
Children's Safety Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"As soon as someone approaches you at the airport and knows your children, get your kids off the internet."
"We must work together to create an America where everyone feels safe in their community, where children feel safe in their schools."
"The principle should be how can we prudently with sensitivity to the safety of the kids get the children back to school."
"Social media is a disease. It is not good for children to be on it."
"Protecting the public and especially children from online privacy invasions and dark patterns is a top priority for the commission and those enforcement actions make clear to businesses that the FTC is cracking down on these unlawful practices."
"Delores confirmed the check rumor to be true, asserting that 'I just cannot accept children being slaughtered at the hands of political violence.'"
"Parents, you need to be fully aware of what's coming at your kids."
"Black children have bull's-eyes on their backs, that bullseye is melanin."
"Republicans have dedicated an entire political campaign to fear-mongering over sexually explicit material being shown to children."
"My goal here is to get to the point where kids don't have their entire lives on the internet."
"Women and children should not have to answer for an abusive man's very worst acts."
"When six-year-old Cameron started choking on a coin on a Mannford Public School bus, the school bus driver, Ginger Maxville, sprang into action."
"It's really sad we have more security in airports than we do for our children's school."
"Gun violence is the number one killer of children and teens."
"A society must put the health and safety of our children first."
"What parent wouldn't go to the ends of the Earth in order to save their kids?"
"Can we at least agree that children are off limits in this campaign?"
"Our children's health and safety is always on our minds."
"It does seem as if now we are seeing increased numbers of people taking out their their anguish their hatred on the littlest of people of children."
"I'm sure it'll be dark and have its moments, I mean it's at the end of the day it's about, you know, kids who got axed off, it's gonna be dark."
"Your job is to protect and defend the children, your job is to protect and defend the people." - What is it that you fear that you cannot support in a public school?
"The last thing that children should have to worry about is Santa packing heat."
"The burden is on parents here and parents should have the right to choose whether or not their kid is on social media."
"Maybe a 10-year-old shouldn't be on social media."
"Fizzerban was focused on saving any and all children."
"The Surgeon General warns about the dangers of social media for children. He's right about that."
"She's invested her whole life in those children... I'm positive beyond any doubt that she hasn't harmed those kids."
"Taking parents out of the equation when it comes to children's interventions and on children's bodies and their health is very dangerous."
"The killing of children strikes fear at the heart of society."
"That marriage that gate is intact that your children inside of this gate will always be loved protected and be accounted for first before anybody else."
"This guy needs to be stopped. This guy needs to be stopped."
"11 Palestinian children slaughtered after an Israeli drone fired a missile into a group of children in a playground."
"My kids' well-being is my number one priority."
"Americans celebrate this historic victory because we know it will save the lives of millions of children."
"Dan Schneider is done. We need to focus on Nickelodeon."
"There needs to be legislation in these two areas against gambling addiction, gambling, and games for kids and [__] DMCA. We need those."
"Several children from Little Lamplight have been enslaved and you need to rescue them."
"Guns have now surpassed motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 18." - David Packman
"Kids should feel safe. And that's why this President has focused on safety and security as a big part of the priorities of this administration."
"We're in a spiritual battle for the physical lives and souls of our children."
"Numbuh 1 will always come around to save his team or any other kids when they’re in danger."
"I'm worried it's going to do it to the kids. That's my fear."
"I'm dying on the hill that children should not be anywhere near adult-themed [__]."
"Please stand with us, please, please help us protect my children."
"It's interesting, or it's not interesting but it's crazy how much us as humans can endure and how much we can take on. But when it comes to our children's safety and what we want, what's best for them, that's when it changes."
"All they want is to protect the kids."
"I'm cool cat and I'll save the kids."
"A father will do anything in his power, even after his life expires, to protect his children."
"If there's a chance that I might be the determining factor in some small way of these kids staying alive, that's what I feel like I need to do."
"We can all agree not to kill children, right?"
"Run the Buddy system; it's been proven to work even with children."