
Long-term Benefit Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The ones with short-term pain, but long-term gain."
"The more something disturbs you in personal development work, the more benefit you know that it has for you long-term."
"Choose the uncomfortable that's going to serve you best in the long run."
"This agreement will really help America over the long term."
"Pick who you like, it'll serve you best in the long run."
"It's kind of like investing, the sooner you start, the better."
"You may have a hard day of school ahead of you because you're not gonna have a ton of rest but hey it'll be good it'll be worth it in the long long run."
"It would be the best thing for our economy in the long run."
"Buy a popcorn bucket at the beginning of your trip and get two dollar refills basically forever."
"Choosing hardship in youth is choosing gain."
"Sometimes you have to do things that really hurt for a while, but in the long run, it's better for you."
"Do something you don't like today that is constructive for a long-term positive change"
"Sometimes you have to consider the long-term benefit may be better than the short-term inconvenience of not getting paid."
"A special mod to keep in the background but will pay dividends over the next couple of months of your playthroughs."
"There's happiness on the other side of these changes, it's long-lasting."
"A little bit of extra work saves you a lot in the end."
"If you've got a culture that refuses criminality and actively raises children to be decent and honest, then you get much lower criminality."
"Anything is possible when it comes to you can be anybody on any given day that's number two but third and foremost sometimes this is the best thing to do sometimes losing is going to help you in the long run."
"Investing in your education, that's a stock that only goes up over time."
"Culture should encourage making sacrifices for long-term gain."
"I'd rather invest once on something big and reap the benefits of it later."
"A rational investment decision which has definitely paid off in the long run."
"While it’s a little pricey up front, you’ve locked in your costs and will benefit from that over time."
"Recurring revenue equals recurring income for years."
"Buy into what is right. If you pursue the truth, it might make you unpopular at any particular moment, but you're going to be in a much better position in the long run."
"Invest in your health. That's the most important investment anyone can make."
"The cheat code is the earlier you do it, the better it is for your whole life."
"Investing doesn't feel good at all, but in the long term, it pays out more."
"Quality parts are worth the investment in the long run."
"Things that are good for us in the long term hurt in the short term."
"You're making major lifestyle changes that will benefit you long term."
"Being less impacted by inflation, owning a home long-term does actually have benefits."
"Even though it sucks momentarily it'll make you feel way better in the long run."
"The breakthroughs you experience will give you peace for decades to come."
"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll fish for the rest of his life."
"Solving everything in 3D pays off in the long run."
"It benefits tend to be cumulative over time."
"Huge benefit coming for this company over the course of this decade."
"It's about longevity, instilling something in these kids that, in the long run, will benefit them."
"I do it for myself because I'm the one that's gonna benefit in the long run."
"It's gonna pay off in the long run."
"One lesson I've learned with spending money on these is sometimes it's worth spending a little bit of money to make life easier for you in the long run."
"Generosity actually has a long-term return."
"Perhaps a good punishment seems like harm at the time. But in the end, it's like medicine. It tastes good, but it's good for you."
"Choose hard choices and hard decisions, even if you don't get any benefit right now."
"What I do promise you out of all of these things, if we do what's a little less fun right now for the next few years, the rest of your life is going to be so much better compared to your peers."
"Taking TDD seriously and really understanding how it works and putting it into practice is definitely going to help you over the long run."
"We get it that in the near term that's higher rates, that's fewer sales, people are locked into low rate mortgages we get all that, but we got to do this because it'll benefit the country and people in the longer run."
"Child care is critical; it affords substantial benefits for these children as they grow and age into adolescence and adulthood."
"Whatever happens during this time know that it's benefiting your soul in the long run."
"Levels, adjustments, following instructions, following advice—these are going to benefit you in the long run."
"End of story I think any reefer who is in this for the long hall is going to benefit greatly from an RO/DI system for a whole variety of reasons, it’s just impossible to know what types of contaminants are in your water."
"It's a fantastic investment piece."
"Invest in yourself, and it'll go so much further."
"They're spending a lot of money on all these studies and whatnot, but in the long run, that's money well spent."
"You're definitely going to learn something from this process even though it might be a little bit painful at first, but trust me, it will be worth it in the long run."
"Practice a full squat, it will serve you better in the long run."
"If something is going to bring benefit now as well as in the future, do it."
"It helps decrease severe vision loss within six years by up to 50 percent."
"Being a little bit selfish and taking time for myself right now... it is better for me in the long run because it means I'm not going to crash and burn."
"You must tolerate uncomfortable feelings to figure out what will serve you in the long run."
"By getting to the root of it, you're going to be helping yourself long term."
"You're making the content once, and the content's generating leads for you forever."
"That one little extra thing will reward me for the rest of my life."
"It will pay for itself many times over."
"You're gonna have to put in upfront work. But the good news is, long after you've done that work, you can keep profiting and benefiting from it."
"Reducing the muscle building signal a little bit naturally, with the trade-off of having lower systemic inflammation and lower rates of oxidative stress and damage, you're probably better off in the long term."
"In the long run, it will save you a lot of money."
"However, the good news is that they will provide you consistent income over the long term."
"With the intention of benefiting others, both immediately and in the long term, on a practical level and on a spiritual level."
"When you do it yourself in the long run, you're gonna be better off."
"Investment in time and learning it well will pay off huge dividends."
"Patience is a skill... it's really going to benefit you a lot down the line."
"I would highly recommend anybody on their 18th birthday to start investing their money because it's going to pay dividends quite literally through their entire lifetime."
"It will help you with your pelvic position in the long term so that you get rid of your pelvic rotation."
"It'll be short-term pain but useful as being a more effective ramp to doing the final project and indeed for the rest of your life."
"Deferring CPP to age 70 is going to be your greatest financial benefit if you're looking at income."
"You make a choice that you're sick and tired of feeling how you've been feeling... and you make a choice even though it may temporarily hurt you and make you sad, it's gonna benefit you even more in the long run."
"It might seem a bit tedious, but it will help you learn it so much faster and so much better in the long run."
"It doesn't affect your life at all. But it could actually, over time, benefit you to the degree that it changes the safety profile of your financial life."
"Try to save up and get that really nice lens because you'll be reaping the benefits from that purchase for a very long time."
"Trust the process. It may be difficult in this moment, but it actually helps you long term."
"The more energy you put into building a long-term community, the more long-term benefit you'll get."
"Hard decisions in the moment make your life easier in the long run."
"This month is a really great time to do extra focus on foundational things, it's going to help you for the rest of your life."