
Essay Writing Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Organize your writing into an introduction, a body, and a conclusion."
"Essays are repetitive. The introduction tells the reader what you will tell them; then you tell the reader; then in the conclusion, you tell the reader what you told them."
"This is the ultimate essay structure. Trust me, it's perfectly coherent and logical."
"In the introduction, you simply tell the reader what you're going to tell them, in your body paragraphs you tell them, and then in the conclusion, you tell the reader what you told them."
"Some of the best essays I've seen have a deeper soul to them; they show me what people value."
"Clear distinctly different ideas for each paragraph relating to why online test prep is better than classroom based test prep."
"Students that just focus on writing a clear essay write a clear essay and answer the question."
"Think of specific, relevant ideas that answer the question."
"This student knows exactly what to write in their essay. It's like having Google Maps for their essay."
"Trust yourself. You're smart, you can read well, you can write well. You're gonna go into that essay today and you're gonna hit it out of the park."
"Not by writing a perfect essay, but by writing the best essay that you possibly can by trusting yourself and not worrying about all the details."
"For anybody who's looking to set exams and write essay questions, ultimately you look at what you're being asked."
"Make essay plans, essay plans are so useful."
"Possibly the best advice that my history teacher at A-level ever gave me was that you can actually plan the first sentence of any essay months before the exam."
"Essays in particular, the structure creates a certain engagement."
"I basically used other people's essays that we were given as exemplars and got really high marks to improve my own writing."
"Balancing personal stories with the focus on yourself is essential for a compelling essay."
"Practice structuring essays and you'll be absolutely fine."
"You don't have to be right in your essay. Just give me good reasons and I'll give you at least a B."
"Structure, actually answering the question, and having a bit of flair, a bit of a little spice that you're sprinkling in your essay plan."
"In the new essay, I want to be able to see my progress, I want to see how far along I've done with the project."
"All we really need to do is to understand the question, research the topic well, have our own opinion on the topic, and then finally write a convincing argument on that topic."
"The key to successful essays is really the ability to understand and address the question at hand."
"Ideas should form a pyramid under a single thought, and that single thought is essentially our thesis or our answer to the question."
"We finish up with the conclusion, giving a brief overview of the legal concepts that we covered and also restating the thesis statement that we made at the start."
"Every essay that you do, you should see a gradual increase in the quality of your writing."
"If you do a good intro, your whole essay will be easier to write."
"You might want to start off an essay with a joke, a little bit of a joke. It makes people go, 'That's funny.' And then I'm going to say, 'Why did you tell me this joke? I grabbed you. I got you. Now you're curious about what else I have to say, even if it's not the best joke.'"
"Your thesis statement shows your argument. What do you want the reader to learn from your essay? And the reader will always use your thesis statement as a guide."
"Your essay is scored based on seven factors: content, development, structure and coherence, general linguistic range, grammar, usage and mechanics, vocabulary range, and spelling."
"So why do candidates feel that the essay is one of the most difficult parts of the pte test? Well, the first challenge is understanding the topic and what the essay prompt is asking you to do."
"To do well, remember to ask yourself: what's the specific topic and what's the task? Once you've understood the topic and the task, you need to come up with ideas and arguments for your essay."
"Write a compelling 'why us' essay for each college you apply to."
"If you met the vast majority of the criteria that we talked about earlier in the video, I don't want you to doubt yourself because it's very likely that you will know how to write essays."
"There's no one right way to write an essay."
"...establishing the form of the essay that's roughly still in use today though it's a lot more rigorous and structured now and there's a tight thesis."
"What comes next is a chance to think about the philosophical framework by writing your first and second essays."
"Write some practice essays... it gets you into this thing, it acclimatizes you essentially into the content that you're learning about."
"Create a sheet... this is where you're going to start citing what kind of paragraph ideas you're going to be doing."
"The mini essay combines all these benefits into the most ideal measurable piece of work in anyone's knowledge work."
"This prompt honestly gives a lot of free reign on how to present yourself by displaying how you've grown throughout the years."
"Focus on the authorial intent; it is the king for all three essays."
"The format that tends to work best is a simple five-paragraph essay."
"I developed this really cool essay about happiness. It kind of made me completely change my life."
"In order to successfully write an essay, it's important that we fulfill the essay requirement by understanding the prompt and what it's asking of us."
"The requirements of this type of essay prompt are for us to describe a problem, identify its causes, and then propose a solution."
"As you practice your essay writing skills, it's important to ask people around you for feedback on how to improve."
"Think about your essay as a story... it also needs to have quality content and an impact."
"Allow yourself plenty of time to write this particular essay."
"Any essay you write either needs to be focused on balance; we always need balance."
"Make sure to write a plan for the essays and have a clear structure."
"The argument is also really important because it's like the skeleton for your entire essay."
"Analysis only makes sense because of the argument, and the argument is only proven by the analysis."
"You always need to have a thematic focus."
"They don't dig into your essay to find out whether you've done it correctly; they look for keywords and thorough analysis."
"Analyze the question or topic. Understand the purpose of asking the essay question."
"We've created an eight-point essay here, well within the time frame."
"Essays don't need to be scary; they're an opportunity for these folks to really get to know you, so make it count."
"There's a style that's really underneath these essays and there's a style that they're looking for when it comes to scoring."
"Your essays will be read according to criteria... the rhetorical force of your argument, the organization of your essay, how you've supported and developed the points in your essay."
"Students are expected to be able to write essays, develop arguments and structure ideas."
"If you go to university, those critical thinking skills and the ability to write essays will stand you in good stead."
"Writing the five-paragraph essay is something that you learn throughout your education and for many important reasons."
"By the end of the essay, we've got one cake with a lot of different flavors within it."
"Have a theme that connects all of your essays."
"It's a perfect way to complete the learning stage of writing a better essay."
"Your essay should be memorable so that the judge remembers, 'Hey, that's a really good essay. I'd like to score higher for that one.'"
"I didn't want to create content that was like a lot of other essay channels."
"You must make sure that you write a well-structured essay."
"Every essay, whether it's critical or not, is a kind of argument."
"You're essentially writing the first draft of your essay in a very minimalistic way."
"I'm wearing Sharpay's signature color pink, and in this essay, I will share all of my reasons for why Sharpay Evans deserved better."
"It's much better to write about two or three evaluation points in great detail than just listing a bunch of different evaluation points."
"Make sure that it's coherent; that just means that everything that you write in your essay should be tied back to your statement of task or your research question."
"Essay writing skills are good for proving intelligence."
"A good essay has a really good introduction and a really good conclusion."
"The improvement in the advancements in the field of science was a major catalyst which prepared the writing of the polemic essays in the Victorian period."
"Learn the structures that you have to do to write your essays but go above and beyond that."
"Whatever you read, you can somehow talk about that in your essay."
"That is how to get full marks on your 15 marker microeconomics essays."
"Your opinion needs to be clear from the beginning, throughout the essay, and repeated again in the conclusion."
"You shouldn't Panic about it because essay writing is a very straightforward process really."
"What is vital to good essay writing is preparation."
"The more essays you write the more you will develop these skills."
"It's really important to invest in those five minutes of planning because if you do, the structure and quality of the rest of your essay will be significantly improved."
"Plan your essay, plan, plan, plan."
"It's time to give them the dessert and let them go home; let the reader just finish off yours and say, 'Wow, this is a good essay, let's get the bill.'"
"Appropriate means that all the main points in the essay problem have been covered."
"So let's do it, we're going to read the question, look at the graph, talk about strategy and write a band 9 essay for this question."