
Culinary Preference Quotes

There are 306 quotes

"I was never really that crepe-pilled until I met my wife. She consumed some crepes. They're delicious, right? For filling, and honestly, I've long been a believer that the pancake is overrated."
"I like the look, taste, and ritual of matcha."
"I love cheese and apple sandwiches but my friend thinks it's weird."
"Fresh pasta is better than dried pasta... myth busted."
"For brunch, I'd love something sweet and I've always been a fan of classic British crumpets with butter and jam."
"I love melted cheese more than I love most human beings."
"Honey mustard is the elite dipping sauce for all foods."
"Five Guys is legit. Honestly, I will defend Five Guys. One of the best fast food in the UK."
"We want to just do a slow, more or less a reverse sear."
"As much as anything can be objectively true in food, it's pretty well established that most people who really love steak want a steak that has been dry aged."
"En mi casa yo no permito quesadillas duras y feas." (In my house, I don't allow hard and ugly quesadillas.)
"These are going to be the best potato taquitos I've ever had."
"I love eating Indian food, it is the best cuisine on the planet."
"Spicy, spicy, you love spicy, oh, we love it, right, why not?"
"I'd like to actually have it overflow a little bit."
"Meals that take more than 20-30 minutes to prep and cook are not worth it."
"I think Rice is S tier, without being biased, I really do think he's S."
"It's just nice that it doesn't burn. I don't even care about the quickness. I love a microwave meat pie when the crust gets all nice and gummy..."
"I love any delicacy, I love Lebanese food, I love Haitian food, I love Thai food."
"You want a rib that still has some moisture. You want a rib that's tender."
"In the absence of rub, I just put some salt and pepper, and it wasn't bad."
"You want to crisp it up, if you want a soggy gear you can cook a little less."
"Improved Divine Smite at level 11 increases passive damage of attacks."
"Cherries are a great fruit, both sweet and tart."
"Sometimes cheap old hot dog with some relish takes the cake, you know I'm saying? It doesn't have to be gourmet all the time."
"I really like chicken parmesan bean burritos so much stuff dude like so many foods."
"Fried Chicken is better Fri catfish right now or fried chicken Fri better it's fried catfish dog it depend tell you for one it depends on who make it"
"My favorite spam recipe is actually a spam katu musubi from 7-eleven 7-eleven musubi yeah so it's a spam that's breaded fried but because it's sitting at 7-eleven for so long it's like mushy which i like love that texture."
"Carp are actually a really popular fish to eat all over the world..."
"Who would you serve this dish to? Honestly, I feel like kids would really like this."
"Truffle Brothers was very interesting flavor-wise. I really enjoyed Boon the most."
"It's fascinating that snacks in India come in like a bowl."
"I always think that the peel of the citrus, the lime or lemon or something like that, has so much more flavor than the juice."
"Soup that doesn't have crackers is not a meal."
"That pork rind crunch on top is better than the breadcrumbs."
"I think cucumber and sesame oil just like one of it's like peanut butter and jelly to me for me that's what I really love that aroma."
"This is possibly my favorite El Pastor... the winter spices, that touch of cinnamon, it is sweet and savory and wintry."
"If you're only going to choose one barbecue option, a lot of folks are going to recommend the low and slow brisket sandwich."
"Tomato sauce makes everything better, doesn't it?"
"It's kind of sad that there's no sauce or anything."
"There's a new version of the frangipane over there at Les Halles in Epcot. This is my favorite snack in Epcot."
"It's just a nice little side dish that with fish especially I really really like that it's very peppery very hot and spicy which is you know if you've watched me putting hot sauce and stuff I like spicy hot."
"These I like actually because they're very easy to eat, you don't have to crack them."
"When it comes to cheese pulling, jack cheeses are gouda, but the undisputed champ is mozzarella."
"I like pizza that is like rustic looking, you know? It wasn't exactly calculated to me, that's like the essence of pizza."
"The winner is Nutella pickle, there's no question about it."
"Being honest is definitely the best way to go about it."
"Circles, so this was grilled buffalo meat loaf, so again they are going along with our desire for comfort food, that's kind of what we had said to them about the menu."
"I never hear people be like, 'Oh, I'm in the mood for lasagna.'"
"I'm definitely going to start ordering Indian food now."
"It would be really good with cheese on it too."
"I would rather eat the falafel in like a lafa wrap just like a burrito."
"Probably the best ramen flavor ever: massaman Curry."
"I believe everyone should have their own personal sandwich, I think the world, it's important."
"My favorite thing that I had today was definitely that stuffed pizza, that was absolutely delicious."
"I want the flavor of the pork to shine through."
"The traditional balsamic vinegar stood out as the favorite in the steak taste test."
"For pan sauce, I think stainless steel is the only true path."
"This may be a contender for my favorite thing in this video, and I didn't think I would say that."
"According to a survey, Chinese food is the second-most-popular cuisine in the US, right behind pizza, as of June 2023."
"That's what I'm talking about, that Needy Blends you have, all your cayenne pepper in that."
"If you're not eating shrimp tails, you're doing it wrong."
"A good steak should be eaten medium to medium rare...otherwise, it's like eating the sole of your flip-flop."
"I think I just became a rice and bean fan."
"One of my favorite ways of making eggs is with oeufs cocotte."
"Americans are more likely to have a sweet spread. Brits, it could consume Marmite which is the most Savory thing in the world."
"Is there anything more British than Marmite?"
"I think a brown sugar sugar cookie, brown butter maybe, brown butter sugar cookie."
"I believe it'd just be about worth it to go work up a deer just so I can fix me some more deer jerky."
"If this isn't medium rare, I think I might cry."
"If you don't put the lime juice on it, it's good. But when you put the lime juice on it, it's great."
"It's the best. No more rubbery boiled chicken."
"Salt makes everything taste better."
"Olive oil is my jam... it's soul multi-purpose."
"I actually really enjoyed it I used to put more ginger in mine than anything else I just think it was delicious."
"Nobody's gonna complain about chicken fried steak for dinner."
"I like that Blues Hog Smoky Mountain gives it a nice little sweetness to it."
"People are always like Tim why do you love the McRib so much it's disgusting I say first of all shut the [ __ ] up."
"The whole idea of this fish is that you could certainly eat it even just a little bit rarer than fully cooked."
"If you don't put chocolate inside of your popcorn, then what are you doing with your life?"
"Everything tastes better on the grill."
"As long as it tastes good, it doesn't matter how it's cooked."
"Nothing is better than oven-roasted sweet potato."
"I think this is what makes it a Bento too, you either gotta have the omelet or um fish cake"
"But because it has more connective tissue it makes for a stew."
"You can never have too much butter."
"You just cannot make a proper stir fry without onions, okay? You have to have the onion."
"Ketchup belongs on eggs I don't make the rule."
"Taco Bell has such a nostalgic taste for me."
"I've converted so many beef lovers to lamb lovers."
"Everybody out there in the world loves those crispy, beautiful edges."
"I realized that I love cheese and cheese and wine kind of go together."
"You're not a caper guy? You like the raw salmon?"
"Definitely try any one of the sauces, but my personal favorite, the sheep tongue sauce."
"I happen to think [peanut oil] has a lot of flavor."
"This is what I call this and I think this could be cool to have both mashed and creamy so you get both the smooth and the chunky."
"This is like my one of my favorite ways personally that Brooke's ever made fish."
"You know where you are with chips, you're safe with chips."
"That might be like in my new top three favorite fish to eat."
"I love yam or fufu and light soup."
"You can do this with just green onions but I really do enjoy leeks."
"I prefer the baked over the steam. It just gives you a nice extra texture, extra sweetness as opposed to the steam one. The steam one is very nice, pillowy, and soft, but the baked one is where it's at."
"My new favorite roasted duck place."
"There's nothing wrong with it, especially with crispy on the top."
"I had the steak which was really good, I ordered it medium and it was cooked just how I wanted it."
"I'm not a big tomato person, but I love cooked tomatoes, and when it's cooked in this like rice mixture with other peppers and veggies, it's so good."
"The flavor of wild salmon is infinitely preferable even if I can only have it just once a year."
"Every bite of dumpling has to be with kimchi."
"What I really love about grouper, it's a light tasting fish, doesn't have a very fishy taste to it at all."
"That's the oyster I want, and pop, got that brininess, taste some butter, and those Bird's Eye chilies have been charred, you cook a little bit of smokiness to them."
"Butter makes everything taste better, that's a fact."
"I like Chinese food, I love salt and pepper chicken, I love rice, I love curries."
"The more butter the better, that's my opinion."
"Well done does not taste good most of the time."
"I love the flavor, I like the hoisin on it, I love the saltiness."
"This cornbread is not sweet, which is what you're going to want for cornbread dressing."
"Dried seafood is a favorite of Cantonese people."
"The gravy is really what just sends it over the top for me."
"I love ricotta or a ricotta-style cheese like this on a pizza."
"If you like truffle, it's so good."
"I'll put spinach in like anything."
"Avocados, always getting avocados, great for avocado toast."
"I cooked some steaks in the air fryer last night, and I was planning to come on here today and tell y'all I will never have steak another way."
"Strawberry rhubarb is the best pie in the world, strawberry rhubarb."
"I love the fact that they do like a pomme frites sauce here, this is like a white sauce and one of my favorite types of sauce."
"I mean for me, my favorite thing about the cuisine is tavas. I love that."
"I'm a big fan of egg, then you're gonna like this."
"I love the taste of fresh eggs with good extra virgin olive oil."
"You don't want French food on a hot summer's night. Mexican food."
"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but this might be better than the soup."
"Who doesn't like deviled eggs? They're so delicious, and there's so many ways you can make them."
"The best pork is always the most slowly cooked pork."
"Great barbecue never needs sauce, but I love sauce."
"The best thing about this is tahini, tahini is awesome."
"Like objectively, mac and cheese is so much more versatile."
"It's a little pink, but the flavor and it, it's so much better and it's a lot juicier."
"The rib eye is naturally taken from the rib of the cow and is easily one of the most prized and sought after cuts of steak."
"Ribeye steak is just the best there is."
"Not all foods need turmeric in it."
"And I think everyone loves a thick steak, so I think that's a very nice system of doing it."
"Once you taste a sweet potato pie, you will never eat pumpkin pie again."
"This is better than lobster; the meat is so much softer and sweeter and just more delicate overall."
"I love roasted asparagus, and I got a beautiful bunch today."
"I truly have an Asian taste bud, I love Asian food so much."
"Sometimes, like if you don't want to, you don't have to put barbecue sauce because this right here, oh man, it's so tasty."
"There is no substitute for roasting and flavor."
"Old school is the best way, I do firmly believe, especially when it comes to cooking."
"I love a spice, and here we have what I think is going to be the best one, this is mutton ribs, so lamb ribs."
"I love the flavor of a real carbon steel wok with super high heat."
"I love the combination of cream cheese and crispy apples in a sandwich."
"A lot of people, myself included, consider this a highly desirable shape for a finishing salt."
"I love ribeyes. Good job, really good. Thank you, amazing."
"Test Kitchen was my favorite, but it would be the least favorite of somebody who's more of a picky eater."
"If I had to choose one thing to eat every day for the rest of my life, it would be this."
"I love salmon, and the pistachio sauce on here is so good."
"I love butternut squash; you may even be able to substitute this for pumpkin if you love pumpkin too."
"Of all the sauces to serve with steak, peppercorn is my absolute favorite."
"I am a firm believer in medium-rare steak but not medium-rare skirt steak."
"Pizza is number 1 on the list of foods that even if you're a picky eater, you probably still enjoy."
"I absolutely love wasabi on my sushi."
"I love lemons, and I think lemons kind of is one of those really good ones that can go a long time."
"I think Laos does sticky rice the best when it's just the rice itself and the dip and the eggplant and the chilies."
"Cantonese cooking is the best cooking in the world."
"My favorite food? I say pasta in general because any type of pasta, honestly, I'm in, I will eat it."
"It's a bacon egg and cheese versus pork roll sandwich kind of situation."
"Younger animals are often more tender, better flavor."
"I've really grown fond of oxtail soup."
"El Pollo Loco, very clean chicken, I actually like it."
"Homemade Russian dressing is the best."
"It's everything, but it's my favorite meal: pasta and marinara sauce and chicken cutlets."
"Pickled breadfruit, onions, vinegar, pepper, and cucumber, I really like that one."
"Restaurants really love the taste of arugula, it's got a really like spicy kick to it, very delicious."
"You just want to eat kimchi, but how many just kimchi, you know? You need rice."
"I think I like the duck better than the chashu."
"I've really got a thing at the moment for the Vietnamese style, you know, I love it."
"Good old maple syrup on pancakes, mighty fine."
"Shortbread cookies are probably one of my favorite kinds of cookies because how can you go wrong with butter, sugar, and flour?"
"Everything's got to have cheese on it, Parmesan cheese, please."
"Sometimes the simplest burgers can be the best."
"A good chicken thigh is always going to be superior to the breast in the flavor department."
"I love applesauce and I love cranberry sauce, and what can be a better combination than cranberries and apples?"
"I like a little cayenne pepper in my fried chicken, a little onion powder too."
"I love tofu and I love all of the flavors that he included in his marinade."
"I love truffle, I'm not often having white pizzas, so I was excited to try that."
"I'm a sucker for some good dressing and a soul food meal, honey."
"You have to have a mature palette to enjoy roast beef."
"I love tuna steak, and if you get their calamari, go ahead and order on the side lemon butter sauce and capers; it's a beautiful mix."
"I love clams, I think clams have some of the best flavor ever."
"The pork is a little bit sweet, but the salty egg with it, it works really well, I love this."
"The tastiest beef I've tried, I always do medium rare, medium rare is the best."
"Fresh lime juice really is the best."
"When it comes to cornmeal, the best. When it comes to pasta, the best."
"Puff pastry is used for sweet or savory foods. I have a penchant for sweet caramelized puff pastry; I just love it."
"Sweet with spicy, pineapple works on tacos."
"Once you go dark chocolate bacon, you never go back."
"We got this Tula right here, that's because this one not really spicy, it just give you that flavor that you looking for."
"I love food with a lot of flavor."
"Right, Vietnamese people like it plain, simple, and good."
"Peanut butter is so good because it pairs with so many different things; it's the perfect mate."
"I love secret chips, one of my favorite things about chips is their secret flavors."