
Multilingualism Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"I cannot wait to start studying other languages."
"The more languages we speak, the more identities we can flow in and out of."
"The more languages you learn, the easier and faster it gets."
"Knowing how to speak a second language is more important than it's ever been."
"I graduated college with two degrees in Communications and acting. I speak three languages."
"Thomas Jefferson spoke English, French, Italian, Latin and he could also read Greek and Spanish."
"SCP-049 is capable of speech in a variety of languages."
"Kudos to you for knowing more than one language."
"It is all our responsibility that we should use technology to develop content in Indian languages and disseminate across all the stakeholders so that they find it easy to learn in their own mother tongue."
"You might be someone who is skilled at many different languages."
"Kids who are brought up in multilingual environments are actually their mental progress happens much quicker."
"I am fluent in over six million forms of communication."
"It's a pretty amazing tool, and considering how many possible opportunities are opened up by being able to speak foreign languages, I'd say it'd earn you the title of Mr. Worldwide or Mrs. Worldwide."
"Bale speaking Spanish fluently, contrary to his time at Real Madrid."
"She knows four languages, lives alone, is in college, and is here getting her second Mira guide dog. Like I just think that is so unbelievably incredible."
"Being multilingual is valuable. That's why I'm learning Spanish and French."
"Anybody who speaks two languages, I think you're awesome."
"Multi-language text prediction: Predict text in multiple languages simultaneously."
"Having the command of another language to the point where you can do speeches in either English or Urdu is so important."
"That's right so being able to communicate with people and you know even if you learn Spanish you can still communicate with people in Portuguese and several other languages because they're Spanish is the the root based language."
"Imagine how many more conversations you open up with the more languages that you know."
"One of the upsides to being possessed by this demon is that they will grant you knowledge of every language in the world."
"He's a real sharpie... genius... knows a lot of languages."
"The more languages your child is exposed to from an earlier age, the easier of a time they're going to have mastering all of those languages."
"Speaking French and English really is an advantage in a globalized world."
"Bella deviatkina was different she was busy learning new Languages by the time she was eight years old she could confidently hold conversations in eight languages."
"Shout out to all the El Salvadorians that speak English, man."
"I am perfectly made. I can wax eloquent on complex legal issues in English while also belting Guayaquil de mis amores in Spanish."
"He could read Shakespeare and already understood Japanese, Spanish, and French."
"Another French one... that person is speaking a second language..."
"It doesn't matter if you prayed in Greek, Hebrew, English, it doesn't change. It's the same name, it's the same person." - RMD DMR
"With Babbel, you can choose from 14 different languages including Spanish, French, Italian, and German. Look, I already know a little bit of French because I'm from Canada so we learned it for six years you feel me."
"Child prodigy: he could speak multiple languages by the time he was six."
"The world's changing folks. I need to learn other languages. Your headphones will learn them for you, allowing you to communicate."
"He owns his own business, learned a bunch of languages, put us all through school."
"It's amazing how many languages they have and how easy they make it to learn."
"Imagine knowing so many different languages... just because you'd sat and read books at home when you were a kid."
"I want to give you encouragement. You had great eye contact, great control, even the skills of the different languages that you put in, and the compositions were closely related."
"Peace is represented by all of, you know, different languages here."
"Knowing another language provides you with greater job opportunities."
"I would wish for the ability to understand any language, to speak any language, including that includes communicating with animals by the way."
"So in Mandarin we say 'xièxiè' and in Cantonese you say 'dōujeh'."
"Demons speak in person's native language usually but demons also can speak in other tongues."
"Speaking multiple languages improves your divergent thinking skills."
"Being multilingual gives your brain some remarkable advantages."
"Learning a language is a very tough skill... and if you've mastered more than one, I'm impressed by you."
"If you can speak another language, use that language."
"I speak, read, and write in three different languages, English being the newest to me."
"Language learning should always be entertaining. Just remember one day you'll be a multilingual stand-up comedian."
"Voice control in four languages will ensure safety."
"I heard people scream in three different languages at once."
"The Holy Spirit can have 3 million different conversations going on with 3 million different people in many different languages in every continent at the same time."
"Multilingualism is the only protection that we know now against the symptoms of Alzheimer's."
"I've bought over a 100 books in languages that I don't even speak."
"I hope you're in a warm, dry fit, nearly asleep, but determined to wake up tomorrow and learn another language."
"Learning a second or third language can prove to be a very useful skill that will come in handy many times in your life."
"That thing is crazy. 18 languages now, like almost 2 million copies sold."
"I learned English as a second or maybe a tertiary language."
"Melania Trump stands out as a shining example of multilingual prowess, fluently conversing in five different languages."
"How good would it be to be that guy who's got five languages if you can't get laid and you can speak in five like oh god you just go traveling wouldn't you."
"You're described as someone who's well-rounded. You may even know multiple languages or you know how to switch your cadence, your style to fit wherever it is that you are."
"You know, his life path has taken him to live in six countries. He may speak five languages."
"Your intelligence is actually considered better if you speak multiple languages."
"Individuals in multilingual societies have some really interesting language choices when it comes to which language they'll use when communicating with specific groups of people."
"...you spend time with the language until you understand that and then you can do that in different ways so it could be your listening or writing or reading or whatever..."
"As they spread out among the people, at this sound, the multitude came together and they were bewildered because each one was hearing them speak in his own language."
"Over his nearly 40 years in India, he amassed a collection of 1,500 historical manuscripts written on palm leaves in 13 languages."
"If you learn this way, it's possible to be fluent in more than 10 languages."
"Speaking many languages is good for the head, heart, mind, and soul!"
"...she and Han had also grown up speaking Vietnamese and cantones and so when Bick and Han met in Canada it was like they finally had someone who understood everything they had gone through..."
"We want to be able to have captions of different languages of the message come across the screen."
"I actually think people who are multilingual, it's like a superpower. I'm amazed by that ability."
"The Jews survived by adapting, acquiring multiple languages, and adjusting to new circumstances."
"I speak six languages so I'm kind of also interested to see if I can think of things."
"This is how you raise well-rounded children, speaking multi-languages and travelling."
"If you grow up in Europe, you're probably going to learn multiple languages... people that grow up in Europe generally know, I would guess, probably like three languages."
"I think if you are fluent in all languages, you are a master of all instruments because I think playing an instrument is a language."
"If you speak Hungarian and Finnish and Gujarati and a little English, you're going to have a more interesting life than somebody who speaks only one of those."
"Hi, hey, hello, how are you? Also, bonjour, konnichiwa, and hola."
"I decided to slowly start building a foundation so that when I get my Italian to a level that I'm satisfied with, I can start focusing on Greek."
"I learned three languages on top of English in that period of time."
"So many other languages have more ability to express things in ways that are just more clear and poetic and beautiful."
"People will take the time and they'll learn this as another language."
"It is one of the official languages in Switzerland."
"Right now, we have 25 former Consular officers; we've worked in 34 countries and we speak 10 languages."
"We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God."
"We have developed key technologies including multilingual speech recognition, speech synthesis, speech enhancement, singing voice separation, cross-lingual voice conversion, basic NLP technology for Southeast Asian languages."
"I've always had an interest in linguistics and as a child, I always used to pretend I could speak different languages."
"He's an attractive man, a nice man, head on his shoulder, speaks multiple languages."
"...it speaks to anybody who lives between and among languages."
"The issues that confront us as a human race are issues which require a certain amount of multilingual skill."
"I can finally type in multiple languages without having to change the keyboard language."
"Ecwid provides customers with a multilingual shopping experience."
"Finding our basic musical language, we developed a very European Multilingual music."
"German, French, Italian, and which language are the four national languages of Switzerland?"
"An exemplary student, he attended Valdosta Institute while only a teenager."
"Name a language you'd be likely to hear at the United Nations."
"She is incredibly multilingual, she is so talented, but most of all, when you see her eyes, I can just get emotional thinking of how gentle and so wonderful the welcome is that you will receive here."
"It's like even kids that grow up um speaking more than one language they're at an advantage in life for sure."
"If you speak more than one language... you're very clever, you're very intelligent."
"I speak Arabic, Swedish, English, and the Eritrean language which is called Tigrinya."
"If you spoke every language on the planet, you would not have a single reservation about going anywhere."
"BMCC is the largest undergraduate institution in New York City, serving 27,000 diverse students speaking over 100 languages."
"I believe that Villa Soleada is the most bilingual village in all of Honduras!"
"He spoke French and Latin in addition to English."
"The King speaks German, but what people don't realize is that not only did his father speak German fluently, but so did his mother, Queen Elizabeth II."
"I actually would love to learn as many languages as possible later on in my life."
"He gains proficiency in French, Latin, Ancient Greek, Hungarian, Czech, Italian, and Polish."
"The more languages you know, the more privileged you are."
"Being bilingual is very impressive."
"I have a tongue for other languages, that's why I love other languages."
"I speak English, French, and Greek, so to all my Greek viewers, kalispera."
"This is not what I expected. I graduated college with two degrees in Communications and acting. I speak three languages."
"Monolingualism is passé; it is the illiteracy of the 21st century."
"The multilingual turn recognizes the coexistence of multiple languages in societies, in individuals."
"Bilingualism is defined as the ability to communicate in more than one language."
"Bilingualism is a common human condition that makes it possible for an individual to function at some level in more than one language."
"Multilingualism is usually a question of fate, birth, or parental choice."
"Living in a country that is influenced by other cultures might lead the individuals living there to become multilingual."
"You're going to be able to learn with me because, well, if you're learning French, learning Chinese, or learning Spanish, you can tune in to those lessons and learn new words with me."
"Linguistic pluralism stresses the importance of multilingualism and the multilingual reality of different societies."
"A man who knows four languages is worth four men."
"A highly educated man, being fluent in French, German, and Italian."
"Bilingual is the more languages, the better."
"The more languages you can speak when you're younger, the more you're going to retain when you're older."
"When you have brain plasticity, that's why it's so much easier for children to pick up multiple languages."
"I wish I spoke multiple languages."
"You hear of people who are multilingual, in what languages do you speak?"
"Stay safe and healthy everyone, and I hope I'll see you next time. Tschüss!"
"I appreciate the ability of my Nordic cousins to learn many languages and be able to connect with people all over the world."
"If I had a wish for my brain, it would be to know all the languages and be able to pronounce them correctly."
"Learning multiple languages is so great for people at such a young age."
"Over 20% of the U.S. is bilingual."
"She spoke fluent French, she was an elementary school teacher, always trying to learn more about art and culture."
"The robot speaks Arabic and English, successfully recognizes and interprets speech."
"I'm university educated and post-grad qualified, successful career, traveled the world on my own dime, speaks five languages, looked after dependent family, financially independent."
"Your English is brilliant, it's much better than my Italian."
"I'm not good in any one of them, but I just love languages."
"You speak multiple languages; you've got options."
"There's something like 300 languages spoken every day."
"I would rather be fluent in all languages."
"I think it's good for the human brain to learn languages."
"It would make my life a lot easier if I was able to speak different languages where I'm traveling."
"If I hadn't learned French, then I never would have gone on to learn eight foreign languages."
"The real gift that gave me was the confidence that I could actually learn another language."
"I've studied many languages and I'm also a writer, so this presentation is perfect for me."
"The predictions are coming from different models and there is no reason why the probabilities are calibrated the same way between the languages."
"It's always super important to be able to speak more than one language."
"Learning a second language can open countless doors in your life: work, travel, relationships."
"There was a mighty rushing wind, tongues of fire, everybody started speaking languages which they had not learned before."
"Gracias, I thank you, and I love you too."
"They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift."
"I think it's an attractive quality for anyone to be able to speak multiple languages."
"When you learn one language, it becomes really easy to learn another language."
"He's multilingual, speaks fluent English, really good French, and is a native German speaker."
"I love that there is this flipping back and forth on languages because music always transcends language."
"I have 28 books in so many languages... what keeps it real for me is to stay in touch with the kids and the adults who have a love of learning."
"I wish I could speak another language. I am so jealous of all you guys out there that are bilingual or trilingual."
"We now have the core foundations in place to invest heavily into native support for multi-language sites in Webflow."
"It is incredibly beneficial to speak another language, especially for my job and my life."
"Unicode can store so many more characters and can actually accommodate multiple languages which is really important."
"I speak English fluently and then German pretty well, like highly proficient, same with Korean."
"Gossip in a different language with your parents."
"I switch languages a lot all the time, and so I forget how it works in every language."
"We are switching between four different languages."
"I would think it would be honest, I'm gonna be able to speak every language."
"He spoke Arabic, he spoke Greek, he spoke Latin, he spoke French, he spoke Italian, he spoke German."
"I can code switch in different ways with different languages."
"The more languages you speak, the more people you'll be able to communicate with, the more you'll be able to share knowledge and gain knowledge and create new and interesting things."
"Legacy exciting news for 2024: the GVA online school and ministry is expanding into Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, Swahili, Portuguese, German, Hindi, and other languages."
"In our school system, we get taught English, and German, and French."
"He performed in sideshows and circuses for 45 years, Prince Randian was incredibly intelligent, could speak Hindi, English, German, and French."
"It's valuable to know more than one language."
"I always thought it was [__] amazing to be able to speak another language."
"He had studied every educational systems of the civilized world and that he could speak sixteen languages and write ten of them."
"I like that Lucas speaks French; I grew up in French immersion."
"Multilingualism has a very positive effect on the child's overall brain development."
"Once the child gets the hang of reading in one language, he is able to extrapolate and apply what he has learned to other languages."
"Public speaking... it's difficult in your own language, let alone in another language."
"If you're authentic in your language, people will feel the authenticity in other languages too."
"The excitement of traveling and meeting people... I love to communicate. That's why I speak a lot of languages."
"I speak French, English, and mostly Arabic too."
"Therefore, being multilingual will definitely help prepare high school students entering the modern world."
"Being multilingual will definitely help prepare high school students for enduring the modern world."
"It's beneficial to know a second language."
"The Holy Spirit fell upon them... they began to speak in languages... glorified God and spoke of the wonderful works of God."
"The apostles were given gifts to speak languages so they would be empowered to spread the word of the gospel."
"They speak the language, they know the culture, and they got to know their family really well."
"We really strive to have speech recognition which works in many languages, hundreds of languages, in many contexts."
"Research shows that there is a transference of literacy between languages."
"America is the only country where people don't speak multiple languages."
"It's quite rare to have two official written languages in one country."
"We have nine official languages, and I speak four of them."
"They hear the praises of God in their own language."
"I would rather know every language."
"We have German speakers here, Italian speakers, Chinese speakers, French speakers, and we work in close relation with our distributors in many countries around the world."
"If you're on a multilingual team or primarily a Python user or want to use the features available in Cordo, then you may consider trying it out."
"Learning to speak these different languages can help you understand things from different points of view."
"Polyglot is someone that speaks many languages."
"Abdullah was highly intelligent, talented, and multilingual."