
Social Invitation Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Would you be interested in going to the movies tonight?"
"This feels more like an invitation than anything else."
"Come be comfortable come enjoy yourself you are welcome here whatever you got."
"Join us on the trail we'll have some fun I'll see you at the trail."
"I'd love to see you while you're here. That would literally be so much fun."
"You know what, yeah. In that case, you know what guys? I'm inviting everyone from the United Stand over. Any time, just come over, we can have a good time."
"They want to come to your house or want you to theirs."
"Hang out with us today, it's going to be a busy day."
"She had no reservations in accepting Barbara's invitation to her table."
"I don't care what people say, I really don't. If you want to join the journey, you're more than welcome to."
"Hey sis, I'm really bored, do you want to come over and hang out for a bit?"
"You're invited to everything. All right, you can't come to a lot of things, you're invited to everything."
"I want to take you out somewhere. Make the reservations let me know."
"What a unique looking fish. We're with Brian today. Probably in the morning for a little bit if you guys want to come out here and see some of this fishing that we've been doing."
"I would totally come for lunch if I didn't have coaching right after."
"That's it. Hey, what if you and I became friends?"
"Wow, someone actually invited me out. He's really nice, I don't know, he's really sweet."
"This is overall a gorgeous space I would love to come over sometime and share a drink so just invite me and I'll be there."
"Come hang out dinner with us if you're in town, do it."
"You're really smart, as a token of my appreciation, would you mind me taking you out to dinner?"
"You're invited to an event where you'll meet this person."
"Come check us out Friday Saturday Kansas City improv."
"If any of you guys are ever in Austin and whatnot in the Austin Texas area, be sure to hit me up on Instagram because I love meeting all of you guys."
"How 'bout lunch with an old friend?"
"They wanted to ask you out for a drink or to hang out sometime. They definitely are thinking about hanging out with you."
"So, fancy a drink after work then?"
"If you ever go out again, please don't be afraid to invite my husband and I again, because that was a spectacular time."
"Michael wants to hang out this weekend if you'd like."
"You're welcome to sit at our table any time."
"I will have a Manhattan, I think I might need a few more 50s before you're invited to cocktails as well."
"Y'all know how we get down over here late night tap in."
"I'd like to take you for dinner; it's my treat."
"Hey, we're having a beach party sort of ideal summer. You want to come?"
"I wish somebody invite me come eat, but um, lovely, very quiet, nice."
"We should split a bottle sometime soon."
"Is that invitation to the movie still open?"
"Take a bite out of your day and hang out with us."
"Let's have a drink sometime and you can tell me about Russia."
"Next video is a party at Mo's house, y'all are invited!"
"More than happy if you come over and introduce yourselves."
"Would you like to have coffee sometime? I have a feeling you and I could be great friends."
"What took you so long to invite me? I was expecting you."
"It's going to be very fun, come and meet me there."
"This is an invitation, across the nation, a chance for folks to meet."
"We'll be there all weekend, please come find us and say hi, we'd love to see you."
"How would you like to spend the night with the regional manager of Dunder Mifflin Scranton?"
"Listen, we were gonna grab lunch in a minute if you wanted to."
"Lord Childs requests the pleasure of your company to supper at eight of the clock this evening at Bombay House."
"If you have time, let's hang out together."
"We're going to take you guys to dinner."
"Let's get together for a cuppa—a cup of whatever you want."
"Please join us, we have no friends."
"Let's meet for a drink later; I have exciting news to tell you."
"Should go out for drinks sometimes, you like? Yeah, I'd love that."
"Well, how about dinner? We'll go out to dinner."
"Let's go out tonight, somewhere fabulous."
"Oh yeah, nice. You've got to come to Beric Manor on Friday. Ask for Tony Tucker. Tony Tucker, it's easy, it rolls off the tongue."
"I hope you're free this week, I'd like to see as much of you as possible."