
Arthurian Legend Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"This dramatic site has long been associated with the dark age warrior king Arthur."
"In looking for Arthur, I have found a world far more exciting and far more real than any romantic tale of knights and shining armor."
"Merlin instructs Uther to build the round table for 50 men, so that all men who sit at it may be equal."
"The Celtic tradition of Brittany places it as the resting place of Arthur's magician and advisor... Merlin."
"The Holy Grail, as the Knights of Arthur seek it, was supposed to have magical properties associated with it, sometimes to heal, sometimes to give long life, and at least in the later accounts, the Grail gives eternal life."
"These were the real men and women of Arthur's Britain."
"Arthur embodies a brave new world in which descendants of Roman Britain began to build an independent future."
"King Arthur Knight's Tale is a spectacular retelling of the R3 and legend with dark fantasy elements and characters from the round table that you will recognize."
"Excalibur: a powerful sword capable of killing with a single blow."
"Excalibur may contain the most complete version of Arthur we have seen on film so far."
"Its destiny is to belong to the man who will bring a golden age to all Brittany."
"So basically we just asked King Arthur if we could become a knight of the round table and he's like yeah I mean sure but you have to break my friend Merlin out of this crystal upstairs."
"King Arthur's Castle: The ruins may have once been his home."
"By the early 6th century, whether Arthur had been involved or not."
"What if a film could come along that finally rejuvenated the mythos of the Arthurian legend?"
"Excalibur really is the one that everyone draws from that murky, romantic aesthetic, suits of armor, glorious majesty."
"I will build a round table where this fellowship shall meet, and a hall about the table, and a castle about the hall."
"Glastonbury Abbey, with ties to King Arthur legend, has it that King Arthur and his wife, Guinevere, are buried on the ground."
"English History absolutely pivots on Arthur's death. Who knows what the world would be like if he hadn't died?"
"Despite the millions of words and thousands of books written about Arthur, he is still a shadow in history."
"But one thing is certain: Arthur, the iconic hero of Britain, warlord, military genius, leader of battles or King, and his actions in life echo in eternity."
"He had been a good king for them. His like had not been seen since the days of King Arthur."
"Excalibur would be magical yes but it would also have a healthy dose of blood and gore, being almost hedonistic and panic in its portrayal of Arthur, Merlin, and the knights and ladies of Camelot."
"The person worthy is present. Arthur thinks it's Lancelot."
"All of the children’s names come from Arthurian legend."
"The Arthurian Legend parallels are everywhere in 'A Song of Ice and Fire.'"
"He rids the land of monsters; he fights with giants; he releases prisoners from the other world. These are the sorts of pictures of Arthur that come out from Welsh legend."
"But our journey doesn't end here. One of the most familiar and enduring images of the legend is Arthur's sword, that could have its roots in the Iron Age hundreds of years before Arthur lived."
"Arthur's political romance is the romance of a past of this island that never was, but it would be wonderful if it had been so."
"Everything starts with Arthur, everything ends with Arthur."
"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a poem, an Arthurian poem from the 14th century."
"Inside the hall, you'll find a 13th-century round table which has a deep connection with the legend of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table."
"Sir Lancelot went to find a magical cup called the Holy Grail."
"You have all your favorite Arthurian characters like Arthur and Merlin."
"Morgan le Fay literally means Morgan the fairy."
"This is a really, really lovely stand-in for Arthur's Excalibur for my Comic-Con Arthurian walk."
"Galahad wins it because he has the right lineage to win it; he is descended from The Grail keeper."
"By my faith, said Galahad, I would draw this sword out of its sheath, but the offending is so great I shall not lay my hand there too."
"Whom pulleth out this sword of the stone and anvil is right wise king born of England."
"Comfort yourself," said Sir Lancelot, "for we shall win for ourselves great honor, much more if we die in this wise than in any other since die we must."
"He's sitting at this round table with all his knights... he lives in a big stone castle called Camelot."
"He pulled the sword out of the stone; that's how he got to be King."
"His Queen Guinevere falls in love with his greatest knight Lancelot, and it's a tragedy of epic proportions."
"His Knights go in search of the Holy Grail."
"What I would genuinely love to see from Lego is a proper Camelot based on Arthurian Legend."
"In the Arthurian legend, what is the name of King Arthur's advisor and mentor?"
"The knights of the round table, Guinevere, and Lancelot, Excalibur - there are no more evocative names in the British story."
"Disney's had a field day with Arthurian themed rides and its classic animated film, The Sword in the Stone."
"In any one generation, there is one person who represents the Arthurian energy."
"Arthur makes the 13th figure, a very mystical magical number of Mastery."
"The legends of Arthur started in the embers of the ending of the Roman rule in the UK."
"Whoso pulleth out this sword from this stone and anvil, is the true born king of all Britain."
"Merlin's beard! So if Merlin exists, and Arthur must have as well, right?"
"It's a classic hero's journey. I equate our story with the sword and the stone, it's a very Arthurian tale about a journey to becoming a king."