
Societal Fear Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"The Comics Code... is just a response to fear, fear that the art people consume has the power to show them new, uncomfortable ideas."
"People talk about the war, the war generation. They compare us to them. But those people were happy; they won the war. Us? We're afraid of everything."
"Obsession with youth also reflects and perpetuates a widespread societal fear of aging."
"Every day we wake up, and there's a new catastrophe: massive wildfires, record-breaking heat waves, disappearing glaciers, melting permafrost, political instability, new diseases. People are afraid."
"A vast majority of Americans in every single political group, including liberals, feel like they cannot say what they want to say in public because they are afraid."
"I think about the COVID situation where, for a year or two, the whole world was run by fear."
"I fear a society where we have increasingly homogenized moral pathways."
"The rising conflict can't be ignored. My fear was that if a white majority feels legitimately threatened, you will be crushed."
"People are terrified, they gave up on faith, they're mortified, and they believe a lie, somebody says something on TV or somebody tweets something."
"You should fear not the people who ask questions. You should fear the people who fear questions."
"There is no way to overstate the terror that lives in the hearts of black mothers all over the country."
"We're too scared of actually standing in our own personal power and simply saying what we feel."
"Are we doing the right thing right now with so much more fear of round two?"
"Even to this day, what frightens people in The Establishment about Laetrile isn't about it has nothing to do really with an apricot kernel extract, it's about the loss of control, the loss of authority."
"Your personal responsibility is what they fear, your ability to make your own decisions is what they fear, your desire to control your own life is what they fear."
"I think part of the reason everyone's so scared right now is because we're being reminded by how vulnerable we are."
"It's scary for them not to really do anything about what they have, but it's also scary that some people are thinking for you and you don't even know."
"Love is what they fear, that is the great force, the great resource."
"I think that canceled culture has really become sort of the source of fear for many Americans."
"Are mutants dangerous? That's what we're trying to find out. It's an unfair question and an unfair way to view a complicated issue."
"Could this mass destruction have implanted a fear deep in our subconscious?"
"We're living on a planet where 50% of the population is liable to go nuts and kill a bunch of people at any moment."
"There's a fear of the toppling of the white anglo patriarchy in the U.S., everybody who is afraid of white men no longer being the ones who are in charge are going to be afraid."
"America, there's going to be more of this... this country is getting increasingly racist in its behaviors and its attitudes because of the fear of white people."
"You'll see what you're going to get when you have a truth people won't speak it because they're afraid."
"The more fearful, fragile, and headed for failure that white people feel, the more avidly they pursue the idealized fantasy of uninhibited power and agency to which they believe their whiteness entitles them."
"Guys, this country is getting increasingly racist in its behaviors and its attitudes because of the fear of white people, the fear that they're taking our jobs, they're taking our resources, they're taking our women."
"We as a society are quick to believe her reasonings not because we are gullible, but because otherwise the message would be that no one is safe from such a random type of murder and monster, and that is more terrifying."
"Announcing to the church, and the town at large, that evil forces are in your home trying to kill you, is a dicey proposition in a country that was still killing people for being witches just a century before."
"Wow guaranteeing the basic necessities of life health care which I as a Canadian and the vast majority of the world already have guaranteed to them housing education so scary now."
"There's a palpable fear in America that I haven't felt before."
"The truth of the matter is that when the British first declared their promise of freedom to slaves, it scared the [ __ ] out of the Americans."
"The Y2K Panic: Many believed the year 2000 was going to initiate the collapse of society."
"We have the freedom to have that discussion without the overriding pervading threat that at any point this could turn to violence and people being fearful."
"Black people are more afraid of being victimized and see crime as more of a dangerous issue, yet they are also more distrustful of the criminal justice system."
"The billionaire class is scared and they should be scared."
"How does culture affect politics? We just saw last year a culture that allowed itself to be guided by its fear led to the largest infringements on our lives."
"Yeah, that's the truth, one a lot of people's excuses."
"We live in a fearful dangerous world when the evidence suggests the contrary is true."
"The fear that's being promulgated in this society worldwide is probably the most dangerous thing."
"It's a really scary state of affairs if people are scared to have interesting conversations."
"People are scared to speak up. They've been bullied into silence."
"Two in five Americans believe a civil war is at least somewhat likely in the U.S within the next decade."
"We the people are who they are afraid of. We the people are who they fear."
"People shouldn't be afraid of their governments."
"The odd thing is that what bothers me about our current moment is not all the stuff I disagree with, it's the widespread fear of speaking simple truths."
"It's a scary time to be an immigrant in America."
"We've all got the power in our hands to kill but most people are afraid to use it."
"Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear."
"The Roman Republic was effectively dissolved... scary times man, scary times."
"That's the true virus that these Babylonian priests are terrified of - the virus of truth." - Sasha Stone
"Why does an artist like you frighten them so much?"
"But the thought of someone killing another human being and getting away with it is even harder to comprehend."
"People fear that the more people have access to robots the more of them will take over human jobs leaving people in the dust."
"Fear of the masses: more power and money to those who wish to control and deceive."
"The real issue here is there are a lot of people who are honestly quite scared right now and for good reason and have no idea what to do next."
"I think like right now it's actually probably one of the safest times to fly and the least likely that you'll get sick because everyone is so afraid, everyone is so petrified of getting coronavirus and there are such strict standards everywhere."
"I'm angry at this generation of adults for scaring you about this stuff the way they have."
"Why are people buying this BS? This constant fear-mongering, constant business environment."
"Politics is a game of fear... we've lost the ability to make them afraid."
"I think we've gotten to the point where we're afraid to offend anybody about anything ever."
"There's clearly nothing that a controlling authoritarian government fears more than an educated healthy strong population of self-sufficient independent individuals."
"Now we're finally where every prepper and every warmonger and fear monger were talking about for five years."
"It's really scary, the entire world is changing."
"I definitely think that the fear and what's going on is probably going to be much worse than the actual illness itself."
"Anti-Semitism is dislike of the unlike; it is fear and hatred of difference."
"What is it about their existence that's such a threat?"
"No one's allowed to speak their mind right now... for fear of being cancelled."
"The unified picture that you'll see once those dots are connected will be terrifying for some people."
"We can keep that going. Fear, you know, the corporate rule is back."
"It is not the police who should be afraid of the people but the people who should be afraid of the police."
"The idea of having a strongman, authoritarian kind of figure is a very scary thing."
"I think we're closer to that catastrophic post-apocalyptic scenario... than we've been over the last 20, 30 years."
"Cancellation seeks to bring all conversation to an end, to strike fear in the public so that no one else dares to speak up." - Douglas Murray
"I just know that it's time for people to stop being so afraid to tell the truth because the reason why the evil keeps winning is because people actually think that what they have is power, what they have is influence."
"Tragedies that happen for no good reason scare us, that's why there's all the conspiracy theories."
"Nobody wants to be real. Everyone's scared of how everyone feels."
"The division in Canadian society is very obvious. People are afraid to say things that might get them in trouble."
"The secularists, the Freemasons, the globalists...they fear the Holy Rosary."
"The devil hijacked the White House and we are the hostages, God protect us and help us all."
"I get letters from people who are afraid to speak their mind because they're targeted by people who have censorship on their mind and malice in their hearts."
"Rough times, clearly, and the people are gripped by fear."
"The world is starving for God, overflowing with fear and sadness."
"Van Jones slams democrats for wasting time stoking fear."
"People are afraid to speak out in their own country."
"Seeing something like this leaves the impression that we are no longer safe anywhere."
"Fascism makes people fearful. I understand that, but in this moment, we need to be there for each other."
"You have to be a special kind of evil for people to fear your very name."
"Trump is scaring the pants off of the suburbs."
"It's really just this internalized fear of the right that forces them to portray things as they aren't... Just stop claiming that the country's on fire..."
"People are actually afraid that the truth will be ugly because sometimes the truth is ugly."
"I can criticize our government and talk about how much I fear its policies and behavior without being seen as a cultural outsider."
"Sound of the Sky is a story about hope and the better nature of people, a truly unique cute girl show with a spirit of joy that carries it through."
"Conspiracies mostly revolved around fears of communist infiltration."
"Freedom is normal, but my rights don't end where your fears begin."
"Our world is gripped by fear, and that fear is very much the product of a false narrative."
"When societies lose their liberty, it isn't usually because some despot has crushed it under his boot; it is because people voluntarily surrender their liberty out of fear of some external threat."
"Lockdowns, whether or not we have evidence to justify them, will be enforced based on our feelings of potential danger."
"People were afraid of each other because of germs which is a horrific thing when you think about it."
"A monster had actually been living among them."
"The same crime element that white people are scared of, black people are scared of. The same crime element that white people fear, we fear. So we defend ourselves from the same crime element that they're scared of."
"Mutants not only had to contend with the typical and natural fear of otherness or deviance on an instinctive level, but there was also a very real reason to fear mutants and hate them."
"Everyone knows this to be the case, everyone is just living in this continual state of fear and that's not something that anyone wants."
"And that's part of the problem, too many people are afraid of the government and they let the government walk all over them and nibble away at their civil rights day by day."
"Showing Crumbly as this innocent looking angelic white kid is intended to stoke fear and support a narrative that white people, no matter how nice they look, are domestic terrorists who we should all be afraid of."
"Some people say that these accidental drownings and all the others that are going on these suspicious accidental drownings are actually the result of a group of serial killers known as the smiley-faced killers."
"The fear of democracy is sometimes more extreme than it needs to be."
"This is a scary time in Florida and a scary time across the country."
"Really the biggest fear from my perspective is that people have lost complete and total confidence total trust and understandably so."
"People need to stop focusing on the fear-mongering propaganda."
"They're scared of you, whoever you are, your family, these people, these friends, these tarot readers, police..."
"I just want my grandkids to be safe. I love them and I'm scared everywhere we go."
"Freedom's replaced with fear, armed drones patrol the streets."
"Acceptance is a powerful term that most people don't use... we just get the Doom and Gloom and the fear-based media that just makes us scared of everything true yeah true."
"He's sort of the representation of collective fear and a broken system."
"...retaining a system of social apartheid where kids from disadvantaged backgrounds don't get to breathe the same rarified air as kids from more privileged ones, that is the thing that I find terrifying."
"There is a lot of fear around in America today and this fear is often mingled with anger, blame, and envy."
"I just don't know why people are so afraid of women."
"Maybe more people really do see UFOs but they're just scared to admit it because they don't want to look like a psycho."
"When truth itself becomes hate speech, we should all be in fear."