
Environmental Interaction Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Allergy sufferers can never ignore that because they're in a constant conversation with the world around them."
"So life as we know it has three subsystems, metabolism, information system, and a membrane system. And it is a part of a larger system, which is environment and biosphere."
"You see, the grass does actually shift as you walk through it, which is nice."
"It, unlike Vegas, does not seek to exist outside its environment; it is in conversation with its surroundings."
"Fortnite is like Halo where your character themselves aren't insanely agile or powerful. A lot of your movement and power are found in the environment."
"But in both cases, yes even in [__] Solo we get a clearer idea of each character's relationship with the place they live in."
"The level and World design is pretty great in every aspect."
"Maybe the whole point of DNA is that it allows life to adapt to its environment."
"Mad Max offers a depth in landscape design, with locations interacting with the land, making each place feel connected and purposeful."
"We're actually exchanging code with our environment continuously and we're emerging as the result of our relationship with our whole environment."
"Precursor Legacy simultaneously demonstrates a mastery in the expression of momentum and of impact and of haste, then continually beckons its players to slow down and to admire where they are."
"The environmental takedowns are both brutal and effective."
"The game is tough, a lot for a player to handle, but there's a surprising power fantasy in environmental mastery."
"The thing about this game is it's kind of like solving an elaborate puzzle with the environment each time."
"Be the bean. Let your environment change you. You change your environment."
"Follow your nose or follow your stomach because a pollinator would be doing that."
"And with its dynamic Zelda-like puzzle solving, you can manipulate the environment and even time itself."
"The Titans are no longer alone. There's an active Black Crazy Ant colony that have setup camp inside the Garden of Eden, and there is also now a persistent and scary Pharaoh Ant colony that enter and exit the Garden of Eden freely."
"Environmental changes based on narrative events. Good one, designers." - Josh
"Our trail cameras look like a glowing freaking ball of sunshine in the forest to these beings."
"Here is this made thing that comes from industry, and then you see it out there, how this thing reacts to the weather."
"They have a piece of ground and you know lots of Teslas drive across it over time and they take the observations from all of these."
"So every time that you play through these environments, they will be populated with some unique combinations of enemies." - Harry Krueger
"It just makes the world feel more alive, right? It adds noise, it adds some movement. It just makes the world feel more alive."
"Red Faction's big sell was its Geo-Mod technology, which allowed players to majorly transform the game's environments."
"Hitman 2 sniper assassin is a puzzle-focused game that's more about timing and using environmental hazards to your advantage."
"As part of the process to fix them I needed to go outside and get some swamp water."
"Traversing the environment part of the gameplay loop."
"Each dragon creates unique terrain and grants powerful buffs."
"The tower is acting as cover for you to get away."
"I might even strip a couple of the logs at the base of this tower as though stuff that the miners have been holding has like scraped against the sides of the blocks."
"A brawler that can make walls and block off areas that is really cool."
"The feeling of vastness, the feeling that at every corner I was touching something, uncovering something, exploring something."
"There's little moments like that sprinkled throughout all of Kainang that make it feel very reactive."
"We are children of nature, we want to get dirty."
"Cutting down that blue tree... Oh, it felt so good. I loved it so."
"Every map has points of the environment that act as natural cover."
"Hip-hop and we don't stop, we ask all the wildlife in the head with a rock."
"I love how biohazard stood on the fire which took away Sandra from guru."
"One specific area that I'm excited to dial in is the feeling of the player interacting with the world around them."
"Fishing such a groundbreaking like mechanic and it is small but it just added like a nice little touch to it and of course the swimming as well just like a new different type of environment."
"Dynamic weather is going to be such a massive feature to help differentiate DMZ from just regular war zone."
"I think the thing we want to do different with the Megalodon is make it feel more like this wildlife in the world."
"Enemies to allies to items, anything unsuspecting passers-by will fall victim to the obstacle."
"Such interactions provide great insight into the intricate dynamics of the natural world."
"Humans' ability to reason about a complicated environment is staggeringly rich and complicated."
"Sometimes vulnerable wild animals could use a helping hand."
"Intelligence: Our global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with our environment."
"You can place that in the world as well and get a pretty nice effect."
"The way the animals interact with their enclosures is amazing."
"Your hair literally scans the environment, brings signals back to alert certain types of amino acid structures. It's an extension of your nervous system."
"The cube's gonna explode... loads of earth and life and goodness... along with a load of butterflies."
"A surprising new benefit to look out for with roadhog is his environmental kills."
"Begin to say how will that person's movements impact the deer movement. So if you can pinpoint where that person is setting up and you monitor the wind, how will the deer work the downwind side of that tree stand location?"
"It's like a tone poem happening with its environment."
"Fire an ice arrow and an enemy on Death Mountain and it will evaporate."
"If it's cancer cell that can't heal itself and return to a cooperative relationship with this environment it kills itself."
"Exploring the world has a pretty organic feel to it."
"Instead of using the weapon that you like because of how it shoots or handles in halo infinite, you might want to grab a certain weapon because of how it affects other players, the environment, or vehicles."
"I had a moment here where I was able to bait the bone dogs into the gate."
"Death Stranding is not like that. Just navigating the world, crossing rivers, climbing up mountains... takes actual planning and thought."
"You can actually all on top of really high surfaces like at the top of Lijiang tower."
"The boss actively using the environment as a melee combatant to compress you in this box was something we've never done before."
"It's immersive Sim like they showed things in the environment interacting, the footage showed everything that you had the right to be excited about."
"They've extended that expertise into not only the interior dungeons but to the world itself."
"I feel like a savage towering all the way up to the top of this cave to pick glowberries, but it must be done."
"The game will of course have a day and night cycle... It changes the NPCs that are out in the world, the activities going on, and the overall feel of Night City."
"The air creates the frequency, it creates the static electricity."
"I did enjoy the treasure hunt. I enjoyed the fact that every time I passed by the tree with the Y on it my character went: 'I’ve seen this shape… somewhere…'"
"Whatever's going on has clearly affected the animal too as deers were coming together to either attack or warness."
"So yeah, this is a great way to kind of spice it up a bit."
"I love since the world's voxel base like you can take anything like any land and cut into it and shape it how you want so you could build like you know caves and mines if you want like you can make your house anything."
"Building is great for balancing, especially the fact that towns are almost completely destructible."
"There were deep claw marks all through the foundation of my cabin and they were all over the ground and even the concrete pillars that held it up."
"Stealth has a big presence in Syndicate... you can instigate bouts by whistling and use the environment in various ways against your enemy."
"We're actually just out here to kill some mobs, grind some experience, get some resources maybe out of the land here, and eventually, the world should react to that and we could potentially create an event here."
"I enjoyed the exploration, trying to find all the different rots in the area."
"As we change, as we evolve, right, we are changing and shifting with our environments, cultivating our environment and growing so we can be at our best."
"Thor's Well is not just a natural wonder, it's a place where Nature's forces Collide."
"The environments and backgrounds reacting to the attacks, the camera zooming in and focusing on you whenever you get knocked down, the gameplay of Elsword is top-notch."
"The Earth is able to hear our voice and respond."
"Everything has a verticality to it in spider-man and that starts here on what I would consider the micro level."
"Let's break all the grass around just like this."
"They become visible and progress when the predicates dictate a node reaches a certain level or you know some tree falls in the center of the road or something right."
"The object and the environment are working together."
"Give off what it has to give and of course soak up some of this too."
"Tesla theorized that extremely low frequency and very low frequency radiation could enter into the magnetosphere and change its structure." - Video narrator
"It's lava, and then like signs, and then water."
"Just by dipping the carpet towards the sea, you're suddenly enter a completely different game called creation which is set under the sea."
"This is a mod that makes shelters actually protect you from the rain or snow."
"If you kill a mole worm and then destroy its home by digging it up, it permanently removes that mole worm from the world."
"Deerclops is done chopping down trees for me."
"That's one of the things you see that's pretty prevalent in our society, and I'm not saying I'm not guilty of it at a gas station or whatever, [expletive] around on your phone."
"I decided to retrace my steps back to the flower Forest to see if I could uncover any more information."
"Gaia awaits what you're going to do next and will then morph to complement the energy that you create."
"Along the way, you learn to study the world as you adventure through its massive lands of Hyrule."
"The creatures around the world... it makes the world feel more alive and I really freaking like that."
"It's amazing to think of how all these landscapes coexist and interact."
"Using embodied artificial intelligence, Neo will understand its environment deeper thanks to the fusion of their AI senses and their physical body."
"The extended phenotype is the concept that genes not only act in their own interest, but also influence the environment in a way that enhances their own replication."
"You know so humans do this world model thing right where it's, you know, you grab your doorknob when you come home and if it's really cold or it's slimy you notice. You don't have a specific sensor for doing that, you just know how it's supposed to feel."
"Because the magazines have got physics they can actually be shot around the environment, which is quite cool."
"There's a lot of potential for funny exchanges, solid choreography, good bits of environmental destruction that feel impactful in spite of a small scale."
"As I walk through an environment and I experience optic flow, things passing by me, it signals to other parts of my brain that I'm moving."
"The best way to world build is through the characters' reactions to their surroundings."
"I'd love to see some of that hitting the trees just to make the painting a bit more cohesive."
"I'm interested in everything else, or more specifically, the focus that I want to take is not beginning with the organism, but rather beginning with the organism-environment relationship."
"Lichens absorb a lot of nutrients out of the air, they're like sponges."
"Every time that you put action into the planet, into the earth, you get a reaction back."
"The environment expresses its capacities to affect us and to be affected by us."
"These were sophisticated observers of their natural surroundings and have brought order to an otherwise disorderly world."
"The two networks work together to find out how best to act in the environment."
"A tact is always based on something in the environment."
"What is the functional chemistry that's being carried out by these bacteria or viruses? How are they supporting themselves, interacting with the environment?"
"Snow is highly reflective, so if it didn't reflect some of the colors in the sky, it wouldn't make a lot of sense, would it?"
"You basically remove the pen, and it's up to them whether they want to fly away or hang out at the pond."
"There is something to be said about experiencing. About just going into nature and experiencing what is happening around you."
"When they're back in a similar context, they can pull from their memory, remember the word that you used, and attempt to use it to manipulate or change something in their environment."
"The biology of the brain actually reflects an interaction with the environment."
"They are very adaptable to their environment."
"When you take augmented reality and mix it with the ability to understand the geometry of the world, it becomes much more powerful."