
Family Tradition Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"We would have a night of the week that would be leftover night, and we tried to make it into something that seemed more like an event."
"My dad brings me chocolate-covered strawberries every Valentine's Day."
"The first time I made them was with my mom, and she made them every year at Christmas."
"In my family, reading was the primary group activity."
"People who've had Deere machines for generations say that their family bleed green."
"My family has been seed saving this strain of heirloom tar heel green pole beans for over five generations, going back to the 1800s."
"It's a Small World... It's a rite of passage."
"We had at our the house I grew up in, we buried all our pets in one little section we called it like our pet cemetery."
"Every year on the anniversary of the tsunami, the family gathers on the beach at the water. The family honors the memory of all those who died in the disaster."
"For me, a traditional family made sense, and for Colleen, my wife, who did not come from a traditional family, she saw at a very early age what my parents had in a traditional family, and so she wanted a traditional family."
"11 years ago, I was an awkward youth; now, I share GMM with my son."
"Dammit, Hank Jr should be proud to say that this is in fact a family tradition."
"Food has been a passion for me I've been in the kitchen with my grandmother since 75 so yeah."
"That sauce wasn't just sauce. That sauce was love, that sauce was Sunday."
"Exactly how the Deegan legacy will unfold is untold, but one thing is for sure, it will be written with passion that's in the blood."
"Flowers were non-negotiable, but my mom had a great idea."
"It was the first time I was hunting with my dad's rifle, a lever-action Winchester. That day, I was hunting northwest of basket lake. When I got up to it, what do you think I saw? It was a Sasquatch."
"The desired outcome is for the eldest son and his descendants to succeed to the throne of his father."
"Memories like this with cigars and great company, heirlooms like that, really are so meaningful."
"My mother owned a pearl necklace that was passed down from mother to daughter for generations."
"My mom made the absolute best gumbo and I've spent the last 10 years trying to get it right."
"Saving people, hunting things, the family business."
"My father will always get out the Bible at the Christmas table and read the story of Christ's birth."
"Michael later told investigators from the NCAA that he chose University of Mississippi because that's where his family goes to school."
"Watching GDQ with the whole family has become a tradition."
"I like to joke that it was the 11th commandment in our family that Thou Shalt Join The Marine Corps."
"Our family tradition has kept our family strong and alive, and we continue that legacy now and forever."
"My favorite holiday tradition is with my mom and it's actually a New Year's tradition."
"My dad used to drag race here all the time. Like weekend after weekend after weekend, and I basically grew up here."
"Every year our family like so many around the world gather to reflect on the lessons of the hanukkah story the power of the people the possibility of the future."
"I think these pajamas are ones that you wear on Christmas morning."
"My father used to fight in tournaments, I can do it too."
"I always every year get like little like UFO things from my dad so he can put it in his office like one year I got him a UFO like it's a little tray it's like an alien that holds a little tray so we can like set a drink on it or something."
"Never before have I thought of any game I've played as an heirloom, but I do think of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga in precisely that way."
"Gracie Jiu-Jitsu: Our family's self-defense system for the last 85 years."
"Phantom of the Opera is something that's very special to my family and to me."
"We want our kids to always know that it's mandatory to come to mom and dad's house on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and any other holiday."
"My dad has made char siu at least 10,000 times over his 50 years as a Chinese chef."
"I grew up knowing U-Dub, wanting to go to U-Dub, my dad went to U-Dub."
"We're gonna start taking family Eid pictures every year."
"The gruesome discovery: 'This was no prank... his family were well known for getting into the spirit of things.'"
"Aviation has always been a core part of my family. I was born with it in my blood, and it has automatically become a passion of mine."
"My grandfather flew, and my father flew, and I became a pilot years prior to owning the airport."
"This is the original table that they all sat at, um, now and they all had their meals and chattered away."
"It's a recipe passed down from my great-great-grandma that I've just changed a little, but it's so good it's withstood the test of time."
"Christmas Vacation has this place in people's families that's so sweet."
"Your grandpa ever do the Vida Porter trick for you?"
"Nailed it, Mom. I mean, as many times as she made this and my mom made the country style steak, it's like there's no way we could have missed, right?"
"Welcome back to Bait's Kitchen today I'm going to be bringing one of my favorite cooks into the kitchen to cook something that I love from growing up. So here's my mom Kelly."
"Without question, maybe less freaking out than my dad, I passed them to my mum who placed them in the Bible along with the others."
"What we do in my family, we have a date, we open our fast... have water, and then we go pray... and then when we come back after praying, is then we eat."
"My mom cooks me shepherd's pie on fun night when I want a roast."
"My family loves planting trees and we try to plant at least one tree each year."
"Mom always made really delicious Hot Cross Buns every Easter in our home."
"That's what my grandmother used to do, and a lot of her meatball dishes, and it's absolutely delicious."
"It's already pre-roasted my grandma does this thing because she makes this salsa so much."
"When I was hunting with my dad and grandfathers... they only had one tag among them."
"The best biscuits are made with love and with a mother's touch"
"I'm not sticking slime in a little tiny shoe or purse or toy."
"Folks, I hope you enjoyed this video. I love growing sorghum and my family's done it for years and years and years."
"It reminds me of things my grandmother makes. It's like my favorite thing she makes at any holiday...it's like my favorite thing she makes."
"This is about treating yourself to something that's going to become part of your family."
"No, I also wanted to serve and do my bit, like my dad and brothers did."
"The annual tradition for father and son of the Stewart family had lasted strongly for the 13th year running."
"My family's run Audis for 20 years or more now. We've done over a quarter of a million miles in them, and they've never ever gone wrong."
"Granny's recipe for sugar cookies has been part of my Christmas for as long as I can remember."
"Wine was always transformative. My grandfather was making it in a basement in Brooklyn and serving it to us when we were 10 years old."
"My quote of the week is from a holiday movie, 'The Holiday' with Jude Law and Cameron Diaz. My dad asked fiancée and I always quote this."
"You are no longer a child, Papa. I would soon be a man who has to shave my whiskers and can drink brandy with Uncle Colonel."
"I do this because I love saving these trucks; they're my favorite trucks in the world. My kids love them, my dad loves them, my whole family loves them."
"Foreign and I have family dinners at our house every month or so with our family. I serve dinner on these plates, some sets of fine china that I like to switch out between the seasons that I've inherited from my grandmother."
"Family dinners have always been like an anchor grounding us in our day-to-day lives."
"I made a rule in the house that we could only wear Christmas pajamas for all of Christmas Eve and Christmas."
"Fondest memories of childhood are getting up extra early... and it's like dude, you know what, 30 more minutes Shoney's opens."
"Wouldn't it be a great idea if we all wore our Christmas PJs?"
"Passing my love of bowling down to my daughter has been a gift, and I'm praying that one day she becomes better than Dad."
"I belong to a family of men who have been artists in the kitchen for five generations."
"My grandmother being a kosher chef, she said, 'Let's try this new concept of food. Kids like them, you know, I cook for children,' and in September of 1969, they opened the first kosher pizzeria in this neighborhood."
"The only reason I wanted a gender reveal is because it is something my mother would have loved."
"It's been a pleasure to work on and to know that it's been in the family for 300 years."
"It's been in our family for so long and just to keep the tradition going means a lot to me."
"Adorning the exterior of our house was always one of our favorite things to do together."
"I love you, and I love the fact that this is what you and your family do."
"How could they not be boxers, these kids? It's been part of their blood since they were born."
"I remember making cakes like this with my grandma when I was little, and now my little girl is making them with her."
"Every woman for generations in our family has worn them to their wedding."
"That my family's been making that cast iron skillet meal for years and it was absolutely delicious."
"It's in the family," said John, "I've always known I was going to be in the army."
"These two ladies were amazing cooks, and my whole family comes from a generation of amazing cooks."
"Four generations of our family have celebrated the magic of Christmas with our guests."
"For the past several years, we take the kids out as part of a family tradition to local cemeteries."
"Christmas morning pajamas... moms especially love taking photos of the whole family in their matching pajamas."
"Whatever the young folks may feel, we older folks think not only that Mr. Perkins is a great actor, but his father before him, Osgood Perkins, was a great actor."
"Granny's always made the best pastry."
"Y'all have a blessed night and we thank you for watching Collard Valley Cooks, where we cook like our mama did."
"All the Christmas trees here are making me so excited. I won't have an apartment to decorate for Christmas this year, but I love decorating my parents' tree with them."
"My whole life my dad has come home and our house just smelled of barbecue."
"Merry Christmas, boys. Everybody have a seat, let's open presents."
"My dad started my love affair with Baja in the 70s and seemingly since I have been sharing this magical place."
"Welcome to our first official turkey trot. This is a memory for you guys, obviously this year, but this is also a memory that will begin a lifetime of traditions."
"We try to have family dinner every night and have started having the three older boys help cook a meal once a week."
"Christmas is such an individual thing, individual family."
"Jessica's cranberry sauce is the best part of Thanksgiving."
"Carrot time occurs at 3:30 p.m. sharp and is a sacred time in the Clayton household that cannot be ignored."
"I want my mom to teach me how to make her pozole."
"It's one of my favorite camps. It's one of our family's traditions."
"It's a beautiful day, and my family tradition on holidays is to go for long walks."
"It's tradition, Dad always did this with big news when I was little."
"It's that time of year, Ralph, and as has been tradition in my family for generations, the weekend of Thanksgiving we make the fruitcakes."
"We didn't make the choice to do that, the land has always been in the family and the land has always been farmed."
"I have a tradition with my kids where around their birthday I give them a room makeover."
"Passing on recipes to your kids is something you don't think about as you're cooking for them, but it's such a sweet moment."
"It's not a book that excludes; it's a book that brings you in and feels warm and Huggy and familiar, like a family cozying together around the fire with some knitting on a cold Winter's Night."
"By transforming my relationship to money, it connected me to my family, to my family tradition, and to my world around me."
"This plant is over 200 years old; it's been in their family for that long."
"There's some one of the books Joe makes cinnamon buns, and it's my wife's recipe."
"Food was always the most important thing in our family."
"I followed my dad, I mean dad raced sidecars when I was a kid."
"It will make the best corn beef sandwiches, it makes the best corn beef dinner, and your family will love you for thinking about them on St. Patrick's Day in such a nice way."
"Can we do it again next year, Daddy?" "We sure can, it's a tradition."
"My father was baptized, confirmed, married, and buried through this church."
"Last meal, if my grandmother is there to cook it, I want her hainanese chicken rice."
"Hello and welcome, today I'm gonna be showing you how my family makes corn tamales."
"We're close to Christmas at that point, we head back up towards Alabama, and that'll be our year."
"The recipe has been in my family for generations, secretly handed down for 5000 years."
"We will celebrate our 44th anniversary this year."
"I grew up in Hawaii learning a lot of my love of outdoors and hunting from my grandpa."
"Breaking bread with family was what we did; we loved it."
"A tradition in our family was that we put the Christmas tree up on her birthday, which was always so nice."
"I think every child, boy or girl leaving school, should be able to do 10 family dishes."
"Sunday means family dinner over at my parents' house."
"I come from a Ford family. My dad's always owned Ford trucks, F-150s in particular."
"Yeah, you will, once you activate our family's Kekkei Genkai bloodline limit."
"Our whole family is huge Dallas Cowboys fans so every single year my dad has a Dallas Cowboys tree."
"I was born and raised into a farming family."
"It is really exciting that 18 years ago, I would bring Cassie up here and set her in the arms of the cheerleaders and have her first squad photo taken, and now she's actually in that uniform."
"The making of Petri wine is a family affair."
"This is actually what started the BMW love in our family."
"Our family has owned Kawasaki's for about 21 years now."
"It tastes like, in the best way, the tacos when we had taco night growing up."
"Every night the children knelt to receive their mother's blessing before bed."
"As long as it's the secret formula of my family, you can have it if you wish."
"One of the things my grandparents loved to do in the evenings was to congregate around a piano with their friends and sing songs."
"It's just passion for Moroccan Cuisine. I just cooked because my mother cooks beautifully."
"My father Douglas Smith was a collector for 70 years, when I was a teenager I used to go to military shows with my father."
"Nana told me to tell everyone Merry Christmas."
"This job is usually reserved for the eldest son of a wealthy rancher, but since Esperanza was an only child and Papa's pride and glory, she was always given the honor."
"The deal with birthdays around here is the birthday person gets to choose what foods we eat for the day."
"My boyfriend's mom making us Velveeta shells and cheese and dino nuggets is now our tradition."
"I always grab the bill. I don't know what it is, my dad always did that."
"I always loved smelling my birthday cake baking in the house, there's just something so special about that."
"These jewels have been passed down in the Agreste line for years."
"This is the pot roast that you all love, that you all remember your grandmom's and your mom's and dad's making."
"It's nice to have something to pass down that has a link with my family over the generations."
"Life's most beautiful moments often come from the simple things, like a family recipe passed down through generations."
"I want my kids to grow up to ride horses, to carry on my family legacy."
"Here we hug each other when we come home."
"It's through this process of taking small pieces and working collaboratively with the other women in her family that Krista developed the use and idea for these pinwheels."
"Every time one of our kids turns 13, they get a special dad trip."
"My mom learned my grandma's strawberry jelly recipe and it's really good."
"Football has always been ingrained in me and in the family from a very young age."
"Every Christmas Eve I used to make mince pies with my dad for Santa."
"If you're lucky, if you're in my household, you're getting my very famous Rice Krispie treats."
"No one had to teach me that I had to stick to my wife because my grandparents did, and so we knew growing up."
"Our family's second Hearth's Warming Eve... This is our chance to really seal the deal and make some memories."
"Every night at dinner at home, we do our peak and our pit, so I figured that we could do it for our day today."
"It's a ritual to go make pizza when one of the nieces or nephews are turning 21."
"Making gingerbread houses is another really great family tradition."
"Just like my mother used to make."
"We watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while we're cooking on Thanksgiving."
"In the Walker house, we will always have ice cream, win or lose."
"We're eating food that was gathered by Maria, who learnt it from her grandmother, so we're really touching history and touching the Ligurian issue."
"My family has been supporting the club for several generations now."
"This family has been growing tea on this small plot of land around their home for the past few decades."
"My husband's been playing Santa for quite a while in our household."
"This year we have a special edition, we have a marble run in our Christmas tree."
"My family has a tradition where we put up a Christmas tree."
"Ironically, building a gingerbread house was one of my holiday family traditions growing up."
"Thank you for always making this a cake on Father's Day."
"Unions are like tradition; it gets passed on through the family."
"Every weekend we woke up to like the smell of eggs and bacon every morning."
"That's what it's all about; it runs down the family in generations."
"The family business angle of the Bachs... a family of musicians that extends about 200 years or six generations."
"Do you have any memories of Santa Claus? I always try my best to create magical memories for my five-year-old son, Carlos."
"Gnocchi, it's in my blood; it's just what I do."
"Tonight we're gonna be having classic recipe Frito Pie."
"You did do beautifully, Junie B.," she said. "Maybe I'll hang this one on the wall for Grandparents Day on Monday. Would you like that?"
"Tasters see the image of Don's mother in his dishes."
"It's funny, music was always in my family, my mom actually toured with a group called Up with People when she was in college."
"I own and work a farm which has been in my family for 120 years."
"We are of course indebted to the suit of our family for this series as it's built up over the years and has become a flagship of SOAS events."
"My precious secret book... my family's signature life hack."
"Every year my family comes up with a signature cocktail for the holidays."
"When we moved to the Netherlands, we quickly realized that if you have kids, then Sinterklaas is the single most important event of the year."
"My mom always made chili like this and it tastes so freaking good."
"We're supposed to have pajama night, we always have matching pajamas around this time of year."
"Whenever we visit, we always play this card game called Lambsy, it's a form of Rummy."
"She eventually had a son, illegitimate son named Maurice Utrillo, and she taught him to paint."
"I come from a family of hunters... we've traveled all over the states to hunt different things."
"Every Christmas morning, Jeremy makes scones from scratch and they are so amazing for the whole entire family."