
Partnership Dynamics Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Men like it when their partners are enjoying what's going on."
"Jupiter in Libra creates very positive marriages, very positive business partnerships."
"The less you try to change him, the more he changes to be there for you."
"We are pretty much married and divorce isn't an option. You just have to make the damn thing work." - John Huntsman Jr.
"Submission is a female trait and it works really well in a strong partnership."
"Business and marriage are very, very similar."
"Relationships are a two-way street, it's a process of give and take."
"You heard what he said about coming to America oh my god that's the dynamic of this partnership you guys yes you want the truth he can handle the truth my truth is this I'm back yes he's the bad cop on the good cop according to the internet."
"If that man is weak yes you can find your weak traditional man if you're a non-traditional woman."
"Happy that I'm not running, my partner's sprinting."
"A relationship works best when two people have something relatable and are going in the same direction."
"Men feel like it's their role to provide for you, that they feel it's their role to protect you and to care for you even if you don't need a man to provide protect or care for you, just let them do it."
"A healthy partnership with a woman is when your masculinity and her femininity join together in a beautiful experience."
"When your business partner gets financially body slammed, that's gonna change a lot of things."
"Two separate lives in a life together... for relationship to work there needs to be three relationships."
"Why do you think him and Martin had such good chemistry over the years?"
"Loyalty and trustworthiness are essential. Stand up for him, keep your promises, and earn his trust."
"Choosing a partner is like choosing the set of problems you're gonna live with."
"There's some really great partnership energy coming through so I'm excited to see how that pans out for all of you."
"When two partners always agree, one is not necessary."
"Having a strong sense of trust in a relationship leads to a healthier relationship regardless of whether I feel good or bad."
"Your relationship with them is going to feel like you're both decision makers, treating this like a partnership."
"Moze and Iron Bear are a force to be reckoned with."
"Relationships are about compromise, but they're not about forgetting who you are."
"Partnerships... If you have a partner that you think I like, he's your friend, not your partner. That's a marriage, not a partnership."
"Partnership allows healthful supportive partnerships into your personal life and career."
"Relationships aren't good if you're keeping score."
"It's never just about sex. When sex isn't going well, it becomes 90% of the relationship."
"I always feel like we've got like a kind of Ratchet and Clank vibe going on here, James."
"The dynamic of the relationship is what is important."
"So when I chose you as my life partner, it was not because you were easy, because you are not easy. I mean, you're easy in some ways, you know, and the really important lifelong partnership ways, like you are not easy, but you make me grow."
"There is no better support system than that man because you guys are doing it together you're feeding off each other y'all getting fine together."
"They want to move forward with you, they just don't know what they have to offer you."
"Their involvement with Tencent is why. While they don't directly take orders from Tencent, it appears that Epic has adopted the Tencent mentality, an aggressive, borderline monopolistic approach to the market."
"How's your relationship? It's exactly what I want."
"It's important if you're in a committed relationship to demonstrate effort and progress to your partner."
"That's what happens when two very strong-minded people who are leaders in their own right team together."
"A relationship is always work... There should always be a compromise."
"Instead of having somebody complete you... they make your life better."
"Having Haku with him keeps him motivated and they go through every danger together to protect each other."
"Nobody's perfect, but we are perfectly happy together."
"Being in a relationship is mostly being friends."
"Sometimes we need that challenge to accelerate and amplify change."
"Relationships are pulling apart because of one partner not contributing fully."
"I believe relationships can work as long as both people involved are willing to do the work."
"Partnerships are equals, partnerships are where again you're on Common Ground."
"He challenges me and he pushes me every single day which is something that I've publicly talked about wanting and finding very important."
"You can love and appreciate a partner and they can still not be the right person for you."
"Treat your wife like a grown woman, not a little girl."
"While not all unofficial rap Duos have ended badly, some have found success, proving that there is some escape from the disastrous sidekick effect."
"I take care of him and health, and that's great in a relationship."
"You almost see your partner very clearly, it's a moment of truth."
"Our relationship was like the Wu-Tang of comedy, headed for success."
"For me, guys like me and Maul, we got bigger goals."
"The new person is coming on in, they're willing to do the work, they're willing to do the excavation. They want to see your heart in this presentation."
"Why would you leave and take half when you can stay and have it all?"
"We're not here to kill or anything like that we just want that threat to stop."
"She helps me out a ton by taking stuff off my plate. I can be myself and the same person that I've grown up being and luckily that's one of a couple Super Bowl rings."
"It's time to take the power back and it's time to put the public back in public private partnerships."
"Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage didn't just implode right away, they had a year of build."
"Relationships aren't perfect; work things out through good and bad."
"Choosing that person over and over again is what makes things work out. It's not always sunshine and rainbows, but choosing them continuously is key."
"Henry was a true rags to riches story but his partner Charles was the polar opposite having practically everything handed to him from an early age."
"Real boss men, they do not desire a financial or an intellectual equal."
"One thing that speaks volumes: the journey these two have had."
"The relationship is give and take, two people caring about each other, it can't happen just one way."
"There's something being illuminated when it comes to your partnerships and your relationships."