
Civic Pride Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Always going to represent to the best of my ability and help build it up because it's a small city."
"I'm optimistic about the American people... they're not going to walk away from the Republic that they inherited."
"We have to reject this and try and rescue our once Great American cities."
"Our nation is a Republic. We are the people!"
"Thankful for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States."
"I saved this city decades ago. I built this city on rock and roll."
"We made a difference. We really made a difference to the city of Detroit."
"Thank you for your heroism, your gumption to stand up for the great nation of the United States, for freedom, for the electoral process."
"The state of the union is strong because you, the American people, are strong."
"I think people probably will want Union Jack but I think, you know, I think it was Edmund Burke who said if you want people proud of their country then have a good country to be."
"At the end of the day, this is America and we are the press, we the people."
"We've seen what our country can be at its best."
"We will not leave any doubt about what this country stands for."
"This vote shows that this country deserves to have this move forward movement."
"I'm proud of you. Remember the way that this city was 15 years ago?"
"USA was never great because of our government or our president rather our faith in our principles Our God and each other."
"Citizenship is a gift, it's an honor, it's a privilege."
"We're standing proudly for our national anthem."
"America has been the greatest country ever and I think it will continue because of a lot of good people that stand up for the right things."
"After so much hard work and diligence of duty, many New Orleans were rightfully confident the fort would be completed to defend their home city."
"It's not a Republican idea or Democrat idea. Personally, I believe that voting rates amongst Young Americans will actually skyrocket once we revive that sense of civic pride."
"There's a lot of makers in San Francisco that take a lot of civic pride in the work they do."
"The mayor of Detroit should be giving me a medal!"
"It's not about militarism... it's about being the Spartan citizen... upholding its institutions and its values."
"For once in like our lives, America actually went so above and beyond."
"The city needed us... I'm proud to be a part of that."
"Donald Trump did not build this country, you did."
"Our strength has never come from the White House or the Capitol, it's always come from our people."
"We're left with the 95 percent of the good people we got the bad ones in jail where they belong."
"We deserve a Los Angeles that's for the people."
"For the first time in history, a splendid building such as the Propylaea was not erected for gods or kings, but by citizens for the citizens of a free city."
"Mayor Adam says these numbers are of course something to celebrate and be proud of but he says the work is certainly not done not until he says every single New Yorker is able to take advantage of these opportunities."
"A patriot loves his country and zealously supports it."
"I am running for mayor of the greatest city in the world. Let's go New York City!"
"It made me proud to be a Texan but it made me proud to be an American because finally the ball has started to show up."
"We have without any doubt the best Police Department, the best Fire Department, the best emergency workers."
"This nation belongs to you the people that built it this is your home this is your heritage and our American liberty is your god-given right."
"The good people of this nation will prevail."
"This is going to be the best police station in the world."
"Our great heritage belongs to citizens of every background and of every walk of life."
"I would rather be a citizen of a nation that has ideals and falls short of them than a citizen of a nation that has no ideals at all."
"We are putting this nation on a better and brighter path for you, for your families, and for all of our great citizens."
"We're armed, we're ready, the city is sufficiently classical right now."
"Love of country, love of the ideals that this country was built upon and stands for still."
"I'm honored to represent Philadelphia and to serve the community."
"The belief that a nation must serve its citizens will not dwindle but instead only grow stronger by the day."
"I rather spend my time in my own City focused on that and pouring money and resources into where I'm from."
"Thank you on behalf of all the citizens of Chaden Hall. I salute you."
"This is a park paying homage to the past of this district so this is a very important part of the district to the city and truthfully it's an important part of the."
"We are changing Washington. Never forget that."
"Joyful democracy" - "Sweatshirts that say joyful democracy are what we all need."
"They represent the diversity of our nation, a nation in which we are free to express our opinions." - Philadelphia's mayor Jim Kenney
"The strength of our democracy and the beauty of the power to the people."
"Happy mayor? Yeah, really pleased with that."
"We've just won the award for the most attractive city. #HappyMayor"
"This University doesn't belong to a small group of protesters; it belongs to every citizen of North Carolina."
"We will be a plus to the United States."
"When they pull off with their Greek allies this surprise Victory against the Persians those victories are seminal into the emerging kind of sense of civic pride."
"Bradford's success with Saint George's Hall grated on the people of Leeds and they needed a new civic symbol."
"It's a kind of a civic pride thing for us. We've retired number 12 for our fans."
"You guys do a great thing for the city and we're all very lucky to have you."
"A credit to Glasgow, that's what the money's really about."
"By the city, for the city, to serve the city."
"We all make up this country, and it is all ours, and we have to take ownership of that."
"My greatest passion is just giving you guys the opportunity to explore your city and to enjoy the things that are yours."
"That's okay, as long as Spokanites do remember that once there was a generation that cared enough about this city's future to give its people a legacy they can be proud of."
"I'm very proud to serve my town, and I'm hoping now that my town will be very proud to have me as mayor."
"It's a really exciting time for our city, something to be excited about and proud of."
"I'm playing a part in saving more history for my beautiful city."
"It's a great day for the city of Los Angeles."
"This is exactly what this country is all about; we take [stuff] for granted all the time."
"If you want that Portland that you dream about, that you love, then be part of it, come downtown, see for yourself."
"I live in this city, and I like to see it a clean city."
"Everyone should be proud of their city or whatever community you live in."
"It makes me proud to be in the city."
"The city has done a remarkable job in making us proud."
"The mayor of Brickman 10 is pretty proud of his new edition of the bike lanes."
"We love the city, why wouldn't we do our best to make it look good?"
"The city authorities of Valencia really care about the leisure of the local people."
"I believe in this city, its resilience."
"The communities in the area took the event as an important civic affair."
"To these men, their work on projects which will result in Civic achievement is just as important as the work their Shipmates do in more conventional Naval surroundings."
"Citizens, I know you didn't come to hear me speak, you came to weigh the words of a man who cherishes the future of this fair city."
"No matter which road you're walking on in the downtown area, it's just how clean the roads are."
"To love one city and to have a part in its advancement and improvement is the highest privilege and duty of a citizen."
"We've all got to take pride in our city, don't ever forget that."
"Our downtown is my city. I was born and raised here, and I am sitting in this seat because I want to see this vibrant again."
"To restore our sense of civic pride and national cohesion so that we can be secure in the knowledge that we are all on the same side."
"Putting yourselves on the line means that you love this city just as much as we love the city, and we want what's best for the city of Toronto."
"I love this city and I won't apologize for it."
"I just want to say thank you to the American people, we are capable of doing good things."