
Human Imperfection Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"On one side, the intention to do well, an aspiration towards virtue. And on the other, the imperfect truth of humanity."
"All the children of Adam are sinners; the best among them are those who turn to repentance."
"Don't judge Islam by Muslims. Islam is perfect; Muslims aren't."
"I'm not here because of my goodness nor because of my kindness, but the reality is that we're all here because of the grace and mercy of God."
"Police officers are not and never will be perfect because they are human. Their errors are certainly magnified in a social media era far more so than they ever have been before."
"Humans are a mess and humans are not perfect."
"None of us are perfect and things happen when we're children."
"None of us are perfect, we all have something to overcome in this lifetime."
"I think it's foolish to think that everyone's gonna be perfect."
"Humans are imperfect... we can't create perfect systems."
"Humans fail him, and that's an important theological teaching."
"These are not perfect people, they're human beings."
"We are not perfect... imperfect words... imperfect people."
"We're humans, we're imperfect, but together we work through the struggles of life."
"Do not judge Islam by the actions of fallible humans. Islam is perfect; Muslims are imperfect."
"There are no perfect victims and there are no perfect people."
"We're not perfect and we make a lot of mistakes and we gain more knowledge as we move forward."
"David showed us that we still are not mistake-free, we still are prone to possibly making an error."
"Even after all of that, human beings at the end of the day will always be imperfect."
"We must be bold and brave, willing to look at the complexity that human life entails. Nobody's perfect."
"No one's perfect; everyone makes mistakes. We're all gonna need forgiveness at some point."
"Anybody that says that they're perfect, let me just say that they are a liar, and there's no such thing as a perfect human being on this earth."
"The cross is this glaring acknowledgement that we're all screw-ups."
"You're allowed to make mistakes and be human... I try to mend it right away..."
"Commodities tend to be some of the best performing assets in static inflationary environments."
"We are imperfect beings; there has to be some level of grace here."
"Nobody's perfect, he's not perfect but he's not, you know, a demon either."
"You gotta remember we're all flawed people, but God uses flawed people."
"If Bitcoin is perfect money, which I hope it is, even if it is, it's controlled by imperfect human beings in an imperfect world."
"God has a habit of working through imperfect, flawed human beings."
"Not everything that you see is perfect like we're not perfect. Nobody on this earth is perfect."
"If you sit around waiting for the perfect partner, you will almost always be disappointed because humans, they're not perfect."
"Ain't none of us perfect, all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."
"I'm human guys, I'm not perfect. I don't always have this happy-go-lucky attitude."
"Allah did not design us as perfect because He already has angels. We're not even designed sinless. That's the design of Allah."
"We've all fallen short of the glory of God, yet Jesus meets us in our mess."
"Human beings should have room to make mistakes."
"God can make saints out of people who aren't healed."
"It's not about being perfect; it's about being human, god damn it."
"It's very hard to show that we are not perfect and we make mistakes."
"Nobody's perfect and just as no viewer would ever be able to take every single piece of advice on board and practice it every day, neither can we."
"God made Adam and Eve and they were perfect so their genes were perfect but Adam sinned and you've got to understand sin and what it did to the world."
"God's truth is perfect, but the messy part is there for the rest of us."
"It is totally and completely impossible for us ever to perform or be good enough for God."
"Everyone has made mistakes, nobody isn't perfect, again, again I'm sorry."
"You weren't made to be perfect, but you were made in the image."
"Perfection is completely unrelatable because nobody's perfect, nothing is perfect."
"Don't be afraid to show that you also [mess] up. You also don't do everything right, and sometimes things don't go right."
"Don't look for the one person that's got it all together because they don't exist."
"None of us can act perfectly on the light and truth we have."
"No leader is faultless, and surely Joseph has faults. He'd be the first to say. And so are parents and coaches and bishops."
"Lead by example. Kids do not need a perfect role model; we need a human being as a role model."
"Humans have done some pretty impressive things in the world still we are not a flawless species we do make mistakes and sometimes they can be quite costly ones."
"Some of you give up too quickly on people, but humans are flawed."
"Let's just be honest, everybody is imperfect."
"You're an angel, nobody's perfect. Everybody makes bad choices and mistakes in their life."
"Nobody is born perfect and we all deserve a second chance at life."
"Nobody's perfect and just like in chess in life it's normal to make mistakes."
"Not everybody is perfect... and all we can do is try our best."
"We all make mistakes and I hope that you know the additional mistakes that I continue to make in life because nobody's perfect and I'm gonna keep making them."
"Every connection and every relationship is going to have red flags, you are never ever going to meet a person where there is not one single red flag."
"Allah says, 'If you do this one thing, I will take your imperfect actions and I will consider them perfect.'"
"They have their imperfections, they've had moments where they've messed up just like we've had moments where we've messed up."
"None of us are perfect, that we all make mistakes."
"Mercy ultimately acknowledges that we are all imperfect... without mercy, a society loses its soul."
"It's okay to acknowledge that you're not a perfect human being. You try to be professional but it's okay to slip up every once in a while. You're not perfect, you know. Just don't try to be. Doesn't matter."
"You cannot live a life avoiding injury because you're in relationship with imperfect people."
"No peoples in history have been perfect, just as no person is perfect."
"Really good things can happen because of the work of really flawed people."
"No one is perfect everyone has made mistakes."
"We all fall short, none of us are worthy. It's written. None of us are worthy, it's that's where grace and mercy come in."
"We are born without wholeness. None of us are perfect. There are no perfect men, women, or children because there are no perfect people."
"We all have our weaknesses. We're not perfect. But if we are together, then we can do more than we can think."
"He was not perfect, neither was Kathryn or Whitefield or you know, anyone... but they did answer the call."
"No one's perfect in this house or in this world."
"A human makes mistakes and even if they're not making mistakes, they're making slight fluctuations in timing, in velocity, little things because we can't precisely play the same note perfectly on the grid at the same volume every time."
"Anyone who expects any human personality to be flawless clearly has never had an IQ test."
"I try to share some wisdom where I can, but don't take everything to heart, okay? Because I'm flawed as [__] just like everybody else."
"It's okay to not always be mentally stable, we're human, we're not perfect."
"We all have something to work on; we have sinned and we all are nowhere near perfect."
"Heroes aren't supposed to be perfect; by and large, they're just people."
"We all do things that are wrong, we all screw up, we all mess up, so none of us is perfect."
"'The Bible does not claim that God's servants are dipped in Clorox so they will be infallibly sin-free and attractive to us.'"
"We're not perfect 'cause we're human, but when we're losing or when it's not going well, who's going to be the one to step up?"
"Every human being has some shortcomings."
"There are no perfect people in this world."
"I don't believe in perfect solutions, I don't believe in paradise, especially among humans."
"The fact that you are imperfect is not a sign that you have failed; it is a sign that you're human."
"We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags."
"None of us are perfect, that's why we need a savior."
"We're imperfect humans, and I think the sooner we accept that, the sooner we stop putting this weight on our shoulders."
"We're all human beings and nobody's perfect."
"Did I make a mistake? Yes, but who's perfect?"
"No one's perfect, literally there's not a perfect human being on this planet, and expecting us to be perfect, it just it's so contradictive."
"Perfect people aren't real and real people aren't perfect."
"God works in the midst of human sin, He's a redeemer; sin has consequences, but He works through sinful people."
"We are all imperfect, you are imperfect and I am imperfect, but God loves you."
"We all imperfect people, myself included."
"We fall short of Your glory every single moment, but You love us so much."
"Striving righteous is what we say because none of us are perfect."
"Who hits all of their goals 100%? Nobody. We're humans, we're not perfect."
"No one is perfect, not here on Earth."
"Nobody in this world is perfect, nobody got their stuff all the way together in life."
"We all make mistakes, no one's perfect."
"The church is composed of erring, imperfect men and women who are but learners in the school of Christ."
"Everybody is not perfect; we're all walking contradictions."
"God is perfect... but the way that man acts in the name of God is imperfect."
"Everyone makes mistakes, no one's perfect."
"When God looks at us, yes, he sees our failures, yes, he sees our faults, yes, he sees our foibles, but he also still sees."
"We all fall short, that's the reality."
"We're not perfect, we're not machines, so I mean, I make mistakes all the time, guys, all the time."
"People aren't perfect, so really focusing on that aspect of things is really what helps you believe these are believable people."
"We're not perfect people; we make mistakes."