
Human Anatomy Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"Look how amazing this small little gland is, such a powerful effect on the human body."
"The Gothic suit of armor requires a tremendous knowledge of the human anatomy."
"Your heart is the only muscle that never gets tired."
"Human thigh bones are stronger than concrete."
"Mother Nature has designed us like this because for us women who are able to carry a baby and get pregnant, these muscles separate like this to allow space for the baby and the uterus to grow."
"The human brain is perhaps the most complex structure in the universe."
"Mother nature gives us two kidneys... the reason we have two kidneys is you can't predict the future and you might need a backup."
"You're just a little bit taller in the morning than you are at night."
"When we're born, our larynx is in a higher position in our throat, which allows a baby to nurse without suffocating."
"Your skin is the largest organ in your body."
"The mushroom shape of the male penis allows the head to scoop out rival sperm and give its own sperm a better chance at reaching the egg."
"Skulls up to six times the size of normal humans."
"Humans we don't have hooves or Trotters we have really sensitive feeling feet."
"Because while we do have some of the best general purpose vision in the animal kingdom, our eyes are really poorly designed."
"The body is not made up of one part but of many."
"Teaching my son where his heart is, physically first, and then I'm starting to also teach him all the things that his heart can do."
"Hands are one of the most annoying things to draw."
"The human knee takes a ton of abuse over the course of a day."
"Hyperextension, or what you can think of as just going backwards, it's gonna be a painful one."
"Tendons are there to help generate movement, ligaments are there to help limit or prevent or define the movement."
"The appendix might not be as useless as you thought."
"Researchers think the appendix might dish out emergency rations of gut bacteria in times of crisis."
"Most people know what a human skull looks like, but what if something looks like it should be human but isn't quite?"
"Neuroplasticity is our nervous system which of course includes the brain the spinal cord and all the connections between the brain and spinal cord and the organs and tissues of the body."
"The face is the most vital part of the body. We take food through here, we breathe through here."
"Piece is part work of art and part mathematical diagram conveying the belief that the human anatomy contains the perfect ratios and proportions to function within the universe."
"Cathoga actually ended up solving a lot of horrible design flaws of the human body."
"Loading screen tips be like: 'Humans have enough bones to recreate a skeleton.'"
"The basal ganglia: orchestrating the symphony of movement."
"Your brain is the control center for your entire body."
"Your skin is the largest sensory organ of the body."
"Anatomy and physiology are essential to understanding the human body."
"Quick attack... literally the best or the least influential disadvantage tool in the entire game."
"Natasha Demkina claims to have the ability to see inside of human bodies."
"The miracles of the human body have made me clearly see that there must be a god involved in the design."
"If just looking at the human body, I can pretty safely say that I'm confident that there was not a perfect deity that made the human body."
"It's counterintuitive that capillary beds are composed of arterioles so tiny that blood cells go through close to single file."
"The liver is the only human organ that can regenerate completely."
"The heart, the most important muscle in the body."
"The brain is the biggest sex organ in the body."
"You can perceive the beating of the pulse underneath her skin."
"The total area of membrane inside a typical human body is about 200 acres."
"Your ear could also compete in the race for the most unique body part."
"The strongest muscle in your body based on its weight is your jaw muscle."
"Veins appear blue because they're under our skin and skin scatters more blue light than red."
"Man is the measure of all things, and what they're trying to show us here is that built into the very geometry of our own human anatomy are the cosmic proportions."
"The human body is very remarkable and it's very strange at the same time. You don't need anything below your intestines to live."
"The human heart: this thing beats about a hundred thousand times per day which translates to approximately 35 million beats per year and about 2.5 billion beats in the average lifetime."
"The second toe is a little bit longer than the first big toe which is a sign of intelligence."
"You just nailed part of the problem is looking at any vulva and going I didn't know that it could be that way."
"Your muscles, your speed, your coordination... it's got to be the brain, not the muscles."
"Our bodies are walking, talking windows into our evolutionary past."
"There is nothing in the universe that proves God's existence more than our bodies."
"Skeletal muscle is the largest organ system in the body."
"Our hair doesn't grow as long or as thick as other apes, making goosebumps vestigial."
"Our mouths are way too crowded; in the process of evolution, the human brain grew dramatically, and our jaw had to become wider and shorter to make room for it."
"SCP-1027 closely resembles a central nervous system of a human."
"The human hand is not evolved to hold stuff down like that. It's evolved to do this, press down flat with the big pads of the fingers."
"Ear canals are not perfectly straight, they're an elongated S shape."
"Your body has geometry, yes, bruh, six feet. Take one cell out your body and pull the DNA out, I'll be as tall as you. Just one cell."
"The anatomical and neurological masterpiece that is the human hand."
"The human face has 43 muscles and can make up to 10,000 expressions."
"I really, really recommend this if you're interested at all in the esoteric human body."
"To sum up, in most other mammals about half the body fat is visceral, but in humans, the vast majority is subcutaneous."
"Black male organs, black female organs are some of the most prized organs in the world because we're the original people. So our organs damn near work with everybody. What is the one thing you need to live that you can't buy? Heart, kidney, liver, spleen."
"Human eyesight has been honed in for quite a while as we ascended up the food web to a rightful place as an apex predator."
"God formed the man, but when it came to the woman, God built her."
"Your skin is the biggest organ in your body."
"The blind spot corresponds to basically the optic nerve inside the eye."
"The human body is composed of four basic types of tissue."
"90% of humans are right-handed while just 67% of humans are right eye dominant, so cross dominance, for example, being right-handed but left eye dominant isn't too unusual."
"Opposable thumbs are actually one of the biggest like evolutionary like overlooked things that we have."
"A woman's body is far more complicated than a man's."
"The best print had five very distinct toes and was flat, no arch at all, with toes straighter across than the normal human."
"The modern human brain is actually smaller than Neanderthal brains, but reorganized; they're different in quality as well as quantity."
"The shape the human fist makes when it's balled up tightly into a punch also helps protect the hand and forearm from damage."
"The iris is the muscle that controls the light that enters the eye."
"The human larynx: what a range of sound, what variety of function, how simple in appearance, how complex in its action."
"I do love anatomically correct hearts. It's probably my favorite lesson in biology."
"Biomedical science is the study of the human body and diseases at a more molecular level."
"The gluteus maximus is the largest of the three, making up about 75% of the volume of the booty, and is the largest muscle in the human body."
"The Golden Ratio occurs in the human body, most notably in the relation of the height of a person’s navel from the floor, to the height at the top of the head."
"Humans normally have four parathyroid glands."
"The left ventricle is the largest; it's going to pump out to the entire body."
"The human body's largest organ, believe it or not, is our skin."
"Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks."
"The skin is the largest organ of the human body and the first line of defense against invading pathogens."
"Many people feel the brain is a relatively important organ."
"The brain is sort of the consistency of well-cooked cauliflower or firm dough."
"The good news and bad news about the brain is that it's inside its own helmet, it has a skull."
"It's part of our evolution, the opposable thumb, the forward-facing eyes, the upright... these are massive things in taking us out of the animal kingdom."
"The optic nerve transmits information to the brain from which part of the body? From the eye."
"The skin is in fact an organ and it's the largest organ in the body."
"We can redesign pedals to be smaller, but we can't redesign the foot."
"Remember that our bodies, our spine, our shoulders, our hips are all different; they're all unique."
"The human brain is the least understood organ in the human body."
"The physical human heart is an extremely interesting and significant organ."
"Everyone's thumb is the same size as their nose."
"It's an interconnectedness like a web that goes around our body and communicates."
"The human body is so interesting... there is nothing more interesting than seeing the body open up."
"The semicircular canals help in balancing of the body."
"The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to all parts of the body."
"Perhaps the greatest detective story in science has been to understand how our cells combine to make up a human being."
"The dermis carries hair bulbs, sweat glands, blood vessels, it has lymphatic vessels."
"Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different."
"These show my technical abilities with human anatomy, which is so important."
"The brain is the most complex structure known to humankind."
"The brain inside your body is floating in its own little swimming pool."
"Each day the average human heart beats about a hundred thousand times, pumping two thousand gallons of blood through your body."
"A hundred and one are the arteries of the heart, one of them leads up to the crown of the head; going upward through that one becomes immortal."
"Humans have what we call a double circulatory system, which means there are actually two circuits going on."
"We have crooked teeth because we have a mouth that's too small for our faces."
"The vulnerability of the heart is hinted at in the human body itself."
"Red blood cells are formed in the bone marrow."
"Each organ fascinatingly has different reserve."
"I'm so glad that we have big juicy brains."
"I chose to be a doctor because I really like to work with people. I like to communicate one-on-one and I'm also just very interested in the human body."
"Babies are born with 300 bones, adults have 206."
"The occipital bone is actually quite a big bone."
"When we take the trouble to search in the human figure for the hidden secrets of the spiritual world, we arrive at knowledge that is of the utmost importance for the human heart and soul."
"The human thigh bones are stronger than concrete."
"Human bodies are wonderful, it's a fascinating subject to draw."
"The liver does over 500 jobs in the body."
"If you're interested in learning more about human and what makes a realistic render, I've got some great news for you."
"Our planet is mostly oceans, and by the way, our bodies are mostly ocean."
"To understand the human form takes years of hard work and dedication."
"The brain is the only organ that lives within an armored casing."
"Calcium is not a trace, it's got a whole skeleton to account for."
"There are almost as many connections in the human brain as there are grains of sand on all the beaches of planet earth."
"We have a huge brain for our body size."
"The human bone is in fact stronger than both steel and concrete, ounce for ounce."
"Air enters into a human via the nose and the mouth."
"Our eyes are extremely complex, some say that they're the most complex organ in our body."
"The smallest and lightest bones in the body are in the ear."
"Only humans have just the right anatomy to enable graceful upright walking, deft handling of complex tools, inborn competence for speaking complex languages, and inborn ability to think in a truly human way."
"Some of the main things bones do are: provide support for the body, protect the organs, help with movement, are a storage spot for fats and minerals, and they help with blood cell formation."
"There is no building that's been produced by modern man that comes anywhere close to how perfect the human skeleton is."
"The total length of all blood vessels in an adult is close to 100,000 miles."
"Our eyes are amazing, they are pretty well developed but not perfect."
"Biomechanics is the understanding of how joints, how the human body works in literally a mechanical manner."
"Your eye is so advanced that the back of your eyeball is about one square inch but contains over 137 million light-sensitive cells."
"The total surface area of the lungs... is about the size of a tennis court all inside just a pair of ones on the average human."
"Did you know when someone gets a kidney transplant they usually just leave the original kidneys in your body and put the third kidney in your pelvis?"
"One of the things that makes humans unique from other animals is the fact that there is no actual bone in human boners."
"Your eyes breathe on their own, think about that, that's amazing."
"If you look at our digestive tract, it tells you exactly the same story."
"Our kneecaps when we're older are hard bone, but babies don't have hard kneecaps; instead, they start off as cartilage."
"Babies are actually born with over 300 bones, but as adults, we have 206 bones."
"The brain is so amazingly complex and intricate."
"The human eye... has design flaws that make our eyes inferior."
"The digestive system, blood circulatory system, the endocrine system, the nervous system."
"Muscle, bone, people are made of those things. They're the building blocks of us."
"We have similar parts because we developed from fish."