
Pursuit Of Truth Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"God is that which eternally dies and is reborn in the pursuit of higher being and truth."
"The pursuit of truth and knowledge, the morality of science, metaphysical ideas about identity, and of course, the value of a human soul."
"We need to continue to pursue the truth wherever that truth may be; we need to continue to pursue it."
"Scientific debate is good; more science gets us incrementally closer to the truth."
"In the name of science, we should always question everything in pursuit of truth, even if it goes against what you know and believe."
"Down at the end of this, I don't care if I'm wrong, I care if I get to the truth."
"We're journalists committed to following the truth wherever it takes us."
"Skepticism is the first step towards truth. See you next Saturday."
"Truth is out there, right? Truth is out there anyway."
"While we learn and grow and search for the truth, let's be good to each other."
"Do you want to know what the truth is after this there's no turning back... remember all I'm offering is the truth nothing more."
"Questioning and challenging faith is the first step in the pursuit of truth."
"Always check the science, check our sources, check the other sides of sources. Truth will always win out."
"Not everything is what it seems... sometimes the best way to the truth is by debunking."
"That's why we need to keep struggling for as much truth as we can from each other."
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth."
"Everything is legal, but it's wrong. Every reporter should be on fire to get the truth."
"To me, he seems like a man who is hard after the truth... and I think he'd enjoy it."
"I think it's fun to just find a way to hopefully get closer to the actual."
"Why can't we all debate these things and have a difference of opinion and then we get at the truth?"
"Why dedicate your life to being an intellectual if you're not interested in the truth?"
"Question the hell out of everything you can question until only the truth can possibly remain."
"Science is not spoken in some unified voice, it is a technique for trying to get closer towards something approximating the truth."
"For truth you have to go outside for truth at a certain point."
"We're just told to know the direction, but if God is real, and which I believe he is, and if there is truth out there, I think truth would somehow someway reveal itself."
"No single set of eyes can see it all; let's dig as deep as we possibly can when searching for the objective truth."
"What we want is truth. Truth is found in compassion."
"A true scientist wants to know the truth and will follow the facts and the evidence where it takes them."
"It's perhaps the most disturbing aspect of our pursuit of the unknown, our search for the truth, because this is so personal for those involved, it's so hard for the rest of us to believe."
"Boys and girls, the whole point here has to be to figure out what is true."
"I'm hoping that you still pursue Malcolm's biological father. Because it's important."
"In the end Dee did it because he wanted to find out the real truth behind everything."
"I'm gonna do whatever it takes to pursue the truth."
"Dialogue and debate in search of truth is what life is about."
"Don't stop asking the questions, be fearless in your pursuit of the truth, wherever that truth may lie."
"I thought we were really going after truth, so that's what I went after."
"When the truth presents itself, you have an obligation to boldly go after it, pursue it."
"That's not the highest value of the University of Chicago... a community of Scholars that exists for the pursuit of Truth."
"He always tried to follow the truth to its logical conclusion, no matter how uncomfortable it made him."
"Come with me on a quest for the truth: Truth Quest."
"But there is within the human Spirit itself an Incorruptible which is going to fight on until it wins but it has to win in the service of Truth."
"Philosophy itself has an end, the love of divine wisdom."
"After all, I made you all a promise at the beginning of this video, that we were going to find the truth we had been looking for, and I damn well plan on keeping that promise, whether Mr. Anno likes it or not."
"Philosophy is the resolute unwillingness to stop in your pursuit of the truth wherever it takes you."
"Justin's willingness to go into rough mountainous terrain of Himachal Pradesh, North India despite a back injury that was flaring up, vitamin deficiency, and general fatigue, shows a man so determined to find a higher truth that he risks dying to find it."
"I'd rather risk chasing glorious illusions than ignoring fundamental truths, which is why I pursue metaphysics."
"As time passed, the tragedy faded from public memory, but Sue Johnson continued her quest for the truth."
"And in the moment it was excruciating. It was with the burning desire to know truth."
"Damn just getting to the truth, yeah I just want to get to the truth of it all man."
"That's closer to the truth and that's how you get to the truth."
"Respect is only to the extent where I am pursuing this journey back to Allah."
"One of the things that really drives us at Gem Poria is this relentless pursuit to get the truth about gemstones."
"Their journey is a testament and it was an example for me that we should be willing to pursue the truth wherever that lies."
"We commit to pursue the truth passionately and embrace debate."
"It's not just about winning points for the sake of it; we're not following blindly, we're trying to assert the truth and follow that."
"We are truth seekers, we seek the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
"I welcome discourse, it's always going to be the way that we lead ourselves to the truth."
"So we've got to pursue truth relentlessly, and science follows truth in forensic psychiatry, not the other way around."