most conventional college experience, but no debt."
"We're not so corporate... we can take any avenue we have to take care of you."
"That is our Ace in the Hole, being innovative, non-traditional, asymmetrical, and doing things in a very different way."
"This dress is actually Valentine's Day themed, and it was inspired by a Valentine's Day fabric that's not the traditional red or pink material covered in hearts."
"It is absolutely beautiful and they don't even have that much traditional stuff which I normally gravitate towards."
"Yum, taco night, that was quick and easy, and it's not even Tuesday."
"Exhibiting doesn't have to mean a gallery."
"You don't necessarily need a college degree to be successful."
"It wasn't like the prototypical childhood where, you know, you get to go to soccer practice and stuff like that all the time. It was just lonely is the word."
"My son never set foot into a school room but he went to the White House to see two presidents."
"We are definitely not doing a conventional wedding... throw away everything you've ever heard of what a wedding should be."
"It was not the traditional game show, and fans really, really took to it."
"It's not going to be a normal love story."
"You can be highly educated, very knowledgeable, and not have a university degree."
"There was a lot of love in the house, but it wasn't traditional like everybody sits down has dinner together."
"Turns out weddings don't have to be all about the big white wedding dress."
"I'm not a past looking person, I'm more of a 'in the now' and what am I going to be doing tomorrow."
"You've got to be adaptable, mate. It's not a nine to five job working with us."
"I'm a firm believer that you can get into shape without working out."
"I think that gives so much value which is maybe not just the classical value of a greenhouse itself in a standardized way."
"I appreciate the story, I appreciate the fact that it wasn't your traditional love story."
"This is no soccer-mom crossover by any means."
"I love it. I kind of like that I went with the non-traditional Christmas colors."
"Morning and happy Sunday, we're not on our way to church, the kids are staying home."
"We decided it's the perfect one to do something that doesn't scream baby; it's not pink and blue."
"There's always going to be room for talented people that do not require a degree."
"I didn't go to college, man. That's the point. You can do whatever you want without a college degree."
"I believe in God in a very non-traditional way."
"As far as I'm concerned, I'll get married in jeans as long as you're next to me."
"This can be very advanced; we don't need to be traditional here."
"The Wolverine trilogy is an odd one because it isn't a true trilogy at all."
"I know people who don't know coding and are still doing amazing in bug bounties."
"I like to do stuff that's a little bit more non-traditional and have a little bit more fun with it."
"This is Jams Giving, no religious affiliation that I'm aware of, definitely no colonial affiliation as well."
"This ain't your horoscope; it's straight-up energy reading."
"Maybe I'll never be like a normal mother, but I'm going to give it everything I've got for her sake."
"It's almost like a romantic relationship that's open."
"So don't think that all of your Santa or snowflake or Christmas tree stamps can only be used for holiday cards; you can use them for other occasions around the same time."
"It really means taking a path that looks different than what we would consider a traditional old style career."
"You don't have to be very good at school to learn and be successful at life."
"I'm very non-traditional and I feel like people that love each other very much can co-parent without being in a relationship."
"Going to college was a huge eye-opener for me in realizing that the traditional path is just something that I really cannot handle."
"We don't need to change our names and put on wedding rings to bind us together. We have more than that."
"The GH5 really is like a cinema style camera without actually being a cinema style camera."
"I hope you enjoyed seeing something a little bit different that wasn't actually any theme parks in this one."
"Homeschooling does not have to look like school at home. You have options."
"It's unique. You're not going to get this like creamy, creamy tomato base curries. You're going to get more coconut base."
"They were old hippies; they were different, a little bit off the grid, but they were happy."
"We just eloped. No one came and then we didn't go on a honeymoon."
"It was a beautiful moment even though it wasn't the typical 'Oh, here's your baby'."
"You can even lead without being the leader."
"We were not like traditional families, we still did our job. Reed was a good husband and I was also a good mother."
"You don't need college to be successful."
"I'm a big believer in building your life resume versus your traditional resume."
"It's far from traditional, but it's well executed."
"It's supposed to develop natural interests and activities rather than use formal teaching."
"Almost nobody that people celebrate and look up to are people that take the traditional routes."
"We need to start thinking outside of the box and being willing to accept ideas that are non-traditional."
"It took my parents a little while to come around to the fact that I wasn't gonna get a college degree and that didn't define me being successful."
"I did a lot of my learning sort of outside of school."
"I never played the game... I saw somebody who wasn't an athlete, didn't play, but got to talk at the highest level."
"Some of the happiest couples I know are not married."
"We see a lot of things as learning that aren't just sitting down in front of a workbook."
"Love doesn't have to be Romeo and Juliet, sometimes it can be Romeo and Romeo."
"It was just so fascinating to read it that way."
"The Trinity is still being capitalized upon, albeit it's not in the typical in-story Universe pairing."
"You're unraveling that and creating things in a non-traditional, non-conventional way to heal your heart space and realize, 'Oh yeah, I'm worthy of love just as I am.'"
"Non-junkie stocking stuffers are not necessarily things that are not plastic... it's that they are open-ended play, they inspire curiosity, creativity."
"Pursue that direction even if you can't go the traditional route."
"This is not farmhouse, this is not traditional, this may be called contemporary. I call it fun and hopefully inspirational."
"Be creative, don't approach things in a traditional way."
"Some of the best educational opportunities that exist do not come with a four-year degree."
"It just shows you that you can still do party wear and like Christmas party outfit dressing without any sequins."
"Success is not exclusive to people who go to college."
"This book is not your typical epic fantasy; it is definitely quite different from anything I read before."
"I love that it's not a complete traditional fall color, but it definitely still screams fall at the same time."
"He didn't come from a theater background, he was just brilliant business."
"Your path is not going to be the same as a traditional person."
"People will be in very long-term committed relationships but they just don't need a piece of paper from the government."