
Health Autonomy Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"We've gotten so far off course, we don't even realize that we're giving so much of our health power away."
"The fact that 80% of our future health is in our own hands is liberating."
"NBA Commissioner Adam Silver and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell bullied basketball and football players into taking the experimental medical trials that were advertised as vaccines."
"Pro athletes have every right to be outraged. The experimental medical trials were at best useless and at worst harmful."
"You have to become your own doctor and realize you can do more for your health and well-being than any hospital or drug."
"Get a medical opinion from your doctor, get a second or third opinion, and do what you feel is right for you. Be responsible for your health."
"Your right to earn a living should not be contingent upon COVID shots."
"I'm pro-vax in most cases, but I'm anti-vax for this vaccine specifically."
"It's not worth it, at least speak with your doctor about it."
"The only thing that will satisfy the soul is becoming more godlike."
"If the government truly wanted to maximize the amount of people who are you know going to survive or be healthy then they should let people choose for themselves and well there you go."
"I am not saying compromise with people who are like who think crazy conspiracies I'm saying maybe the issue is if you have the vaccine you're going to be fine let the other person decide for themselves."
"School choice is on the California agenda and nationally."
"I want some bodily autonomy and if you want a vaccine you should get a vaccine because it'll protect you."
"This is not an anti-vaccine stand. It's a pro Freedom stand. That's what you're not getting."
"My body, my choice. Don't inject me with something I don't want."
"Patients to have sort of ownership and autonomy over their health."
"You have everything you need to heal yourself."
"I reserve the right to protect the sanctity of my bloodstream and make my own decisions about my medical care and procedures."
"We're asking questions and we're not telling you to take the vaccine."
"Our fundamental right to bodily autonomy is literally under attack."
"Freedom is supposed to be real. It's supposed to be a real thing where I get to choose what goes into my body like what medicine I take. I get to choose that."
"My stance on the vaccine is my body, my choice."
"It's your body, your health, and you have the right to choose."
"Encouraging, inspiring people to think for themselves, to take their health in their own hands."
"We should respect the rights of people to work and the rights of people to make their own healthcare decisions."
"Sick people need drugs... all you gotta do is just change your friggin' lifestyle."
"If you want to get vaccinated, get vaccinated. If you don't want to do it, you don't have to do it."
"If you truly want to be free of type 2 diabetes, you can."
"We are standing for our religious freedom and our medical autonomy."
"I'm taking my health into my own hands. They're not gonna do it for me."
"They're trying to gaslight people into thinking an Olympic athlete needs to do this medical product."
"Cholesterol is the building block for our hormones and even some nutrients like vitamin D, which are essential for mood stabilization."
"Our health is not predetermined by our genetics."
"This is about having agency over your own body; modern slavery."
"They don't have the right to tell you what you can do, what you can put into your body in every other facet they can bar you for."
"This is not something that's typical to say you have to take an experimental mRNA injection."
"This should not be about forcing people to take a certain shot but offering and making sure that people are aware of all of these protocols that are out there."
"I believe people should make medical decisions based on their risk factors and their doctor's advice."
"Our health isn't predetermined by our genes; we can overwrite our genes with nutrition."
"You can get better by yourself completely naturally, 100% naturally, for free."
"When it comes to putting something in my body, I'm going to think twice about it. Maybe I'm not comfortable. Why can't I have that right?"
"I want the freedom to accept or reject vaccinations for myself and my minor children."
"You do have to worry about taking drugs that poison your chemical pathways and interfere with your ability to make the molecules that you need to function properly."
"You don't have to get sick, and if you get sick, you can actually do things to fix yourself."
"The ability for any woman in America to make choices concerning her own health is a natural basic democratic right of every woman."
"I will never go back on birth control again."
"80% of our future health is in our own hands. It's liberating."
"Where there is risk, there needs to be choice." - Kyle Warner
"This is about freedom of choice. There's plenty of people here that have been fascinated and there's plenty that have not been."
"It's my right as a Mississippian to say if I want to get vaccinated or I don't want."
"Maybe there is that movement as people age towards 'It's my damn body, it's my damn health, let me choose the medicine with the information.'"
"Body autonomy is important for all health, emotional and everything."
"I've never felt forced by Radhi or pressurized by her to become someone I'm not when it comes to my physical health."
"The Constitution protects bodily integrity and medical choice."
"Your body's capable of curing most illnesses itself."
"We have more control over how we express our health than we currently understand."
"Taking control of my own health was a key element."
"I think everyone should be able to try it, literally over-the-counter hormones."
"We have control over our health destiny."
"There's no one has the right to tell you what you're doing with your health other than your doctor."
"This is your decision, this is your body, this is your health."