
Telehealth Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"It's incredibly convenient to have virtual sessions with your licensed therapists from the comfort of your home."
"The synergy between physical locations and a network of doctors that can do telehealth will be an incredible synergy for that business."
"Last month, we averaged nearly 45,000 telehealth visits a day, a major increase from the previous year."
"Why in the world would anybody be against seniors being able to access health appointments and medical care safely through the comfort and safety and privacy of their homes?"
"We vastly expanded Medicare telehealth services."
"Levongo is a telehealth company that helps people with chronic illnesses, primarily diabetes and hypertension."
"Telehealth is critical for reaching rural communities and addressing healthcare challenges."
"Telehealth provides convenient healthcare at home."
"The VA has been a leader in expanding telehealth."
"We will insure all Americans have the freedom to consult with doctors from the safety and convenience of their homes."
"Telehealth has played a big role in the fights against Covid."
"Remote monitoring can keep patients out of hospitals, but safety validation is crucial."
"We are getting rid of long-standing barriers to telehealth."
"Over 10.1 million Medicare beneficiaries have accessed care through telehealth since the beginning of the pandemic."
"Telehealth has taken off like a rocket ship, increasing close to 9,000 percent."
"Telehealth, signed historic VA Choice legislation, that's a big deal."
"Favor combines medical and pharmacy experience with an advanced telehealth platform."
"It's incredibly convenient to have virtual sessions from the comfort of your home."
"The problem with anything to do with telehealth or texting is that you have to be in the same state that you're licensed in as your client."
"...the covid era Telehealth openings that happened have been fantastic and I want them to stay."
"Telehealth has helped, but certain tests and screenings still require in-person visits, posing challenges."
"Telehealth decreases overall costs and increases access to healthcare."
"Fuzzy is a telehealth service for pet parents that offers 24/7 access to personalized pet care from veterinary professionals."
"Telehealth has been essential during this pandemic."
"Increased access to telehealth for millions of Americans has truly been life-saving."
"We're gonna see telehealth from here on out really move forward."
"Telehealth has been a great addition; it's an important step forward for the treatment of vulnerable patients."
"Providers and patients feel more comfortable delivering and receiving care remotely."
"Virtual services are able to fulfill urgent or remote emergent patient care situations."
"You can do this remotely over teleconference equipment and it works just as well."
"This treatment can also be done over things like Skype or Zoom."
"Imagine if you didn't have to book an appointment or take time off other important tasks to see your doctor."
"She works for the government, assisting high-ranking military officers with their telehealth."
"The major payers BlueCross BlueShield, Humana, Cigna, and United Healthcare, they all cover telehealth."
"Now that we've covered the basics of telehealth, you can feel prepared to research and follow the proper guidelines for your region."
"Telehealth services are considered the same as in-person visits and are paid at the same rates."
"The fundamental notion behind telea health is that it is about using electronic tools to provide care remotely."
"Telea Health... it's used in lots of different ways, it's been around for a long time."
"We're seeing telea Health being used to provide daily ongoing care to patients."
"A vast majority of hospitals now are using telea Health in one form or another."
"Countries around the world are using this a lot more whether it's for mental health care in Canada or for focusing on an older population in Australia."
"As someone who practices telemedicine from my desk right here, I'm very pleased to share with you my excitement and VA's excitement about telehealth."
"Welcome to the second of two very interesting and timely webinars on the topic of telebehavioral health."
"We have a database that we've accumulated, our institute the telebehavioral Health Institute of 4,200 articles that talk about the safety and effectiveness of telebehavioral Health."
"Using telehealth over a four year period decreased hospital utilization by 25 percent."
"Outcomes are comparable to in person care."
"We've identified seven domains, five subdomains, 51 objectives for telebehavioral health."
"Telehealth is available and is appropriate."
"The world is moving towards telehealth, that this is going to be incredibly important moving forward in the future."
"Video visits are here to stay... patients really appreciate them, particularly our patients who come from quite a distance to be seen."
"During the virtual consultations, nine out of ten people commented about noticing these things over Zoom."
"Telehealth and virtual care is the future."
"We may never get back to the pandemic level use of virtual healthcare but it is still an unstoppable trend."