
Authorial Intent Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Ultimately, it's up to the author for what they want to do and what they're comfortable with, and as the readers, we gotta respect that."
"Fan communities' work becomes meaningless when you're encouraged to just ask the author what's 'true' or not."
"An interpretation of a film has a lot of plasticity, and Bird himself cannot shut down discussion of the text of the film outside of the realm of authorial intention."
"You can't really say it's unfaithful if the author himself approves the modification."
"I didn't write the book to make a bunch of money; I wrote it to get the information out there, and clearly it is helping and scaring a lot of people."
"I think authors of content should leave their interpretive aspects of their narrative work alone once it goes out into the world for consumption."
"An author's magic system is usually a very good way to examine authorial intent."
"The book was written to be not about me which is kind of weird there's my picture's not in the book nothing about square miles in the book it's it's built to be useful to anyone interested in coffee."
"Stories and the authors who create them are what keep us coming back to the universe."
"Eventually, time and tide strips away the authorial intent behind almost any piece of art and gradually supplants it with the ax meaning conferred by the audience."
"Why does it have to be a monster? Why can't it just be a book? What dickhead troll of an author decided to write this book and then enchant it to deliberately f*** with anyone that read it?"
"American Psycho struck a nerve. As shocking as it was and is, Ellis has continued to stand by every word of it."
"Why did I write this? For the money. But if I didn't care about creating it, it wouldn't be any good..."
"How a song is misinterpreted and misused by people has nothing to do with the authorial intent."
"Does J.K. Rowling know more than she's letting on?"
"J.R.R. Tolkien did think of individual people as first and foremost identified by their race and ethnicity."
"It's strange that Little Women supports traditional gender roles given Alcott's personal beliefs and involvement in social reform."
"I think the first thing I asked you after I read your book was what in the world inspired you to write such a earth-shattering book."
"Regardless of authorial intent, The Lord of the Rings feels gayer than a communist propaganda poster."
"The author is dead insofar as she's not the only person who gets to decide how her work still gets interpreted."
"Balancing agent spontaneity with author structure."
"I do look forward to publishing more and getting more into your hands."
"JK Rowling considered killing one of the main three characters"
"The Pickwick Papers is kind of considered as Charles Dickens' first real novel, I guess, but it is his response to his publisher's request for a monthly series of sporting sketches, and it became the most famous of all pre-Victorian novels."
"If you think anyone else could write this book, then question why."
"What makes Alice in Wonderland such a powerful book is the very fact of Carroll's repressed attraction to Alice."
"There's a line between 'this is the way it is' and 'the world is how it is because the author wanted to get away with stuff.'"
"We always have Tolkien's books as they were intended to be read, and no matter what show comes along it will never destroy Tolkien's true works."
"What if we actually can't know if an author's being authentic?"
"The Gospels are just basically rewrites of each other, each author trying to change it up the way he wants."
"Doll himself insisted that no changes be made to his books after his death."
"Isayama accomplished his goal and original intention of hurting us all. He subverted most people's expectations."
"Lucy Foley specifically wrote a group of unlikable characters and she did that with a purpose."
"This man is very careful to make certain that everything he writes is truthful."
"Most of the arguments people have over the series can be addressed with a single panel rebuttal or a quote from Araki."
"Oda really, really likes getting double meanings out of a lot of his chapters."
"Everything that was written here was deliberately done."
"Remember, art isn't about the author's intention but the reader's interpretation."
"Think about author intention as well as your subjective response to the author's work."
"As it stands, it's a canon until otherwise proven sort of deal with series writer Mark Laidlaw unable to give a concrete answer on whether these two are the same characters or not."
"Your takeaway of a piece of art is more important than author intent."
"This was not an easy read, but I do feel like the author wrote with a lot of empathy and care in this exploration of darkness."
"I think Tolkien himself personally was quite pessimistic but I think there's hope in the books this is a phrase Tolkien used by the way hope without guarantees a very good description of what his book offers."
"Write the book you want to write and be damned what people say."
"Well, you know what's funny though is that Alan Moore clearly cared because he cares when people screw it up."
"If they find meaning in that work that isn't contradicted by the text, then the meaning can be perfectly legitimate regardless of whether the author intended it."
"The ending isn't pretentious, it's genius...it's up to the author."
"The honest answer is that it's magic, and George R.R. Martin has said as much."
"I think regardless of Eguchi's intent here, he certainly seemed to end up writing a trans character."
"There's a huge difference between the writers' intention and what's shown on screen."
"The true meaning behind such artwork can only be confirmed by Oda himself or through the progression of the story in the manga."
"George Martin cares less about the truth of prophecy, he cares about the way people react to it."
"You can discover different things in a work by looking into the author, who they are, what their intentions were, by applying an authorial lens."
"She doesn't want adaptations. It's the same reason she doesn't like fan fiction. She's like, 'This is how they are, please don't try and change my story to make it better. I told it that way, this is what happened.'"
"What the hell is Sam thinking? And why did George R. R. Martin write this?"
"He doesn't want his characters to be super likable right away, he wants them to be realistic."
"...the real question is not whether there were these correspondences but why they're there and how certain authors like John use them to his or her advantage."
"It's clear that the author thought about that sort of thing and how this would work in the real world."
"We have good reasons to believe that the author intended to write an accurate account."
"Focus on the authorial intent; it is the king for all three essays."
"I decided that there was going to be a financial crisis of some magnitude and I wanted to write a book that would allow people to understand where it came from."
"What the author wanted to convey, what he actually conveyed in the text, and what we understood from the text, these three may have different interpretations, may have different meanings."
"You're trying to write a story that is well executed, that's doing what you intended to do, that you're gonna be proud of, that represents you as a writer."
"The distinction between exoteric and esoteric teachings is crucial for understanding the intent of an author."
"It seemed to me that it was useful, when you were reading various historical works, that sometimes the author of one of them should explain and discuss with you how they came to be as they are."
"All that matters is the purity of the author's intent."
"Remain faithful to the author's conscious intent."
"The author achieved his purpose because he did XYZ."
"It's different for everyone and every... but for me as a reader, did I do I think the author managed to convey to me some understanding of why Lily in particular stayed in that relationship? She did a fairly good job of that I think."
"Even if an author didn't intend for something to be, that doesn't necessarily mean that piece of work doesn't have that role."
"Reviews are not for authors... they're for the readers."