
Attempt Quotes

There are 378 quotes

"New York, going for the attempt again, shows resilience."
"Most people that say 'I'm gonna start January 1st' fail. But it doesn't hurt to just try. I mean, a lot of people fail all through the year when they're trying to lose weight."
"It was a coup attempt to destroy the presidency before its tenure had expired."
"My little attempt to fix the multiverse of madness."
"You tried. Don't look in any condition to find helmets."
"There's no guarantee that we're gonna get off on the third, but we're gonna show up and we're gonna try and we're gonna give it our best."
"Truth be damned, Google is at least making an attempt."
"The robot mode I think is a really good attempt."
"This is a first attempt, and I think it's okay."
"The people who are saying that this won't work are the people who've never tried."
"Speaking of go, all right, we're gonna try this one again."
"Give it a go, maybe you can do it. You gotta really believe in yourself."
"This movie did try to do a few of its own things... but it really just doesn't work in this movie."
"Red tried to do something earlier, it wasn't that exciting, it was just 10 or 15 berserks but hey I commend him for giving it a shot."
"I don't know what I'm doing but I'm gonna try."
"Batwoman tries and fails, and that's part of what gives it its incredible charm."
"The only way we're gonna find out if this works is just to try it."
"Everything's impossible until you try."
"I tried and that is the most important part."
"If you don't try the impossible, you can't find out if it is or not."
"I wanted to be a little extra and try to attempt my cake pops again."
"I believe closed mouths don't get fed, and it never hurts to try something like this."
"Well, kind of, that didn't really work."
"I'm gonna give this sucker a try."
"We ain't had sex at all since you've been around and god knows I've tried."
"To me, after seeing The Wolverine and several different iterations, his character can be summarized in one word: attempt."
"That's pretty decent though, especially for our first try at this."
"...they have given it a proper go."
"Okay, well let's try it on another game."
"But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying."
"But for a first attempt, that's not bad at all."
"How do you know you can't achieve something if you haven't even given it a crack..."
"What a ferocious attempt, an unbelievable lift."
"Ham and egg it well, yeah, we're trying."
"Breaking 50, we're going to have to try it again."
"I'm going to try my luck with this next one."
"Give it a shot. You may find that you have a knack for it."
"So I was like, hey, maybe I can do this. So you know there was this part when you can put your fingers on the door and then like you go up and like, and then open, right? Yeah. So I tried it. Did you get stuck? Yeah, I got stuck."
"So, it sounds unlikely but I'm going to give it a good crack, that's for sure."
"Let's save for colleen shouting for him to stay alive, but it was just a hollow attempt."
"I'm actually going to try to be nice now. I don't know if I'm going to pull that off, I don't know if I'm going to pull that off, Shannon, but I'm going to try, I'm going to try."
"It's hard to accurately describe, but I'll try."
"Just know that I am perfectly willing to give it a shot."
"First try, that's the way it be sometimes."
"It's the best attempt I've ever taken part in to turn base metals into gold."
"I respect that at least George Lucas tried. Tried, man, at least that was that."
"It was worth a shot. It was. You tried."
"As far as it can be established Murdoch never made the attempt against them forent."
"Don't be intimidated just try it."
"I've tried to tell you so many times."
"It's worse to not try than to fail."
"There is an attempt to submit oneself to criteria outside oneself."
"Ruda tries to heal him but it appears it's too late."
"Might as well give it a try, let's make it a deal."
"Just try, that's all that needs to be done here."
"I never get to say it perfectly, but it's a pretty good try."
"He just said, 'I want you to give it a shot.'"
"I tried to watch it like three times. I couldn't do it."
"Many men have tried. They tried and failed. They tried and died."
"Always try it because if it gets too much you can just take it down a level."
"Don't think this is impossible if you haven't tried it."
"I promise you it's worth giving it a go."
"We're going to be very successful at this attempt."
"So we might make a few mistakes but we're going to give it a shot."
"We'll give it a bash, maybe give it 20 minutes or maybe give it an hour or two depending on how good it is."
"He makes an attempt to meet, but he never actually meets."
"It is all or nothing with this lift with two attempts. You've got to go for it."
"Hey, you never know till you try."
"Okay, let's go out to the mill and give it a shot."
"That was a good try by O'Neal, particularly with the Yankees not getting runners to third base and trying to score a cheap run early."
"You can do it. Just try it and see what happens."
"I'm not very good at that but I'm gonna try it."
"He may not always get it right, but he's trying."
"This should probably work, I don't know. I'm going to take a stab at it."
"But at least I was trying, right? At least I was trying. Just play this clip."
"If one's going to give it a go, haven't you?"
"You don't really know what you're capable of until you actually try."
"You can't also blame anyone for trying."
"I hope so. That was the best I could do."
"Don't you think it's our responsibility to at least try?"
"What an attempt! Tried his best, that could have been dangerous for the fielder."
"We're gonna try it we're gonna try and see what happens here."
"I expect for you to attempt it, you know we're never going to be perfect but if you attempt it then that's going to make the results satisfaction."
"whoa that is party wow that is really pretty all right i guess here we go it's looking okay i've never done this before so i have no clue how to do this very well so we're just going for it"
"Just remember, at least you tried."
"From my past experience, I feel much better for attempting and failing than not attempting."
"You know, that's what you try and do."
"We've given this a really good go."
"Let's go ahead and give that a whirl."
"And then I started it over on 40."
"It's worth a try, so we'll go through it together."
"The important thing is I tried, right?"
"I had to make some kind of attempt, as feeble as it was, to create some sense of security."
"That's what we're going to try to do, try being the operative word there. That's what we're going to try to do."
"...there's not going to be any harm at least in trying."
"We tried. We failed. The last one we actually succeeded."
"Alright, I've been stalling long enough. I'm a little nervous but let's give this a try."
"It's worth a shot, it's actually entertaining at times."
"...if everything goes right I will be attempting a world record."
"The important thing is you tried."
"There is a power in that attempt."
"This was Jackson's attempt on hurting him."
"Not driving off the cliff is an act of trying, which is almost the ultimate act of trying."
"There's no reason not to give this a try."
"Trying is better than just never trying in the first place."
"At least he went out there and tried."
"One more try, that could literally change your entire life."
"I'm being serious have you I tried to twerk it hurt go so does yoga."
"I'm afraid to say, none of the others do just that. But hey, it's not like they don't try the hardest. So, okay, some of them do, we'll get to that."
"What would you attempt if you knew you couldn't fail?"
"Let's give it the good old College try."
"Maybe I'm good enough; let's give it a try."
"This is my last try at creating the Tatalicious Shake-tastic surprise. That's it. That is truly Shake-tastic."
"An attempt at the world record, it's great to see."
"We're not sure if we can reach the peak with our skid lift, but we'll give it a try."
"Wow what an opening attempt for carapace on we saw him work out to 160 kilos in the training Hall pretty comfortably and that 167 also looks very good."
"Your only failure is your failure to try."
"shurik is going to try to perform a ritual"
"This is gonna be my second attempt. I've already recovered one of these, so I'm a newbie at this, but I think this is a little bit better than the other videos out there."
"So I'm gonna try it, I'm gonna give that a try."
"Not even an attempt at the bucket."
"Don't toy with me. Oh no, no. Give it a try. You may be surprised."
"Welcome to try but there's been no successful Summits in two weeks."
"You never know if it's gonna work out if you've never even try it right."
"Let's go. Oops. Alright, take two."
"I'm giving your popovers another try."
"...it's a thing you can do if you want to do it, again, God bless them, they try to do something with it."
"I appreciate the attempt, but the point has been firmly missed."
"I don't think it's a bad little thing just to have a go."
"My happiness is found in attempting to secure your happiness."
"Reconstruction is not merely an attempt to return to the previous state."
"This is not my first attempt at filming this video."
"Nothing happens, you only lose [ __ ] if you never attempted it."
"We're kind of throwing a little bit of a hail mary here."
"I kind of thought I'd be able to do it. It was fun trying."
"Let's give it the old college try."
"I'll try. I'll see what I can do."
"This is how I try. Look look look see that? That was me trying for the grand."
"...but yeah I've tried, I've tried."
"Nothing to lose by trying, right?"
"I don't think there's failure in trying."
"A for effort. You tried your best."
"He tried to repair his reputation and failed."
"I think people thought, 'Oh, good on him for trying.'"
"I'm definitely going to try that."
"You know that wasn't hard. Matter of fact, it's probably easier than some of the cakes you have made, so I want y'all to try this."
"I don't think it's ever been done this high and this difficult before, but I'm going to give it a try."
"This re-armored version kind of gave me the confidence to give it a shot."
"One thing I have tried and one thing I've never tried."
"I think they really tried their best."
"You don't have to be good at fishing, you just have to try fishing."
"Let's see if I can make it happen."
"Just have a go at things, you know, whether you fail or not and that's what me and Laura were just talking about there, you know, so prep talk."
"I'm hoping to just like turn over a new Leaf here and give this thing a proper attempt the right way, okay?"
"It was a really bold attempt to move the game on."
"This might work, might not. Worth a try, as I always say."
"But at least I tried, you know? I tried."
"I'm gonna try this sobriety thing out."
"'Because your very attempt already is seen in that which is Timeless.'"
"That'll do just nicely, let's have a go."
"That was the best thing I was trying all through the entire trip."
"We tried to come here before on New Year's Eve, and it was closed."
"Give it a shot, let me know how you do."
"Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not very good, but you know, it's the try."
"We tried, but that definitely did not work."
"That was the most calm she's been in really all the attempts."
"...maybe all involved really did give it their best shot with Jimmy..."
"They ain't even tried to even see if you would be willing to take them back."
"Well, let’s put it to you this way, if you can think it, odds are it has been attempted before."
"If you don't even attempt it, there's no way you're gonna succeed."
"I think it's a really great you know first try."
"A bad attempt is still an attempt."
"We gave it a shot, you can't win every year."
"So I'm going to give it a go and see what happens."
"You ain't literally get like a golden star until you try."
"Ryan, teach me how do you do it, the longest ever? Okay, I'm gonna try that too."
"What if I get on the trampoline? Okay, Ryan's gonna try on the trampoline, it's a big operation, it's gonna be an epic thing."
"Now, I'm not the greatest person in the world to make dangles, no not me, but I want to give it a try."
"We gave it a good shot. Nobody could say we didn't."
"I would love to see you attempt to do this."
"As a fella Mooney as you can probably tell hi this will not be easy but I'm gonna go for it."
"It's worth a shot, you have to try."
"I'm gonna give it a shot. Why not?"
"Don't be afraid to give it a crack."
"Achieve similar professional results on your first attempt as well."
"I'd say 100%, give it a crack, see what you can do."
"I was like, you know what, I'm just gonna give this a shot, a dry run."
"My dad stumbled in. He had missed both shots because of his unstable aim."
"Beautiful kick but just offline, a behind."
"A 40-yard field goal attempt for Sean Pavlich."
"I mean try that [ __ ] lie I'll take that good shot."
"Let's give it a go and see what happens."
"Never before has something like this been attempted."
"The fear is not knowing if I would have succeeded in something if I didn't try."
"Do you think you can stay composed during the interview?" Amanda asked. "I'll give it a shot," Blunt replied.
"And onlookers would later say that at first his jump was perfect."
"But if I don't do it, I'll never try, I'll never get better and I'll never know."
"It's better to try and fail than look yourself in the mirror later on down the line and say, 'Well, I didn't do it because I didn't have the guts.'"
"...it's better if you try and fail than it is if you never try in the first place."
"Let's give this a try and see what happens."