
Combat Efficiency Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Hopefully, between two rounds of shooting and potentially two rounds of combat, he might well have justified his 50 points."
"The most important stage: the account build. You're gonna want to build the most powerful account you can possibly create for its combat level."
"They all surprisingly have pretty great synergy and can fight pretty well..."
"More damage means you'll be able to get through fights faster but because of this you'll be fighting more."
"It's kind of hard to kill something if you can't hit it, which is why accuracy matters."
"The more plus skills we have, the more we murder."
"You can do a quick one two three combo, go into slide beats, and you've played all your songs very quickly."
"This tank feels absolutely special if you can control the engagement."
"Ultimately, if you're doing more damage, you're gonna kill the enemy before they can kill you."
"At the end of the day, Darth Tenebrous is one of those really solid combatants who, while not the best of the best, is still more than a match for the vast majority of beings out there."
"This is gonna make your Reverse Slice, it's gonna make your Carve, it's going to make your Dizzy Swing all hit harder."
"Colonel Autumn's laser pistol... ignores damage resistance, making it ideal for use against heavily armored foes."
"The last word with its hip-fire versatility and its incredibly fast optimal time to kill is an extremely good secondary weapon."
"Good combat is where a lot of that time save exists for people."
"Lumberjack makes you an absolute god with an axe."
"Pyra/Mythra is ridiculous, they're so good in neutral."
"You're never gonna need to reload, you can kill like eight or nine people before you even need to reload your weapon once."
"The MG 15 Storm... will let you take on more enemies at once."
"For the additional 40 points investment, you've gained around seven anti-infantry shots and about one and a half anti-tank shots."
"Blade guard veterans hit like a truck against virtually anything they get in combat with."
"I've 100 percent been able to use far fewer combats to still give them those fun combat moments than I did with using the default initiative system."
"New DPS roll passive: 'Eliminations grant 25% increased reload and movement speed for 2.5 seconds.'"
"Oh how about Monte Carlo just by Landing hits with this thing you'll rapidly refill your melee energy."
"You now got a good enough rate of fire and alpha damage to be able to lock down the tracks of your opponent and really go to town on them."
"With its superior design unsurpassed mobility devastating firepower excellent crew protection and proven reliability, the Rooikat is an aggressive day and night fighter uniquely suited for the challenges of the 21st century."
"Hands down, the longsword can win whether you're trying to compare speed, cutting capacity, reach, weight, leverage, point of balance, thrusting, or hand protection."
"The Spitfire was a very elegant solution to killing you."
"Lux can reach a point where you can actually like reasonably all twice in the teamfight after it's fully staffed, which is pretty good."
"You almost never notice the HP shortage because of how [__] good he is at just dodging everything."
"Focus for faster charges and any kind of damage, affinity, and sharpness boosting skills."
"You'll want to stack as much damage as possible."
"Iron Man has had dozens upon hundreds of armors that have done their job at competing, damaging, and even surviving attacks against Gods, otherworldly beings, aliens, and demons."
"The Cordite will be killing faster than the Rus at pretty much all ranges."
"Crit rate, crit damage, and attack... the three main stats to just get the most out of every hit."
"The wizard does have the ability to wipe out a lot of enemies at once."
"Tone is one of the best loadouts in the game. Every time you shoot an enemy, you'll get a partial missile lock."
"Having Naruto's Sage Mode exclusively focusing on Naruto's hand-to-hand combat could very well be the key."
"The burst damage potential for this tank is unparalleled."
"Melee is OP: Strength directly boosts weapon damage, including carry weight."
"The goal is to produce as much DPS as possible while having enough mana to get through the fight."
"Being able to deliver 720 damage within two seconds of the first shot."
"Ayaka still exists and likely is still capable of one-shotting pretty much anything you throw at her."
"This thing will rail enemies down to the ground in seconds."
"Threat detector: increased reload, stability, and handling when enemies are in close proximity."
"Percy is slicing through opponents like butter."
"This weapon is good still... it is very good status and also as a bonus it can heal you."
"Congratulations, you won the battle with zero damage, just straight optimized zero percent damage."
"This item rocks! Like it gives you lethality, which works on the jungle monsters, it works on players."
"He speed blitzed the demon in a single clean slice, no problemo."
"Increasing the ability to control a dangerous device is not a benefit solely limited to combat."
"Best rule is allowing most ability checks in combat to be done without taking an action."
"It's agility and its computer systems just make it a dream in combat."