
Narrative Strategy Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"In a lot of horror movies, the good guys almost always strike back against the villains, even if they end up winning in the end. This movie allows that to happen, only to then say, 'Nah, it didn't actually happen,' ripping the rug of hope out from under the viewer."
"Cruella wears this red gown at a banquet she hopes to distract the dalmatians' owners while she kidnaps their puppies."
"Metal Gear Solid 2 did a far better job in justifying and executing the protagonist switcheroo."
"Reveal the protagonist switch early enough so that the rest of the game can be shaped around it."
"It went for a more meditative approach of having the central protagonist explore the quiet eerie town of Silent Hill."
"A fun way to add the Eternals in that situation would be for them to be the ones to convince Odin to have his change of heart."
"FNAF VR, in making Scott part of the Fazbear cover-up, is the franchise's way of rebooting the story for the next generation."
"One of the best twist tactics is disguising foreshadowing as something else."
"I really dug how the game tackled its own setup in that."
"The Reapers leave some species alive so that they can harvest them in the next cycle."
"The big T's of the post-credits sequence is that Thanos is just gonna go get the gems himself, he's gonna stop working through third-party agents."
"Killing off your headline star can have a lot of benefits provided you avoid enraging everyone who bought a ticket on the basis of a favorite character whose sole role turns out to be no more than victim number one."
"Big Mom's cute little tea party revealed that truly everything since the two-year time gap was part of one mega world."
"The plan from the beginning was to make Bakugou... a true hero."
"Derek and I decided that what we would do after the first introductory session is to focus just on one story at a time."
"Zoro holds Kaido off if he wakes up again soon, buying Luffy time."
"Contrast storytelling, I really like that you're trying to do that."
"Star Wars is much more about persistent storytelling."
"It's a cool concept and that's why I like that, right because you get exposition, you get explanation."
"You really have to unite the world together, and the only way to make that work is to destroy Reverse Mountain."
"They were smarter about the way they structured their time travel than most other time travel plots."
"It's a good way to hook your readers and keep them drawn in throughout your entire story."
"Positioning herself as the Nemesis of the main villain... cement herself within the game Master's eyes."
"I think that plot armor is not necessarily a bad thing."
"It's a classic misdirection and the fact that Bruce uses them as an answer to the line that Joker has used in his most intense scenes is so simple yet so effective."
"Efficient storytelling isn't always the right choice but it is important."
"It wouldn't make sense to focus only on Ellie for the whole season."
"Goku's being a child was used as a plot device."
"Inside Number Nine never put itself in the position to be backed into a highly restrictive corner."
"The Faceless Men's intention is to unleash Arya on Westeros, full of her rage and desire for revenge."
"One plunge your main character into terrible trouble as soon as possible."
"Your writing is limited by what the audience knows. You must always assume that your audience will have an understanding of these and other elements."
"A completely genius way to place Xehanort in stark opposition to our protagonists." - Xehanort's goal and contrast to Sora.
"Hitachi made Sasuke hate him so Sasuke could be strong enough to overpower the world."
"Boruto and Naruto's battle is a smoke screen for the real final boss."
"Conflict needs to inform the larger arc of the story. 'What's your plan after that? - Buy my wife. Buy freedom.'"
"Giving the main character a shadow version of sorts to play off of could be a great move to allow for a deeper exploration of Miles’ character as a whole."
"The idea was to actually kill off Thor and to remove him from the landscape for a while."
"I'm so glad they're going with this whole disturbing split personality thing with Bray."
"The movie becomes not about figuring out who killed Harlan but how Marta will get away with it."
"A whodunit mystery to the mansion arc... makes his personality seem more consistent and realistic overall."
"The key to Saints Row 2's brilliance is including wacky moments to separate it from GTA without affecting the serious tone of the story."
"The Tyr twist genuinely left my jaw agape. This was truly a long con and boy was it set up beautifully."
"The way to challenge a well-developed hero is to expand the challenges rather than nerfing the hero."
"The confusion he creates can actually be a good thing if it's looked at in the right lens."
"I think that's the perfect storyline for Porsha to try to restore somehow her old persona."
"I reckon that is like the main twist and it will kind of be a play on the whole Joffrey situation with Cersei and good old Jamie."
"Begin with a scene that carries impact, but make sure it mirrors the overall impact of the story."