
Global Interest Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The phenomenon of crop circles, mysterious patterns that appear flattened in fields of crops, has long fascinated and perplexed people from around the world."
"What does this mean for Trump, for New York, what does this mean for the rest of the world that's watching this whole soap opera unfold?"
"The whole world waited, crossed their fingers, and eventually, they did find him."
"Antarctica is not anyone's country; it's everyone's country."
"As the 38-year-old Egyptian referee's whistle heralds the start of this potentially electrifying encounter, the eyes of the footballing world turn to the pitch."
"We are super excited because it's a big game. It's City Liverpool. I'm sure all over the world, everyone wants to watch this game."
"People have been following this story around the world."
"A dramatic whale rescue captivated the whole world."
"In some of the most visited tourist attractions in the world."
"I think everyone around the world should be excited about space exploration."
"People around the world are fascinated by this place not just stalkers."
"The global interest in this fight is unlike anything that we've seen."
"The potential as well as the possible peril of AI has captured the world's attention."
"The Ukrainian Army is advancing, followed by people all around the world."
"Crystal skulls have captured the fascination of people around the world due to their mysterious appearance and the legends associated with them."
"The story of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 gripped the world..."
"A highly anticipated event is taking place this afternoon... a new kind of sporting event as popular as a football World Cup."
"A fascinating and sensationalized story that attracted worldwide attention."
"There's a global fascination with UAP, and much of that Fascination is due to the unknown nature of it."
"When Apollo 11 took off...the entire world was watching."
"A tooth, a chariot, and buried treasure: Mike's incredible discovery captivates the world."
"The mystery of the Loch Ness Monster continues to fascinate millions around the world."
"Near the border of Iran and Turkey, there's been a big find in archaeology that's got people all over the world talking and wondering."
"The world wife-carrying championship draws thousands of visitors to the small town of 4,200 and has gained followers across the world."
"It's deeply sad, I think everyone has been following this story around the world."
"Over 40 countries have expressed interest in joining."
"There's a profound yearning for spiritual truth in the world today."
"People come from all over the world to come here. It's a destination."
"It's been a wild ride... it got so much interest not only from around the country but around the world."
"Ethiopia was a topic of considerable interest across much of the colonized world in the 20th century."
"The world is waking up to bitcoin in a big way."
"This is a story that's captivated people from around the world."
"Institutions behind the scenes and banks behind the scenes are definitely accumulating bitcoin and the speculation right now is that even countries are doing it."
"The Ashes is the test series that I think everyone wants to watch worldwide."
"I've always been fascinated by the globe, what we live in, the world we live in."
"This is a one-of-a-kind discovery that scientists all over the world are celebrating."
"After the news of the missing stone had spread, headlines about it were made the world over."
"The race of the century was a worldwide sensation."
"Just add one part beautiful commoner, one part dashing Prince, a dazzling Global love affair, and you're all set."
"Venus has long been enticing to us and this result is capturing the world's attention today."
"Every nation on earth has their eyes on Jerusalem."
"People in Boston, Toronto, Chicago, all over the world will be watching this game today."
"The world is excited about that for sure, thank god."
"I think some of the good news is that we have the attention of the rest of the world of looking into Aquatics."
"We watch closely, the world is watching closely."
"The photograph and the story had been picked up by newspapers, magazines, and television stations around the world."
"I think it should be of interest to everyone that has global implications for global economies and stuff like that."
"If they do this, it will be an interest to mankind permanently."
"The whole world's watching hockey because it's fantastic."
"The entire world is watching Alpha 1 right now."
"I hope and believe we can make the kind of progress together that will enable both of us to have the kind of strong partnership that would be very much in the world's interest in the 21st century."
"I think it's remarkable that this was probably the biggest story in the world for probably a three-day period."
"We have people from all over the world that want to see tin can crafts."
"It really is an exciting game from a global perspective."
"Why do you think the world was so interested in this story?"
"The Grammy bounce is an increase in sales and heightened interest in the artist around the world."
"The whole world has interests in this narrow body of water, and that's not going away."
"Stonehenge attracts a couple million visitors from all over the world each year."
"I love Japan because there's some really cool stuff there, but so are the European knights and the Greek Spartans."
"Football is head and shoulders above all other sports in terms of overall popularity."
"Formula One has seen global interest explode in recent years."
"It's crazy, it's one of the most popular sports in the world."
"I think it's still at the top in terms of the money involved, in terms of a number of people that watch Formula 1 globally annually, it is massive."
"The whole world is watching you because you're interesting and also funny to watch."
"The whole world was talking about it."
"From its original practical use for transporting goods, it now attracts enthusiasts from all over the world as a jolly lovely day out."
"A democratic growing strong Korea is in our interest but it's in the interests of those who cherish freedom all over the world."
"This is a hobby that is gaining popularity all over the world."
"The world pays attention to the U.S. elections."
"The whole world is watching with us because this is really a mission about the world community going to Mars."
"There are tens of thousands of islands located around the world, but arguably there is one island that nearly everyone on the planet is watching right now, and that is the island of Taiwan."
"We were really surprised to find that there was a huge worldwide interest in the Zombies' repertoire."
"It's the most excitement that's been around rallycross globally ever."
"It's one of the most fascinating ancient sites found anywhere in the world."
"All the world loves a wedding, and nothing beats a royal one."
"World is an interesting place, you know. I really dig this world."
"The potential for Bitcoin is huge, and certainly, you must have countries looking at it."
"I think the world is looking forward to it."
"People all over the world are watching these proceedings and seeing what is possible in America."
"It's very amazing, the amount of people from around the world that want to come here to Valentine station and meet Ruben and ring the bell."
"It's exclusively in California; it has intrigued people all over the world."
"We are particularly excited to bring this work to auction because it will continue to expand the growing enthusiasm for his work globally."
"It's special, man. I look around this place is special, and the fact that the whole world gets to continue to see it."
"It's so fascinating to me how this trial, different than almost anything I've seen, is captivating worldwide."
"Grab it while there are stocks last because they are being bought by people from all over the world."
"When I was in high school, an exchange student from Russia did a homestay with my family, and that's when I became interested in the world."
"It's going to be talked about all over the world, all over the wrestling world as it's happening in front of me."
"It's amazing. We have hundreds of media, by my count, from around the world. There's a love of exploration."
"This was a campaign that captivated football fans all around the world."
"It's amazing how when everybody in the world becomes enamored by something... it's really incredible what the hive mind... can achieve."
"It's just fascinating how many people around the world are interested in their Irishness."
"The true picture of the earth, the blue planet, has fascinated the peoples of every age and culture."
"That's right, a clash of the colossal, two teams that have proven that they are worthy of being watched by the entire globe."
"We are thirsty to see these stories about different cultures all over the world."
"It's in nobody's interest, internationally, for us to continue to be so heavily dependent on fossil fuels that we continue to create the greenhouse gases that threaten the planet."
"A lot of the world finds interest in what's going on, both from a human aspect but also from a scientific and a fascinating worldview."
"The league has prospered, the teams, the interests worldwide... it's just amazing where it's came."
"It's really a reflection of what we're interested in as a whole planet."