
University Life Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"Empathy is one of my top five strengths, according to the strength skill test I took in college undergrad University of Minnesota. Yeah, Golden Gophers, Sko U Mah."
"Let's start over at University. Three years we've lost, plus one year is the interest. Let's spend the best four years on campus."
"One of the biggest feats that we were trying to get with university is like the balance in the whole experience of university."
"There are many scary stories happening inside this university, but believe me, being able to study at this place is one of the wildest dreams of many students, even though it would give them awful nightmares."
"There is no shame in seeking help, whether it's therapy, talking to peers, or taking a break."
"The university is one of the few times in your life when you can hear every view under the sun."
"I spent so many hours at University playing this game, playing it with my friends, and just being inside the UFC and the world of mixed martial arts."
"Look at all these people coming to university and moving in, let's do a little bit of decorating out the front and then I reckon we can get that over the limit that we need."
"You spend another three or four years at the University and with that comes a huge number of support structures... the university system allows you to meet people and do things which you can do outside, yes, but... much, much easier."
"We don't want to just have the whole day, welcome to MIT, welcome to MIT."
"Discover University definitely has a lot of things that would draw me to it."
"Students made Mizzou out to be... redneck racist, which was never the case."
"It really is demoralizing to constantly self-censor and feel like you can't say what you want."
"It's demoralizing to be in university for over five years and constantly self-censor."
"As big as college football is... it's not the primary business at these major universities... you're welcoming kids back to campus... football is a big deal but it is just part of that deal."
"Certain universities have safety programs like a walk-home service."
"It's crucial for colleges and universities to stay open."
"Kate met Prince William while they were both students at St Andrews."
"There's nothing wrong with going to a PWI over HBCU... it doesn't make you any less black."
"There are a few earthly things more beautiful than a university... a place where those hate ignorance may strive to know, where those who perceive truth may strive to make others see."
"Handwritten notes pretty much got me through seven years of university."
"Don't be afraid to spread your wings a little bit more on your campus."
"I can enjoy my final year of uni because I am excited for my final year."
"When I was in university...nervous energy...helped me to write faster."
"Used to play football manager all the time in uni, fam. All the time."
"Nerds, friendships, and memories: Good times at university."
"For most, starting afresh at a university or college is among the most exciting moments of their lives."
"Unfortunately, however, it is also perhaps among the most vulnerable stages of a young person's life."
"As soon as I stepped foot into university, I realized... that I wanted to be happy and smile."
"I said all the time like just a manager just imagine homecoming in its howard verse hampton."
"Starting uni soon? So many mixed emotions, but I'm grateful for the journey ahead."
"I'm happy that there hasn't been what I would have feared would have been the blowback from this university-wise, friend-wise."
"If you're in college and have the opportunity to be on a collegiate team or start a collegiate team, you know, I think this season there were only like three of us but we still had a blast and really good."
"Being at University might get you closer to that dream, that vision, that goal."
"Tonight is the university ball, and I must go."
"At first I was hiding my face on campus and I'm seeing me back though I just didn't even care anymore."
"I'm so excited to take you along with me as I enter my third year of uni."
"University is so much fun academically, socially, in every aspect. It will be an amazing time of your life."
"At Cornell, the black community is really close."
"The biggest takeaway for me is they look happy before, they go to universities, they come back angry."
"We came on campus and fell in love with Howard."
"I remember when I first got to university I was finally given the freedom to make the dumb decisions I couldn't make when I was living at home."
"The freedom you have at uni is really great. It allowed you to press the boundaries and have a lot of latitude in what you're doing."
"Nobody wants to be away at University and have their parents die."
"I think everyone that goes to University will say that the best thing is that you meet lots of different people."
"University study is based on independent learning and you're responsible for so much of your learning."
"Hey, we've been together 24 years. Met at Rutgers University. Still going strong."
"We were second year university, being like, 'No, we had literally no money, but we had this entire business plan.'"
"Being back in there was just so lovely and the views over Oxford... How lucky am I to study in a university with such stunning views all the time?"
"University is intense and if you don't give yourself a bit of a break things are gonna get bad real fast."
"Intramurals are a great way to get involved here on IU's campus, especially during your first year."
"Yeah, definitely, like in university and stuff, minority, yeah is I'm definitely one of the only ones in the entire university that has the same opinions."
"Life at UBA though starts to go back to normal."
"Welcome to my channel, my name is Christina Clark. I am 20 years old and I am a junior at Liberty University."
"Now I'm in university, enjoying my life, living for my purpose, and I now have a lot of prospects when it comes to dating."
"One of the buildings at my university has a wall where you can draw and post a picture of Danny DeVitto."
"University is where you read books, do problem sets, go to laboratories, and then analyze what you've done."
"Sport or societies can literally make your whole experience... Those people can become like your very best friends."
"The university here really changes the flavor of being in a little town."
"It's not even like gross or gory I promise it's fine. This book is about a girl named Samantha who goes to New England's Warren University who is an outsider who is extremely repelled by this group of girls called the bunnies."
"She was the first beauty of the University where Ly Zyo studied."
"Keep on watching this video because today we're going to be talking about my experience as an international student at the University of Edinburgh."
"The last thing you should do at a university is think that it's somewhere where you can go to be safe or protected from the world."
"Chinatown has been there for me during late nights. It's been there for me as a broke uni student."
"Let me know what you think of the Yale dining hall food and if you are also at college or university let me know how it compares to the food that you guys have in your dining halls."
"I think in comparison to a lot of other universities there is a lot of work it's not necessarily extremely difficult work it's more the continuous."
"University was going to be like Fame, where you sit in really small little chairs with desks on and you talk about philosophy and it's this amazing academic pursuit with not much work and lots of talking."
"What a vibrant university set in a truly supportive community."
"Alright guys, hope you had an awesome time with us at the University of Louisville."
"For me, looking back on uni, I would think that a positive thing to do if you want to get more involved is to participate in clubs or extracurricular activities."
"Take advantage of all MSU opportunities. There's so many things you can do around campus like joining clubs."
"The classes of 1943, '44, and 1955 gave the victory bell as their class gifts to Ohio State."
"It's one of the chief responsibilities of Ohio State to ensure that those students feel comfortable and welcomed."
"We do that in lots of ways; greek life, clubs, traditions, intermurals."
"It's a fair day at World University, and lots of students are milling about."
"I'm going to look into therapy with my uni and seeing if I can move into residence earlier."
"You can survive uni without getting drunk and without smoking."
"On the one hand, you have racial problems on our campuses. On the other hand, take a look at university life in the United States; it is very different than it was 50 years ago."
"Adelphi is small enough to feel like home, but big enough to offer you huge opportunities."
"I love my university because it's given me the chance to grow as an individual, grow in my faith, as well as just have so much fun."
"I will be going to UCLA in the fall."
"University is very, very scary indeed, and there are things that are scary, but go now with positivity."
"I love the people that go here; I love this university. I would recommend going to this university."
"I love the uni that I've applied to, and I start there in a few weeks. I'm really, really looking forward to it."
"I'm not gonna remember individual nights out of my uni career, I'm going to remember being part of the boat race and winning the boat race."
"It's also a good idea to get involved in extracurricular activities as most universities want some evidence that you have a good work-life balance."
"Uni is not like school; there's no structure to Uni which means that social interaction doesn't happen naturally."
"What is life like in the university? What is the student life like?"
"And so begins the first five days of the rest of your uni life."
"Freshers' week isn't the be-all and end-all of university."
"It's okay if it's not like the best week of your life."
"I hope this video gave you some insight into Emory as a school from a student's perspective."
"Don't just have your whole life 100% revolve around lectures and assignments because, the way uni gets as well, your mental health is so important."
"I've met my favorite people and my best friends at UAL."
"I actually lean more towards liking Emory, even though I really enjoy complaining about it."
"A big perk of BU is that you're so close to so much stuff."
"It's a great university in general."
"Health is wealth, but health is the first thing to go at Uni."
"The students of the university do sometimes relax and hold some unusual events."
"It's a lot of fun; we're not just catered for the anime watchers or the gamers because we are trying to be open for everyone at the university."
"I've got a weekly vlog coming on Saturday from my first week at University where I talk through everything - the highs, the lows, the bits in between."
"I loved it, the uni, the people, the vibe, the professors."
"Orientation is a great way to meet people and potentially make lifelong friends."
"Enjoy the ride, enjoy the four years."
"Explain how whatever skill, inspiration, insight that you gained from this activity can be applied at UT."
"Study abroad is amazing here at Lehigh, there's tons of opportunities."
"I've totally grown into myself at Cornell and my perspective of the world has just totally increased."
"If you head north up Bruinwalk, you're then going to run into our residential community, which we humbly call, 'The Hill'."
"Fordham Lincoln Center is a really small knit school."
"I'm so excited to be filming this video today because I am going to be answering every single question that I've ever gotten about UVA."
"Professors at UVA really care, and they really want to help you."
"The Aggie family begins with the friends that you make during your time here on campus, and extends far beyond that."
"Grabbing a table here is the original social media; you never know which friend or classmate you'll run into."
"Getting involved here will change your life at UNH."
"I just walked across T-Hall lawn and knew UNH was for me."
"My colleagues actually really do care about students, student research, and opportunities at Uni and beyond."
"Yale is a second home. You will come here, you will find your people, you will have opportunities like never before."
"Just have fun when you go to uni, get will dabble in this and that, never feel pressured."
"Living with friends is so much fun, and you're never more than like a five ten minute walk away from your closest friends."
"It's easy to make friends at UCLA; everyone's friendly, tons of different people."
"Everyone's in the same boat, everyone is going through the same thing."
"We want to encourage you to come visit us in person, and once we do, you will not be disappointed here at our beautiful campus."
"Seeing students make new friends and having a good time fosters a sense of family within the university."
"For them to stay healthy on University campuses is already a great victory."
"I just feel so immensely grateful that I had a university experience worth mourning."
"I chose Stanford for the amazing staff, the atmosphere, the campus, as well as the academics."
"First semester I was kind of a loner."
"It is the incredibly sad story following four friends that meet in University."
"Have a university that believes in you and loves you so much."
"Murfree Hall is one of the oldest areas on campus and therefore one of the most scenic and beautiful."
"In the seaside town where I went to university, there stood some awesome castle ruins parallel to the promenade."
"It's probably the most social halls that are on offer at the University of Leeds."
"The university has its own climbing wall; that's impressive."
"Welcome to freshers' week. Can I help you?"
"I do believe that university students particularly should be exposed to points of view and opinions that are different from their own."
"Finding love at university or through traveling."
"That's the mattress? That's... that reminds me of the mattress I got in my University."
"This is a big university where not everyone is going to agree; we have 86,000 souls on this campus and we will treat each other with respect."
"I personally don't think U of T is depressing at all; in fact, I find it to be so inspiring and so vibrant."
"The social aspect of the quad is really like the place to be."
"School does not last forever. Soon you'll be out; university is going to be totally different."
"Really research your chosen universities, their core style, societies that they have."
"It's quite nice during freshers week."
"The University of Nottingham has over 33,000 students, making it one of the largest universities by student numbers in the country."
"Uni life is just so stressful at the moment."
"So many of my friendships developed from just saying hey in the lifts."
"I absolutely love the people at university; I think they're amazing."
"Just have fun and join societies because that's where you're going to be making loads of your friends."
"Your flatmates don't have to be your best friends like you will meet other people and actually it's just nice to have different people to come back to and share about your day rather than being on top of each other."
"If you want to find parties at ASU, you definitely can, but if it's not your thing, there's plenty to do at ASU where you don't have to party."
"UMBC truly is a welcoming community and a special place."
"The most unique aspect of fraternity and sorority life here at Florida Atlantic University is a true sense of community."
"FAU has over 400 clubs and organizations, and if those don't fit your interests, you can always start your own."
"Miami University has taught me not only to love and honor others but to love and honor myself."
"School spirit at Miami University can be seen all over campus."
"Attending UConn has provided me with academic and creative opportunities not only have I been able to explore my passion for music but I've also taken advantage of the many co-curricular opportunities UConn has to offer."
"It has meant everything to me to be able to help other first-year, first-generation and historically underrepresented students."
"Introducing Lena, finally out of the closet, liberated and president of the feminist club at her university."
"With a wide variety of electives, research opportunities, minors, and concentrations at UTD, you can tailor your degree to what you're most interested in."
"Sometimes I would go with my friends to their residence's dining halls, and there was just this feeling of community that I felt when I went to eat with them."
"I have my whole life to live alone... I feel like the dining hall experience is something you can only really get in University."
"If you just feel like you need a change of environment, you can literally just walk up some stairs or walk right outside your suite, and you have this beautiful common room."
"I am currently a second year here at UCLA, on the route to the business economics major."
"The people I've met are definitely the best part about USC."
"Your time in university is special because this is the last time that you're going to be surrounded by people your own age and have the same interest as you."
"I've been here for three years now, so I know a lot about my uni."
"One of the absolute best perks of the University of Leeds is the society."
"I cannot rave enough about the union here."
"There are hundreds of societies, literally anything you could possibly want the University of Leeds offers."
"Sometimes opposites attract, so that experience for me being here in Berkeley was like... where my spirit alive."
"I met Bob when we were both at the same university."
"Whatever background you're from or major you choose, UAF support centers are ready to help you accomplish your goals."
"Cambridge is one of the great experiences of my life."
"You really do become part of a community, and that's something that we think is really important to your future success."
"Going to university is now... find something that you're passionate about."
"I am such a big believer in making the most of things outside of study at uni."
"I've become a master at managing my time at uni."
"I do cook a lot at uni... it's cheaper, it's better for you."
"Uni is where you find yourself and what you want to do with yourself the most."
"Sorority recruitment is basically like joining a club at ASU, except we raise money and have formal events."
"It wasn't with us it was with the mainstream University but the beauty of the program was it was based on the University campus so from day one the students still felt like they were students of the University."
"Overall, my first year at UBC was basically all that I could have asked for as a college experience."
"Learning more about you will help the University of Alberta understand what makes you exceptional and how you can contribute to the campus community."
"It's very near to university; it's just 0.3 miles from the university."
"I've been going to university for two years now, so I've kind of figured out the best ways to go about this."
"It's easy to make UNLV your home."
"The community at UCR is unparalleled both on and off campus."
"The Happiness Club... their main goal is just to promote happiness at Northwestern."
"Catholic University students get to experience the professional opportunities and entertainment offerings of the nation's capital, all while being part of a friendly campus they can call home."
"FSU has been named the number one party school multiple times."
"It's such an experience, this is the St. Andrews experience, literally in this hall."
"Certainly, if I had not played basketball at university, I would not have developed these skills."
"I hope this video showed you guys a little bit about what Binghamton University is like."
"I actually cannot wait to have my own house, to be at uni, and have my own house and live in amongst everyone."
"Hoodies and comfy clothes because you just need them, you need to be in comfort a lot of the time at uni."
"Accommodation plays a big part in how your uni experience will be."
"Being an ambassador at university has been one of the greatest experiences I've ever had."
"Uni has been an absolute roller coaster, but I have loved it so, so much."
"The community here is just absolutely fantastic."
"It is very important to enjoy your UG life because we get it only once."