
Domestic Life Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"I'd much rather be cleaning my house, running around with my kids, and making meals."
"Amazing inventions revolutionized our domestic lives."
"The prophet saws used to help...in the house."
"Into the nation's living rooms and kitchens came bright new materials, man-made fabrics, and labor-saving devices."
"The kitchen became the heart and center of the meaning of home."
"Welcome to my kitchen, somebody's been cooking."
"Forget unrealistic expectations about romance, Disney taught me to explore alternate uses for my kitchen utensils."
"You're thinking of me, aren't you Luna? My poor kitchen."
"You're in your house, you're scratching your balls, and you're in your underwear, the bell rings, ding, thing done, ready to get married."
"Chores are one of the most important parts of a relationship."
"That's what I want this whole time. Yes. I want the white picket fence."
"Amazing inventions revolutionized our domestic lives. What I'm holding in my hand changed our homes forever."
"Kevin's a man, look at that, he's washing the dishes, I love it, good job buddy."
"The smell of Vicky making breakfast downstairs made things a little bit more tolerable."
"The essence of the feminine task is turning houses into homes."
"Finding joy domestically is super important."
"I love laundry that's so lame but it's true I do love laundry so much why am I like this."
"How sweet it was to bring that coffee to her."
"I love this apartment so much, it's like our first little home together."
"This is like our snack drawer, best drawer in the van."
"Somebody's having a little too much fun cleaning her room."
"The only good thing that's come out of this virus is my wife is cooking."
"Who do I ask when there's a bug in the house and you're not there Ghostbusters."
"Home should be your sanctuary, but it never was that for me."
"I screamed for my grandma who was in the cellar canning tomatoes."
"The gaff is stunk up, thanks to him. Shocker, stinker."
"Let's just keep it anus kitchen, make it nice for the kid."
"Do you know why they go to bed every night? Because we keep the heat on."
"Kids come first. The father and mother ensure the mother is home."
"He's trying to wash dishes, leave him alone."
"If I live in a house of spotless beauty but have not love, I am a housekeeper, not a homemaker."
"I'm seeing all good things here, beautiful domestic bliss, putting down roots, partnership, love offers with a true love. This is the romance of a lifetime."
"Cindy has completed the housewife aspiration."
"I'm like chip do you want to make caccio Pepe tonight? Yeah, like I'm living so good."
"Keeping animals around the house as pets was also a common practice in many pagan societies."
"Living together with Himekawasan must mean that she'll cook food for me. Why, that doesn't sound so bad after all."
"This is perfect. Loki got the biggest room in the home. No one is surprised."
"It's crazy to me how a room can be 100% spotless and within like 15 minutes it'll look like this."
"My bathroom smells like bleach and clean, and I can't honestly, I can't remember the last time that it did smell like that. It's wonderful."
"Positive strides in the home-related sector."
"Why would there be any clues about Tom's affair in the room that he's sharing with his wife?"
"It's exactly the same and he knows how to look after you like you know what I mean he's a home bird he loves it at home."
"You look like you're about to just make like 12 over easy eggs in open hand slapping your wife this morning."
"Our house is a bit of a disaster, so here we go."
"The toast is toasting, the butter is buttering, I'm here, you're here, the coffee's brewing."
"No woman should be taking out the trash if a man in the house."
"It's really a pretty cool example of an interest in something that is domestic."
"Daddy, I need the food! There's so much inside, just look at the chest!"
"I'm pretty helpful around the house, I would say."
"He lives happily with his wife and three children."
"Now that my bio kids dad is staying out of jail maybe he can help out around the house a little bit."
"Doc, she's amazing. She does all the cooking, she does the laundry, she keeps the house clean. She's completely my little guardian angel, I love her so much."
"The constant blending of domestic and military language shows how the suffering of her son or the idea of her son in the conflict zone is constantly on the speaker's mind."
"I gotta go play fetch with my daughter. She's been really patient, she hasn't barked at me too much."
"They looked at homemaking as an enjoyable task."
"Things you notice in lockdown: 1. Grass grows quick, 2. My wife cleans a lot, 3. Jogging has become something to look forward to."
"Imagine Alexa coming on and be like 'wow I see who wears the pants in this family'."
"Your overall contentment in the heart, goodness in the heart, peace in the home."
"Krista was a stay-at-home mom earlier in the marriage taking care of their two sons, Mitchell and Chandler Halderson."
"You get your food out, the puppy's real excited."
"They started their newlywed life, with Sawati moving to her house, greeted by lots of maids ready to serve him."
"From today on, this is your room. Oh my God, we got a kitchen too!"
"We get to look at our work while we're making dinner."
"I will do the wash I'll put in the wash and then I'll put in the dryer and then sometimes you know days go by and her stuff still dryer I won't get it out"
"Nothing like a clean kitchen, I did all the dishes, wiped everything down."
"Lady Hell grinned and told him that until the moment he did not cook something for her breakfast she would not let him eat."
"My house is not just cleaned but deep cleaned."
"We've legitimately turned the lights on, stopped Dexter, the whole shebang."
"I want everybody to be prepared, I want everyone to go I guess I'm not going to work for two weeks, let's stay home and cook, you know, hot dogs or something."
"I was so busy with housework that I just did not have time."
"She says things like, 'Did I say I wanted oatmeal?' But she's a funny little somebody."
"Stop it, you two. You're ruining my fucking yoga."
"Sunday dinner me Halo you know what I'm saying I do to Thanksgiving dinner every night every night I cook come on now you can."
"I'm the king of my house, King in the castle gentlemen."
"Your soul is craving domestic harmony, a secure home situation."
"I'm making dinner I made the dinner I came to get you come stay whatever you want I don't really give a [ __ ]."
"Daddy, does Daddy put your bed in front of the fire?"
"I'm kind of tempted from him to just... love a cleaning frenzy."
"We've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven eggs. I'm gonna take some of this over to Lala."
"I'm gonna do what I did last time, be Betty Homemaker and fix stuff at the house."
"Real mom life right here: just having to carry that baby on the hip and get your cleaning done."
"Cleaning together is fun, not as fun as going to parties but at least for now ruby and melanie will always support summer."
"Good morning, after baking my banana bread last night and what I'm about to do this morning, I am feeling very domestic."
"If there's any saint we need today to bring back family life, it's St Joseph."
"I'm shocked that I enjoy being settled down, but I do."
"Let's make the bed, let's make some coffee."
"But I definitely say washing now I'm putting the washing on I'm doing the washing do you have anything for the washing like those types of things and yes my washing machine does live in the kitchen."
"I really love like small domestic moments in the day."
"I could live with the cooking and the cleaning."
"They really want to have something more domestic with you, like a grounded, steady home lifestyle."
"This is where we live. The kids play in the yard. There's a garage filled with motorcycles that we got from lowballing people."
"I ain't going to lie I got some stuff that's you know I, I, I got the clothes over here that I took out the dryer because you know Quita she folds and I washes but she didn't fold them so that's why the clothes still over there."
"Miracles will happen in your homes, in your very kitchens."
"You don't have to go men do this women do this you can say I would always throw my shirt in the dryer and call it clean and then and then be like 'oh me too oh my husband does that.'"
"The cat just sleeps and eats and he's taken over the whole house."
"I hope we've cooked the meal in our home we've been here for almost a year"
"This lady didn't want to work, she wanted to stay at home and play with wigs and start sewing all the time."
"She moves into a nice house, she's baking pies, she's carving pumpkins, she's like, 'I love Halloween.'"
"Oh, you got yours? Apparently, I did too, but my wife put it in my closet."
"I am a hero at home with the kids after signing up for this."
"So when you do see my house clean and it appears that I have my life together, just know that I don't because, you know, holy crap, bruh."
"Nah, man, like we've moved in together. I think I'm just going to be in awe for the first year and I'm going to enjoy sitting on our couch and I'm going to be enjoying doing random things like eating my bowl of cereal in my PJs and at like."
"It has been a particularly fun-filled wild week... because we skipped clean up time yesterday... and that's just how it is some days... sometimes we live in a super messy house and that's normal."
"Magazines gave you patterns, which is where these would say as a sort of housewife at home just in that post-war period."
"We descend like angels bearing their daily household requirements."
"Watch me cook dinner for my boyfriend."
"The rest of the day, if you have enough children in a certain amount of time, I did the meal planning, I did the money, I did the shopping, I did the lawn, I did the rituals, I did the education for the kids and their homework."
"The glory of domestic life, that's who St. Joseph is, that's who men are called to be."
"Do you have any pets at home? I do! I have six puppy dogs!"
"I was just grabbing the produce, he's grabbing the meat, we're gonna go grab Maggie's food, like we're just running errands and it feels so good to kind of be having like an early start to the day on Sunday."
"So I'm gonna go ahead now and straighten everything out, I'm gonna tuck all this behind my ironing board so that it stays nice and flat."
"You needn't stand about and stew all day," mother said.
"Mom, what's for dinner? Hmm, I don't feel like cooking dinner, maybe we'll get takeaway."
"So I've got my coffee, I'm gonna just do a few things in the kitchen now. I'm gonna just do the dishwasher, clean the sides, put some stuff away, reload the dishwasher."
"Why do I have hairs all over me? 'Cause we're on the bed."
"I did also finish my book, but I'm going to go get cleaned up and I'm going to make dinner and I'll check in with you guys, let you know my final thoughts on the book and what we're doing about it either later on this evening or tomorrow depending on how my evening pans."
"Domestic storms ain't easy to deal with."
"Suzanne moaned a bit because I forgot orange juice and bought some cheap toilet paper. She always buys expensive toilet paper. I don't know why they make toilet paper with pretty patterns on it."
"In another life I would really like doing laundry and taxes with you."
"Helping out around the house doesn't make me any less of a man."
"I finally realized that helping out around the house doesn't make me any less of a man."
"How did you get this past your wife? I love this. I keep it in my living room where I can sit and admire her."
"...the most important cupboard on the whole of the boat because I swear the tea bags live."
"It's good for the harmony of the house."
"That was the best thing we've ever microwaved."
"My husband keeps opening new jars of jam before he's finished the last one."
"I can only be grateful to him for willingly taking the lead in household chores without a word of complaint."
"I work just as hard as you do, and I'm the only one who takes care of the housework."
"Guys, look at my husband, my boo, being all domesticated here in the kitchen. He's an awesome cook."
"No need. Molly is a good cook, and we both have jobs. We'll take care of our house together."
"I just want to do all the things I usually do in my recent Vlogs like clean, grocery shop, and cook."
"Being a housewife and doing chores is a form of work."
"Toya is a housewife, okay, Toya's job as a housewife is to take care of the kids and the home."
"I'm all ready, you know, I made a nice dinner."
"Doing the laundry and the dishes and meal preparation are not tasks of the mundane because being clothed and clean and fed declares the dignity of human life and nurtures us into new days into new eras; they are rituals of care."
"I grocery shop and there's food in the fridge."
"I had to apologize to my room before stepping on her today. I felt so bad; she cleaned my whole house, and I just stomped on her."
"She holds down the house, she makes sure the kid is good, homework's done, yeah, house is clean, all that type of stuff."
"We divided our chores equally and overall enjoyed each other's company more than ever."
"I'm going to cook dinner and then look over everything for tonight."
"Being able to get my house clean is such a weight off my shoulders; it just really, really helps me."
"Being overwhelmed doesn't make you a failure, and your messy home is not a reflection of you as a person."
"It's about the friendships that are forged in the fires of your ovens that are not turned on because you keep forgetting to preheat your ovens."
"He does help me, but the kitchen is kind of my thing."
"I've been defrosting the chicken and I think it is ready to go."
"Most women would love to be at home and not have to pay a bill."
"My wife really likes it, she likes tiny waffles."
"We did all our laundry the other day and it feels so good."
"I hope you like waffles," she called over her shoulder.
"We're like really kind of starting to feel at home now."
"Whoever wins gets to make breakfast."
"The Irish man's genius runs to public affairs rather than domestic life."
"Home sweet home. We had dinner at Oak's mom's house."
"Do that thing you know I like, and he went downstairs and restacked the dishwasher properly."
"I'm going to make us dinner, we'll watch a movie."
"We're going to cook a nice dinner tonight, watch the sun go down and enjoy the serenity."
"Having a cleaner is not obviously something that you have to do, but it's something that Chai and I find it's very healthy for our relationship."
"We've got lots to do today, we have our furniture coming, we're getting our bed frame which I am so so so excited about."
"I think we're getting a dishwasher, yay!"
"I tend to burn the coffee, so Mateo makes it in the morning."
"People are at their kitchen tables making serious decisions right now."
"The lights come on in the kitchen, we could smell food cooking, and there were women talking in there."
"I'm having some fun, Mrs. F will be like, 'I'm making poached eggs for breakfast,' and I'm like, 'Yes please!'"
"The protagonist goes and begins to prepare some breakfast for both of them."
"I did dishes this morning... because she has a lot of laundry to do, and I was up early."
"I'm a whole ass housewife, what's up?"
"From Myrtle who's fast asleep at my feet, have a great week, bye now."
"That's how you know that you are an adult, that you get excited about vacuums."
"Is it really a project at our house if there isn't a little grilled cheese on my rag?"
"I love spending time with my husband, preparing his meals, cuddling, taking walks after dinner, and just talking about stupid stuff."
"Your situation of weaponized incompetence could just be a difference of opinion of how clothes should be folded."
"I have always envisioned having my own kitchen, going grocery shopping, organizing my cabinets, and cooking."
"Fish don't burn in the kitchen, beans don't burn on the grill."
"They weren't in a crowded ballroom or the back of a limousine; they were in his kitchen, his home, where it was perfectly natural for a husband to kiss his wife, with or without a contract."
"We're going to the movies and then we're going to come home, just do some laundry, chill."
"Gotta speak your mind, especially about the washing machine."
"Dinner? Yep, almost done, it already smells great."
"We're in my house, first video in the house, and we thought it would be fun to do a pregnancy Q&A and update video."
"What on Earth am I doing? Oh, I'm making dinner."
"We're almost certain that they definitely would have decorated their homes."
"We've only had our washer and dryer for a couple days now, and I loved doing laundry."
"Kitchens are the sexiest room in the house, I guess."
"That's marriage, an unexpectedly large expenditure on soap powder, children's vests, and other such like luxuries."
"Holding down a home is a very underappreciated thing."
"We're gonna head home right now, get some chores done, clean the house."
"Even with my wife working at home, we still struggle to find the time to do all the grocery shopping and make a good home-cooked meal every night."
"I'm all about homeownership, backyard grill outs, shiplap walls, a musty garage full of your kids' old art projects, and an old dusty treadmill."
"Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive."
"It affects relationships between husbands and wives when the atmosphere in a home is not right."
"It's not a competition as to who has it worse or easier, your house is a mess, who cares? Her house is not a mess, who cares?"
"We don't need many excuses for tea and cake in this house."
"Hey dear, are you asleep? Okay, don't get mad. I'll cook some food for you."
"There is without doubt a domestic element to Gobekli Tepe and it was most likely a permanent settlement."
"Anna, I'm really sorry. I didn't realize that housework and child-rearing were so hard."
"He seems to make a sincere attempt to carve out some sort of domestic life."
"She was cheerful as she prepared dinner while I spent time with Junior in the family room."
"Desi Kunstler showed some autonomy, some authority in that home."
"I'm so excited, we have a dishwasher."
"It felt so good to get all caught up, get all of the laundry folded and put away, and just get everything reset."