
Extraction Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"I love it, there's something about it, like I like pulling certain things out of people."
"Scientists plan on using genetic information extracted from their fossils or preserved organs."
"Our natural patrimony really does belong to every American — to try to break the mindset that the extraction of resources is a totally private sector effort."
"It's like a big slice of cake... sliced right out of the planet."
"Terpenes are just the essential oils from the plant so when you extract it like as Abdullah mentioned you can you can separate them out."
"Rick Allen Ross said getting someone out of an MLM was the same as getting them out of a cult."
"We're waiting on exfil but... crushed him, we were not leaving him."
"Now, in here it says and I quote, page 14 it says it when they went to get the cows it took two thousand five hundred cows to produce 100 milligrams of plain eel extract."
"Mining is just farming, harvesting the crime kind of."
"If it costs more to extract than you can realistically sell it, then that's when capitalism kind of doesn't work."
"Human beings have been tapping the world's oil and gas at a rapid rate."
"Entities are of two types... predefined entities... you can use these entities to extract the information you need from users' utterances."
"I certainly wouldn't yank it out if it was clearly embedded in there."
"Their job was to extract a special mineral called the hyper Matrix from rocks."
"Infinite extraction turns waste Treasures after consumption reaches the upper limit he will distribute them to the villagers according to their strength and contribution to the development of the village."
"The endless extraction was successful. He successfully extracted the impurities and toxins from the unusable pill."
"If you're looking for a stronger, more medicinal brew, you can actually take your herbs and put them in the refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours to really give that water time to extract as much as of the water-soluble chemicals from that plant material as possible."
"Our primary focus was kind of getting him extricated and out of the elements."
"Placer mining, where gold is extracted from Sand and Gravel typically deposited on the bed of a river."
"I've got to take some photos of this before I extract it cuz that's way too cool."
"They smashed them against the bottom of the boat in order to get at the marrow."
"It was too much, the FBI pulled him out."
"This is my go-to method for extracting a list of unique values."
"Whenever for almost 40 years now the United States gets economic growth, the oil producers in one country in particular extracts value from the American economy."
"Decoctions on the other hand are very similar to infusions; however, instead of steeping the herbs, you boil them."
"As we become more static, we go back to the zero sumus of the past... the extractive regime at the top becomes the dominant mode."
"Like a fe chicken with the feathers, we're trying to extract those things that are damaging to your psyche."
"So, now is the time to extract it."
"There's a lot under the surface that, in extracting that because of this resonance, is causing this extraction to happen and it's an uncomfortable process."
"Extraction is an infinite note, no it isn't. That's why it's the whole thing is starting to shudder."
"...all the juices will flow out of this down into the pan underneath."
"Let's see how you like having your soul pulled from you slowly."
"Orrrrr…how about you thin the herd to the number of samples she needs with silent weapons that don’t draw attention, then cut a forearm sized hole in the fence and extract from each arm as they reach through so you don’t have to open the gate at all?"
"As Martin did the GRC, Paul offers to do the extraction to give it a New Zealand flavor in honor of the swasy gear they create a Seeka backpack."
"So we don't even need to extract it from seawater."
"Still pulling out crap ton of moisture."
"Extracts are static data, it's a snapshot of data based on criteria you select."
"Herschel stops her as she puts the blade closer with Florence reminding him that they need to procure a genetic sample from a subject's skin."
"Oil is still found under the surface of the earth, but what a difference in the methods and means of getting it out."
"The gwr extracts a linear trend or something very close to a linear trend for the variability of the parameter from using the data."
"Because the financial system we've created is exponential and extractive and it's the antithesis of a living system."
"Flow rate times resistance equals pressure, and this affects your extraction as well."
"These are kind of the main variables of extraction."
"So if you set it up right, you can see that you can extract information pretty easily out of your pivot tables."
"I want to share with you all how I'm making my own extracts."
"Most energy production is entirely extractive."
"But if my plant that I put into the extractor has a 15% cannabinoid content and if we have a 10-pound extractor loading, we therefore should get one and a half pound of extract out of pure THC."
"The better coffee grinder grinds more uniformly, it does a better job. It's easier to extract larger doses of coffee."
"The darker the roast of a coffee, the less work you need to do to extract it. It's generally okay to use a higher dose with a darker roast coffee."
"If you've got much coffee left, it's precious. I wouldn't change my grind. I wouldn't do that. I would just increase my dose half a gram and use that extra coffee to help slow the flow through the cake."
"They do a variety of things, so this has Delta eight and this has Delta K, which is the connach room extract."
"Distillation is useful if we want to extract a chemical before it reacts any further."
"Here at Meditrust, we are actually looking to utilizing a particular solution that will allow us to extract these EVs or extracellular vesicles with your own exosomes during the PRP preparation process."
"The shape of the tea wear is going to have an impact on the balance of the extraction of the leaves."
"...abandoned mines from 1944 to 1986 3.9 million tons of uranium ore were chiseled and blasted from the mountains and plains of this region."
"An extraction involves pulling the desired compound out of a mixture of compounds, whereas in a wash you are pulling unwanted impurities away from the desired product."
"Every happy memory and associated positive emotion was extracted from the brains of SCP-2419-A corpses prior to their attempted disposal in the incinerators."
"They see you as someone from whom they can extract happiness."
"Mashing is the process of steeping the grains in hot water for a certain amount of time to extract the sugars from the malts, creating wort."
"Topic modeling is the art of extracting groups of information from a longer body of text or a series of documents."
"We're just trying to extract the best flavors and nothing else."
"When you extract high, you get really, really bitter, some sulfuric notes. It's just not good."
"Metals are extracted from what we call their ores; the ore is the raw form of the metal obtained from the earth."
"I deal with real-world data and from this data, I try to extract some information."
"Immersion is a more efficient extraction method than percolation."
"Percolation on the other hand is very efficient because you're constantly adding clean solvent."
"You're going to get Best of Both Worlds, you're going to get body and you're going to get that sweetness and acidity from these high extraction brews."
"I love drinking cupped coffees; it's an incredible way of drinking coffee because you get a good extraction."
"That's quite a sizeable amount of lithium we were able to obtain from the process."
"The entire extraction was caught on video, and it's nothing short of incredible."
"...the future is extraction, it is purity, it is cleanliness with your consumption."
"Dual extraction means using both hot water and alcohol extraction to get both the hot water compounds and the alcohol-soluble compounds in the final product."
"It draws every last bit of detailed information and nuances from the music."
"The solubility of the bean is how quickly does the bean give up materials to water."
"The concentration of the coffee, called TDS, affects your ability to taste subtlety."
"The lower the temperature, the less you extract from the bean."
"This is all an intrusive diorite, so as you had this intrusive diorite come in, hot fluids were circulating through this system, dissolving all the gold out."
"Distillation is really useful if you want to extract a chemical before it reacts any further."
"Steam distillation is a really effective technique for obtaining oils from natural materials."
"We're going to maximize our surface area; we're going to be extracting as much flavor as possible."
"We just need to extract the fumes and the smoke and the odors and get them out of the shop completely."
"In the ESA methodology, wherever possible, you are trying to draw the information out from the students."
"Longer and hotter brews will always extract more and therefore you're going to have more intensity of the length of finish."
"The job of the teacher is to extract that level to stabilize that level of learning."
"Dentist manages to pull out the parasite."
"Web scraping is more about extracting information from websites."
"Methane hydrate extraction could guarantee energy supply for a very, very long time."
"Tinctures simultaneously extract these constituents that we want for medicine and preserve it at the same time."
"You have the ultimate splinter extraction tool."
"What's interesting to me about rare Earths is that they're not rare. What's rare about them is that pulling them apart is actually rare."
"It's the little black substance inside the bean that is all of the flavor that we really want to extract."
"Primary economic activities that extract things from the earth alter the physical geography of the planet dramatically."
"The mushrooms get all their water from the substrate; they are extracting their water from the substrate as they grow."
"Easy oil flows by itself; you don't even sometimes have to put pumps in it."
"...it's just the most authentic representation of the Cannabis that we extract."
"The thought behind is that you're going to get a more even extraction because of the distribution of the coffee grounds within the porta filter."
"The Pro 700 is all about stable temperatures and tweaking extractions to get the most out of a specialty or high altitude coffee."
"There's a not insignificant part of the world of finance which is extractive, which is very damaging to society."
"Centuries of practice have taught them how to extract every bit of goodness from the shea nut."
"We can see right off the bat it discovers .git/head, so now that we know there's a git repository inside of Dev, we can extract the source."
"It's going to allow you to extract more enjoyment out of it, which is, at the end of the day, the main thing."
"It tastes like a well extracted sweet, nice clarity, all of those things."
"When you take an orange and you want the orange juice, you extract the orange juice from the orange."
"If you don't get crema, it's because your coffee no longer has the CO2."
"When a diamond is mined, it's extracted from the earth; its origin is known as an objective fact."
"This is where your sugars are, this is your fermentable right here coming out."
"Now, let's move on to the next example where we learn how to actually extract text values from the page."
"The Rails framework is unique in that a lot of its functionality has been directly extracted from existing production applications."
"The Zambian emeralds are found in some of the most beautiful land in Africa and are extracted on a fairly large scale, even till this day."
"The big problem is economically extracting and refining those reserves into something useful."
"We want to extract as much garlic flavor into that oil as possible."
"With a flat bottom brewer with minimal bypass, you're going to get a much more even extraction."
"Being able to get it out in one solid piece is pretty cool too."
"Extraction is reasonable and sometimes even necessary treatment option."
"The substring method is basically going to take a mini string out of the long string."
"The intelligent Brew will really help calibrate your machine to get the absolute best extraction without you having to troubleshoot all day."
"The essence of alchemy is this idea of extracting essence, that you're getting the soul out of natural matter."
"The first mines were open pit quarries where the ore bits already exposed could be broken up and loaded onto ore carts."
"I had extracted indigo dye from what is technically classified as a noxious weed where I live."
"Take a look at how the job data is organized and think about what data you want to extract from each job."
"I've got this method now; I'm extracting it with a shop vac, and it went flawless the first time."
"I could feel that hand wrenching back, pulling something so personal to me away."
"We want to extract the best out of you."
"We can take fly ash and flash it, and we get out the Rare Earth elements."
"These models naturally extract nice features, nice filters from data."
"Sometimes the user doesn't want to just print the value of a tensor; the user wants to programmatically extract the value of the tensor."
"It's your job as a professional interviewer to draw all the interesting things out of me."
"And just like that, it'll extract the data table for us along with the proper formatting."
"That brief moment when you see the extraction happening, it's like pure bliss."
"Extractions for all you Alchemists out there."
"He's squeezing plenty out of this car."
"In order to understand for your WSET level 3 and beyond certificates, you will need to know why we extract, what we extract, and how we extract, and how that impacts the final style of the wine."
"This is why red wines have a huge amount of character, much more than most whites, because of these flavors that are extracted from the skins."
"Higher temperature fermentations will actually extract more from the skin."
"It's the closest thing we can get to the most gentle form of juice extraction."
"Iron ores are basically rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be economically extracted."
"An ore can be described as an accumulation of minerals in sufficient quantity as to be capable of economic extraction."
"The ability to run a totally manual extraction, watch the effects of your pressure changes on flow, then save it and repeat it—that repeatability, very powerful."
"Far from solely functioning as a place to extract salt, the mine is also a site of great beauty."
"The longer you go, the more medicinal properties you're going to pull out of those herbs."
"The very complicated complex flavors of vanilla seem to extract very well in alcohol."
"I'm there to extract as much value out of that book as humanly possible."
"Making great coffee is as much about getting the good stuff out as it is not getting the bad stuff into the cup."