
Learning Approach Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Learning doesn't have to be a big commitment like signing up for a college class; it can be fun and easy."
"Self-study matters more than classroom learning in MBBS."
"You're much less likely to develop this bias like oh these notes are the right notes and these notes are the wrong notes or whatever because you're just kind of trying stuff and seeing how it sounds."
"Choosing an introductory course for React Native rather than jumping into a higher level class will probably lead to a better experience."
"Instead of us learning about databases in a cold, soulless academic, isolated vacuum, we are going to learn about them within the holistic context of creating applications."
"Learn to break things apart and then put them back together."
"If you hate fighting something, play it. That is how you learn."
"The imperative is to ask questions rather than give answers."
"Learning is a philosophy of how you go about approaching problems."
"Learn it until you earn it is better than fake it till you make it."
"Hello everyone and welcome to One Civil Law where we learn through the misfortunes of others. As always, I hope you'll enjoy this live legal education."
"You don't need to master every single tiny detail."
"I'm gonna start over again and I'm gonna start with no, I mean, even though I've learned something before, I'm gonna assume that I haven't and ask questions."
"I'm just here to give you the breadcrumbs as always."
"I don't think you have to know the thing, I think you just have to know a thing."
"Education is not putting stuff in but pulling stuff out of your brain."
"College is not about learning the what, it's about the how."
"The best way to become familiar with conditional sentences is to start writing them and to start experimenting with them."
"Education isn't just about learning how to factor a quadratic or learning negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over 2a."
"Rookie moves man, such rookie moves. Let's see, intuitive learning splicing, this gene will increase the attack and resilient traits."
"Learning can be fun and not just a memory task."
"We'll start on easy, as a noob, and play the tutorial to absorb what this game is."
"It's about finding pieces of information through some person but at other times I am more interested in finding teachers."
"You can do this it's not you don't have to be aggressive you don't have to hurt anyone or anything like that you say no that you are going to learn English in school."
"You need the applicability and flexibility of encountering new ideas."
"Instead of trying to do a bunch of details, master the basics."
"Let us show them, let them do the work, we'll critique them."
"Golden opportunities instead of painful lessons."
"It's a math course. We will be going over a fair amount of math. But we really work hard to make it very accessible to people."
"How we know what we know is so much more important than what we know."
"Science isn't just a big book of facts that you have to memorize, it's a way of processing information."
"Asking questions is the best thing you can do."
"Just jump in and learn from your own mistakes."
"You don't necessarily have to master every last aspect of it in order to start to grapple with the political and social implications."
"Approach everything with what can I learn from this not so much what can I teach."
"Advanced work is subtractive, not just additive."
"It's not about shoving information into you, it is about forcing it out and that's how you learn."
"Seriously but he asked occasional questions but for the most part, we just figured it out from watching the videos."
"There's no shame in looking up a how-to. Learning to find new answers is so much more important than memorizing old ones."
"Ideal way to learn coding... some project in mind... very good to start thinking like... I'm going to make something that I actually care about."
"Comparing yourself to others is not very effective. What you want to look at is how can I learn from this."
"I learned the most from just listening, switching my position."
"Math and science can be pretty intimidating but with the right learning path they will unfold to be clear intuitive and horizon broadening the key is to find that right learning path."
"I love kindergarten - it's so fun and I'm good. I'm going in blind like I said with kindergarten so like I'm not gonna like - I kind of like to do it the honest way even though it can be a little bit hard."
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy, in fact, watch and learn."
"My advice to you is to take it one step at a time, approach it like a student learning everything."
"Learning and playing were synonymous, and especially children have this natural tendency to play by learning things and exploring things."
"Sometimes understanding is way more important than memorizing."
"Patience is the important thing... Slow and steady will make this foolproof."
"The best way to learn how to code is to build something meaningful from scratch."
"If you don't know how to do something, find a way."
"The more you try to paint things with more color, the easier it is to understand color."
"I didn’t get magically smarter, I just tried to approach the same thing from a different angle."
"What if you were teaching programming and you decided right at this point to stop saying you don't need to know anything else?"
"The only thing that makes someone native is how they learn, not where they live."
"First book would be Constructive Anatomy by George Bridgman...think of it as a three-dimensional objects rather than simply just a flat kind of diagram right."
"I think it’s really important to show them that science is not about memorizing facts."
"Just have them be good observers and be curious."
"It's not just about memorizing; you also have to understand the things you're learning."
"I didn't take any courses; I taught myself."
"This is the best way for you to get to the basics of this, practice with this first."
"The best way to learn is to free yourself up and start exploring."
"Focus on patterns instead of rules."
"It is in your manner of approaching whatever you propose to learn that determines what you learn, not what you claim to be seeking."
"We are now going to go back to basics."
"Self-supervised learning is a different kind of approach that allows us to use this domain knowledge."
"Don't worry too much about capturing every little bit of information; let it wash over you like a story."
"Embrace learning rather than schooling, and be free to take advantage of small opportunities with each child."
"It's better to start with something and to learn from what is existing."
"It's going to be learning rather than direct planning."
"You do not limit your ways of learning, you want to keep yourself open for the overall."
"Coordinated representation... is a different way to think about representation learning."
"That's how Brilliant approaches learning."
"You're not learning in this course C. You're not learning PHP or JavaScript. You're learning how to solve problems."