
Installation Quotes

There are 1272 quotes

"One of the first things you're going to want to do upon completing the installation... go to the App Store and run all of your updates."
"So there we go, I think that's just the perfect installation for a campervan if you want to be off-grid."
"Installing Morrowind is always a great feeling."
"VS Code is free, so we don't need to buy anything; we just need to download it and install it."
"Installation was extremely easy. Everything is truly plug and play."
"I'm so excited! I'm sorry to brag, but like I'm literally going to install the pack right now. I'm so, so, so excited."
"Compression fittings: secure, sleek, and easy to install with just finger tightness."
"Bidets are easy to set up on any toilet in under 10 minutes."
"We've got to paint the doors, door hardware, bathroom hardware like towel bars, toilet paper holders, the other towel holders."
"We got some Knockouts in here to go from the inverter into the conduit box so you can see we have a built-in breaker here for this battery we got our battery Communication cable and we have our terminals."
"Fitting a fridge in is really super difficult."
"For ease of installation, you can't beat how easy this is."
"Make sure there's no contact there, all right? And then about there, throw that into the jam, now it's installed."
"Mount it all, plug all the things in, we'll show you how it mounts, how it works."
"You really can't go wrong. I would say that this one's easier to install."
"Just because you can install something a certain way doesn't mean that it should be installed that way."
"If I were you, I'd go ahead and grab some food and a drink and just sit back and install some of these awesome tweaks."
"Y'all should definitely consider installing this one."
"So now that we've installed it, we can go ahead and see what our website looks like."
"Stairs need to be secured, embedded in cement or screwed down, nailed down, glued down."
"Establish your gap for expansion and contraction on flooring."
"How to create a clean windows install that you'll actually want to use."
"There's value in having everything perfectly level, but almost everything is designed to be installed on an unlevel surface."
"The front door but also the easiest install for the best result."
"The Nest Hello also requires a 10 V transformer, so previously when I installed my ring video doorbell, I needed to swap out my transformer."
"How long did it take you to like install them like ain't never you got to install hair like it's a computer program like I'll tell you oh my god oh god this is your fault you might forgot it okay you all ready yeah yeah you're ready not installed"
"Wait, all of this, four boxes of cell repeater. What am I even looking at? - That's the J- Bolt and antenna. - Dish mount."
"These in-wall units are unique and we have not installed any of these."
"It very centralizes the installs because it actually installs just like the name implies in wall."
"The only reason to buy an M.2 drive is simplicity of installation."
"Noctua includes these little adapters I'm actually going to take one off here which you just screw into the fan."
"Installing something like this is going to make you somewhere around 15 to 20 dollars a square foot in value."
"The door has been installed this week, that was a new development."
"These cabinets absolutely have to be mounted to studs as they'll be holding a ton of weight."
"This first cabinet really dictates the rest of them as the front edges of the cabinets need to line up."
"I really liked the installation process... there's just two little buttons click click click click click you're done."
"To install an application literally one click, no setup installers, no going next next degree, and installing load of bloatware on your computer in the process, one click, it installs, boom."
"Here we have it this is what this speaker looks like fully installed with our new speaker adapter."
"So with our rear main seal is level with the back of this case, you can see it's completely flush, the rear main seal is in and we're ready to go."
"So with the flywheel installed, now let's go get our new clutch."
"You can install this entire deck on a flat surface in an afternoon. They all go together that easy."
"We installed the car seat, it was actually easier than I expected."
"Once the operating system is done installing, you should get a little message saying it's done."
"Remember that regardless of how baller you go with your pedals if you don't have a solid way to mount them you're wasting your money."
"This mounting solution is easy to install so that's a big plus."
"To install a large solar PV system, you need G99 approval. Your installer can handle the paperwork for you."
"By far the best installation of the film screen protector that I've seen yet."
"Congratulations, you've just installed your Sniper EFI system, all that's left to do now is simply take the vehicle for a drive and let Sniper self tune."
"We're so excited we're just gonna install this now because we're pumped."
"Nicely done, so this one is a super fun, fast little install."
"That's great, and that was easy to install."
"Give it a little wiggle, make sure it's actually in there."
"Ram is even simpler, evenly apply pressure from both sides."
"The one thing I always say is a good sign of a nice install is if the box lid goes on nice and easy."
"When I install this, I get sort of like the source code, so I can literally change anything I want here, customize it exactly how I see fit."
"I am so excited to have this system in here."
"We're going to install Google Analytics 4."
"After installing Omniverse, I'll grab Isaac Sim from the exchange tab, wait for that to install, and then launch it from the library tab."
"Let's proceed onto plugging in our fans and also our various sort of RGB features."
"We're pretty much ready to boot this thing up, see if it works, and install Windows."
"That's the process of installing Windows now complete."
"Keeping tension as you install the tape is super important."
"The more you can do on paper, the better the install will go."
"Hopefully this helped you if you're going to install your own or you're looking to upgrade."
"We're going to install our power supply this way around so that it can get fresh air from the bottom of the case which is filtered."
"No Internet, no power and no cell service either until we get these frickin solar panels installed."
"This is a great install, and I'm really happy with the way it turned out."
"Plan your installation carefully, make sure that the bird screen is in place."
"Prepare for disappointment; it might take some time for it to install this component."
"The best bit is that a suspension seatpost upgrade is as little as $100, and it's very easy to install yourself."
"Just about anyone in the world can derive these benefits; home batteries are relatively easy to install to any property that is connected to the grid."
"We're going to go ahead and actually install our theme."
"The overall install of the geny hitch was super simple for the most part."
"We've helped hundreds of homeowners out; more solar is going to be installed in the next 2 years than in the last 40 years combined."
"This unit's really nice because it comes with a Billet low profile top, an easy mounting solution, and a thick foam insert to seal against any imperfections in the surface."
"It can be a little daunting because you have to put a large hole in the top of your fuel tank, but the kit comes with great instructions and if you follow them, it makes it nice and easy."
"So with that, our cold side is pretty much done. The intercooler's in, all our piping is in place."
"The cost of installation for the smart home panel and DPU is much less than the cost of installing a backup generator."
"For installers that's a massive plus but for customers what are the other benefits of having an in-roof system?"
"Always lubricate o-rings before installing them."
"By the end of this video you should be able to install two nests on a two zone radiator heating system."
"...the more stuff you have installed the more updates you're going get to get specifically if you have KD plasma you're going to get a lot of updates."
"The installation of the htech Rebel LS can be split up into four main steps."
"So if there's anything you want to play, you can pretty much just install it and play it, right?"
"You can use lutrus to install... works perfectly for that."
"...now some people have a more minimal install and they'll find that number to be a little bit lower but the idea remains it's was a lot of packages and the upgrade process for people who switched was not a good one..."
"The whole installation process, it's seriously one of the easiest Linux installation processes you'll find."
"Then if you want to install this transmission on a B-body, for example, 1970 because the pistol grip came out in 1970, you get a different shifter."
"As you can see, that was definitely a two-person job, trying to carefully feed that AC ducting into that wall panel without damaging it at all."
"Make sure you don't rush when you're installing a camshaft."
"Buy all the same equipment for whoever does the manifold buy all their gear it makes it so much easier to install and so much easier to fault find if anything goes wrong."
"We're just basically going to drop it into place. You're going to have to pull this open, you're going to leave this plastic clip for now, and we're just basically going to drop it into place."
"Installation for the screen protector was super easy, the screen feels nice and smooth."
"We have dry carbon overlays, this is real carbon fiber and it installs in just minutes."
"...you'll be able to understand how to test an installation properly."
"Here's my door, and then we just hang it right here, right? Like this. Wait, hold on. But, like, when I close it, it's hard to close and open. I don't know."
"All you're going to need is a banana, a pair of scissors to cut anything open, and an eight gigabyte or bigger flash drive to install Windows onto this gaming PC once you're finished building it."
"Let's go install two 32 gig DIMMs. It takes less than a minute."
"Let's go add another SSD. To install, you literally just go pull up the little thermal flap, you pop it in and then it's one screw."
"So that was a really easy install, super easy to get set up and connect to the Nest app."
"We're going to pause the install of these cables."
"Someone genuinely installed a socket panel across a door. Are they expecting people to limbo their way out of the room now?"
"We planned this stuff out probably like two months ago or so and it's finally being installed today and i cannot wait."
"I didn't realize that I got the 65 inch version and I'm gonna mount it onto the wall but also make a little frame for it."
"Look at the drive pops up and it starts installing, let's freaking go."
"...I think the most difficult thing about this install and really any EV charger install is going to be finding exactly where you want to mount it and how exactly you're going to get power out of the panel to power the unit itself."
"That actually worked, easiest header install ever."
"This one I didn't install the fan backwards. I just flat out installed the wrong fan, but we'll go with it."
"We just completed the 6-inch drop in the rear and now we'll move to the front for new struts and a brake upgrade."
"Now we have our second gigantic and very very expensive coil pack to install."
"...if you'd like to add um another solar panel easy to add right there just plug it in wired directly to the battery."
"Installation seems to be fine, touch is working great."
"We need to make sure that the adhesive covers the whole screen protector, especially in the corners."
"What a neat installation that is."
"This device is super easy to install. The camera conveniently sits on the center console so you can easily see your baby without having to turn around."
"The specific unit I'm using here is made by Tosot. This is a 12,000 BTU unit. It's super efficient and it's probably overkill for my space, but it's definitely got everything that I need."
"On a double pole circuit breaker like this, there are a couple of ways you can handle this, but to make things simpler as far as color coding, I decided to install the neutral and the line, which is the black right into the circuit breaker itself."
"So the bottom row in this case is the incoming power. The right terminal is your ground. The middle terminal is your line or the power source. And then the left terminal is the neutral."
"After installing the power optimizers, the solar panels themselves are next."
"This is why I installed the bomb."
"You have a dramatically improved transient response with flush mounting."
"Once you've got your cloud up and installed, the hard part's definitely over."
"One of the biggest pieces of advice that we can give you if you're installing your own bumper is to make sure that you leave all of the mounting bolts just loose enough that you can slide it around and get that perfect alignment before tightening it down."
"Now, here is Scourge with most of the upgrade kits installed."
"I installed the security system to my house and haven't had any problems since."
"Always install the brake pad with the wear indicator to the inboard side, not to the outboard side."
"It's actually going to make the wall connector install super easy."
"You didn't install it right, and that is directly what caused the damage to Mr. Ron's property as well as your property."
"Pressure relief installation: Dual isolated valve assemblies vented outdoors."
"Putting in cam bearings is kind of one of those things... some people rely on the machine shop to do that, whichever way you do that if you're going to put them in yourself, you're going to need a good tool for that."
"From [ __ ] to Mint went to the mint that's enough Costco you got you right just got to install it yourself."
"This does need to be mounted outside as it is."
"The good bit, the juicy bit, installing TensorFlow for deep learning."
"That is how you install it for Windows 10."
"I hope you guys enjoyed this little additional walkway that we installed on top of this patio."
"We secure the bar grading with grating clips (there's special clips) right back to the original cross members of the shipping container."
"Let's dive in! We'll be installing Arch Linux in this section using the manual method."
"Everybody has to deal with at some point in time is installing a transducer on your boat."
"The reason why we were invited is that the machine is almost complete in its installation normally these machines go through a period of four to six months of installation then a few months of optimization and dialing in the settings to make sure that they're exact."
"This is one of the coolest weirdest art installations of all time."
"On Linux, you can install SyncThing via the package manager. On Ubuntu, use 'sudo apt install syncthing'."
"Installing the unit is fairly straightforward. It couldn't be any easier than that."
"It's easy to mount and wire and everything else. Get it in a nice tucked spot."
"We've got these three-way Motons that we're gonna install today."
"With this Klemko mount, all you have to do is attach it into this two-bolt pattern."
"It's about an 8 Hour installation... not a bad challenge for a single day."
"The whole process is automatic; you don't have to do anything."
"Just click to install, and that's it."
"Installation is kind of tricky, but be patient because this vinyl is premium and it's very forgiving from my firsthand experience."
"With that radio put back in, putting this top vent on is a little bit tricky."
"But first things first we need to check piston to valve clearance and determine push rod length which are two very important factors when you're installing some new heads on your car."
"...once that was done the countertops were installed..."
"I'm not the biggest fan of how my wiring install actually turned out, it's a bit messy and I'd like to redo that in the future, but functionality wise it's worked out perfect."
"Oh, this is so easy! You know, you just install it like a program in Windows and it's all good."
"Once you install these plugins, you need to go and set them up in the tools section."
"they install everything and even like the Mounting Solutions for everything is very nice look how big these rear ends are in these trucks so like the weight rating is just got to be astronomical"
"I value your time and I value my time, so let me show you how you are going to install this Suricata."
"The turrets went in pretty easily, you just sit it in there and twist it and then you can move it around as much as you want."
"Just use this thumb drive like you would any other Windows 11 install."
"Homebrew: Popular package manager, installs software and libraries from the command line."
"...all we have left to do is unbox and install all of the mosa racing goodies that I am pumped to do now that we have a proper cockpit again."
"Okay, so let's install that shield."
"...installing a system inside it is absolutely a seamless process very simple and straightforward..."
"The installation process for TR scale is smooth smooth and straightforward just like this coffee."
"It's a fully functional install of a modern operating system on a computer from 1981, which is just cool all on its own."
"The last thing with the GPU installation is to connect the external power connector."
"...so often it's the finishing touches that make the difference between a good installation and a great installation."
"We're here at Clockworks, we're going to install a Slicer fender."
"So I'm going to be installing this Ring Video Doorbell Pro and if you're already a subscriber of this channel you know how much I really like this product."
"It could be something else to feed there's a couple of reasons for one thing yeah it would just be the you know you've got to take care of them and we've just never been in a position where we can do that."
"ChargePoint Home Flex: Easy installation, hassle-free experience."
"And there we go, hey it installed!"
"The Atlas bolts right up to the automatic that came with our new Hemi."
"I received an email from Andy in Cranston, Rhode Island. He says, 'Hey, I'm interested in installing Linux on my Windows 98 machine. I was wondering how I should start off.'"
"We installed a heavy duty quick connect on the end of the electric ball valve which allows us to plug in the one in hose."
"We wanted to mount the starlink so it was fixed on the roof."
"All you have to do is get a 7-pin connector that will plug into your vehicle and just run one wire to the reverse pin down to the back of your trailer, hook it up to your light, every time you toss it in reverse that light comes on."
"It's worth the money because it'll speed up the installation, it'll help make it flawless, and put everything right where you want."
"You don't need a shop or mechanic to do this install."
"So now that we have it in place I can go ahead and put the springs on."
"As always my friends, design, build, and install."
"Total confidence for the install."
"Now the individual hoop supports are installed on both sides of the beds."
"Could that get any easier? This will take all of like five minutes to put on the wall."
"Thanks for watching our instructional video on how to install a roll-up door in a shipping container."
"This bracket is what's going to allow you to bolt it in an easy location."
"30 stalls in a parking garage, really looking forward to seeing this installation."
"Not a bad install. Great product, very well labeled, easy to understand. So that's good."
"This literally will be hanging from the ceiling and that's why I don't mess around."
"Jenkins is a web application that is written in java and there are various ways in which you can use and install jenkins."
"It significantly reduced the amount of installation time needed compared to any other railing system."
"This gets installed really fast, I bet I love this detail myself."
"Next, you'll need to locate a good position for locating the wideband O2 sensor in the exhaust system."
"Now it's time to install the caliber retainer little brackets."
"Carpet tiles are not adhered to the floor in any manner they come with squares that are sticky on one side only you adhere these to the four corners of each carpet Square so that each tile is connected to all of the other tiles and that's what holds them in place."
"Okay, so fans installed it all, he's done it all neatly along there."
"A reliable tool that streamlines the drawer installation process."
"We are installing the focal 302 on-wall speakers for the front left, right, and center in front of the room."
"Silicone mounting frames are a useful accessory for installing car speakers. Their main purpose is to hermetically seal the speaker from the metal surface of the door, preventing the sound from suffocating."
"I think this is one of the best TVs I've ever seen on the wall virtually zero Gap and everything hides behind the TV."