
Social Recognition Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The politics of humiliation is really about recognition or the lack of it. It's about honor and esteem or the lack of it."
"Rarity had awaited the response from the high-class ponies with nervous excitement, surely it would be the moment in which she would truly shine in Equestria."
"Everybody's looking to be seen, valued, understood, and less alone on their journey."
"Nobody can replace us, but once a person transitions to whatever gender they want to, we have to acknowledge that they are that now, that gender."
"You're going to be turning heads, receiving more compliments."
"We want to provide a way for them to be rewarded, to compete, to be recognized, to show social."
"A feeling that humanity values more than just feeling good is feeling seen."
"Trans women are women. I think there are differences between you know being a biological or a cisgender woman and being a trans woman."
"Dogs can look forward to a good year with career growth, social recognition, and wealth potential."
"It's that life-changing thing that happens when you're seen, valued, and adored."
"Pronouns, just like anything that we have, names, identities that we care about, matter to us."
"As just long as it's googly eyes and maybe it'll be you in the craft section at Michael's and people have to pick you out and say that's the one that's the one who defamed me."
"Sexuality is a spectrum, and you do see it often; people fall on different areas of it."
"I want people to acknowledge my presence for who I am, not for my money."
"Thank you for the awards and nice words. Wow."
"Gain in popularity, recognition, or social status."
"For some of you, it's about being heard, feeling respected, and making people listen."
"Your name deserves to be mentioned just as much if not more than colin kaepernick you guys are heroes thank you I appreciate you."
"And honestly like I always assumed that uh people like me were just ignored like they didn't know where we were."
"Black women's love is the best-kept secret in America, but it shouldn't be a secret."
"On the bright side, you're the talk of the party. People like your dress."
"I think trans people are real. I don't think it's just a cry for attention."
"When you're overlooked by your peers for the vast majority of your life, it can be like a hacksaw straight to your self-esteem."
"Learning how to accept the fact that not everyone in the world is going to know who you are and remember you but the people that will remember you are the ones that are important."
"People will be shifting into higher timelines to the point where people will not remember who you are."
"People are realizing that essential workers matter... really appreciating the work."
"People started immediately heaping me with embarrassing praise for doing what I consider to be the bare minimum."
"People who really know you, they're close with you and all these things, okay? Y'all know us, y'all close with us, y'all follow us, you guys witness the work that we put in."
"Some people are celebrating being trans because they overcame something."
"It's knowing that someone is that you're not invisible, you know, oh yeah, that you matter."
"Being recognized in life is pretty important."
"They know your worth, your beauty, your power."
"Thanks again to the brave members that shared their stories with us."
"Thank you to everyone who sends support our way."
"He did it the right way, staying under the radar. His name is more of a name than it is a face."
"Everybody loves Kula, she's probably around here."
"Just to know that you are validated, you are seen, and you haven't been forgotten."
"I now feel seen. There are members in the community, black and brown beautiful trans women who show up in grace, make space for everybody else who never get acknowledged."
"The forgotten men and women are forgotten no more."
"A purple achievement, that means I'm cool. Now I'm gonna tell all my friends at school, they're gonna be so jealous you'll see."
"It feels good to look good... and know that people notice that change."
"If you do the right thing, people will reward you."
"Life is fuzzy and weird, and people are who they are. That's who they say they are."
"We as a black community deserve nice things, black women deserve luxury."
"I'm not being, you know, this is not, I'm not like promoting the vague because he retweeted my stuff, I just think it was cool that he noticed."
"We can't wait for circumstances to change before we push and force recognition of this issue."
"It's hard to keep going back when you know no one really cares except maybe like a small proportion of people."
"If you've been feeling overlooked or ignored, that is gonna change."
"It just feels good to be acknowledged, you know?"
"Everybody just wants to be seen, heard, loved, and acknowledged."
"I want everybody to know that they're seen, you know, and that they matter."
"Now they see the gain, they see the prestige, they see the way it could actually position her as maybe more of a star."
"Men can be victims and they should not be erased from the conversation."
"You're absolutely on the path to realizing your highest potential in terms of what you want to be recognized and valued among people around you."
"You give voice to my rage and I don't feel constantly gaslit."
"There's actually a lot of people that are grateful to him."
"These are real people. Their experiences matter."
"There's so many essential workers that do not get the respect that they need."
"Forbes Zilla says, 'Dude, my man is a local hero.'"
"Who do you know that commands that kind of attention bro like [ __ ] gonna kind of start giving this [ __ ] to me."
"I got a blue check mark that you know Lindsay Lohan has that Oprah has that Ellen DeGeneres has that I have now."
"The crowning next weekend again it seems to be it's the first it's something very important about um official, it's like a rubber stamp on two people that have been divorced as well have gone through that and can still become king or queen."
"More of you who have different occupations, you're going to start to be highly revered as we move through this decade."
"For the most part, I've been really welcomed warmly... People recognize me from my YouTube channel, Namibians all the time, and they're always like just coming up to me and introducing themselves."
"I felt like I was the King before I met anybody."
"Being recognized by a larger group of people."
"Thank you to everyone who is an essential worker."
"I got recognized on Reddit, so that was... I got recognized on a dating app."
"Aquarius, you're gaining huge recognition. People are drawn to you."
"You're gonna get where you're going, and I promise you 95 of you, whenever you get to your destination nobody's going to care that you've arrived."
"Tone it down, man. You're gonna get where you're going and I promise you, when you get there, nobody's going to care that you've arrived."
"You are very popular, you're very well known, people have taken a great interest in you."
"Kudos black women let people know y'all are not to be played with."
"Your energy itself will bring in new people that appreciate you, that show you that you are important, that want to give to you as well, give you praise, give you accolades, give you recognition here."
"It's about recognizing the humanity of the other."
"Once my friends find out that 'why are you breathing so loudly' came from my stream."
"Props to you dude, pretty freaking epic, I liked your plain black, freaking epic, you're gonna get 17 people saying, 'I was that man.'"
"Life is funny. Very few people will extend the arm to give you your flowers, my friend."
"They're telling people that you're very intelligent, that you're mind over heart."
"Your energy is bomb as [__], whether they acknowledge it or not."
"Congratulations, you're officially our school Queen."
"Just acknowledge it. I think where it angers people is where you feel like you're not being acknowledged."
"If you happen to be one of the few individuals who get to a point where you do this activity extraordinarily well... People will want to have dinner with you."
"Billy's name began reappearing on invitation lists and in society columns."
"I get complimented and I get praised so much for keeping it real."
"...what matters is they're talking about us."
"When the revolution wasn't televised, they deserve credit too."
"It's not very often that a single act from a person earns them the title of 'mad lad.' Usually, you need to have a long history of doing mad things to really am the traoré."
"I just really want to take a moment to appreciate the third gender options."
"That's like getting prom queen or something but for the nerds."
"We are all valuable; it does not matter if you are recognized by society or not."
"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
"We finished third in the Bundesliga with a skeleton squad."
"You should pursue the esteem and respect of the people that you respect."
"We had to notice essential workers last year. Let's keep noticing them."
"Black people exceptional people they deserve some recognition, some appreciation, and some reparation."
"Trans people do exist, gender dysphoria is real, adults should have access to medical care..."
"When you walk into every nightclub or every nice restaurant in the city, someone should know you there."
"A lot of dignity is invisibility, you are simply not seen as a fellow human being."
"A popular person is someone that everyone knows."
"The most important jobs in the society and who weren't rewarded as well."
"I feel cool every time I get a notification that he liked anything. I'm like, gosh dang, I may be something in the sport."
"I just want to be respected by my peers."
"Engagement isn't going to bring you happiness, clout isn't going to bring you happiness."
"What an honor it is for us to be among such distinguished company."
"To become secure, I have to have value. I want to be worth something; I want to be worth enough to attract the attention of others."
"Recognition is a moral imperative because to be without recognition will cause harm."
"They want to be seen, they want to be understood."
"She was known among her big circle of friends not only for her intelligence and academic achievements but also for her cheerful attitude and great sense of humor."
"Hyenas are said to be incredibly intelligent animals and they can recognize every single individual in their clan's vocalization."
"Once Drake get to talking about you, you poppin'."
"When the ear heard it, it called me happy and blessed; when the eyes saw it, it testified for me approvingly."