
Inspirational Message Quotes

There are 408 quotes

"It's amazing to see how brave they are, and a photo like this is really such an important message for us to remember today."
"The real power of Mob Psycho 100, I think, is how it leaves us feeling like we can do the same."
"Your father will change the world. Well, I want to be able to tell that daughter, the man that told you that did not mean that to get votes; he meant that because he's going to help change our world."
"May the everlasting voyage you have now embarked on be blessed with calm seas and gentle breezes."
"Terminator 2 Judgment Day is an incredible movie with incredible suspense and action but it's also powerful and hopeful in its messaging without feeling overly sappy."
"I wanted to package that up and put it in schools and juvenile detention centers and in prisons to say, 'Brother, listen, it's hard, it's difficult, but it's not impossible.'"
"The spirit of the Ultimate Warrior will run forever."
"The very thing that people have tried to label you as... is the glitch that God wants to use to make you great."
"I want to get my family out the hood, bro. I just got my OG out the hood, you know, with the help of my younger brother and [__]. I just moved my OG out the hood. She ain't even in Chicago, and she ain't in no suburb either."
"The Phoenix family's tributes stand as a testament to River's lasting impact, urging love, unity, and peace in challenging times."
"This right here is the exact reason why I do my motivational Monday's."
"Things like obesity are glorified... promiscuity is glorified... birth control pills are empowering for women... that message is everywhere... it's saturated through society."
"There is power in the name of Jesus, you know it's true."
"Finding hope amidst challenges—a message for all."
"Choose life, not death. Choose blessing, not cursing."
"Your message will continue to go out powerfully from this place to all of Southern California and well beyond."
"Hope, my friends, it's not just a nice happy feeling but it's a fact."
"You've got to be you and there will always be a people, there will always be a place, there will always be an opportunity for you just the way that God made you."
"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible... tonight is your answer."
"It's crucial in whatever I do next that we continue to tell those stories and continue to promote that kind of philosophy because it's a dark dark world out there and it needs as much light as it can get."
"If you are good soil, these things will eventually find their way into your comprehension."
"That's what I'm talking about with the rest of us. Together, we're so much more."
"A great voice has been lost but the message goes on, and that's what we will continue proclaiming."
"Looking back, these movies are just freakin perfect, they're original, they're smart, and honestly have a really beautiful and uplifting message."
"One of Mackesy's goals is to remind unbelievers they are seen and they are loved."
"So, that's my final message to young people as First Lady. It is simple."
"You have a message that a lot of people can benefit from."
"You are a badass... You were picked by the creator to come here."
"I think it looks presentable, I think it looks balanced, I think it looks harmonious, and that's a kind of a message that I want to transfer to the world."
"The Holy Ghost is Earth Wind and Fire, and he wants to give you a new song to sing."
"Love didn't love until you've given it away."
"It's just such a great message for people especially if you're like a kid watching one piece."
"Even amidst these predictions, he has this profound message of faith and hope."
"I want to reach as many people as possible with this life-changing message and one of the ways you can help me do that is if this message blesses you would you just share it with someone else that's it."
"There has to be a beacon of light, there has to be hope."
"You'll be part of awakening the consciousness of others."
"To do something really great like Bezos or like Elon, you have to believe that you have agency over your own life. You have to believe that you can accomplish great things. You have to, you know, act with purpose and..."
"The film ends by basically telling the kids and the audience that they can be a Jedi too."
"Ultimately I hope this film galvanizes people excites people and also inspires people."
"Let's make this love contagious, let's make this light contagious."
"You are strong Beyond Your Capacity to imagine... you are a queen with all of the same powers and abilities as a king."
"Jonah is a gift, and he might just change the world."
"We are legends, Spartans, legions holding their fort, [ __ ] warriors, we are kings, we are queens, we are [ __ ] gods."
"What makes you come alive? What truth does the world need to hear?"
"I want people to leave church and believe that they can fly, Sadie, that they can fly."
"Right from the beginning, the message of looking beyond hate is the mantra."
"Thank you for viewing, love, peace, blessings, and strength."
"Miyazaki's mantra: Show positivity and hope, even in darkness."
"Kyoto Animation will not give up. We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight."
"All the toxic [ __ ] we put inside of us y'all hold it down out there be safe be well be married Peace Love health wealth and prosperity Tupac cares if don't nobody else care we care here too sometimes."
"Every single human being on this planet matters."
"You're regaining your strength to love again."
"Look up because Jesus is coming soon. See you in the next video."
"Miami, I'm asking you to remember what this country can be."
"If my story makes it so that one person who feels like there's no way... gives them a glimmer of hope, then all the suffering and the pain that I've been through was worth it to me."
"When God created you, he said to all his people, 'I'm gonna take my time with this one.'"
"Pick up your damned cross and struggle uphill which is a really good message."
"Florida, a Beacon of Hope for a lot of people throughout our country and really throughout the world."
"I feel like we have the ability to unlock the world's wisdom."
"That test is going to become a testimony. That mess is going to become a message."
"The United States of America has been a beacon of light and hope for the world."
"We close with good night, good luck, a merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good earth."
"In the winter, far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose."
"Your story is amazing, your message is amazing."
"We shine like the stars amidst a crooked and depraved generation."
"If you truly let this song's message prevail in your life, it'll make a difference."
"May all of us have the spirit of chocolate and fluffy who know no fear, they only know play and light and love and I wish that for you everywhere."
"This is so much bigger than me, and it's not about my struggles, it's about helping you feel better about the skin that you're in."
"You can never discount the power of the Word of God."
"Your decisions are raindrops that when brought together make waves."
"It's easier for people to relate to that are going through shit to see you go through shit and then fix it. It's harder for them to relate to somebody that's just really on top of trying to keep themselves on track."
"As the world seems like it's going astray, give me the power to be a Guiding Light, to be a lighthouse in the dark."
"The biggest gift we can give people is the ability to walk away with a story." - Moonlight Swami
"Your legacy will not be the grave you left it will be the lives you saved."
"Open your eyes. This is where magic comes from."
"God's going to use your success so that you motivate somebody else."
"Positive vibes, positive message, that's what we're all about."
"My primary calling is to share the words of my testimony."
"Each time you leave a review, each time you give feedback, you help us reach more men with this message of inspiration, impact, and self-mastery."
"Zootopia is proclaiming that anyone can be anything." - Zootopia
"Huge purpose in your life, to help you see your worth and inspire you."
"Be a force for good, Gemini. This is with Archangel Sandalphon."
"I thank God for being able to stand up here before you this morning and bring the message that God put on my heart."
"Stop hiding your light under a bushel, Sagittarius. You are worth so much more, and people need your energy and messages."
"We are a beacon of light, hope, and of refuge."
"The main message here: a full new beginning."
"I have a positive and joyous message for Americans."
"Sing your night song, step into your true potential, claim all possibilities for yourself."
"You're the savior of the broken, you can save this."
"If you believe and you obey, trust and Obey, you never have to worry about taking the mark of the beast."
"The South is our homeland away from home... if racial progress can happen here, then it can happen anywhere."
"Welcome to the channel! I'm super grateful you're here, and I hope you get inspired to travel and learn how to make films all at the same time."
"Can you imagine what's going to happen because these proclamations of his word, all in writing for you? Imagine what's going to happen in your life, in your home, in your family, in the people you work with."
"Courage isn't just running into a burning building or fighting it out on the battlefield."
"Kate, you'll always be my brightest light against the dark."
"You can have flaws problems but wow them in the end and you've got ahead."
"Thank you so much for joining me and have an amazing day, stay kind and stay beautiful."
"America's best days are ahead, and yes, we are lighter than the horizon."
"Each and every one of you is made to be who you are and that's what's so attractive and beautiful. Please don't forget that even when it gets hard."
"My point is that the lack of a silver spoon has set you on a certain path, but you needn't stay on it. If you're prepared to adapt and learn, you can transform, you know, like in 'My Fair Lady'."
"We are a country of hope, not a country of fear or weakness."
"I'm setting an example for other kids out there who are chasing wild dreams to not just stutter in the face of adversity."
"You are about to have a major activation within you, Pisces, shining like the sun."
"I encourage all of you every single person viewing this video to create something fresh and brand new."
"I put it out there, I want more people building communities and helping others and caring about people. I really hope this book has a very positive impact on people."
"Your light is so bright it shines even on the darkest spirits."
"No matter how dark the circumstances there are always people out there strong and determined enough to persevere and to try to make the world a better place."
"Music brings us together, all of us. Don't ever forget that, please."
"This is one of those things that is universally good no matter where you are on planet earth this is a good thing and I hope it brightens your day." - Elon Musk
"You were the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Go out there and be salty. God bless and godspeed."
"Aquarius, you guys are gonna change the world."
"You are enough and you have control over what happens in your reality."
"Stay centered, stay grounded, it's your time and the world needs you."
"We must believe it's possible to change the world."
"God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise."
"The children are the most beautiful flowers of all," said the giant.
"Jesus died for my sins, I can't copy that cat."
"Speak your truth. It's liberating and it will liberate others."
"Batman turns tragedy into victory because people can turn tragedy into victory."
"The world needs you and you are very important."
"Let's be creative and let's inspire people to do more."
"You are being divinely guided with the light."
"I make a public declaration of my feelings because I want others, I want many others like us, to follow their hearts."
"Let's be protectors of life, Earth, creation, and imagination. Be the change you want to see."
"Your pain will become a platform for Jesus to shine His light through your life."
"Women are blessings to the world I just want to make a point today how beautiful and amazing the women are in this world man I just want to say thank you you're awesome"
"There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow shining at the end of every day."
"It's nice to be a part of something that speaks to the fact that women can be their own heroes."
"Hello, I am perfect proof that that is your anxiety lying to you...you can get better and I am proof of that."
"I believe we could have an economy that helps the American people, but most importantly I believe in each and every one of you. And so should you. God bless you." - A message of hope and belief in people's potential.
"Your strengths keep shining, Leo, you were born with a very special light."
"It's such an inspirational angle. Somebody who has this rock bottom that can have a laugh on the end of it tells every rock bottom out there every bad time person out there that you can flip this."
"It's like a superpower, but a superpower you can learn, and I'd love to see other people catch that spark." - Mark Rober
"You are eternally blessed. May peace, grace, and love forever guide you."
"America will be... you and I and everyone here."
"The greatest country in the world will be better because of you."
"You didn't give up. Someone needed to hear that you didn't give up."
"He's still blind but he sees more than he has ever seen before."
"You guys are a great example that you can do anything you want to."
"You need to realize right now that you are eight-year-old you's fucking hero."
"The lazy battle mage build guide was made for me."
"Look at the power of the human spirit and more than just the spirit, the power of the mind."
"All it needed to become a Disney classic was just faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust."
"I did it to prove that girls can do anything, incredible."
"Finish with favor. That's my message today. Finish with favor."
"A match which became the first WWE match to receive a five-star rating since 2011."
"I really want Nuri and Yasir to be ambassadors for this idea that love is achievable for all of us."
"Sometimes you just have to follow the light, it will always show you the right way."
"It inspires others to live life and burn bright. Kamen Rider should bring happiness."
"We can do this. There's nothing we've ever failed to do when we decided to do it together."
"The Divine feminine's Light is so bright place of great strength strengthen the sun."
"Be inspired... rise up to your power, to your power, to your power."
"If you don't take anything else away from these videos, God is certainly in control. God's grace is greater and God does love you." - Craig
"Every single fucking person matters, no matter who you are, no matter where you come from, you matter."
"Recognize that you've got everything you need within you. You bring the magic."
"You may not believe in my godliness... But I believe there's some God in you."
"Just keep pushing and you'll eventually get there, and I believe in you, and as long as you believe in yourself, I promise you can get there." - Madison
"Martin Luther King just to understand his message it can't go wrong with that."
"You are love, you are powerful, you're more than you think dear ones."
"Our country is in desperate need of it I pray this has been a blessing to you."
"I just think that you bring such a positive energy, but also like that's a little gem that I'm gonna use from now on."
"Victory you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good."
"They want you to see your beauty, to see yourself the way other people see you."
"This is not your final chapter. God is still writing your story."
"The marvelous one has not ceased in His ability to cause men to marvel."
"It's amazing what we can do when we think beyond limits."
"Don't be afraid to shine, don't be afraid to share your light."
"Owning your truth, owning your power, and just really standing up and standing firm in who you are and how truly magical and magnificent you are."
"You've been called to the kingdom for such a time as this."
"Other people will read this and it'll help them."
"Failing is easy. All you gotta do is let go. Climbing is hard. You gotta be tough to be blessed."
"Through all the bad situations, I could just picture him saying that he was there for us." - Clint Scales
"A true hero." - Engraved bracelet message for Sergeant Jeff Colvin
"You are an exceptionally creative person. You have new ideas and lasting passion and no shortage of curiosity."
"I hope young filmmakers in Japan will make films and continue to spread this message to the world."
"Choose to spread a message of love and light and positivity."
"You have something very powerful to share with the world."
"The world is a better place with you in it, even if it's hard to see that sometimes."
"It's been an absolute honor to share this with you today."
"I came for the music, but I got the message."
"Your story doesn't end here. The pain ends here."
"He's gonna give you so much favor that people will be saying what in the world how did that happen."
"Our Lord Jesus Christ said you were the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so go out there and be salty."
"The world is watching and we're gonna come up with the solution. God bless you all."
"Hope you found clarity and guidance in this message."
"It is time for America to unite, to come together."
"Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as sure as generosity and devotion exists, and you know they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary the world would be without a Santa Claus."
"Every time you hear Earth song, it's creating waves through the world."
"I believe hundreds and thousands of people watching today can do what they could not do before if they'll just activate this promise."
"The world needs more men like you who are strong but have a kind spirit." - Carl
"You are the future, unlock the possibilities."
"The miracle is the family oh my gosh no mary bella aka esmerelda this song what do you see i see me"
"Leia tells Mary Sue never to be afraid of who you are, almost like she knows who you are."
"The entire point of Trigun is to re-instill your faith in humanity."
"This card is an invitation to reassess and to look beyond these limitations and to recognize that in opening yourself to possibility you automatically invite positive change into your life."
"My purpose is to inspire, empower, and motivate you to live longer, healthier, more abundant lives."
"No one ever be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, how could I ever walk away from the one who saved my life?"
"The power of adventure shines within you, Great Door."