
Photography Tips Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"I promise that two-second shutter on a tripod will give you sharper pictures."
"The most common rule of composition being the rule of thirds, where you divide your frame into three equal parts horizontally and vertically."
"You will appreciate this so much the first time you do night photography."
"Tips for creative composition: place the subject and the horizon off the center frame with the foreground."
"Get the Pokémon nice and big in the center of the frame and snap the shutter."
"Taking screenshots of lighting is very helpful."
"Optimize the quality of the photos you take."
"Change up your angles... go the extra mile to get that unique story."
"Understand the dominant directions in your pictures."
"I always format on the camera to get a very clean starting point."
"When in doubt, don't be afraid to use auto mode... start there, you're going to get great results."
"Experiment with your natural light. You can never go wrong with it."
"Shoot JPEG fine, the highest quality. You don't want to buy a camera like this and then dumb it down to lower quality."
"So this is a fantastic trick that you can use to change the luminous values of your image."
"The Yi camera, it takes the picture exactly as you held it, so you've got to be very careful to hold that camera perfectly straight."
"White balance can make or destroy your photo."
"Soft light is great for capturing the even lighting on your pieces."
"I always say I just need one good window... usually the master bedroom."
"Make the photos look natural and appealing to the audience and they will likely be more inclined to buy from your store."
"Enable back button focusing for more control."
"Get extra, extra batteries when you go out shooting."
"Remember to bring extra batteries and don't wait until they're dead, swap them out early and often."
"It doesn't matter how beautiful your subject is if you include some of the background that background has to be really beautiful also."
"If you're a beginner and you're trying to get started in smartphone photography make sure to check out shot suggestions."
"Taking the same scene in different lights, different times of the day, different weather conditions will produce such different shots and you shouldn't underestimate that."
"Accessing different camera modes and settings."
"Adjusting perspective can create perfect geometry in your photos."
"Removing distracting backgrounds can simplify your photos and draw more attention to the subject."
"In architecture, once you learn this, you'll see this everywhere. But architectural exterior photography is almost exclusively taken during what's called the blue hour."
"100% of landscapes look better just before the crack of dawn or just before sunset."
"For street photography, you want a camera that's small, unobtrusive, and reliable."
"If you want to take that next step and go beyond the auto modes, don't forget you can check out the beginner's guide that I do offer."
"Reformat your card every time you start a new photoshoot."
"Always set the time zone and date correctly for proper file information."
"Single focus is great for objects that aren't moving and people that aren't moving."
"Continuous focus is for when you're shooting things that are always moving."
"Keep the shutter speed at your frame rate or higher."
"Just focus on maybe waist up to begin with so you don't have to worry about full body wardrobe."
"Switch off stabilization to avoid compensating for shakes."
"My top tip when you shoot in a sun.star and you've got your shot but yeah, it's moved and your star has disappeared but you know that the sun is there."
"Keep it simple, some of the best shots are straightforward."
"Visualize your shot, begin with the end in mind."
"Be able to see your screen properly, it's an important one."
"Backup your footage during your shoot, don't risk losing it."
"Go out there shoot everything really underexposed come back home and then you're never gonna shoot underexposed again in your life."
"The less crowded the background is, the better."
"A good rule of thumb when changing your ISO is this: Keep it low, the lower the ISO, the cleaner your photo will look."
"Putting the custom settings in your camera is very simple, it's very straightforward."
"Going from GoPro color to flat color is a game changer."
"So, step one, let's turn on some of the exposure settings."
"So why did I go just remember your standard zoom whatever zoom you have basically you have a wide angle that's 1785 the 70 is actually on the crop centers of 28 so it's a fairly wide angle lens."
"If you are going to see picking up your camera and filming immediately, have it on auto and your camera will do all the work for you."
"A great camera can make capturing great images easier."
"Composition and placement are key for creating balanced images."
"Vibrance increases the saturation of desaturated colors primarily, without affecting the other colors as much."
"I always recommend that you have at least two batteries if you're traveling because what happens if something happens to one or you run out of juice, you really can't shoot without a battery."
"If you're shooting a wedding all day and you don't want to be dealing with charging batteries and changing batteries all the time, I would definitely recommend looking into getting two of the BPU sixty batteries."
"Definitely try to shoot raw mode for portraits."
"You could shoot this at ISO 800 and still be fine."
"With a camera like that, you can do street photography in urban environments at ISO 100 handheld."
"I guide you through this murky often scary environment of picking which camera and lens to get."
"There have been more than one guy though that would go the extra mile to show it off, I bet I think Buddy Landale did that a time or two in Tennessee."
"Just a high shutter speed and stabilizer, and a little bit of praying." - Bill Ingalls
"Even if it's a one thousand dollar camera you put a good lens in front of that sensor good lighting you're gonna get some really good results."
"As many of you guys know I'm a big fan of photo stories and that means that you take the wides the tights the mediums and the details."
"The autofocus system using Live View was more accurate for me when shooting moving subjects."
"Figure out your story first. Short lighting makes things three-dimensional, slimmer. Broad lighting makes things feel thicker. Rim lights are good for separating things from the background."
"Light from above, unless you're trying to make things deliberately scary or bizarre. Soft light, use it to show form and gesture. Harsh light, use it to show detail."
"Use these compositional elements properly, and they will make your photographs far stronger."
"The great thing about shooting in burst mode is I can get it right at that peak."
"One thing that you should take notice of from that last shot to this shot is in this shot there's a lot more contrast and there's a lot more vivid colors going on."
"The face should be the brightest. If the person's face is the same exact light level as the body, you're not really giving the face importance."
"Once you have everything done, you finally inject feeling, expression, and multiple points of interaction."
"When I'm trying to get those tasty inside shots, I use the Interior Lighting Overhaul."
"That's just your lighting situation there is ever so slightly now the opposite effect sometimes."
"Less is more with composition; pick out certain parts of the landscape that are attractive to you."
"If you are looking for social media ready eye-catching photos, then you should go with vivo."
"Setting up your Sony camera for off-camera flash: Making shooting simple!"
"You can instantly make our couple pop off the background that much more."
"Capturing the moment is more important than how you're shooting it."
"It's worth the effort not to have the same blue sky or white sky shots as everyone else."
"Here's the Golden Rule with wind: birds take off and land into the wind."
"Sometimes, light itself can really save a shot."
"Always look for clean, simple backgrounds when framing your subject."
"If you do invest in one of those prime lenses with a 1.8 aperture, come out of scene mode, go into aperture priority."
"If you want to get the most out of these cameras, you're going to want to use pro mode."
"Prefer shooting during the crescent or last quarter moon phases."
"If you want to improve your photos by 100%, move in closer."
"Glass is the most important thing! Invest in glass, invest in glass, invest in glass."
"Tips on seeing light: get up early, stay out late, change your position."
"Size really does matter, both in terms of sensor size and the actual physical size of the camera."
"If you're someone who's maybe bored with your street photos... switching over to the 85 could be really beneficial."
"To have heroes in any kind of space in your photography is super important."
"If you want to make something look really large in the background, don't leave too much sky above it."
"If you are a back button focuser for street photography and you're struggling like I was, I started to get more grabs from half holding."
"Remember like I always say, if we're taking pictures where people are noticing or not noticing the sharpness, our pictures aren't that great."
"Vignetting is something to be aware of, but you can see just how easy it is to fix with a little bit of post-processing."
"Lighting can take your image from amateur to professionals very quickly."
"Put good glass in front of your camera and you're going to get great images." - Jared Polin
"Just to brighten or darken your photo just to get a better shot."
"Keep shooting, never give up, and remember, once you're in front of the camera, you only have one chance to get it right."
"Always overshoot, never undershoot. It's a lot easier to delete extra images than to make images you never took in the first place."
"You can shoot these cameras in the same way and get very similar results."
"You can record video and shoot a photo at the same time with the camera app."
"I generally prefer the benefits of shooting compress raw."
"The flip-out screen can be helpful for things like self-portraits but it is also great for high or low angle shots when using live view."
"He wants to bust you today, Daniel Negreanu."
"When capturing using the DJI Memo app you have the option between automatic mode where DJI Memo will automatically set the shutter speed and ISO for correct exposure and manual mode where you will manually change the shutter speed and ISO."
"That is my number one tip for poor editing portraits, make sure that the eyes are sharp."
"Hopefully it will give you some ideas the next time you're faced with some soft images you can't quite Wayne."
"Your net worth is what's left after all your debts, so you have 100K net worth means you pretty much have like no debt and you have 100K."
"HSL is your best friend when it comes to correcting and manipulating individual colors one at a time."
"When in doubt, meter for the shadows and use that as your reading."
"Framing 101: It's all about the details."
"If you plan to shoot outside on a bright sunny day with your aperture wide open... you're going to need an ND filter to bring your exposure down so you don't blow out your highlights."
"If you wait for the blue hour... the sky will take on a blue color and photographs just like this image."
"Lenses like this simply help you put more keepers on the cards."
"Avoiding heat distortion is crucial; don't go out at noon when heat in the air can ruin the focus of your images."
"If it's underexposed, I turn my light up; if it's overexposed, I turn my light down. Camera remains the same. It's a good habit to have."
"I do not ever recommend deleting images in camera."
"The tiniest bit of movement of the camera is going to cause blur, so to minimize this, use a self-timer or a remote."
"If you are new to macro photography, I definitely recommend practicing and starting out by taking photos indoors."
"What's up everybody, I'm Jason, and welcome back to another video with some tips and tricks for the Canon EOS R5."
"The more steady your subject is in the frame and the better you can keep it toward the center of the frame, the more likely the autofocus system is going to grab your subject the first time."
"I always recommend shooting on manual white balance, especially if you're doing a gallery."
"F11 is the fine balance between extended depth of field and really sharp image quality and texture."
"Another good rule of thumb is that you turn off the camera when you change your lenses."
"When using a polarizing filter, you're going to notice an increase in the saturation of the colors in your image."
"I hope you found these tips helpful and practical, and that your next live event shoot will be smoother, less stressful, and look better on screen."
"It's the combination of everything you do with the photo that will basically add together and make it pop."
"A modeling light will save your life if you're trying to figure out how to get reflections out of glasses."
"What you'll see today are just some helpful things that you can apply to your photography."
"There's no better lighting for your photos than the sun."
"It's really good to use a macro because you're going to get a more crisp and sharp image."
"Any beginning photographer can go out and create an image like this if you know where the birds are, if you can get eye level."
"The basic idea is to have the subject's face tilt downwards, then have them look up through their eyebrows towards the camera."
"Plan your shot, and that's how you get those really special photos that people just go crazy for."
"We're going to teach you how to nail the focus on a flower every single time."
"I hope you can use these tips to go out and get your own amazing low light photos, even after other photographers would have packed up and gone home."
"If you want to have full control over where your camera focuses, be sure to use flexible spot focus area mode."
"Here are my ideas for organic movement in posing."
"It's a good lesson in making sure that you're setting yourself up for success when you're shooting."
"Photography is all about lighting; that's why daytime outdoor photos often turn out awesome."
"A great photo is often simple; remember that it requires patience sometimes to get just the right shot."
"Always look for ways that you can use your location to add interest to the photo."
"You can take the curliest negative you can find, put it in here, and it will be flat."
"It's a lot easier to pull your shadows up than it is to pull detail from overexposed areas."
"You can soften the light from your torch using something very very simple that you can find most of the time around the house."
"Photography, especially lighting, is your secret sauce."
"If you're off to a location to photograph these birds, then we're going to give you some tips on how you can capture them when they're diving."
"Use great lighting, shoot at the right time of day, and you can make any car look good."
"If you have the wind at your back, you might get some great head-on flight shots."
"If I left you with anything today, young photographers, I would say backlight, backlight, backlight."
"Imagine drawing a line at the one-third and two-third mark vertically and horizontally; those four lines intersect are where human eyes naturally tend to focus on."
"Remember, shoot often, look for a variety, take advantage of your surroundings, don't sweat the gear, and present it together in a nice and beautiful way."
"It looks better to be underexposed than overexposed."
"The best photographs are made on the edges, where there's really interesting information."
"You can change the exposure of your camera. So here, you can make the whole scene more or less bright."
"If you nail white balance and exposure, you don't need to shoot raw."
"One of the tips I can give to you if you ever find yourself in a situation like this is that don't just focus on getting tight shots of him; you want to show the room."
"To make your subject pop or to make it look dramatic, you get the area in focus you want and then the rest of it just falls off smoother."
"You want to ensure your camera does not move during the time lapse."
"It's a really good idea to know what the buttons do, what the functions do, and how you can set your camera up to use them."
"Don't forget about good composition; think of your aurora photography as landscape photography with sky and aurora in it, rather than just aurora photography."
"The first thing is to mount your camera on a tripod. That's super important."
"If you're feeling a little bit confused with the camera settings, just remember: longest possible shutter speed without star trails, and then adjust the ISO accordingly."
"The best lighting is natural lighting, sweetie."
"It's a general rule to have some space between the background and the subject you're shooting."
"Including organic elements such as plants or flowers... helps create a more dynamic flat lay."
"Move a little to the left, don't be too stiff, smile a bit, be natural."
"Bring the light close, you actually gonna have a more controllable exposure here."
"That's a great picture of Juicy J right when you take pictures of your favorite rap artist, do it when the mic's not in use."
"This is where the magic happens, we need a light to come flinging in here."
"I want to break down for you some of my favorite strategies, tips, and tricks in order to effectively capture drinks so that they look fabulous, that they look professional, and that you are super proud of your images."
"For night photography across the board, you want full control."
"The best times of the day to shoot are early in the morning, overcast weather, cloudy weather, rainy weather, sunset hours, nighttime."
"If you just wanted to get some good solid noise reduction into your image and continue on processing it, I find this works really well."
"I'm going to change the position a little bit so there's no glare."
"When you're shooting waterfalls with streams or anything with water or wet rocks, use that circular polarizer filter. It makes a huge difference in your photographs."
"To avoid camera shake, always try to steady the camera."
"Let me show you another cool trick to get your images really well done."
"My goal... was to plant something in your brain for the next time you're editing an image."
"The auto HDR mode specifically... dramatically increases the quality of your images."
"Natural sunlight is the best by all means, that is the best one and the cheapest one, period."
"We're going to be giving some tips and tricks to get the best video possible out of your Canon 4000D."
"Maximize your autofocus potential."
"For kids, it's best to just get this camera; you can still use the sunglass trick with the Instax Mini 12."
"The number one question that I get asked is how do you make your images pop."
"Be creative when you photograph, try and photograph from different angles."
"For most uses, center-weighted metering is actually really good and will provide you a pretty good final result for your image in most situations."
"I hope that helps, and I gave you some tips about what you should sharpen and not sharpen."
"I will show you one really cool trick how to add a dreamy type glow to your images."
"A little bit of fill-in flash can just help to provide that highlight in the eye."
"Taking a step back sometimes is the right move to get the better photo."
"You can definitely go overboard here, but you can really change the overall richness and the quality of the colors in your photograph."
"Take advantage of that low light that lasts often throughout the day and get some great shots."