
Investment Returns Quotes

There are 226 quotes

"Over the last 50 years, the S&P 500 has seen an average total annual return of 11.1%, which is pretty good."
"That's the baseline. If I put a dollar in, I gotta be able to make five off of it. Facts."
"The vast majority of coins are not locked, which is why the payouts for locking are so high. Only 10% of coins are locked, which is why stakers are making an average of around 40%."
"Buying right means at least 12% cash on cash return."
"Updated return is an opportunity which is given to you at that point of time." - Chandra Varshney
"Lending out your stable coins: you can get around 19 to 20 APY right now through the Anchor Protocol with Luna on the Terra ecosystem."
"What I'm seeing in the market last time I saw this I made 15 20 X's."
"Initial yields on Ethereum staking could garner a juicy 12 to 17 percent per year."
"If an investor gave Buffet $100,000 five and a half decades ago it would be worth seven billion dollars today."
"Throughout the entire history of the stock market, a 20-year holding period has never once produced a negative result."
"Over the next years, I would expect that gold could have high single digits into low double digits rates of return around 10% per year."
"This fund still gives a really good return while also being diversified across multiple sectors and market caps."
"Bitcoin went on one of its periodic remarkable runs...if you were a Bitcoin holder and you panicked...you missed out on almost tripling your money."
"They have a very nice yield at above 3% and a massive growth history of 56 years of growing those dividends."
"Contemporary art has outpaced the S&P 500 by more than double for the last 26 years."
"Bitcoin offers both with an average annual return of 300 since 2011."
"I think we could easily like minimum I think we're going to do a 6x."
"Some projects go up 50 to 100x, and you put a thousand dollars, that's 100 grand you would make."
"Plan your portfolio allocation strategically for maximum returns."
"It's a pretty good strategy there to earn 17 on your avalanche uh it's a decent strategy because there is no impermanent loss."
"The average stock market return of 8% would be $4.2 million dollars."
"You need outsized returns to break through to the next level of financial freedom."
"If you're making $100k from 10 grand, your profit's $90k. You've got to give $45 away."
"Even if it drops half, even if it goes to four percent, I mean, that's better than any online, better than nothing that you can have."
"This should really be what makes you go, holy crap, this is crazy potential with this business model."
"Bitcoin is outperforming everything in two, four, six, eight, and ten years."
"My investments return me dividends and i also get to see an increase in wealth through the overall growth of those companies that i invest in."
"Private Equity has outstripped every stock market in the world in its returns."
"The only thing better than the 10x return is a 100x return."
"Dividend stocks... it's like your renter is paying you rent either monthly or quarterly."
"If it actually held the kind of CAGR that it has, then by year 30 even if I was not dripping the portfolio would be making 671 grand a year."
"Can't really complain about ADA being up 50% for the month."
"if you're looking for outsize returns you need to be investing in companies in stocks that have technology products services that are going to disrupt"
"Total return is the capital appreciation... plus the dividend."
"Had they made a video a year ago talking about ethereum you would be up 400 cardano you would be up 1300 dogecoin you would be up ten thousand percent and solana you would be up eighteen thousand percent"
"According to some studies, 99 percent of people who join an MLM never even make back their initial investment."
"74% of people that have ever started in crypto in profits now."
"Why take extra risk when the market's already giving beautiful returns?"
"Crypto is becoming more adopted. Bloomberg is starting to look at crypto as a potential mix in with gold because the returns are amazing."
"If you invest your time in this, you will reap rewards."
"Here's the good news here we have something that will pay you well above the rate of inflation."
"If you invest right now for the next 50 years, you'll probably make eight or nine percent. But are you okay losing 50 or 60 several times along the way?"
"It's not a five or six percent year in year out right. It's up 20, down 10, down 15, up 30. That's the way."
"A $10,000 investment into the Vanguard Small-Cap ETF would have turned into a little bit over $45,000 today."
"I mostly sold that stock in the 20s and 30s... in some cases I made like a hundred or two hundred percent on that position."
"If all this program did was get you to the success you're looking for one month sooner, it would have entirely paid for itself."
"Cash at 5.25% gets you a rate of return which is pretty hard to beat."
"Traders will realize that eventually - Bitcoin has the greatest return in the last 10 years."
"The biggest returns in the world come as a result of network effect."
"I'm making my entire investment back every few months which is pretty awesome."
"What we tell our clients is that if you earn six percent a year on your assets for the rest of your life, I guarantee you won't retire."
"You have significant drawdowns, you have poor returns, you have very poor inflation-adjusted returns."
"Last in 2021 live on this channel in about two months... we turned $80,000 into a million dollars."
"Crypto makes you way more than that. We know that there's literally never been an asset in the history of mankind that's been better and offered better returns than Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Polkadot."
"The longer you lock them up for, the more interest you get paid."
"I bonds are yielding 9.62 for the next six months, which is a very high rate of return."
"Eventually, your returns are going to be 2x the return of any other car manufacturer."
"Companies with superior revenue and superior future profit margins will have superior future returns."
"Revenue growth is the primary driver of returns."
"The only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in."
"The more you spend on equipment, the higher your chances of success."
"Five times the return using options versus buying the actual stock."
"Black women need to demand our return on our investments."
"The U.S. stock market was constantly providing very healthy returns to the investors, usually above 10% every year."
"Income from this strategy every single week... 52 weeks of the year."
"There's a greater return on investment in a peace economy."
"A 10x gain is a 10x gain, no matter how much your coin costs."
"The value that you get will start to disproportionately outweigh the cost that you put in."
"Verizon has returned a ton more in that amount of time."
"I think my answer to the uh to the final part of that question is just yes it does seem to be the case that there are limited returns Beyond eight cause."
"The sweetest Returns come from not Sweeting the small stuff launched by Krypt don't miss it."
"Bitcoin monthly returns: if you missed the best 80 days of the past 13 years, you missed out on 90% of gains."
"Just a tiny waiting does give you that chance to double your portfolio or triple it or 10x it."
"When you are in the midst of the recession, exactly in the middle, if you look at the returns from the stock market, you have two sources: earnings and valuations."
"Staking: earn a significant amount of income in terms of percentages."
"This is important because it creates a great yield on cost."
"That means this holding in and of itself should provide over 500 a year in dividends."
"The power of compound growth: from £100K to £947,000 in just 35 years."
"Lump sum investing has potential for higher returns."
"ROI of Bestiary: Close to doubling your investment."
"The certainty of return in the oil business with the relative risks to reward, I don't see a better business in the world."
"Good debt is I made an investment and my consumer or my tenant is gonna pay my debt. That's powerful."
"What drives equity returns in the long run is simply a function of one thing: economic value added."
"The reason why Tesla is significantly more valuable than other automakers... it's the return on invested capital."
"Tesla's cash ROIC is at 23, within a stone's throw of Amazon."
"It's only a matter of time before the running 30-day ROI gives you a modest 2x."
"If you pay that loan off one year early, that's a guaranteed 4% return you just got on your money."
"The beauty of this is if the stock doesn't reach that price during that time period you're going to keep the stock and the cash payment."
"There's no doubt that yeah we could have another bottom but that one bottom is in and the question is do you want to leave those types of gains on the table so what I do believe."
"The periods of time with the highest VIX, the highest volatility, fear and uncertainty tend also to be the times where you're statistically more likely to get the highest returns."
"Dividends feel like a cash tree which just keeps growing."
"If you've been riding the gold rollercoaster, you are up just under six hundred percent."
"Stocks normally bounce out of that bear into the next Bull Market with some of the best returns you'll ever see."
"Anything that you put your time and energy into, we see both a return on that financially for some of you, and then just also kind of like a breakthrough."
"Remember these monies pay forward, they don't just pay back."
"Return on investment is crucial in our business."
"If it only went up people would be making more than seven or ten percent by holding long term, right?"
"Remember, it's only theoretical life changing money until you cash it out."
"Taking too little risk, you lose out on opportunity. Diminishing returns cost and stay poor."
"He charges a lot but before fee is 66 on average since 1988."
"Air-cooled Porsches outpace the stock market."
"So if you put a hundred dollars into that and that goes up a nice chunk, you're able to go from like a hundred dollars to a couple like twenty, thirty thousand dollars in a short amount of time."
"Turning thirty-nine dollars into sixty-one dollars is going to be greater than a fifty percent return or right around that fifty percent return mark in a single week."
"The returns that Chuck ackri has had over the decades have been astounding."
"All the returns of the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ have come from these seven stocks."
"Life-changing returns... it's completely immeasurable."
"Very rare that you can get almost a double-digit dividend yield in a company that is financially stable."
"Stocks on average have been returning about 9 to 10% per year since the Inception of the stock market."
"How cool is that that we're in an environment where you can earn a 27 to 30 percent return on stables?"
"Masterworks delivered 10, 13, and 35 net returns to their investors."
"We must be demanding an ROI, a return on investment."
"The value of doing research in space has a huge financial return."
"You're basically bidding on an interest rate, how much money you're gonna get paid while you're waiting to see if somebody pays those taxes."
"The ROI, your return of investment is easy within seven to 14 days."
"If you get an 11 yield for example, an investor would make back in dividends or distributions alone their entire initial investment in nine years."
"The few cryptos will give you the highest return because they can't all give it to you."
"You have been planting; this money is coming in now; you are now starting to reap the reward."
"It's taken 15 years to go from a 25 Baseline Roi to ratchet it up to 34."
"We feel the coming decade is that of local and the global Astra adjust itself for the local Global can get adequate returns."
"The more hours you put in, the more you can get out when it comes to trading and investing."
"You'll make like five 10x on your money depending on what coins you have."
"I'm also getting paid these dividends regardless of what this principle is worth. It doesn't matter what the principal value is, my dividend income is still going to be largely the same."
"Every cycle has produced at least a 20x return."
"Diversify, hedge against rising inflation, and enjoy high ROI."
"Historically after we see many market crashes... it's usually followed by a 10x, a 50x, or a 100x long term."
"You don't know what that feeling is afterwards... that you sold, you made some profit."
"Ethereum has done just what we want it to do, we take on slightly more risk than with Bitcoin and it's been giving us incredible returns."
"If you're not making 14% on your asset every year, you're not going to make it."
"It's up 10,000 times, which would mean that he'd be up tenfold."
"Financial leverage just means using borrowed money to earn higher returns while using less of your own capital upfront."
"You could have a lot more money coming through...as a result of the kazimi."
"He made a coin that did a million percent. One million percent."
"The more capital is chasing an industry the lower the returns are going to be."
"Bitcoin made massive multiples those returns we saw over the last decade for Bitcoin right they come with an increased market cap and valuation and an increased supply of Bitcoin as well that contributes to that market capitalization."
"XRP will give you a high percent return and it will also be one of the most consistent performing kryptos in the next cycle."
"Stocks can fall 50 percent, but if I'm at that 3000... I know I'm going to make good returns in the future."
"You're going to see growth in your money, your business, and yourself. You'll reap the rewards from your investment."
"That's a decent amount of passive money right there not too bad."
"Massive returns: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x your money on Facebook ads."
"Over the past decade, Starbucks has seen very nice returns."
"You're not going to make an absolute killing in Apple stock over the next five years."
"Even if that happens once, it basically pays for itself."
"Historically the stock market returns an average of nine to ten percent every single year."
"15% withholding tax is a big hit to your total return and yield."
"We're seeing returns anywhere from 8 to 10% over the last year."
"The total return is with the dividend reinvested."
"...you can turn $63 into $437 so this is even better of a return..."
"Dividends are an important component in your total return and they give you an important opportunity to reinvest your cash flow in a very effective way."
"...the dividends and the performance of the share price over time."
"...the amount of money you would get in returns for your holding in commonwealth bank would vary a lot depending on when you decided to sell your shares."
"Bear markets give the opportunity to make outsized returns at below average levels of risk."
"These are pretty realistic numbers to see after your first 2 years of investing at $50 a week."
"The average return of the S&P was 7.23, so we beat the market on growth."
"Having different streams of cash flow... you don't always have to have the share price do the heavy lifting of generating that return."
"Just keep in mind, higher risk, higher potential returns; medium risk, medium investment returns; and of course, lower risk, lower returns."
"The smartest route that most people could take was probably put their money into some sort of index fund that gives them a guaranteed percentage return every year."
"Remember that inflation is a big deal and will always be factored in when you're looking at nominal returns."
"There will be a point where you'll be making more from your investments than from your income."
"If you have revenue and earnings going up, the stock price is going to follow it."
"This is of course going to be a massive narrative of the bull run and so far it's been the safest return asset class of crypto."
"You don't necessarily want to go out and find the cutest and the best looking property; you want to find the property that's going to pay you the best return on your money."
"You're going to see these yields bounce around... but you can compare these returns to the returns that you get in your savings account."
"The compound rate of return over the last ninety-one years is nine point seven percent."
"Invest in companies which not only give good returns but who have low volatility."
"We're earning a pretty high premium relative to history."
"The total return that you get from an investment is the income plus the growth."
"The returns over the next 12 to 18 months are just ridiculous."
"I expect them to generate above-average returns with below-average risk."
"Small cap value is an asset class that has more volatility, more return."
"Shares of NNN have averaged an annual total return of 12 percent."
"If you're making 2% - 3% per month... if you look at the top hedge funds, how much are they returning per year? 7 - 8% for the S&P 500 on average."
"When your investment returns equal three years or more, you can walk away from a job or retire."
"The beauty of leverage... magnified your returns."
"Once we've got all this data, we'll be able to create something like this which is a heat map showing us which entry and exit points yields the best total returns."
"That's where I made my first six figures from investing."
"Public gives you that 2.5% APY interest rate, which is a lot higher than most other investing brokerages."
"Owning and operating a small business can generate much higher returns than many other investment categories."
"We want to get the highest rate of return at the lowest rate of volatility."
"Seven to ten percent is a phenomenal annual return."
"The mean reversion trading strategy has outperformed or have given more returns than the buy and hold strategy."
"I'll see all of you SD holders again in 2025 to celebrate yet another year of juicy cash flows."
"There's a perfectly good law of Economics called mean reversion which says that all returns revert to the mean in the end."
"If you're using credit the right way, you're gonna pay interest and as long as you're making more money than the interest costs you, then it's a win."
"Dividends are your slice of the company's profits."
"Bernie avoided that pitfall completely; his returns were always plausibly within the kinds of investments that affluent investors could expect."
"As you start to see the returns of your investments... you can start buying the nicer things without having to worry about the price because your investments are paying for them."
"Not only are they generating a high return on their investments, we want to see that they are consistently growing their investments within the business."
"Allows you to boost your returns by 400 to 800 percent."
"A multi-bagger to the max, 15% return a year for 20 years essentially is 16 times your money."
"If you can handle your emotions, guess what's going to happen to your returns? They're likely to increase."
"If you can increase your returns or decrease your losses by one or two percent a year, this would lead to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in extra gains in your lifetime."
"Dividend growth stocks outperform stocks that don't pay a dividend by about two percent per year."
"Part owners or shareholders don't receive regular interest payments but they get a residual claim on assets and profits of the business."
"Return is defined as the total gain or loss experienced on an investment over a given period of time."
"The secret to being able to actually have better returns is making sure that you're able to put in your stops."
"That's what you expect to make on stocks, and the risk-free rate is 2.55%."
"Eventually your investments will make just as much, if not more than your actual business itself."
"They're really good at getting high returns on the money that is invested in the business."