
Work Life Quotes

There are 436 quotes

"We are living and working in a global pandemic, a once in a century pandemic."
"87% of us are doing something we don't want to do most of our waking lives."
"No one cares how long you work. You went to work, you hid in the corner, you looked how to avoid doing any sort of valuable thing, and you rotted for 30 years. Congratulations, you wasted your life."
"70 percent of our daily lives is spent at work."
"The great American office, the great dead-end job, the great middle-class mediocre."
"You're gonna get a lot more organized with work."
"We just want to live our lives and go to work."
"Life's too short to be working on someone else's dream."
"As humans, we can always find misery in any situation, no matter how good. You know, if you're a cashier or a sales guy or a banker or whatever, you can always find something that makes you depressed about your job."
"It's really good in terms of building yourself up and becoming more presence and more of a bigger personality when it comes to your working life..."
"There was no balance in my life. I became this machine, and I lost me."
"I need to pick up court documents from different law firms or courthouses, driving depositions, cash checks, some of the things."
"If you have to clock in every day, you don't have a legacy."
"He has a good balance, I feel like with me. Like, okay, we have to settle down and get serious, but he's also become like my best friend outside of work."
"Just getting ready to go to work at post-production in Mexico City."
"It's so hard to balance your work life with your personal life when you're doing social media."
"People are willing to give 40 years at a 9 to 5 sitting in a cubicle. If you love that job, awesome, but I didn't."
"We're just normal people working in an extraordinary business."
"Start creating balance and playing as hard as you work."
"You're always going to work. So, let's eliminate that part. That you're always going to work. Wow. So, that anxiety, move it. That fear, get rid of it. You're good. No, you're good. You're good. You are good. You are good."
"It's just my outfit because I'm about to go to work."
"What's retirement? Oh, retirement. Oh, that's after you work 40 years in a job you hate so you save enough money to do things you love."
"But it's a 24 7 job people see this like oh he's young he makes good money he's able to drop out of school um what must be easy life he just films his life working out you don't understand how much is over everything."
"Another day at the office for you at this stage"
"This right here is my childhood. And this right here is, I guess, my job."
"I didn't have another shift for a couple of days so I started to forget what had happened in the basement."
"I thought the freelance hustle was bad enough, but when you break it down, it's all just unreal."
"Nobody should have to be doing two and three jobs just to feed the kids."
"Could have finished work at six today if my boss hadn't given me a last-minute task."
"If all work is wholesome and sweet then it will be very much boring."
"The full life cycle of a day in the life of a Palantir analyst."
"Been dating for three months now, do you still work?"
"You have to find that balance between work and life."
"I realized every weekend was just get my warehouse paycheck."
"This run is going well. So well, I've barely had time to drink this coffee."
"For a long period of time, I was on night shift."
"Each different part of what we do for a living adds up to create a very rigorous schedule."
"You might need to work longer than 65... I would plan on that."
"Stress isn't always a bad thing. Your job is almost certainly going to have some stress. It's a matter of the dose. The dose makes the poison."
"What do I enjoy most about my job? Being able to be home and have freedom from not being my own boss."
"That's just it too because it's like, I mean even the last tour, like you get to the club at like five and then you have to be on from 5 p.m. until 1 a.m."
"Balancing family time and work...family comes first."
"A lot of downtime, but that's all part and parcel of working a job."
"I was really busy, I was doing meaningful work, but deep down inside I was really lonely."
"You're basically just saying the Sun never sets on the work day of Lance Roberts, does it for you?"
"You're compensating for something. When do you go off work?"
"Just have enough time for work-life balance overall."
"Rebelling against what doesn't serve inner needs can lead to less work, more pay, and a new way of supporting yourself."
"...doing work that I feel proud of and doing work that challenges me. And if I can find a way to do that and balance it with having a family and friends and in my life, that isn't just my work, that's contentment."
"Forget about it, stay where it's bright and crowded, ignore anything unusual, and get paid at the end of the month."
"There is a time for both work and play."
"Oh my god, every time we get to these office segments, it makes me so glad I don't work a nine to five. Imagine that high school group project dynamic but basically every day for the rest of your life."
"Make some time for your friends and your family because all of this work ain't going nowhere."
"Don't let your craft become your master."
"Even though hard work is important, everybody deserves a little fun now and then."
"People overthink things and think they got to work more than they do."
"You know, it don't matter how hard it work, you still have to have some fun doing it."
"You're somebody that balances well between work and play."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this orientation slash work week in my life. Now, and it'll be all two-hour shifts. So the next vlog you will be me working for twelves."
"Life is about balance. It's not all work, no play, but it's also not all play, no work."
"Don't grind so hard that you miss out on really loving those around you and like all that God has to offer you in the season that you're in because there's so much goodness."
"Make sure you make time for your family and have the energy for the job."
"Everything just can't be business all the goddamn time."
"It's almost kind of healthy to have little crushes on people, like if you have a little work Crush it's like okay is that just you self-helping yourself to get through the days of your mundane job?"
"My work life is solid, my finances are far better than they've ever been."
"Something that has changed my work life is having a standing desk."
"I'm trying my best now to recognize those moments, and instead of being very work, work, work, work all the time, take the time every single day in some way."
"I just made it back to my cabin and I finished two shows we have one more tomorrow but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed behind the scenes of what goes on Backstage and what happens on a typical show night here on Ovation of the Seas."
"What the hell is work-life balance?"
"One thing that I'm really grateful for is that for my work no day is exactly the same like the previous one."
"Make sure you work hard but have fun too."
"Stacy is an accomplished musician and educator who loves her work life. Unfortunately, most people cannot expect a similar outcome."
"It's difficult to actually be working and schooling."
"So my compadre calls me and he was like hey what are you doing I go I'm at work bro I was like how do you like it that's okay man"
"When it's time to work, you work. When it's time to rest, you rest."
"I hope and I try and actively make sure that I do fun stuff and I do work stuff, and neither of those go out of balance."
"All work and no play makes Tommy a dull boy."
"It might be nice just to put on a suit every day, get on the same bus at eight o'clock, you know, have a nice little packed lunch, do your work, have lunch, a cup of tea in the afternoon, game five, put on Neighbours, and that's the end of the day."
"Your relationship is a business decision not because you're going into business with your spouse or starting a company but because of the person you choose is going to decide how much energy you have and what the quality of your work life is like."
"When to have fun and when to work."
"Embrace the fact that life is not always work and that we're supposed to have fun too."
"Where do you work bro? Where do I work? So many questions."
"I'm just kind of figuring out mum and work life and what kind of fits into the week realistically."
"You want to make sure that you're giving yourself time, you're giving your family time, you're giving yourself and things away from the business time because that's very important too."
"Do both. That way we can still party while we work."
"I had an epiphany driving into work."
"Work is important, but so is self-care."
"You spend more time at work with your co-workers than you do with your family."
"I had a meltdown last night because you guys know this is not my full-time job, I actually have a separate full-time job, and I don't have time for a week's worth of footage to be deleted, but here we are."
"Who's laughing now? I get to wake up every single [ __ ] morning while these people are going to an 8 to 4 job, 9 to 5 job that they absolutely hate."
"Balance out life, you can't just be work work work work work work work work work work work work work cuz you gonna burn yourself out quick."
"It had been a long 11 hours at work and above everything else I needed to relax."
"Wouldn't it be great if instead of being in hot water with your boss, you were in warm water in the Caribbean?"
"Children who are not trained on this will have it harder when they go into a working place."
"Your job is never gonna love you back."
"Your full life can be a competitive advantage in your work life if you're open-minded and you're willing to assume creative solutions may exist."
"If we work for such long hours to maintain our house, why do we leave it as soon as work is finished?"
"You don't ever want to come home and bring work with you. You're gonna burn out too quickly if you do that. Work is work, family's family."
"She just missed her best friend. She had other friends at the office, of course, but they had boyfriends or husbands and Lisa felt like she was suffering in silence."
"Finding that sweet balance between free time and working."
"It was one of the most enjoyable times in my life, even though I lived in an office."
"This is the life of a gig worker, working a shift at a regular job all day and then coming back to my little home."
"Every last one of us has something about us in our families, on our job, some reality that constitutes our otherness."
"It was a long boring drive, especially after a harsh day of work, but our excitement would begin to grow as we spotted the first familiar landmark."
"You should be able to do part-time work and receive a full-time income."
"We'll also never know what it's like to have to do our jobs and not look like anything is going on or that our bodies are going through any kind of distress once a month."
"Workflow is such an important part of our work lives. Much of workflow is still not inside the tent of statistical theory."
"It's a beautiful day outside, the kids outside and PJ's outside; however, I am inside working, drinking all the coffee."
"We're not going to retire in the normal sense; we're going to retire from having to work and then putting us in a position where we want to work, and now we're working for purpose rather than for money."
"It’s inevitable that everyone will be burnt out at some point."
"He's a regular working guy like you and I, and he's young."
"These kids are so stressed out by buying toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning products... they're having to work two to three jobs to just get their basic needs."
"There is no such thing as a typical day."
"I'm someone who's very passionate about work-life balance."
"You're making a living because that's what you're doing, and you're getting an education."
"For nine long months, it becomes not only a workplace for 435 crew members but also their home."
"Life is about balance, working and not working, it's about the yin and the yang."
"It's like any job, you have the ebbs and flows."
"If you work 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, for 40 years, that's 80,000 hours. Don't waste them."
"You need to establish a work-life balance."
"I worked all my life and now, how do you stop working?"
"I've just started taking maternity leave from work now."
"This time your morning sickness is really bad, huh? Well, it's best if you take a break from work for a while."
"If you're employed full-time, you spend more time with your job co-workers than you do your family. That's a fact."
"It's not just a house to me, this is where I'll work from, so I need an income."
"Job satisfaction is by far the strongest predictor of positivity."
"Getting to go to work as a family is such a unique experience, and we really loved it and cherished it."
"I think there has to be a separation between work and rest."
"Weird success habits help them with their work life."
"You need to uncover the parts of you that work has buried."
"Entrepreneurship is hard... but working a nine to five is hard... so you get to choose your hard."
"I think I have that a good balance between work life and socializing."
"Number one is a number of fresh new beginnings in whatever area of your life, whether it's work-related, relationship, it's about fresh new beginnings."
"I want 2023 to be the year that I work well when it's time to work but I also rest well when it's time to rest."
"Hi Rachel, I have lost control of the day."
"We're giving DBAs daytime back, isn't that nice? No more vampires."
"Many people dread their commute to work, but Glen Grayson's is worse than most."
"The kitten is here to look at me working."
"For every six days you work, they work five, and they have something you miss dearly: free time, leisure time to be with other people you care about."
"It's not a job you can leave at work; your mind's always locked in."
"We work seven days a week, but we're not really working because it's fun."
"I love hearing other people's work drama."
"Figure out ways to make your life a lot easier in your job."
"It feels like Pleasantville, and you're like, do any of these people work? Well, this place feels like it's more balanced in life."
"Thank you for making us laugh and for getting us through our work days."
"It's a great way to meet new people because in my line of work it is very solitary."
"There is definitely a good work-life and social life balance over here."
"There are definitely times where I'm burnt out."
"Thank you for making me laugh and making me forget that I'm at a corporate job."
"Want a fulfilling life? Stop trying to balance work and life because they both define who you are."
"I thrive in the work-life integration."
"A great way to end our first full week back at it."
"I like my job; it's the work I hate."
"You clipped your wings before you tried to fly, and you died working nine to five."
"Life goes on, and I do have to go home and go to work and go to meetings and all that other stuff that is nowhere near as fun as coming to the beach and making these videos for you."
"Take your own food to work to save money instead of eating out."
"Work-life balance is very important."
"Rest is just as important as work."
"Make your life about so many other things other than the work."
"Good for rentals, good for people who just needed to work and have a nice safe place to live."
"I was happy with my life until I got to work."
"We have a pretty good work-life balance too, something I don't think that we did a good job of when we were in the States."
"Don't live to work, work to live."
"Get your grind on with your work, but also balance it out, have fun, don't forget to live your life a little bit."
"I'm trying to be super intentional about making sure I'm not working every single day."
"I think that it's this thing that I know things don't have to be so hard, it doesn't have to be tense."
"Remember to enjoy yourself, not everything is just the enforcement part, okay? You got to have some laughs along with it."
"It's amazing working with your wife."
"It's a work hard, play hard thing, you know, you are going to work really hard, but when you have time off, you're going to be in an incredible destination with hopefully some amazing people, and it really is just a great experience."
"It's really special when work coincides and those individuals become friends and family."
"Change your work pace a little bit, change the narration."
"I can't focus at all at work if I don't see your face first."
"Questioning your default... choosing a different software that was better for the job made my daily work life just so much better."
"The daily grind... that's where we get the expression from."
"Being a father has inspired me in so many different ways in my work life, how I approach projects."
"Sometimes somebody out there just wants to brighten our day a little bit, make our work a little bit more bearable."
"This is our current work situation, where 80% of people are not really engaged with their work, and 70% of people are not really engaged with their lives."
"Happy end of the day, happy end of the work week, oh my God, I am so relieved."
"I've gotten a good handle on this work-life balance thing, and I want to keep it that way."
"It's been a bit of a crazy week with work, including my birthday actually. So happy birthday me!"
"I feel so blessed that I have flexibility in my working life."
"We enjoy it, so that's why it doesn't really feel like work."
"Things for work are getting better."
"I want to work an 8 to 10 hour job every single day. I want to go home, I want to shower, I want to eat dinner, watch a movie and go to bed."
"This is where I spend most of my time every single day, sitting here taking emails, editing videos."
"You got to make sure you switch off during the week, or else you'll drive yourself mad."
"I love your show; I started listening and watching just a few weeks ago while I was at work."
"It's always well balanced so that you should never really burn out too often."
"Everyone's into a lot more stuff than they actually do in their work."
"Work-life balance is just crucial."
"End up in a nine to five, working full time just to try and survive."
"I have a way better work-life balance."
"I loved seeing my regulars at night and the morning workers getting their coffee and heading to work."
"I am your virtual nightcap; I want you to indulge in this very honest and chaotic work night in my life."
"They know how to balance work and love"
"I feel like I'm becoming more and more easily pleased, or maybe anything makes me happy after a stressful day of work."
"The 9 to 5 schedule in general is crazy."
"I use this home more or less as the base of operations when I'm in Europe because I have to travel a lot for work."
"Of all the Mondays that have ever come across my desk, today is the Mondays Monday of all Mondays."
"Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight hours for what we will."