
Abstract Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"99 to 99 and don't get any closer than this."
"I love you so much. Keep my love out, away a house."
"There is really kind of a deep similarity here."
"The gray fascist regime Avenger wash our knowledge yamino when a bomb at hasna the cat eyes."
"There is a competition over your conversation in the unknown."
"It's pyre. There's no other way to describe it."
"There's an element of perversity to this in a way."
"Love is his visions, but no seriously..."
"Best Larry message which avant-garde amira some olive oil achilles didn't go to a dramatic loss nah nah no emboss not done yet didn't our city wish me to."
"2001’s ending is intended to evoke -- images, sounds, memories, suggestions, associations -- all of which seek to produce a response in us, mental and emotional."
"Each one of these represents a different panel."
"It feels like everything's stitched together in a way that doesn't make sense."
"You've got a color in my eyelids, it's not cold, it's blood. I wonder what cold means, cold is the orange, it's like ink but it comes from minerals."
"Failure up da mansion today we're poor even though when this how could inner clown the great down world."
"More of a bundler than warm of unliving a bundler."
"I heard about strange car little boy, little boy, little boy, little boy, little boy."
"Take a seat right here Kovac the teacher agent local incarnation cousin agile under total a clear body."
"Something big and beautiful, you know, something big and beautiful."
"There's something about it, it's almost poetic."
"It's really got this whole magical, very strange feel about it."
"Look at that how it looks like here. Look at that, I'm disappeared."
"You can walk around and then almost all... everything themselves for Worcestershire sauce."
"If your pizza gets infinitely great it'll turn into God, if your pizza has infinite size, infinite power, and is eternal, that's not a pizza that's God."
"This is crazier than reality could ever exist."
"Pluton, the essence of them, the magical core, the soul, the aura, whatever you want to call it."
"The back rooms are a space that eats. And I don't mean like the house and monster."
"It's a metaphysical metric. It has no relation to reality."
"I've new showed me our benarjee candor then I'll practice up but until then the G can do I teach is amidst refined the mystic fashion G candle you can find."
"It was a real really interesting and sort of very frequency-oriented sensation."
"This channel has now become reportedly a transformative channel for the passage of your recon."
"Your today could be Sunday, plus it could be, you know, next."
"Absolutely mandatory: the twisting blades orbit."
"It's like an other aesthetic thing. It's not human."
"It's not perfect shape by any means, but it is poetic."
"The chin wasn't done avenging the docile dawn in venomous style."
"Prosecutable betta fish liberate chalk and easy it is he painting shut."
"She said any cloud full of smoke God look like this."
"Beyond that move one square further per night soul owned."
"Nothing is nowhere. When? Never. Makes sense, right?"
"They're abstract, all about the 'what if'."
"I lack form and shape, but my presence is clear."
"I actually love the way this looks already, like it's a really abstract piece at the minute."
"Much of his thinking does not involve language."
"Art doesn't have to be realistic to sell; abstract can be more appealing."
"This is a realm that doesn't adhere to our understanding of theoretical dimensions of time and space."
"Reality can be totally abstract, it can be immaterial waves."
"Love is one of the most purely abstract concepts within human existence."
"I love when you guys comment like these really abstract comments and ideas and I love reading them so definitely comment down below what would you do."
"Whatever the concept of time is, but it's like that, yeah."
"It's a lot more abstract and conceptual compared to its two prequels, but that just doesn't end up working in its favor."
"It kind of just looks like a cool abstract design."
"Abstract void start, and when you say its an abstract function then after that you don't need to give the implementation of it."
"I just really don't like those sections or those training montages of that because to me it's just so abstract and they always use just like such meaningless language to me."
"Generally when painting rocks it's best not to think about painting rocks. It's best to think about mark making and just kind of the movements that they have and then the areas that they're going to be light and I try to do it almost in an abstract way."
"What's special about empathy in humans, our thing is we could extend it over space and time in incredibly abstract ways."
"A body moving through space and time."
"What do you mean that's not a picture? Well not the kind of picture we're used to seeing. This picture lets you make up what it's about."
"Philosophy isn't this dry abstract thing, it's a constant process."
"This isn't necessarily representing something that does exist or could exist in reality, it's just the kind of suggestion of that kind of formation in space really."
"He's shining the same, just change the seven-star top of some food, is he's going to be right back."
"Abstract should summarize the subject area, objectives, methodology, expected results, and significance."
"That is not able to be computed into a number."
"It's a lot more abstract than that... and what do they think is good and bad and how do you build your reputation?"
"I never knew that I liked painting farmlands cuz the um fields are just Big Blocks of color and it was perfect for an abstract."
"Abstract freedom means you can no longer rely on the existing set of social laws, rules, manners; you're free to reinvent, to reposition what we mean by communism."
"Maybe that's exactly what Gula looks like on a cosmic level."
"who would be the angel an escalator"
"But what Peter does is some super cool, real abstract, kind of cool, cartoony vibe art style."
"4D is way out there, bro. Have you ever seen a tesseract? That [__] stuck in there? 4D cubes, that [__]."
"Backspin walking on heels to the real, four by four life more, she sells seashells on top of a deck."
"...and yet they feel this strange sort of abstract solidarity."
"The movie doesn't operate on traditional logic."
"I think it maybe is a comedy, well, sort of. It's almost a comedy in an abstract way."
"A thin white line like a can's width appears on the right, it moves gracefully then exits left, curving like a snake or a fast train transparent over 10 feet long."
"No bounds, no limits in the size."
"You'll find that the vague moves from the vague to the specific."
"The writing is so creative and abstract and lyrical."
"Life, love, liberty, whatever comes to mind."
"A circle in a circle covered in circles."
"True peace, true love, true truth, true justice, true freedom, true you cannot be visualized."
"Time stands still; it has no meaning."
"In today's video, I am having great fun at home taking beautiful abstract macro photos."
"The swords looked like a Jackson Pollock painting."
"It's like nothing and everything at the same time."
"I've got my 24 to 120 lens on again now, and I found a little bit of an abstract composition here."
"Imagine a world now with time and no space."
"There are infinite possibilities in the abstract... it represents a new route for expressing myself."
"Connectivity is a hard thing to quantify."
"This thing sounds like a million echoes of future past glory."
"I find joy in creating something that doesn't necessarily have to make sense."
"People with people jump ship to the moon and back, see just come back, make sure everything go Moon again."
"I've always been into profound deep abstract ideas."
"The imagination is far more complicated than right or wrong."
"In a world where worlds do stuff."
"The abstract should be very crisp and clear."
"Everything doesn't have to be relevant to what it is."
"I have cities but no houses, mountains but no trees, water but no fish. What am I?"
"This strength is different than any strength that you could really imagine."
"Uncounted summers haven't altered once with a Cisco who falters with the syntax of eternity."
"It was such a unique way of doing an abstract and watercolor type painting that was incredibly simple because all you're doing are a couple of shapes."
"There's something about these abstract shapes and colors that I do not want to mess with."
"Desire is only a thought, an impulse. It is nebulous and ephemeral; it is abstract and of no value until it has been transformed into its physical counterpart."
"The spirit was composed of a substance without substance."
"Oh it is intangible and elusive, and yet within its image."
"It's kind of dimensional, it's layered."
"One day isn't a day on the calendar."
"It's all so surreal, and yet it tells a story at the same time."
"Perception without forms is a blooming, budding... (inaudible)"
"I really dig these; they're quite abstract and fun."
"Verily, there is a realm where there is neither the solid nor the fluid, neither heat nor motion."
"This shift into an even more abstract direction was almost inevitable in retrospect; it defined Broadcast's biggest legacy moment in music."
"Disillusionment dissolves into perfection, cancelling each other out."
"It's more about the feeling behind it really."
"It's weird, like listening but not to a sound, but like a color."
"Justice is a philosophical, theological concept; it's an intangible value."
"There's something that is so formless, it's so shapeless."
"Straight away we're already getting kind of like an abstract look to our shape."
"It's more than just the sum of its logical components, if you know what I mean."
"The wonderful stunning Bridget Riley, The Cool Edge, from 1982."
"It's like all obviously kind of abstract, but it's pretty cool."
"I just want this to be extremely abstract and super fun and messy and crazy and chaotic."
"The only thing faster than light is dark."
"My goal right here is to not mix the colors all the way. I want this background to be abstract, sort of expressive."
"Look at this gorgeous abstract painting we are going to do together today; it's bright, it's colorful, it's got patterns, it's got all kinds of neat wandering line."
"Dip your toe in the world of abstract; you're going to come away with a lot of art skills and knowledge you didn't have going in."
"It doesn't need to make sense to be beautiful, Darren."
"It's like a never-ending blast. It goes on, it's close but it goes on and on at the same time. There's like specks of light, but then those light, they end quickly."
"The thing with the abstract that's so pretty to me is the layers."
"Reading the abstract is really going to set you up for success."
"Finding something in a moment that's crazy and abstract but to you, it makes sense."
"Pure consciousness is structured in nonconcreteness."
"Nothing is the absence of negativity."
"This is their most political and most kind of abstractly focused album and it's weird and I love it for that."
"Sleek as a shriek, spinning round and round."
"It's not easily explainable initially, it's well thought out."
"It's very abstract, I don't hate it."
"This one's going to be a bit more abstract, I think, but still fun."
"The abstract art of it is quite something, well worth coming to see."
"It's still interesting how it produces things that actually kind of have that pattern to them that are sort of Mondrian-esque."
"We're completely outside of space and time."
"We think abstract art is wonderful; it's not cubism."
"The result is this really nice abstract scene."
"Behold the brain fold interior, the space between space, the time between times."
"It's very abstract, but I love it."
"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears."
"Whenever I feel like I know what a 4D hypersphere looks like, it slips through my grasp like a fine mist."
"What did Jesus Christ do in the abstract? He took on responsibility for something that was not his fault."
"What is not seen, which is imaginary, is the intangible: your emotions, your thoughts, your personality."
"Is Eren the bird at the end, or is it something abstract?"
"Eclectic elements, frightful substrates."
"I wanted really big and abstract paint swatches because I could never seem to sort of get this watercolor or painted type effect by myself."
"There is no border to this, but there are tassels."
"It's bigger than a physical picture, it's more of an emotional love."
"Prismatic, all right, last one we'll take."
"It's each piece then is a very nice abstract painting."
"Dreams were an interesting thing."
"Care does not reside in an object."
"I like theories that are a bit more abstract."
"What we're talking about isn't something that can be scientifically weighed and measured."
"You can't see love, you can't hold love in your hands."
"It's a pretty fun, just abstract, super just dope concept."
"It does not exist in the Physical Realm."
"Don't be afraid to see how kind of cool and abstract that looks."
"This is just a fun technique to do, very abstract, which I love."
"Twin Peaks is one of the weirdest, most off-beat abstract shows that's ever been made."
"Sometimes abstract doodles are great for relaxation as there are no limits to what the end product can look like."
"We're putting all these abstract images together to create a feeling and a mood."
"It almost looks like abstract art."
"Mathematics is not something that exists in the real world."