
Eucharist Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"I love the Eucharist. I want to be close to the Eucharist. This is a way for me to do that."
"How could we not be reverent, what God has given us in this Eucharist is beyond unfathomable."
"Heavenly Father, we give you thanks and all glory for the gift of your son who has manifested himself in the source and Summit of our faith, The Incredible Gift of the Eucharist. We ask you to always give us the grace to receive it in a state of grace reverently and allowing it to change our lives to be effective in our hearts."
"In the Mass, all persons of the Trinity are present in the Eucharist... it's the divine activity of loving eternally."
"In the history of the Catholic Church, there have been unique times in which in the Eucharist there is manifested the blood and the body of Jesus Christ."
"The sharing in the Eucharist is an essential sign of the unity of the church."
"Christ's body is true bread and the sustenance which we receive in the Eucharist is even more important to our well being than physical food."
"I can't wait to receive the Eucharist again."
"We have a moral Assurance of our salvation whenever I receive Eucharist I'm stating I have a moral Assurance of myself exactly right."
"All the apostles understood the Eucharist as the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb."
"Receiving our Lord on the tongue while kneeling reinforces that reverence for our Eucharistic Lord."
"The most insidious diabolical attack consists in trying to extinguish faith in the Eucharist."
"The hunger that we have for Christ and that this, we are satisfied fully our souls are satisfied fully in that hunger by receiving the Eucharist."
"May the receiving of your body and blood, Lord Jesus Christ, not bring me to judgment and condemnation, but through your loving mercy be for me protection in mind and body and a healing remedy."
"The Eucharist is but a foretaste of what that banquet is going to be."
"Lord Jesus Christ, give us the Eucharist as the memorial of Your suffering and death."
"The greatest Eucharistic miracle ever recorded is every single Mass."
"Every encounter with the Eucharist changes us forever."
"The Eucharist is the Flesh of Our Savior Jesus Christ which suffered for our sins and which the father by his goodness raised up."
"Not as ordinary bread or food or as ordinary drink do we partake of them, but just as through the word of God Our Savior Jesus Christ became incarnate and took upon himself flesh and blood for our Salvation."
"Literally touching the empty tomb of Jesus and to receive the Eucharist there was easily the most profoundly moving mass."
"In the Eucharist, Jesus makes his body and blood present to us in a real way."
"I don't need to whoop myself up into an emotional frenzy. I still receive that same grace from the Eucharist whether I am emotionally whooped up or intellectually engaged or not which I think is so beautiful about the Catholic faith."
"Even the participant does not have to have a perfect understanding in their mind of the Theology of the Eucharist in order to experience the reality in their heart and life."
"Partaking of the Eucharist is not some mechanical thing."
"The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ. Jesus is fully present, body, blood, soul, and Divinity in every particle of the consecrated host and in every drop of the consecrated wine."
"The Holy Eucharist was instituted at the Last Supper by Christ on Holy Thursday, the day before he died."
"Jesus gives us the Eucharist as a sacrifice to forever commemorate and renew the sacrifice of the Cross, to be received by the faithful in Holy Communion, and to remain with us on our altars as proof of his love for us."
"The Eucharist is your greatest tool."
"The Eucharist is a meal and a sacrifice."
"That woman had evil influences and was going to take that host for evil purposes."
"The Eucharist is the source and Summit of the Christian Life."
"...every single day that the mass is celebrated is truly a miracle of Christ being present, present with us."
"The Eucharist is the meaning of life, nothing less."
"The Eucharist is a bit of the future coming forward to meet us in the present."
"The Eucharist is the new bread of the presence because Christ wasn't just loving us then and he won't just raise us up in the future, he's right here now."
"If the Eucharist is the new Passover, then guess what? You have to eat the lamb."
"A Catholic who denies the Eucharist is a bad Catholic."
"There might be a lot of people who are celebrating the Eucharist, but for it to be authentic, it has to be done in union with the bishop of the church where you're at."
"If I don't want the Eucharist, I don't want Jesus. If I don't love him enough to worship Him as he asked me to then I don't love him."
"The Eucharist is not only the resurrected body of Christ, it becomes the instrumental means by which God is going to resurrect our bodies."
"The Eucharist is much more than that, but it is that, you know? The Eucharist is at least a meal of bread and wine, which, you know, more than just an anticipation, it's a participation in the messianic banquet."
"The most important thing that happens every single day is celebrating the Eucharist."
"So many Catholics don't believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Our Lord is not being correctly genuflected. This is not pleasing to heaven. We've got to get this stuff back."
"If you believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, there's nowhere else to go."
"All of it is there in the Eucharist. It's there in the host. The flame of Love. The Book of Genesis. The victory of Quito. The promise of Fatima. The Divine will. It's all there in the Eucharist. Amen."
"The Eucharist is the greatest gift for it is God himself."
"Once you know Jesus in the Eucharist, you will have the whole faith."
"How much does God love you? He gives himself to you totally in the Eucharist without reserve."
"Our suffering can be transformed by the Eucharist into a holy sacrifice."
"No Eucharist, no cross because Christ didn't just do for us what we hadn't done for ourselves, he undid what we did in our sin."
"The new evangelization works especially if we base it on the Eucharist."
"Let us always love this gift of the Eucharist and look forward to receiving Jesus in Holy Communion."
"But at no point did they recognize them until he takes, he blesses, he breaks, and he gives. So he was made known in the breaking of the bread, which of course is shorthand for the Eucharist."
"And so for us, I think the great challenge is twofold. On the one hand, everybody knows the results of the Pew Research study, and that is roughly 70% of Catholics say the Holy Eucharist is symbolic, a sacred symbol, but merely a symbol. 30% believe in the real presence."
"And you know, to have Catholics discover the recipe, the ingredients, all that goes into this, enables us to not only get more out of the Holy Eucharist, but also more out of sacred Scripture."
"Eucharist is not what the church does, it's what the church is."
"The Eucharist is really Jesus: how Christ's body and blood are the key to everything we believe."
"If you don't understand the New Covenant, you don't understand Christianity; if you don't understand the Eucharist, you don't understand the New Covenant."
"I remind you of the following lurgical law and authoritative teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the celebration of the most holy Eucharist."
"The Eucharist is not just a symbol."
"Christ is really present in the Eucharist... that is itself would not be a point of division between us."
"No, we are not cannibals, because we are not consuming the flesh of Christ's earthly Body, but rather, His glorified Body."
"Every Mass is a true Eucharistic Miracle when the priest utters the words of Consecration."
"One reason why the church is dying is we have ignored the Eucharist. We've lost our faith and our reverence for Jesus in the universe."
"The Eucharist is the seed but the scriptures are the water that turns that seed into a mountain that fills the whole earth."
"The Bible verse is so clear to me, 'If you eat my body and drink my blood, you will live forever.'"
"When you look at the Eucharist, you can see how much Jesus loves you right now."
"The great gift of the Eucharist, the gift of being able to have Jesus enter into your being... those are incredible treasures that transform you."
"When I see the Eucharist held aloft by the priest at the altar, I find myself wonderfully invigorated."
"For this is my body which will be given up for you." - Institution of the Eucharist
"...the Eucharist of course you have link it's really linked."
"God gave me many beautiful signs of him being present in the Eucharist."
"The sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Eucharist are one single sacrifice."
"If we're not taking the Eucharist seriously and we're not treating the Eucharist with reverence, then why should we expect the faithful to get it?"
"He was offering the Mass. He offered, he said the words of consecration, and he was starting to lift up the host, and he had a vision of Jesus, and he saw Jesus on the cross, bloody. And he said, 'Alan, why are you crucifying me again? This is in the Eucharist.'"
"The food for the soul is the Eucharist."
"The Eucharist is the food for the soul... which is immortal."
"Jesus is really present in the Eucharist."
"Every day I'm going to wake up and try to be a good priest for you. Sometimes I'll succeed, sometimes I'll fail. Thank God the Eucharist remains."
"The one table of the Lord is the Eucharist and the scriptures and if you don't have both then you're malnourished in one of those areas."
"The traditional liturgy inculcates an atmosphere of utmost reverence for the most holy Eucharist."
"Those who eat and drink in a worthy manner partake of Christ's body and blood not physically but spiritually."
"The whole purpose behind the resurrection and the Ascension and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is to make the body of the Lamb universally distributable so that we may all feast upon Christ the priest and victim."
"We receive more than $10 million in the Holy Eucharist; who do we love more: God or gold?"
"The Eucharist is the medicine of immortality. It won't cost you a dime, but it will cost you something, namely your whole heart, your whole soul, your whole mind, and all your strength."
"Unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man, you will have no life in you."
"If I believed that in partaking of the Eucharist, I was partaking of the body, blood, soul, divinity of Jesus, like I can't imagine not wanting to be at as many Masses as possible."
"You can receive Eucharist in any tradition within the Catholic Church, so long as you are a baptized member who is in good faith and ready to receive."
"The Eucharist is far more unbelievable than we let ourselves believe."
"The Eucharist is the center of literally the liturgy, the life of the church because it's God himself who is actually present there physically dwelling with us among us even within us when we do the communion."
"The Eucharist is the reason of being of a priest actually, it's the center of literally the liturgy, the life of the church because it's God himself who is actually present there physically dwelling with us among us even within us when we do the communion."
"In the Eucharist we have the true presence of the Lord. It's there and has been like this for Millennia."
"The Eucharist is not just a symbol, it's Jesus affecting us."
"The Eucharist is just a symbol? To hell with it."
"There is nothing closer to encountering Jesus than in the Eucharist."
"It's a mystery, and the reason that much of the world has problems with the Eucharist is because it has problems with supernatural divine mysteries."
"There is no way to approach the Catholic teaching on the Eucharist except by the understanding of mystery."
"The Lord's Supper is not a new offering of Christ's sacrifice; it is a remembering of the one sacrifice for sin done once for all."
"By the time a communicant receives, it's no longer bread or wine but the body and blood of Christ."
"The Eucharist gives to us a capacity to love that is not merely human but truly divine."
"The Eucharist holds the key for unlocking the mystery of the gospel at so many levels."
"The Eucharist is the new and eternal Covenant."
"The Eucharist is the climax of the divine liturgy."
"There's a holiness in the Catholic Church and in the Eucharist that's not present anywhere else."
"The cup of prayer has wine and water, since it is laid down as a type of the blood over which they give thanks."
"Even beyond this doctrinal unity... we have an even more substantial Unity of the Eucharist."
"The surest, easiest, shortest way to heaven is the Eucharist."
"The Greek word Eucharist means Thanksgiving."
"Ezekiel does that, he actually eats the texts, which is a type of the Eucharist, eating the Word."
"He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of his minister... but especially in the Eucharistic species."
"Every mass, every Eucharist, which is just the Greek term for Thanksgiving, is an opportunity, a chance to really give thanks."
"The whole Eucharistic structure of the church presupposes that at the Lord's table all Christians are gathered together."
"The Eucharist that we celebrate Sunday after Sunday is the Passover Feast of the Jewish people, reinterpreted through the sacrifice of Jesus."
"We are nourished when we receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and we are strengthened."
"The sacrifice done once and for all is represented to us at the Mass in a special way through the Eucharist."
"Being a symbol of unity, the Eucharist can only be received by those who are in fact in union with God and one another."
"When the priest says the words of institution in the Eucharistic prayer, we believe that the Holy Spirit transforms the ordinary bread and wine into the real presence of Jesus Christ."
"The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but medicine for the sick."
"Treat the Eucharist like you would Jesus, and if you do, He will do mighty deeds in your life."
"The Eucharist is the heart of the Paschal reality of Christian death."
"In the Eucharist, the church expresses her efficacious communion with the departed."
"Jesus institutes the Holy Eucharist, perhaps my favorite mystery because I'm so intrigued with the Eucharist."
"Jesus literally said, 'I am like my body is true food and my blood is true drink'."
"The Eucharist is not merely bread because when we say the invocation over it, it is both material and spiritual."
"The Sunday celebration of the Lord's day and his Eucharist is at the heart of the church's life."
"Participation in the communal celebration of the Sunday Eucharist is a testimony of belonging and of being faithful to Christ and to his church."
"If what we as Catholics say is true about Jesus in the real presence in the Eucharist, then my life needs to revolve around You."
"Eucharist comes from the classical Greek meaning of pleasing quality and elegant proportions."
"Eucharist." The very word comes from the Greek word meaning Thanksgiving.
"All baptized Christians accepting the Eucharist as the real presence of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in the forms of bread and wine are welcome at the table of the Lord to receive Holy Communion."
"Wherever two or three gather in His name, just as He is always present in the reserved Eucharist preserved on the holy table of most Orthodox churches."
"The Eucharistic bread is the heavenly bread that nourishes your soul."
"Behold, I offered Myself wholly to the Father for you; I even gave My whole body and blood for food, that I might be all yours, and you Mine forever."
"The Eucharist contains and expresses all forms of prayer; it is the pure offering of the whole body of Christ to the glory of God's name."
"The power of the Eucharist introduces us to heaven on Earth, at least a foretaste of it."
"The Eucharist, which the Church herself calls the source, center, and summit of the Church's life."
"The Eucharist is celebrated... Jesus through his ministerial priest enters into the one only sacrifice of Calvary and makes it present."
"God is everywhere... but the mode of presence par excellence... is the mode of Presence by which Jesus is present to us in the Holy Eucharist."
"The greatest weapon... is the Blessed Eucharist; it is the power to defeat evil, it is the power to change the world."
"There's something utterly unique about the Eucharist."
"The Eucharist is the source, the summit, and the center of Christian life."
"The Eucharist is the source, center, and summit of the church's life."
"Christ himself is the principal agent of the Eucharist; he is high priest of the New Covenant."
"The celebration of the Eucharist has been continued so that today we encounter it everywhere in the church with the same fundamental structure."
"The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the church's life, for in it Christ associates his church and all her members with his sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving offered once for all on the cross to his father."
"When we consume Jesus in the Eucharist, we too become temples of God."
"Hunger for the Eucharist; from that time on, I could hardly bear not to receive Jesus every morning."
"The Eucharist is the deified flesh of the Logos, deified via His Immortal uncreated energies."
"The holy things are for the holy, that means that you have to be in a pure state, confession, etc., before you take the Eucharist."
"The Eucharist means first of all Thanksgiving."
"The Eucharist is Thanksgiving and praise to the Father, the sacrificial memorial of Christ and his body, the presence of Christ by the power of his word and of his spirit."
"The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian faith."
"If you knew you had Jesus in the Eucharist, if you really knew it, interiorized it, and lived it, you'd never leave."
"The church is the body of Christ, the Eucharist is the body of Christ, therefore the church is the Eucharist."
"God fed them with the mystic manna from heaven that is a type or symbol of the Eucharistic or communal meal."
"The reception of the Most Blessed Sacrament... is a picture of the whole purpose, the whole nature, the whole meaning of Holy Mass."
"Finally, it was the Eucharist, I mean, I was big on the Seder."
"Let us go from this Eucharist in the peace of Christ."