
Voter Suppression Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Every American knows that voter suppression looks like the nearly 3,500 African-American men who were murdered, beaten in front of their families, and hanged from trees between 1865 and 1933."
"Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion."
"The backbone of the conservative movement of this country has historically revolved around stopping people from voting. It's kind of a big deal."
"The Republican political game literally revolves around stopping as many people from voting as possible."
"Voter suppression is the real problem. Election tampering is the real problem. Voter fraud is not. It has never occurred."
"If your vote didn't matter, why are they working so hard to keep it from you?"
"Republicans are trying to suppress young voters to limit young voters from accessing drop boxes on college campuses."
"The only form of voter suppression is when an illegitimate voter casts a ballot."
"In a time of voter suppression at home and authoritarians abroad Joe Biden will be a champion for free and fair elections."
"The big lie from the left for the last several years is that voter suppression was going to decide elections..."
"If your voice didn't matter, they wouldn't be working so hard to stop you from being heard."
"You've got the Trump administration, the Trump campaign trying to disenfranchise black voters in Detroit."
"At the core of these voter suppression laws at the state level is white supremacy. Simple as that."
"Everything has been based under voter suppression."
"It really pisses me off that we had 48 hours of democratic primaries and nobody said anything about voter suppression."
"Voter suppression is real but most people have to experience to understand just how invasive it feels to be told that you are not enough."
"Voter suppression is the tool the Republican Party has embraced to essentially...take control in the next election."
"Voter suppression isn't only about blocking the vote, it's also about creating an atmosphere of fear."
"These racist robocalls is to discourage black people in particular from turning out to vote."
"If black folks didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep us from voting."
"Voter suppression is real. Study after study has suggested that it's real."
"Just because people endured long lines... doesn't mean that voter suppression does not exist."
"They're trying to commit voter fraud by voter suppression. They're trying to rig the election."
"The term voter suppression — embedded in that word is the very question of what the motivation is for these kinds of laws and procedures."
"We need to keep increasing voter turnout so that we can reverse their efforts at voter suppression and put into place laws that will make it easier to vote."
"Voter suppression: You want to vote but there are systems in place to keep you from voting."
"Voter suppression in multiple different forms almost universally driven as it almost always is by Republican politicians of the state level."
"If they're trying this hard to stop me from voting then maybe my vote is really more powerful than even I thought it was."
"The president is trying to discourage people from voting by implying that their vote won't be counted."
"This action is less about election integrity than it is about attempting to overturn the will of the electorate."
"Your vote is valuable, and that's why they will either work to obtain it or they will work to suppress it."
"The more chaos that is sown here, it will disincline people to show up. Every time I speak about it, I feel like I'm playing his game. Does it make sense what I'm saying?"
"Perfection isn't real anyways unless you're menchie. You scared her."
"Empowering and engaging activists and creating grassroots movements is also a part of how we're going to work to fight legislation and fight actions to suppress voters around the country."
"It's important that we push back against suppression laws."
"If you mention that voter fraud is a real thing and that people can gather ballots... you're trying to suppress votes."
"It's sick, it's sick. Deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote."
"Greg Abbott and the republican legislature have made this the toughest state in the nation bar none in which to cast a ballot."
"I'm for a system where everybody actually does have one vote and there's no voter suppression."
"I love how it's always framed in the media: voting restrictions, voting suppression. You give them an inch to take a mile, absolutely."
"We're trying to eliminate from happening signature verification, stop having poll watchers, Republican poll watchers being bullied and not allowed to go in and do what they're supposed to do, watching the ballot county process."
"What we're seeing now is that black voters are essentially being punished for participating and exercising our civil right." - Latosha Brown
"Their view is... this is just Republicans trying to suppress the vote."
"We're watching the big lie turn into voter suppression before our very eyes."
"When they say that this is not about voter suppression, well, we've got math on our side."
"An attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote."
"What's crazy is history shows us when you start making voter suppression laws the people who make them just make their lives worse."
"It’s 22 days out. All over the country we are seeing a blitz by Republicans to tilt the playing field, to run elections, to administer democracy in a way that is maximally inconvenient or just flat-out suppressive of likely Democratic voters."
"Attempts to suppress the vote or dilute the vote are an effort to undermine democracy."
"Everybody needs to get the memo now because Republicans actually are already going about efforts to suppress this vote that is emerging as a majority in many of these places."
"All of those things are going to be happening going forward so what are we gonna do about the fact that racism exists, voter suppression exists, and so now we have to work within the world that we actually live in."
"The impact of voter suppression can be significant in the outcome of our elections when it goes unchecked."
"Donald Trump's agenda is he has got to depress Joe Biden's vote as much as possible."
"Their whole thing is we just want to make it harder for people to vote."
"If Democrats don't pass the strongest voting law named after John Lewis, Republicans will put in some of the most onerous voter suppression laws." - Roland Martin
"If you want to push back against voter suppression, overwhelm them with numbers."
"There simply is this, Candace, there is no desire to compete for Black votes. They want to be able to make it hard for Black people and young people to vote, Latino people as well."
"Their laser focus on limiting that ability. Why do you make it earlier so that church goes long they can't make it to the poll on time? It's directly targeting black churches."
"You're not allowed to feed people or give them water or drinks in line to vote, so they're going to restrict the number of polling places, make you wait eight hours, and then starve you."
"It's all about the big lie. It's translating the big lie into unneeded and pernicious legislation."
"Voter suppression is about making you not vote, not just inconveniencing you."
"Convincing half of the country that if they vote it doesn't count, that's how democracies fail."
"The democrats with all the fraud they have done in this election the republicans hiding and not fighting they are trying to silence your voice make no mistake about it they do not want you to be heard."
"Your vote matters, and if it didn't matter, they wouldn't be trying so hard to prevent you from voting in the first place."
"If your vote didn't count they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep you from doing it."
"GOP-controlled states are leading voter suppression campaigns nationwide."
"This is disenfranchising the vote of Black people." - Highlighting the threat to democracy posed by voter suppression.
"I'll reveal the voter suppression in Maricopa County that seems to be responsible for Carrie Lake's shocking loss."
"If our vote wasn't powerful they would not be working overtime to keep us from voting."
"The degree to which voter suppression is alive and well in America in Kansas, in Georgia, I mean this is -- it’s kind of remarkable that it’s getting worse."
"Of course it wasn't voter fraud back then, and of course it's not voter fraud now. It's just an excuse to be racist."
"All the litigation, voter ID laws, and voter suppression measures are happening because your vote matters."
"They want to silence your participation in the next election." - Michael Shellenberger
"They're suppressing voter turnout in the whole country. Who wants to come and vote for these weak Senate senators?"
"This isn't the end. Don't ever let yourself think that because a voter suppression law was passed in a state that that's it and it's not worth trying."
"Many state republican parties have been actively attempting to suppress votes." - Fareed Zakaria
"The problem is in practice we know it's just a bad faith way to purge people from voter rolls and prevent people from voting."
"Republicans don't like democracy; they don't like the idea of a lot of people voting."
"Bottleneck the voting process as much as possible, put up as many hurdles as possible, make it uncomfortable, make it vaguely threatening, weed out people who might not have tons of time or resources to devote to this civic responsibility."
"This is absolutely insane. It's absolutely insane how the Democrat party has convinced a significant amount of people in this country that their votes are being suppressed."
"If you look at voter suppression anywhere in this country it's Republicans who are at the front of it."
"Democracy is the biggest loser here. Now we're forced to live in a state where a United States citizen will have to choose between putting food on their kids plate or voting." - Desmond Meade
"They want to make it harder to vote and they want to specifically target certain voters and make it really hard for them."
"We don't want you to go vote, they don't want you to social distancing, y'all doesn't want to deal with that."
"Preventing black Americans from voting has been a core strategy of the Republican Party for years."
"Imagine going to the polls and having to take a literacy test, like a spelling bee at the polls."
"This goes way beyond voter ID. This is a direct assault on black voters."
"Their real agenda is just voter suppression. It is the denial of democracy."
"He's also trying to make it harder to vote by demonizing immigrants to benefit Republicans."
"Voter suppression is directly targeted at black and brown folk to undermine the ability for black, brown, and white folk to build coalitions."
"They make it as difficult as possible and as confusing as possible to deter people from voting."
"We have to connect the dots. Racist voter suppression creates death because when you suppress the right to vote, you allow extremists to get elected."
"We have not tried to get folks of color out to vote. We constantly say to people of color, 'You're asking for too much, please don't bring up race, please don't talk about various voter suppression.'"
"This race is 100 percent about the suppression of the black vote."
"The robocalls targeted mostly black people in disenfranchised neighborhoods with the purpose of deterring them from voting."
"The Mississippi plan of 1890 was concerned about the growing political power of the black vote."
"Voter suppression has real consequences."
"You cannot read any part of 'One Person, No Vote' and still believe voter suppression doesn't exist."
"They win by not many people voting and they try to make it impossible for the votes to be counted."
"Facebook was a fantastic tool for voter suppression."
"It matters because if it didn't matter, they wouldn't be doing everything in their power to suppress your vote."
"This is a good lesson on voter suppression, be prepared for this in November."