
Films Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"It was clearly a passion project for James, giving him an out-of-character outlet to simply gush about films that he clearly cares a lot about."
"He had a long career in television and stage acting and he was in several highly acclaimed films like 'Airplane!' and 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'."
"Films used to teach people the value of improving yourself, of striving, of overcoming obstacles."
"You all love that movie, Pretty in Pink, ah, one of my favorite movies of life."
"Every time you watch a Marvel movie, they always hit you with 'death is what gives life meaning.'"
"You can get more truth in a movie now than you can in the news."
"All great films 'preach' at you in the sense that they deal with philosophical conflict."
"I will watch it knowing cuz I I said when I stopped I went and told Dan the next day I was like hey so I didn't finish the movie and then Dan was like you should and I was like okay that's all I needed."
"Seeing how we're so close to Thanksgiving, I thought it'd be great if we talked about a pair of Thanksgiving movies, you know, because it's kind of... religious."
"I still love going to the movies, man. I love going to the movies."
"Indeed, films today are more likely to take a buffet style approach to genre."
"Love it when big films drop, they're so inspiring."
"I definitely had a lot of fun diving into these X-Men movies."
"The Montage that follows introduces us to an eclectic collection of Fujimoto's mostly Western filmic influences."
"Thor's humor was better portrayed here than in his solo films."
"Of all the films on this list, it's the one that put the biggest grin on my face while tugging at my heartstrings the most."
"Join me down below in the comment section, share your most anticipated movies of Summer 2023."
"New Nolan movie equals most anticipated film."
"Sword & Shield's big bad Legendary, Eternatus, appears to be based on the Xenomorph Queen from the Alien films."
"Movies from the 2000s or 2010s that really had an impact."
"This movie has definitely got some rewatchability."
"I just love films that feel like a ride but take you on an emotional journey."
"I have an unreasonable ability to like these movies."
"We may have been born too late to explore the Earth and too early to explore space, but we are born just in time to watch some great Godzilla films."
"Which Oscar winning screenwriter wrote the techie films, 'The Social Network,' and 'Steve Jobs'?"
"I absolutely love them. They are feel-good films."
"We love films because they remind us of Dreams."
"I like these films that show us what's been going on in our reality that we didn't know about so we can act as if and not be so ignorant moving forward."
"Based on your love for John Wick, I recommend these films."
"If talking cars can put together a film this fun and this thoughtful, then I am totally fine with talking cars."
"I love 80s and 90s films... my favorite director is John Hughes."
"I just listed films I genuinely liked because that was the question that was asked of me."
"It's important to remember that cult films... over time managed to get a following."
"It's one of the greatest directors, the greatest films, gave us Indiana Jones, gave us Indiana Jones, gave us Indiana Jones."
"We're going to break down the expansive timeline that stretches across the six main films."
"The range of that is unreal, from Jurassic Park to Schindler's List."
"I want to talk about Austin Butler for a second... His performance in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is masterful."
"Films matter, they reach out and grab the audience by the hand and say, 'I empathize with you.'"
"We need more stupid films like this. Just absolute schlock."
"I mean there is so much action there is so much in these films."
"Hello, I'm Bill Nye and I'm going to talk about some of the characters I've played in various films. I hope you like it."
"Lois Lane, the films have done irreparable damage to Lois Lane in my eyes. She is so goddamn annoying to me."
"Some of the best films with the best stories are not specifically kids films but they are family films."
"I love when they put messages that are very positive in films like this."
"No gimmicks, no wheels, no Plinketto boards, just three good old-fashioned high quality films pre-selected ahead of time. Oh, how refreshing."
"I just wish they had the courage to believe in these films again."
"Heathers, Jawbreaker, and Mean Girls are different in their approach to the subject matter, but all of them are about high school girl world, social cliques, and how the exclusion or inclusion of said cliques can affect individuals."
"It was a beautiful night because we felt like we were celebrating this thing with us, and so many of the people who were part of making the films were there."
"From these films alone, Mikkelsen's immense range as an actor is clear."
"I have been a part of some films that have been embraced they have changed my life"
"I appreciate these kind of action films."
"The first 5 minutes of David's films are like capsules of the entire film itself."
"The dialogue in these films, they make everyone seem so human."
"Almost every year boasts many awesome films making it really difficult to Crown just one as the best."
"It was a year full of outstanding films across all budget ranges letting imaginative directors run wild with their ideas."
"Spider-Man now belongs to a massive media franchise, and co-starred in some of the highest grossing films of all time."
"The original Great Movie Ride featured scenes dedicated to 12 films."
"Films such as Wall-E and The Muppets portray a corporate anti-capitalism."
"The number is sort of thrown around different numbers for different films but it's around 90 to 95% of all the stunts that are done in those films by John Wick are done by Keanu Reeves."
"The feeling I got when I watched these films was not what I was expecting. I felt nostalgia. I had never watched these films yet they seemed to bring back memories of a childhood spent watching them."
"Films like Water Lilies, Lady Bird, Booksmart, all directed by women, figure sexual experimentation as a natural and significant part of growing up."
"A new universe of films from the mind of Zack Snyder."
"From animated adventures to cryptic head scratchers, these films from the 2000s are worth checking out even though they flopped."
"I love Studio Ghibli films, I haven't seen nearly enough of them."
"Let's look back to the '90s and the Disney credit songs that capture the message of the film with a great R&B track."
"Films like these ensure the subgenre isn't just alive and kicking but evolving and finding new audiences without losing its DNA or complicating its appeal."
"Fincher will almost always be associated with Seven and Fight Club."
"Films like Ant-Man acted as supplemental material to the bigger overall narrative that the main characters kept me invested in."
"The corporate control, the endless cycle of content, the dilution of real films."
"The Artistry of these films goes hand in hand with all the work put into pre-production."
"DreamWorks Animation is that one company whose history of films can be regarded with either praise or sheer mockery."
"Once the dust settles, when you get back to basics and you focus on actual superheroes that people care about, I think you're still looking at billion-dollar films consistently."
"Love is a common theme in his films."
"The cultural zeitgeist determines the character of films."
"Great films are still gonna get made and you're one of the people who's gonna help make them."
"I think people are sick and tired of CGI lazy ass films."
"South Park's deal with Viacom CBS for 14 films was estimated to be about $900 million."
"I love movies like this, like Blade Runner and 2049 Blade Runner."
"Let's look outside of the US and Canada now at the top five films internationally."
"Anyhow, I actually love the Avatar films. They're fun, breathtaking, and just damn beautiful in all ways."
"These films have stood the test of time and are still talked about to this day."
"Disney Channel originals are some of the best films and I feel like they literally just made my childhood."
"His films were beyond funny, they made me cry in a way. I had never cried in a movie. They devastated me."
"'Dances with Wolves' and 'Unforgiven' are fantastic films that give you a different perspective on the Wild West."
"These films are such a great way to remember Sonny Chiba."
"The Captain America films are the strongest and are the most consistent with their quality of storytelling."
"It only happens on a few films that really grabs you, isn't it?"
"...it is the culmination of over a decade's worth of films and therefore so many little bits are in there, they're so satisfying."
"I exclusively watch jump-scare free films."
"I received an award two years ago because as a thought leader, I've been in more films than anybody. Wow! I thought Deepak was in more than me. Go ahead, no, you're the top, wow!"
"There's not really a bad Disney film."
"Big expectations built because of the many great MCU flicks from recent years."
"Here's my thing with films, right? There is no film ever made that can't be improved with a man riding a shark."
"A critic's voice can hold a lot of power over audiences who just want to be informed about what films are worth their time."
"All I’m saying is this, love or hate the sequels...what the films needed, not just for their own sake, but for the sake of the fans of the trilogy and the people working on them...was a consistency."
"these are fantastic films I'm sure I've talked about them already they are so good"
"The Academy shared the wealth in 2012 with so many excellent titles and a variety of genres."
"Honestly like that alone saying that you know Netflix is doing another one of these films and you have maybe a supporting actor winner like in the past two films Spen has got nominated for Best Picture Marini came very close but didn't get nominated."
"Original films like Barbie and Oppenheimer have broken box office records and dominated the online discourse."
"Thank you for being here. Also, thank you for making original, bold, audacious, exciting films that no one else is making."
"Your support is what makes films like this possible."
"Next up in my Wacky World of other films I decided to visit the other spectrum of the unknown infrared."
"...the essence of these films are not only a Gateway of escape to another universe but the lesson about the dangers present in society itself."
"But then as I was searching for this, I found like they have made so many Robin Hood movies."
"Currently, there's this official run of all the films being shown on a weekly basis in most cinemas in the UK."
"These films strive to capture the essence of the old west with authenticity."
"We should preserve films because we have absolutely no idea what the future will value."
"Canon being the films that matter the most."
"Different films can be enjoyed on many different levels."
"While we're usually the first ones to extol the benefits of a book over a film, this is perhaps one of the exceptions."
"What really gets me out of bed in the morning is films like The Matrix. For a big blockbuster movie, that's a pretty weird film, you know? It's not based on anything, it's not based on a graphic novel or another movie, it's just this thing, and I'm really in awe of that."
"They're films that for years I've listened to people try to [__] destroy them and I've just said you're awkwardly like uh-huh."
"This was a lot of fun, uh, you could tell obviously we love these these these films quite a bit, and I always look back fondly on them and enjoy watching them whenever I can."
"2023 has been a better year for video games than for films and yeah we still have so many great video games coming out."
"Folk horror stories about secret pagan cults in rural areas have been a fan favorite, especially in films."
"I love those films when I was a kid that took the risks... The copycats might be fun but they're never as fun."
"There's a reason why films become cult classics."
"And there you have it, that is one of the greatest movies of all time."
"Nicole Kidman won her first Best Actress Oscar for her role in which film? Was it The Others, Moulin Rouge, or The Hours?"
"That's right, some of them are books and TV shows, but actually they are also all films."
"There are still some being made nowadays that I would consider some of the greatest animated films of all time like Into the Spider-Verse."
"I hope the films actually continue no matter how old they become to surprise people and make them look at the world through different eyes."
"As childish as this felt, I really enjoyed this film."
"It was the most popular film of all time bar none, pound for pound the biggest grossing film of all time."
"I honestly loved all of the Star Wars films."
"amazing movie that I needed to mention go watch your name go watch a silent voice amazing anime films"
"It's weird how similar these two films are."
"Remember the old Lassie films with a loyal resourceful collie?"
"I feel like I already know I'm gonna like all the Daniel Craig bonds."
"I love films about messy, messy, messy young adults trying to work out what the hell they're doing in life."
"Films were my way of learning about the world and experiencing humanity, because I couldn't read books."
"We make these films, first and foremost, for the church to encourage people in their faith, so they can stand up."
"...I think it's safe to say that while I'm sure there are people who remember these films prior to them getting the Mystery Science Theater treatment each one would most likely be sitting in a vault somewhere collecting dust if not for their appearance on the show."
"Good films are timeless. Who doesn't watch The Princess Bride at least once a year?"
"I wish we had more films that put courage, bravery, and integrity at the top of the list of things you need to have in life."
"...but I worry as this brand of horror increases in popularity, we'll see more films sacrifice substance for spectacle, which is what I think 'Last Night in SoHo' did."
"That's like somebody saying they've never seen Mark Wahlberg's best films or seen Titanic more than twice."
"Welcome to the top 10 weirdest animated films."
"That's what the film is about. It's got a few different rescue missions that are very, they will pull at your heartstrings."
"The fact that a lot of you guys participated and also showed your love towards films such as that... I think it's really cool to uncover certain gems or nostalgias that you guys have in your memory and then kind of appreciate it even further..."
"I love the whole cyberpunk feel of those films and they also raised a lot of really deep philosophical questions about Consciousness and memory and so on."
"I can enjoy a stupid ridiculous action film if that film knows that it's stupid and ridiculous."
"Films are really good. You can get lost in them, right? And, uh, you like one with a good story."
"What's like a ridiculously stupid film that you just love watching?"
"The worst films that we have ever gone to see in the cinema."
"Whatever your own thoughts and opinions on both my comments as well as what we know so far about these newer films happens to be, I'd love to hear them."
"Roger Moore did seven official James Bond films which makes him the reigning champ, the most Bond films of any actor."
"I think so many emotional landmarks in my life were based on Films I watched."
"Supposed to be dry today but you know what my films are like."
"Each one of the films also has this calm moment."
"The big hits were films without a serious thought in their heads, and here's a man with a lot of thoughts in his head: Roger Ebert."
"Rocky one, Rocky four, and Rocky five, top three boxing films."
"It was about the same time, actually, they're entirely different films."
"I think I can say that regardless of quality, all of these films were decently entertaining, which is saying something."
"The foundation of why 99% of films suck right now is the corporatism and risk averse policy that is the death of creativity."
"I'm sick of films that leave their character development for the climax."
"I'm looking more vertically into the depths. So many of these films are looking very deep inside of our own soul."
"I absolutely love Steven Spielberg. I saw most of his biggest films in the last two years."
"Super excited for the next X-Men films."
"I'm not young. I have only so many films left in me and they each need to be important."
"Both of these films have been turned into symbols for the concept of reclaiming one's masculinity."
"Kids today see stuff that isn't designed for them. We were kids too, you know. I managed to get to see 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' and 'Aliens' by the time I was 14."
"I love films many of the best adaptations or springboards into something did you always know you wanted to call it motherless Brooklyn it's such a great title."
"Horror films are more fun to do than the comedies, comedies because there's usually a lot of pressure and comedies are difficult to do."
"I think when films build this apocalyptic world and it looks so realistic, I applaud that."
"Once you overcome the one inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films."
"This is what was used in the films. This is what I'm going to follow."
"It kind of looks like it'll be famous in films and stuff."
"This is some of the most fun I have had watching films for a while."
"Luckily we have so many many many many great films to watch."
"You guys make it a safe haven for people like me and others who just kind of want to talk about films and just want to hopefully bring a smile or bring a piece of light to someone else's day."
"It's between John Carpenter's The Thing and The Lost Boys, those are my favorite horror films of all time."
"These films mean to me what Cornetto meant to them: nothing but then suddenly everything."
"There's more horror films than there have ever been."
"Love Hallmark films, cheesier the better."
"This broad strokes approach has caused many to snub and overlook some worthwhile films."
"It's great to see that so many films are tackling feminist issues."
"These films are supposed to be absolutely incredible."
"It's a nice little representation of the Necronomicon from the films."
"I'm really into black-and-white films and visually interesting and intricate films."
"This makes me want to listen to more music from different countries, films from different countries."
"I love Disney films; they're just so happy."
"I'm a big Pixar film guy, like animated movies."
"These are the scariest, most gruesome, and downright important films of the past ten years."
"I'm just super grateful that he's the one filling out the suit. I love those films."
"Films have slightly more longevity, don't you think? Because if you're looking for like legacy, exactly."
"I love Zack Snyder, I love his work, man."
"If there's one thing that these new Star Wars movies will be remembered for, it's amazing films."
"I always will because there are things from those films, Reylo in particular, that have helped me in ways that are very deeply personal to me."
"I love films based on true stories; they just resonate a little more deeply emotionally to me."
"The likes of Queen, Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Elton John, Jim Morrison inspired all these high grossing and critically acclaimed films."
"In terms of iconic films, it really doesn't get better than this."
"We're here to look, analyze, and have fun with some of the most enjoyable films."
"They really are some of the greatest superhero films of all time."
"The Dolby Vision looked really good on every single one of these films."
"I'm amazed at how much love and care these films got."
"This DVD set is infinitely times infinity better than the Blu-ray set for the films that we got just a few years ago."
"The 1990s were a period filled with horror and cool films, sometimes films that were both."
"Everyone is entitled to having their own opinion about films."
"When I select Steven Spielberg, I'll see all of Steven Spielberg's films."