
Educational Advice Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"The most important thing when it comes to learning a language is getting input or, in other words, listening to and reading in that language."
"Differentiate between retracements and reversals to avoid missing opportunities."
"Why do you wanna just learn from me? What you're gonna learn are the way I've learned, learn from everyone."
"I would learn blockchain first before I learn anything else."
"You can start with simpler books like fiction for adolescents. Start with introductory material. Make reading a habitual part of your life."
"Reading the whole passage and then looking at the questions is easier for some students."
"Don't make them become security admins, don't make them learn networking, no, no, no, let them be really great at code."
"It's a pretty good like I feel like if you try to learn a language with them in the next 18 months if you don't know another language already you would learn it much easily that make sense."
"If you want an effective way to learn and remember vocabulary, this is it."
"Hopefully, by the end of this video, you will learn from my mistakes, fix your ineffective studying, and improve your content retention and therefore, your test scores."
"Make it part of your lifestyle and not just something that you study for."
"Give all your mock tests like they are your main paper and take your main paper like it's a mock test."
"Develop a good relationship with your professors, especially if you're in a small department."
"Stay in school, Officer Christopher Walker, man. You heard it right here. Stay in school. Be cool. Don't do drugs."
"Simplify your explanations so you understand it."
"Learning a little bit every single day is great."
"English should sound almost like how water flows; language flows."
"You don't need to master every single tiny detail."
"Most importantly do homework do not be influenced by me him or anybody else do your homework."
"Essay planning... I can't stress enough how important that is."
"Just keep that in the back your mind as you're learning."
"Figure out how you study best and go from there. Play to your strengths."
"If you are in school or college for anything creative, take a business class."
"JavaScript is absolutely something everybody should learn."
"Team up with the most driven in school, not your best friends."
"Tailoring your studying to you, which you should always be doing."
"Find a study method or strategy that works for you."
"It's been amazing, and so far, it's like doing Clinic book with all my mates, right?"
"You can start with something simple, just translate some basic words."
"Proper guidance and mock tests are essential for success."
"The secret to solving this problem is actually pretty simple... You can only study so much every single day."
"Statistics is a big thing... You have to know a little bit of everything."
"Your girls are brilliant. It's amazing, Kelsey and Gabby, and one of them's a Rhodes like a literal, legit Rhodes Scholar."
"Take a Latin, because if you know Latin, an inflected language, so my Greek teacher said then you can understand Greek."
"So do everything you can to make studying less of a pain and more effective. Elaborate on the content as much as you can, connect new concepts to things you already understand or create."
"Don't focus on perfection your first year, focus on improvement and growth."
"Studying body language could be helpful for someone with Asperger's."
"Basketball is my guarantee, and I always tell them, take advantage of these colleges for they won't take advantage of you."
"The topic is quite a lot more complex than you think so please do check that out if you haven't already."
"Do your research and never stop learning... There's always more to learn."
"Build a solid foundation by mastering the basics first."
"You should be educated when you travel, the shit is like really scary."
"Teach what you learn; the best way to solidify knowledge."
"Try to take it to a field that you like, try to get some data from some things that you like because you're gonna have this, you know, you're learning database modeling."
"If you don't understand something, don't rush it. Spend the time to understand it."
"You have been ripped off intellectually... it's not that hard and it will change your life forever."
"We think that you as a parent need to be reinforced."
"If you follow all of these rules to the letter, then I can guarantee at least an A-minus in any physics class that you take."
"The real trick to understanding music well is to understand those tonal relationships."
"Do your own research, when you do you'll never believe what you've been taught."
"This is one of the best projects you can work on as a beginner."
"Start out slow. Start doing some stuff in programming. Don't immediately get into the harder sort of thing."
"If the subject doesn't grab you, pick another."
"Don't be afraid to get ahead in your schoolwork, thankfully because of online classes we have more time than ever to be getting ahead in our schoolwork."
"The number one thing you do when you're solving a problem... always do inside whatever is inside the parentheses first."
"Do your own research. Do your own homework, y'all. Please, please."
"If you're interested in science you should study science and if it doesn't go well for you um you might not have done a great job this year but it doesn't mean that you can't go into a science related field for sure."
"If you're running out of literary devices in terms of the language being presented, then also draw upon structural features of the text."
"Hey guys, are you a junior and wondering what you can do to prepare for college and be totally ready and get into the most awesome College possible? If so, this video is for you."
"Be a critical thinker. Don't accept that just because someone says something, it's true."
"Make sure you have a paper trail of everything and make sure that your kids are progressing academically."
"Your fundamental approach to this conversation is [ __ ] and you need to go back to like economics 101."
"Your tricks in terms of writing: your variety of sentences, your complex punctuation, your complex vocabulary — there's your skills."
"Stay in touch with your teachers of any form, even stay in touch with the teachers that you didn't think were your teachers."
"Active reading techniques aid comprehension and memory retention."
"You should go through all lessons before taking the assessment quiz."
"Any advice for a budding appraiser? Go to school and learn it, learn it from your gut so you can see it, so you know it, and if you don't know it, don't be afraid to say I don't know, I can find out."
"It's time to start taking studies a little more seriously."
"Hang on, keep studying, and what seems to be just a pinhole of understanding will become brighter and brighter."
"My advice to you is to take it one step at a time, approach it like a student learning everything."
"If a teacher warns you that the class is going to be crazy hard and you can escape, that's your chance to escape."
"At the end of the day, it's just a test, it doesn't define you."
"Knowledge is that's going to get you places."
"Take some courses in introductory sentential or symbolic logic."
"Research, read less fiction and read more scientific literature."
"We recommend that people verify the facts they learn on YouTube with more reliable sources of information."
"Yes, you can combine this program with school or work, but it will require discipline and time management."
"Great way to start learning ethical hacking if you wanna attack wifi networks."
"The easiest way to get grounding in sort of foreign policy questions is basically to ground yourself in recent history."
"We need to talk about how your English comprehension is."
"Understanding the different locking techniques can make it a lot easier for you."
"Get your kids the hell out of public schools."
"Remove as many barriers as you can to just walk into studying."
"So if you're learning a language right now, what should you take from this?"
"If you are an Asian American or even if you simply have an Asian or Asian sounding surname, you need to be careful about what you do and don't say in your application." - Princeton Review
"Go in expecting to learn, be respectful, and listen to your instructors."
"Stay in school, kids, and I hope that your secondary school experience is better than mine."
"I hope that this was helpful to you. If you didn't know this information, don't feel bad I didn't either for a long time but it can really help our kids be successful with dividing up multi-syllabic words and reading them."
"There are some common mistakes that people make and we're going to cover all of them."
"It is important that you watch this class as many times as possible because there are a lot of concepts that when you watch again the lesson, you are going to be able to understand them better."
"I'm going to try to make this as open as possible and trying to give advice that helps every course imaginable at CSM."
"Don't worry about not understanding every single line as you go through it."
"If you're going to learn anything, learn how to build a website."
"In this video, I'm going to be presenting my tips and tricks for the decision making subtest."
"If you want to know the best program to get into without going into student loan debt, that's going to fully prepare you, and it's going to be at your own pace, you do it whenever your schedule permits."
"Make sure you understand the concepts as you go along."
"This is good solid information that will definitely increase your chances of having a great experience with math and getting where you need to go."
"Using vocabulary in context is your friend; it's going to really help you to learn and remember the vocabulary."
"Math is no different, so you have to have the discipline to know how to do these steps."
"We also know that you and most students want to know what I have to do to be successful in this class."
"It is always better to study K's law first and then move to the other types of circuits."
"It's always good to learn multiple languages."