
Future Investment Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Let's invest in the future because old people are not the future, they're the past."
"If you don't have children, you don't have a vested interest in the future, only in the present."
"Luffy was given the straw hat as Shank's gamble on the future."
"So much of this now is around hype, being excited about the future, and investing in the future."
"Education is an investment in the future, and upon that cornerstone, we must build."
"Gaming PCs are upgradable, so while this PC may not have the ideal gaming performance you want right now, you can add in more parts in the future."
"It will likely be the hardest thing you will do for us but I promise you, it will be worth it."
"Investing in girls' digital literacy is an investment in our collective future."
"Taking care of yourself is not sneak taking care of yourself eating right sleeping like making sure you're getting enough sleep working out is investing in your future."
"Investing in quality, looking at the future, thinking about your future."
"Bitcoin is a bet on the future of humanity. It's a bet on human ingenuity."
"If you think everything is getting worse, we're never going to invest in the future."
"I may be biased since I was such a huge collector way back in the late 90s but I think this set is really going to be worth it in the future."
"You get a chance to invest in the future by planting trees from seed."
"You gotta have the vision, you gotta see what the future is gonna look like, invest in that future."
"If it's aesthetically pleasing, if it looks cool and it's functional, there's a good possibility that it's gonna be worth money down the road."
"If you felt like your twin flame continuously came into your life and then chose someone else, they're showing up... there is someone who wants to invest in a future with you."
"Why is it that the Liberals have no problem rewarding Canada's biggest polluters but they won't invest in our children's future?"
"Children are our collective product, our collective future."
"Any chance you get to invest in the future is a good one."
"Testarossa in Countach are super undervalued and we're gonna see that in the next 5-10 years."
"Let's look at things a bit differently... let's redistribute, let's invest in people for the future." - Jeremy Corbyn
"This is what it truly means to invest and own the culture of tomorrow."
"This is how you distinguish yourself from the rest... this is how you invest in a future in which the public is not scared to say the right thing."
"The real conversation is about building your future with Bitcoin."
"How can you be invested in the future of a franchise if you don't even care if the games are good now?"
"We're building for the future, so why persist with a player that is not consistently available?"
"The new architecture started as an investment in the future of react native."
"We are investing not just in the present, but also in the future."
"We're not just giving back, we're giving forward."
"I burned my decency for someone else's future."
"Saving is essentially a way of putting money into the future and getting a return in the meantime."
"We were gracefully saving up for our daughter Lily's future."
"It's got to be something that's going to help me with my future that I'm investing in."
"Don't eat your future, keep money aside, invest in your future."
"Human beings work. What does that mean? They sacrifice the present for the future."
"Pensions are really not something you should think 'Oh, I'll leave that to the future, I don't need to deal with that now.' No, no, no, invest in them early and you will reap the benefits later on."
"Life's about making money not just for you to spend now, but also for you to spend in the future."
"Every time you work out, you are investing in your future health."
"The gifts that I bought Oscar would be investments for the future."
"Do it for your kids, own a little Bitcoin, get up to 5%, do some more studying and then reap the rewards of the most beautiful technology and insurance policy that I have seen in 35 years."
"Protect those kids; that's the future, man."
"Children are seen as the future, rightly so, and they are treated with utmost care, concern, and investment."
"That commitment to excellence, that know-how and dedication, is an investment we have made in our future."
"This was an investment in the future."
"Try to stay out of debt; it's a great way to invest for your future."
"I believe in self-improvement, investing in one's own future."
"I want to see myself investing in young people, helping them just go on that straight and narrow."
"It's so nice to put something back for the future."
"You have your whole life to worry about making money. Worry now about enjoying and investing in your future."
"The best way to help Canadians is by investing in the future."
"We've got to really invest in the future."
"You're gonna put this money to the side for a baby trust fund, which is cool, with his college fund and all that stuff."
"It's a great trade for the future of the team, and it's a great trade for right now."