
Personal Priority Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"For me, caring for myself is more important than anything else."
"Location, location, it is the most important thing for me."
"I have to love myself more than I love him because I matter and because my feelings matter."
"The number one thing you have to do is to put yourself at the top of the list, nourish yourself, feed yourself, do whatever it takes to keep yourself in peak performance because that's ultimately what the world needs now."
"Interesting data and trends under critical trends on the Johns Hopkins site."
"Staying sober is number one before anything. If I stay sober I got a chance. So that's all that matters."
"Nothing is more important than your own mental health."
"They're going to lock him up despite the fact this guy is as journalist as a journalist gets."
"Taking care of yourself is essential right now."
"You deserve to protect you and prioritize you."
"Prioritizing your own happiness now isn't selfish, it's necessary."
"The number one thing people probably neglect the most is their health."
"My biggest worry wasn't losing my hair, it wasn't how I was gonna look, it was just surviving, I wanted to live."
"You might say that being a good person would be the thing at the top of that hierarchy."
"Nothing felt more important to him than making games."
"You're taking all your love and you're putting it into yourself."
"Take care of yourself... put your own mask on before you assist others."
"Keep putting yourself first and choosing yourself."
"You have to look after yourself before you can go and look after other people."
"You don't need anything or anyone outside of yourself. You come first."
"You gotta make up your mind on whether you're trying to gain God's approval, are you trying to make God happy, or other people happy, or yourself?"
"You gotta watch out for number one, you know who's number one? You. Wow. Love yourself."
"Sometimes it's okay to be a little selfish, to put yourself first."
"First help yourself, forget about everyone else for some time."
"Jesus is the most important thing in my life."
"Put yours on first before you help anyone else. Why? Because if you don't take care of yourself first you're not going to be good to anyone else."
"Give yourself permission to put your happiness as your number one priority."
"Maintain the relationship with yourself first and foremost."
"One of the most important things in my life is the health and well-being of my family."
"Your happiness is more important, and you recognize that."
"Your guides want you to make sure that you are putting yourself first, that you are prioritizing your self-care."
"One of the best blessings and privileges is to be able to put yourself first and take care of your own needs."
"Put that stability energy put that nurturing energy into yourself first before you go out and do your thing."
"Focus on not worrying about anyone else other than yourself."
"I'm officially putting my own mental health first."
"The only way you could do anything for anybody else is if you take care of yourself first. You have to."
"You deserve to prioritize your mental health this year."
"My job is to survive, not protect. My job is to survive."
"It's now time to love yourself first, to put yourself first, to be there for your inner child."
"Make yourself happy before you make other people happy."
"You deserve the top position you want to be the top priority board go ahead."
"You're the person that they're the most interested in out of anyone else in their life."
"Become friends with yourself. Make yourself the biggest priority."
"Your happiness and your mental health... should be your first priority."
"You are your own hero; cooperate with love, prioritize it as part of your basic needs."
"Your health is wealth, and that's what's the most important."
"Mental prayer is not optional, it's also not going to happen unless you make it a priority."
"Take care of yourself first so you can help others."
"At the end of the day, your mental health, your physical well-being, you have to put that before other people's feelings."
"Your well-being is the most important thing here."
"It feels like I'm doing something good in the world, you know? And it feels like I have an impact. That's all we want, right? We want to give, and that is my main priority."
"I have treasured his words more than my daily food." - "I have treasured his words more than my daily food."
"I will sacrifice not having a 24-hour venue or a t-shirt if you can guarantee me that I can be safe enough. If I don't die, cool."
"Love yourself first to attract that ultimate love."
"You gotta love yourself more than anyone else."
"Seeing what is in the basement is more important to him than living."
"Putting your happiness first does not make you a bad person."
"If you put yourself last, you will pay a price."
"Take care of yourself first and foremost always."
"Healing yourself is paramount first, putting yourself first, Virgo, is not a selfish act."
"It is critical that we make spending time alone with God a top priority."
"Love yourself first, you can't put anyone else over you."
"Putting your own needs first is not a selfish act."
"It's okay to put yourself first, it's okay to hold yourself to a higher esteem."
"Protecting your health is important and it should always be a priority."
"More than that, I count everything as loss compared to the priceless privilege and supreme advantage of knowing Him and growing more deeply and thoroughly acquainted with Him."
"Morality is not real you are real and you will always take precedence over morality."
"I'm team be selfish I'm always going to tell everybody choose you first."
"Focus on Jesus Christ, the only thing that matters at the end of the day."
"Putting God first in all things was something that I constantly strove for."
"Put yourself first, you have one life to live."
"Don't put yourself last. It's really, really important. Put yourself first."
"I look at healthy eating as such a priority in my life that I find time again this is not every day, I'm not succeeding every day but I'm doing the best I can."
"You need to love you above everybody else, Cancer. If you are not putting yourself first, then other people will never ever ever see your worth and your value."
"You have to take care of you, that's gotta happen."
"You have to take care of your own star player."
"You need to make yourself your own mental point of origin."
"If creating content makes you feel bad, don't do it. Put yourself first."
"There absolutely is no right or wrong in healing and self-love and self-care but i think the most important thing is that you put yourself first."
"Skincare is self-care, so regardless of what manner you do it in, you come first."
"Siri is the most important person to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to have a happy future with her."
"You need to start loving yourself, you need to start putting yourself first."
"The most important relationship I have is with myself."
"Our faith is more important than any physical training."
"There's no amount of success that's worth mental clarity."
"He always had a big heart and he always wanted to make sure that everyone else around him was straight before he was even straight."
"I am his daughter and I love him, and I truly want the best for him. I just want him to, you know, just choose me over the alcohol just once."
"I want you to try that for a week really prioritizing your energy for you."
"Your mental health and your well-being are the most important thing here."
"It's all about you doing what's best for you, loving yourself first."
"The most important point that I learned is to always put mental health first."
"Give it to yourself before giving it to anyone else."
"Put yourself first, lift up your vibrational energy."
"Take care of yourself because it's all about the feeling."
"It's no time for it, so figuring out work-life balance and harmony is like priority top priority for me for next year for sure."
"Before you can take care of us, you gotta take care of you first."
"If we're not taking care of ourselves first, we're not going to be able to ever, I don't think."
"We're gonna love ourselves first and do what's best for us."
"Sometimes I just want to be in the moment with my family."
"Eventually one sublime desire takes precedence over all others - to follow the divine flow at all cost."
"Put yourself first and bring healing to yourself."
"How can I make that time available for me? Because self-care is not selfish, it's vital."
"To run this company and be successful as we are I had to put drinking on the back burner with that the urge and the need to play poker online or to gamble has is diminished completely"
"Investing in my health will never not be worth it."
"Optimal health and well-being are my priority."
"There's nothing more important to me than family."
"Remember, I'm the priority... If I'm not the priority, I don't know why I'm here."
"Let me take care of me first, then I can take care of everybody else."
"I think what again we forget is you're a human being and you clearly had to take care of your mental health and do what was best for you."
"The most important thing for me over the last three years has been happiness."
"You should start prioritizing your own happiness."
"The more and more that I talk to my friends, the more that I realize how important it is to put yourself first."
"I prioritized my mental health and that helped a lot."
"I loved being with my family more than anything else."
"The most important relationship in my life is the one with myself."
"You got to love yourself more than anyone else, right?"
"How much is my health worth to me? Nothing means more than your health."
"I'm not going to force you to do this because at the end of the day, you are our main priority."
"I'd rather patch things up with my daughter."
"My mental health and my peace of mind is the most important thing to me."
"You gotta take care of you, you know, first."
"Route density still is a big deal for me."
"Cultivating your own joy, making that a priority."
"Peace is your priority, not saving the world."
"The most important thing to me was safety."
"It really feels so good to put yourself first."
"One of my goals for 2022 was really to start prioritizing my health and taking care of my body."
"I care more about my mother's happiness because I had seen her be sad so many times."
"I think it's the little things in life that are so important, things little things that you do for yourself, always put yourself first."
"Health is my priority right now, it's always my priority, but like it's number one right now."
"Jesus Christ matters more to me than anyone or anything."
"For the two of you to be able to communicate as brother and sister is more important than even the inn."
"One of these days this war is gonna be over, and I want you on the top of my list."
"Put yourself first because that's going to be the key to everything that's going to make you happy."
"Loving you enough to put you first."
"You need to take a step away from it and put yourself first."
"My mental health is take, I'm taking care of me."
"Sophia's safety should be everyone's number one priority."
"I'm finally at a point where I matter, and I'm going to put myself first."
"I feel like the older I get, the more I prioritize really nice quality comfy clothes that I can lounge around and be really comfortable."
"You have permission to do what is best for you, to put yourself first."
"My family is about the only thing I care about in the world."
"This is you loving yourself first."