
Business Acumen Quotes

There are 310 quotes

"Accountants are also often really business savvy and they can end up in high-ranking positions in companies like CEO or vice president."
"I had to be good at business because I was never the most talented guy in the room."
"50 Cent is to me a great example of someone who understood the business aspect of it before he had his deal."
"In business and in life, the person who wins is the person that's able to out-think the competition."
"The boardroom is the same exact game. You got to read who is BS and who's not."
"Guys are extremely successful, extremely smart, extremely sharp businessmen who are extremely in control themselves and they choose to give the action."
"I feel that you truly get how business works."
"In order to be super successful in any industry, you kind of have to have a business mind."
"Oprah Winfrey: A testament to tenacity and business acumen."
"Ryder is clearly a smart kid, and a shrewd businessman, and he takes his opportunities where he sees them."
"The companies you want to invest in are ones that are going to take a dollar of yours and turn it into two dollars."
"Y'all some smart business people, I tell you that much."
"Robert Smith: Intelligence, business strategies, and work ethic."
"Trading is a business. You have to know your numbers."
"They understand innately what a live real-time Marketplace looks like."
"You need this sixth sense for business, relationships, and leadership."
"You know what you're doing when it comes to this business, whatever it may be."
"Finally, someone who actually knows how to run a business gives a legit view on success."
"Your Existence is like... your entire life completely."
"The Glazers are very clever men and they're as rich as they are because they know business."
"Your ability to execute, your ability to market it, build a brand around and build a business around it."
"We nearly got scammed but my business skills saved the day."
"Every time we talk about like a genius billionaire founder..."
"Back winners everybody, there's a reason good companies are expensive."
"I'm a better businessman because I'm an investor, and I'm a better investor because I'm a businessman."
"You don't really find great deals, you make great deals."
"They know what they're doing and who to sell it to."
"You've got a king of Pentacles inside of you, you're an excellent judge of character, great intuition, great businessperson."
"Mercury in Virgo gives you the business ability second to none."
"The only way you make money is when you're able to see things that other people can't see."
"His journey from erasing Superstar to a Savvy businessman and investor highlights the significance of understanding and responsibly managing wealth."
"You're the master of your creations. Learn new skills in business or work that have been on your mind lately."
"Mr. House knows exactly how to run an enterprise and make an absolute fortune."
"This is from a 70 something year old who's made billions and billions who's made a career out of spotting people like this."
"I knew that I was talented in business, I thought it, I knew it."
"Even though it made for a really uncomfortable situation, I think it was an incredibly smart business decision."
"Paris Hilton may be, whether you like or don't like her, she is a very good business businesswoman no matter what you say."
"Being a professional means understanding business, customer service, and marketing."
"This was a smart thing, obviously he has some good business-minded people in his corner."
"I think investors have become vastly more sophisticated these days."
"Always fully understand what you're signing."
"Karen, I love how she's above it all and she's such a smart businesswoman and the hate came out at that table so hard."
"According to the research, capitalists are bad at business too."
"If you're so confident that essence has super high value, why would you care?"
"If there's one thing I can say about Jason Blum it's that he's a smart businessman he knew exactly how far to go to make the most serviceable palatable adaptation of Five Nights at Freddy's possible and it worked."
"Trump is a businessman first and a politician."
"Out of all of those on the business side, he did it the best. I mean, people couldn't be mad at me. I think Trump did it the best on the business side."
"I believe several things set me apart from the other candidates... I have a good level of business acumen and I am a loyal and trustworthy person who wants to build a long-term career with your company."
"If you can figure out how to sell $31 million, guarantee you can transition to hot tubs."
"Gon's words inspired Kilauea to get into the business of trading leave cards to weak players in return for rare cards."
"Be curious, be aware, look for something more."
"It's cool to be smart, it's cool to be savvy, it's cool to understand how your business works in and out."
"All we can do is focus on trying to buy wonderful businesses at good values."
"Is he one of the most shrewd investors and businessmen ever with a vision of the future many people just aren't yet appreciating, or is he a lucky gambler destroying venture capital and manipulating markets?"
"If you're spending that kind of money on your moneymaker, it's probably making you some good money."
"The edge you have as a rebel capitalist is you have a working framework for how the world works."
"If you find three wonderful businesses in your life, you'll get very rich."
"Nicki Minaj, who I deem to be one of the, uh, one of the, I just think she's an amazing businesswoman and I think she's well aware for platform and her power."
"He also just has a massive understanding for the business and what it takes to create both compelling matches and long-term engaging stories leading to better viewership, pay-per-view buys, and the like."
"Bezos is going to win this, he wins everything."
"Investors aren't gift givers. They're not super generous. They're really savvy people who are looking to make money for themselves."
"This is the most genius business deal that I have witnessed in the last decade."
"He's a [ __ ] genius, I don't think he's the coolest guy to realize we're gonna start to realize what I think is cool about him is not the swag what I think is cool about his big business actually."
"She is just so damn business savvy and intelligent that she creates her own luck."
"He's actually incredibly charismatic, you know that's one of the things that makes him an effective leader, an effective businessman."
"You have to have curiosity about businesses and finances, and patience."
"You can be very skilled in business, great wealth can come from this position."
"One of the most important sales strategies is the ability to walk away from a deal."
"Picking the right company at the right valuation is key."
"With his understanding of the politics of the business and what he's learned from his father-in-law himself, he's been given every tool he needs to carry WWE into the next decade and beyond."
"He knew what people wanted to see and he wasn't afraid to capitalize on it."
"My original profit is made when you're buying, not when you sell."
"Yes, if you know what you're doing and no, if you think you just go on here, find the first manufacturer you want and just buy a product."
"He's a brilliant marketing guy whether you like him or not."
"You're leaning on that person for information or to be the business guy that's not a wise choice."
"They see you as being independent and also intelligent and savvy in business."
"You should spend as much time studying business as you spent studying your art."
"Return on investment is crucial in our business."
"This is what you call smart business... get Fafo for 30 million."
"It's the person that understands business that's the most successful."
"Because if it makes sense, it makes dollars."
"Bob Ross might not have been a businessman, but he is a business, man."
"I am good at seeing trends, finding opportunities, connecting dots that create money in exchange for value." - Bedros Keuilian
"The two most important skills: business understanding and analytical thinking."
"If you understand what your customer needs better than they can, they will assume that you have the answer."
"Great business acumen versus somebody who was not as bright in terms of navigating through their career."
"We've got to give those folks a lot of credit, like Amazon, handling inventory, predicting supply chain."
"Impress them on your excellence and know something about their business, know something about their life."
"Understand what it is that you're actually selling."
"Such a straightforward method directly netted 1 million. Shen Lang is truly a business genius."
"Honestly though, I respect the hustle, this is brilliant."
"Understanding those things, he's a businessman, and he's... I'm gonna say he's the GOAT, yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna have to say maybe, yes, I like that, that's great."
"Price matters and even great businesses can be poor investments if you overpay."
"I did it without a label's assistance. I made the business decisions. I overcame the addictions."
"Just because you're a trader and you're going into a business in trading it doesn't mean that you're gonna be knowledgeable when it comes to money and finance."
"The key is to buy the right company and then don't sell it."
"If you don't know the value of your [expletive] and I do because I think with me involved the value changes, then that's not my fault."
"If you understand the business and the business is within your circle of competence then by definition you know with some boundaries what the future of the business is likely to look like."
"Understanding equity, understanding business, and being partners."
"A reason why they're so successful here in the United States: they know what business is, they know how to do business, and they know that the future of their business most definitely includes China."
"Everything that you have done, you made it yourself. You did everything you could to make this work, and you understand business really. You're so impressive."
"I think she has the mind of a marketing genius."
"Honestly, mamie is just a businesswoman and I have to respect it."
"You get what you negotiate, not what you deserve."
"I feel like you might bring out the smart business senses in this person, or encourage them to do great stuff with their life."
"I think it's a very real possibility and I mean it wouldn't be very smart if they didn't consider that."
"By the time you get done with this, you should know if it's really a good deal or not."
"The game is multiplication, not addition. That's how you really start to flip the bag and grow your income."
"The smartest creators know how to create time leverage for themselves."
"I like the way Complexity handled their business. I think this is a super good pickup."
"It's all in the buying, isn't it? You bought right."
"You gotta spend some money to make some money."
"If I've learned anything in this business, it's that you've never learned everything."
"This guy is a straightforward, hard-working businessman through and through."
"My lack of education and my lack of fear is the reason I'm so successful in business."
"Selling is a skill that everybody should develop."
"She had a better grasp of business and financial affairs than most men."
"This savvy approach to her career demonstrates Henson's business acumen and underscores her ability to navigate the multifaceted landscape of the entertainment industry."
"I learned that if you want to get somewhere in life, you have to be able to present yourself the way that you should, business-wise."
"He was smart with the business. He knew how to get the money for the art."
"Dusty had a great mind for the business."
"When he made money, he put it back into the business."
"Michael didn't get to where he is being dumb in business."
"He was the most consistent person as far as being a businessman I'd ever been in the ring with."
"Colombians are great business people."
"Mate, this guy's really good at making a good impression, hey? But it doesn't seem like everyone else there was very focused on, like, the admission, as, like, Nazis were, like, he just seems like a proper businessman, you know, all about making a buck."
"If you learn to think intelligently about how to invest successfully in businesses, you'll become a much better business manager."
"Chumlee has become an outright multi-millionaire, outflanking the others in business smarts and competency to some extent."
"I love Dolly. I mean, there'll never be another one like that. Wow, she's just terrific and great to be with, great fun, and smart, smart businesswoman."
"Ice Cube's remarkable Journey from Compton to Global stardom is more than a rags-to-riches tale. It's a testament to Talent, tenacity, and a keen sense of business Acumen."
"Carnegie's monumental success was rooted in two pillars: innovative techniques and shrewd business acumen."
"Transparency begins to build a business acumen and a business vocabulary in their mind."
"Shaquille O'Neal isn't just a basketball giant; he's a real wizard in the business world too."
"The deal of a lifetime comes around once a week if you're playing, if you're active in the game."
"This is an exam that really tests your ability to make good business decisions based on the information in the question."
"The goal of developing a deeper business acumen is to develop your business sense."
"He's clearly a shrewd businessman."
"He's looked at as probably one of the most savvy business people within the prison."
"...learn what a good deal looks like then learn how to make a good deal."
"I had an entrepreneurial itch really early on. I was the guy buying five packs of gum."
"I'm not against other companies being out there for people to work at, but it's proven Tony KH doesn't know what he's doing."
"...CIO greatness is not just about understanding the products but, at a fundamental level, understanding the drivers of how the business creates value for the customers."
"He was a very, very astute businessman."
"I give her her props. She did. She's a great businesswoman. Amazing mind. Brilliant."
"I really enjoyed that interview. I love the business side of things, I love the fight game."
"Sandy may be clueless about running restaurants, but when it comes to selling antiques, she's a natural."
"I learned a lot about life, I learned a lot about business."
"She knows about business. She has a line called bedroom candy. Yes, it's so successful. Yes, the vibrators and other things. I've participated in the product. And I think she's so talented. I participated in the product. The product participated in me."
"He's a business genius, truly. It is the smartest move I've ever heard of."
"Martin Greenberg was a terrific promoter of the SF genre but an inadequate businessman."
"It's cool to build a brand, but the genius behind the brand is not only having cool designs, but also the business sense."
"If all you're doing is making music and not learning about the business, you're not in the music business."
"He's got something, yep, and he understands he has a clear understanding of where the industry is."
"Jimmy Page is one I think one of these rare breeds of artists who is able to not only create as an artist but make damn sure that his business interests are on on a level playing field."
"Business sense, I probably got it from my dad."
"If we don't know our numbers, we don't know our business."
"Thunder earnings, massive total addressable market that I deeply understood."
"Understanding how you do business will help you make smart decisions on which accounts to choose so you can avoid paying excessive fees."
"You'll be more able to answer business questions, solve problems, and help take your company to a successful future."
"Know your market, know your cattle."
"Good business sense is equally important, if not more important, than just skill."
"Good business people through the ages have always understood these first principles."
"If I can buy a great company at a great price, the rest will take care of itself."
"He used his business smarts to elevate my business and my business processes."
"He was a good manager with a nose for good business, and he knows how to get the best out of people."
"It's really important to deeply understand how the business works."
"The greatest hoax perpetrated on man is they got these religious leaders who are better than any businessman."
"You're about the prettiest thing I ever seen, and you've got a natural head for business."
"I like to encourage you guys to put your brain to work and start figuring out how to run a business."
"Judgment obviously is the key: judgment of people, timing, businesses, and micro and macro issues."
"I was always actually a business person because I was able to see things from an angle my mom didn't."
"I knew these trailers were assets, and I know I can generate income off of it."
"He just had a lot of great ideas, and the business side of him, he was pretty sharp at running his race team."
"Understanding business is incredibly important."
"Knowing your numbers is the biggest key of the flipping game."
"Sell through becomes a focus for a lot of people. Learn your numbers."
"The guy is like a marketing genius."
"I am commercially aware and understand that my performance is integral to the success of your business."
"Most people who are into Badness and took up that bad boy or that gangster root on the ground level were the ones that set up business, made sure there was an order of process and invested in proper businesses."
"He's very smart in business, he's smart in marketing, he's an incredible rider."
"Your magic sauce is your ability to do deals that are strikingly awesome."
"I've got a flare for this sort of work, you know, when I'm on the threshold of a reasonable profit, a razor sharp instinct takes over."
"But I'm really looking for your business savvy, and it's more about critical reasoning skills."
"I think Cena has to win this one, just because he did some good business."
"The best entrepreneurs I know are not the best idea people."
"General Mills knows what they're doing."
"I think of myself as having a business brain but an artist's heart."
"One of the things Richard was so good at was that he had a knack for knowing what cars would sell fast and would double, if not triple, his investments."
"It helped me become a great business person."
"The best combination is buying a great company at a great valuation."
"I understand business, I understand numbers, I've run the numbers."
"Their empire, built on the pillars of media, retail, and real estate, speaks to their knack for spotting golden opportunities where others see dead ends."
"Business besides being a visionary singer, Taylor Swift knows how to make money in other ways."
"I got all of my music from my dad and all of my business from my mom."
"I keep learning, I keep getting better not only about just investing in money but just about business, about operations."
"Together Munoz and the Tapias built an organization so successful that its profits, if legal, would have made it a Fortune 500 company."
"It also ensures that the candidate has a good grasp and can solve business problems using the data presented and can help company make good business decisions."
"Be actively changing your prices, don't be too proud to drop your price."
"Understanding the business is really, really critical."
"David Green is their founder and long-time CEO, and however you feel about him or the decisions he's made, you have to admit that he knows about retail."