
UK Quotes

There are 663 quotes

"It's interesting Britain has been in recent years seen to be very like America, that is, we've been repeatedly told that we're a divided society."
"The UK has an almost unique role in global finance."
"The biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK is suicide."
"It's a great place, the UK, for trans people to live."
"To say that the situation in the UK is dire is an understatement."
"In the UK, all NHS ambulance services are free, including air ambulance callouts."
"The UK is there to support Ukraine during their time of need."
"Gross inequality with 44% of the UK's wealth owned by just ten percent of our population."
"This is the story of how energy privatization bankrupted Britain."
"The story of energy privatization in the UK begins with another TV clip."
"Nowhere in Britain is more than 75 miles from the sea."
"Forced marriage is a hidden epidemic in the UK."
"The UK is currently in the grips of a fresh food crisis."
"The UK produces around 50 percent of all of the food that's consumed."
"The UK to provide 1.3 billion pounds of further military support to Ukraine."
"No one quite does ceremony and pomp like the UK."
"Britain could be headed for its biggest economic slump in over 300 years."
"WWE made their return to the UK for a pay-per-view for the first time in 20 years when we got Clash at the castle."
"BrExit was an earthquake in the British political system."
"Contrary to public opinion, the roads here in the UK are getting safer according to government statistics."
"It's about time the bloody British people legalized and decriminalized it here."
"The European Union will remain a very important trading partner of the United Kingdom."
"Rushdie was immediately placed under police protection in the UK."
"What would Britain be like today without the National Health Service? Its existence is beyond political debate."
"The UK aims to once again become a globally recognized power."
"Cool will radically shift from one year to another, but things that are cool in the UK are forever cool."
"I grew up in the UK so it was Action Force International Heroes."
"The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to signal a new phase in the UK's efforts to tackle the coronavirus crisis."
"Spending positive vibes from the UK, y'all know we here to make a difference."
"It's estimated that 250 to 300,000 Hong Kongers will immigrate to the UK in the next five years."
"The UK has had a major influence on modern cinema."
"There are 15 national parks in England, Wales, and Scotland."
"A night like the UK hasn't seen in a long time."
"That's the end of this video charting the story of VHD in the UK, the format that was so close to coming out that you can touch it."
"Big Daddy is at the highest point in his cultural recognition... in Britain 1981."
"The UK is immeasurably far from being a racially just Society."
"This is, I said before in 1920, the UK was the richest, most powerful country in the world."
"The UK is so green year round... absolutely beautiful."
"The UK has got the world's worst coronavirus death rate per million people."
"Gaming is now the biggest entertainment industry in the UK."
"In the UK, trespassing is not a crime, but that does not apply to some specific places."
"The UK benefits from being part of the European scientific community."
"Deaths involving covid-19 decrease in the UK."
"I think it's incredibly important to stay informed and clued in as to what exactly the changes are going to take place within the immigration policy of the UK."
"I guess being part of the royal family in the UK suddenly doesn't seem like such a bad gig anymore..."
"This might be the best ramen I've had in the UK. Great shout, Joseph."
"The UK became the first major industrialized country in the world to sign its Target of Net Zero by 2050 into law."
"The UK hosts some of the most haunted locations in the world. Among these locations is reportedly the most haunted forest in the world near Pluckley in Kent."
"The UK needs a weak currency for a period of time."
"This is going to save you around about 30 to 40 pounds at the moment in the UK."
"The UK's vaccine program was one of the most successful and effective initiatives in the history of UK science."
"Here's our honest guide to doing van life in the UK."
"The consequences for Scotland and the United Kingdom are some of the deepest reasons why I think a No-Deal Brexit would be deeply damaging."
"Britain's broken. How on Earth did we get into this mess?"
"It's tyranny naked tyranny absolutely a disgusting tyranny so shame on the UK you know maybe you should disappear as a country for this."
"My absolute legend in the sport and really, especially in the UK, those two riders were responsible for everyone riding trials."
"Explore the UK hedge maze behind the tea caddies shop."
"The UK rollout of the vaccine has surpassed all expectations."
"The UK's defense spending will rise by 24 billion pounds over the next four years."
"It's excellent news that Qatar announced it will invest up to 10 billion pounds into the UK."
"Boris Johnson's government has made a proper arse of everything."
"Every time in the UK... it's a British version of that."
"The British people have spoken and the answer is we're out. It was incredibly exciting."
"The roads in the UK at the moment are terrible, there's potholes everywhere."
"I think everyone in the UK is vitamin D deficient and we should be taking these every day."
"Britain is on the cusp of a profound major shift in its population and demography."
"That's not a story from a movie, that was real life for gay men living here in the UK 50 years ago."
"Trans people and their very existence has become a focal point of British public debate over the last few years."
"It wasn't always this way, in fact, the UK's history is more like the combined histories of Scotland, England, and Wales." - Barb, Geography Now host
"Despite being a nation smaller in area than the country of Guinea in West Africa, the UK today stands with the sixth largest national economy by nominal GDP in the world." - Barb, Geography Now host
"Cinema has always been a huge part of UK culture and has been contributing to the world since 1888."
"The UK has the largest variation of Accents in a single language of any country in the world."
"The UK still has very close relations to the Commonwealth countries."
"Wag culture was absolutely huge in the UK like 20 years ago."
"I think freedom of expression here in the UK, Harif, is disappearing really fast."
"And I don't know UK that well but I have so many friends they're just like I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do this."
"Feminism now it's as far and this is why it's so deeply unpopular very small minority of women in the UK identify as feminists."
"I'm going to stand as prime minister for the United Kingdom."
"Without KSI, there is probably no Ro or the whole UK YouTube."
"Peep Show is considered a cult classic in the UK."
"Knackered here in the UK just means tired."
"The biggest issue confronting the UK is the cost of living, it's inflation, it's the economy."
"It is an important time for the UK."
"Everyone in the UK who's in paid work needs to pay National Insurance."
"We've actually got more freedom here in the UK with a sub 250 gr drone now than we had three or four years ago."
"I think it's great they're now starting to listen to the community, they're starting to listen to the people in the UK."
"Flying a sub 250 g drone in the UK is by far the simplest option available to most people, particularly recreationally."
"It's been such a long winter here in the UK, and I finally feel like we're coming out of the woods."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this rare sunny day in the UK."
"In the UK, humor is very often self-deprecating."
"UK households are experiencing the largest collapse in living standards since records began."
"They even notched three number one hits in the UK in just one year."
"I've joined the community of Defender owners here in the UK, and I found it a massively rewarding experience."
"For some, this was the UK's Roswell."
"Sketch comedy is a huge thing in the UK. Good sketch comedy doesn't matter if it's for kids or for adults; it's just good comedy."
"I absolutely love traveling up and down and across the UK to film at some of these most astonishing historic houses."
"I'm proud to be one of the Front Runners in the UK for MMA."
"Horwin CR6: Sleek, stylish, and supreme UK learner legal electric motorcycle."
"This show is without doubt the best event in fishing, in commercial match fishing, in fishing in the UK. It is the best thing that you can win, possibly to help you out."
"...the costs are skyrocketing in the UK, everything is getting more expensive."
"For those who decry that multiculturalism has failed across the UK I would suggest that the evidence is quite to the contrary and that is something we should all celebrate."
"The Victorian era was a period of great industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military change within the United Kingdom."
"Brighton is kind of the little creator spot in the UK."
"Biggest talk show in the UK hosted by two of the most prolific."
"Many people in the UK fear that the standard of living across the country will continue to decline over the coming year."
"Hello and welcome back to Crime suspect each week we unravel some of the UK's most prolific crimes as well as providing in-depth analysis on the criminality that plagues our nation."
"We loved having the opportunity to travel the UK and whenever you do travel in the UK, you run into so many different accents. We loved just being able to travel small distances, maybe only an hour or two and getting to hear all those beautiful different accents."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. This has been our video of things we love about the UK."
"The fact that this song peaked at number 10 in Germany and the UK only served to further solidify her International Fame."
"The UK is home to some of the most beautiful scenery in Europe, if not the world."
"So, if you are based in the UK, even if you are a sole trader, you still have to complete a self-assessment tax return at the end of the financial year as well."
"The UK is also the home of the wonderful NHS."
But Pet Shop Boys still managed to push out a divisive movie and a classic UK Christmas Number One in their cover of "Always On My Mind" before the public’s attention wandered.
"Catherine is highly popular in the UK and around the world."
"It’s a Sin" would be Pet Shop Boys’ second number one single in the UK and become the one of the biggest-selling songs in Europe of 1987."
"Apparently one serving size for ketchup in the UK is 15 grams which means that this bottle contains 90 servings."
"Fuel prices in the UK now are astronomical."
"The UK is truly a wonderful place, and to be honest, as a foreigner, I feel extremely grateful that I have been given the opportunity to live here."
"I love the UK, I love the people, the banter, the rawness, the realness, the patriotism. That's what I miss about the UK, the people. But when it comes to the country, the leadership's a mess, everything is just unorganized and a bit chaotic."
"I want to be remembered as the first independent national chain of Pakistani restaurants in the UK."
"Life in the UK is different to life in the United States, and I have no idea what to expect, which is kind of fun."
"Wait a minute, the UK and the United States have more in common than I ever thought."
"Now I'm experiencing self-employed life in the UK as well."
"The UK has been seeing ratios consistently over seven for the past 10 years."
"The UK had entered a conflict that they never thought they would be fighting, 8,000 miles away in the South Atlantic."
"The UK's party trick is that it has very high dividends."
"The UK crowd, they stay with it. That's why I love their UK tours or whatnot, bro. It just hits so good."
"Rage Against the Machine beat out the corporate X Factor single to become the number one UK Christmas song in 2009."
"The city of Inverness is located in which country of the UK?"
"The review of electricity Market Arrangements is looking at the complete rewiring of the UK Energy System."
"...this is one of the best things I've ever eaten from the UK."
"Almost every day there's a story... in the UK that trash EVS on a daily basis."
"Giant Haystacks: the top star in the UK wrestling scene."
"Here are the exclusive doughnuts you can only find in the UK."
"The drinks! So many different drinks that you can get in the US you can't get in the UK."
"Roundabouts are the most popular way to cross over what they call a junction in the UK."
"I love that the UK is full of that uniqueness. Just random strange things that doesn't mean you're going to like them all because I don't like Mr Blobby, I don't get it, but I love that the UK is so unique."
"Things you need to know before visiting the UK: see everything, get all the foods, try not to get hit by a car, and have a great time."
"I mean, I can't speak for anywhere else, but in the UK we're in another lockdown"
"We do teeth whitening, number one teeth whitening in the UK."
"The UK is the fifth largest economy in the world and completely dwarves many larger countries in terms of GDP."
"Bath is one of my favorite cities in the UK, favorite cities of all time."
"It affects nations outside of the United Kingdom, even America."
"If you're bored with US Netflix, why not take up our spin on the UK, honey?"
"UK 10K day we will be there in no time."
"I am obsessed with all things theater mostly this is where I review shows that I've been invited to go and see in the West End or touring around the UK."
"We're already seeing a full stop to house building in the UK."
"Slavery was abolished in the UK in 1807."
"Bare knuckle boxing spans back to the 17th century. It is now a very fast-growing sport within the UK."
"That is an astounding result for Reform UK, and that will make the Tory party very worried."
"The next apple is ethical and it's coming from the UK."
"More than half of UK adults think the current restrictions aren't strict enough, 62% want masks to be mandatory in all public spaces including outdoors."
"Sixty percent of people in the UK believe in conspiracy theories."
"This is an exciting opportunity for the United Kingdom to be taking a leading role in the new commercial space age."
"So if I won, but that's not these, these are UK, I also love, I love you guys in the UK, have a very good relationship with my publisher in the UK."
"I found it very interesting, really enjoy learning about the different emergency response departments throughout the UK."
"Sales in the UK alone were 24 billion last year. That's 193 pounds every second."
"Currently, there's this official run of all the films being shown on a weekly basis in most cinemas in the UK."
"What's the best thing to come out of the UK? Cheddar cheese."
"That was unbelievable! The pride of the UK racing community has done it again!"
"I think if they try to enforce lockdowns again in the UK I legitimately think there'd be riots here."
"The truth is the UK is in pole position to grow from its already strong economic position into an even stronger one as a result of the Net Zero policies of this government."
"The post visa should not be your first option to stay back in the UK."
"Having a car honestly is very necessary in the UK."
"Britain Britain Britain, no today we're looking at our casual UK so that my UK friends watching can feel at home and everyone else can be culturally enlightened."
"For an employer to be able to sponsor foreigners to work in the UK, that employer must be a registered licensee or must be registered as a sponsored employer."
"It's a bloody bargain, innit? And also, it works with stuff like Netflix if you've run out of things to watch on the UK version."
"There's about 22,000 pages of tax law for the UK behind me. You'd suspect there would be this big long list of stuff that you could claim. Unfortunately, there isn't one."
"A radiant being emerged into the world, Princess Alice, a precious jewel born into the majestic realm of the United Kingdom."
"There's a real issue with fuel poverty in the UK."
"...a lot of my understanding of music comes from critics based in the UK..."
"I love living in the UK. Everything in general in the UK is quite amazing. I love the training there, the people, the banter is quite nice. It's also very accessible to Europe and to travel to other parts of the world which is my favorite thing by the way."
"They admit to prostitution and to pickpocketing and openly say they view the UK as a soft target."
"There's obviously something amazing about the Blitz and about the companionship that people showed here in the UK when cities were so badly damaged and the sharing that went on."
"Preston Williams for the UK then on that specialized demo bike."
"Well, it is in America, I think it's March in the UK, or is it?"
"We're in the middle of a very wonderful heat wave here in the UK."
"Welcome to the Cotswolds, a beautiful part of the UK covering almost 800 square miles."
"People in the UK don't have as many options for food, and you'll almost never find anything in grape flavor there."
"People in the UK will be able to drive this car from the age of just 17."
"The United Kingdom is a great place to cycle."
"I still can't get over places like this in the UK are still sitting abandoned today in modern day."
"An appreciable colored population becoming docile in the United Kingdom."
"Now, with the only British monarch much of the world has ever known gone, the UK prepares to enter a new era."
"applying to uk university is almost a guarantee that you're gonna get in"
"i really do recommend that you apply to the uk"
"UK y'all did that y'all made a TV show that I actually want to watch."
"The UK is the only one of these economies whose economy in the third quarter of 2022 was still smaller than it had been in the fourth world in 2019."
"He's an artist that came from the UK who's always infiltrated the underground scene and he's easily the best underground rapper of all time."
"A big opportunity for the UK defense right here."
"One in Four Women in the UK have been sexually assaulted or raped."
"...hopefully if you also believe enough is enough with this type of nonsense and maybe the UK can finally claw itself out of this rough patch it's in..."
"We've seen bold commitments from the EU, from the UK."
"Who do you think is using cocaine here? In the UK it could be easier to say who's not. The War on Drugs is a ridiculous, failing system."
"While I hate these eight things about the UK, I do love my life here."
"The only one that still does it is the UK Britain is so dope except for it sucks because of the tradition."
"These are two of the most impressive fintechs not just out of the UK but globally."
"So there really are all sorts of things you can grow in the UK and similar climates."
"Pub culture is a big part of life here in the UK so if you're coming to visit London I definitely recommend that you experience it even if you don't like drinking."
"10 reasons why the UK is the best country in the world."