
Fictional Context Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"If he wants to avoid death, he needs to get rid of the Demon Lord app immediately."
"If Josuke actually tries here and uses his restoration correctly... he should be fine."
"The Brotherhood's technology could truly save the survivors in this wasteland."
"Scaramouche was a failed attempt to resurrect the true Electro Archon Makoto."
"A just world is nothing without the dinosaurs."
"If you really believe Gotham is better off without me," he offered, "I won't fight what's coming."
"Be wary, I sense a disturbance in the Force."
"The reality of the situation became all too clear, somehow a warlord powerful enough to unite the greenskin race had emerged."
"Joel is a father again but at the cost of so much and possibly the cost of potentially ending the zombie fungus that created The Last of Us."
"Fairy Tail always pays back what they owe...including pain."
"I'm going home to where stuff makes sense." - Sokka
"They epitomize the Mortal sacrifices deemed necessary by a Galaxy plagued by chaos and eternal war."
"He exploits everything from Kem's to the decapitated head of a fallenness ultron to carry out his will."
"Dany talks about making the world better, and breaking the wheel."
"Monica believes Wanda had trusted her on at least some level, letting her be in Westview for a reason and wants to help."
"That still won't stop the Traveler from bringing new hope to the region."
"Brains! Brains because they've lo because they want to a mind again."
"Wobbuffet for peace. That sounds like a great idea."
"Bless the maker and his water. Bless the coming and the going of him. May his passage cleanse the world."
"Walker was damn excited to be a US agent, though."
"One does not simply steal the Declaration of Independence."
"The choice you make now will define the legacy of Hogwarts."
"The change state is a game changer with a 4.5 quadrillion multiplier at the very least."
"Nate, I think, will be able to take him down single-handedly."
"Because unless you see someone die and even they're not always Glenn there's a good chance that they'll be back."
"It destroys the core ideas of the Federation."
"I think I'm ready to challenge the hand demon."
"New Breed, huh? I think I'll keep this one as a pet."
"Nami is still one of the more normal crew members."
"Believe in yourself especially when you're manifesting."
"The truth lies between these two opposing ideas. We can't possibly know if Marget actually beat Radan in combat, but it is most assuredly Radan depicted in the slide."
"Pink diamond is the rebellious teenager of that family."
"Rebuilding America isn't gonna get rid of the BT's."
"I created the Tantabus to give myself the same nightmare every night to punish myself for the evil I caused as Nightmare Moon."
"We're gonna shut down the squid game from the inside."
"I've lost so much, but we can't afford to lose L'Manberg."
"Hanji, the scientist type, trying to figure out what Titans even are: 'The smartest of the scouts is Hanji, who's the scientist type, trying to figure out what Titans even are.'"
"There's something deeply personal about being stabbed in the back. It hurts, but it brings about an emotional catharsis, at least in fiction where they can't really kill you."
"Coach Daybreak wanted to make me a Hell Mouth."
"We must have an end, Shale. May yours be one of your own choosing."
"Deku's domination of the battlefield continues."
"And finally, our favorite space cadet Monica Rambo."
"He was contending with top-class benders as a non-bender."
"We are all just tiny pieces in this little game of his." - Vegeta
"The peaceful light of Elune soothe your souls in this dark time."
"Cersei's agency is gone, her traditional agency."
"He's got to be holding a lightsaber but he's the evil one so it's an evil red one."
"You gotta be tough, Naruto. This is the Shinobi world. People die."
"They maybe let Moria do what he wanted to for a while but then after everything that's going going on in the world with Blackbeard you know times are changing."
"She is very accepting, even to the Visoreds' apprehension."
"Thank you for pressing the self-destruct button."
"These low balls didn't work and we also know that Goku is obviously off-guard."
"But I'm afraid I have no idea, Ogden Morrow possesses an all-powerful, undetectable avatar."
"Jean serves as a commanding officer in the Survey Corps, leading a squad during the raid on the Barrio."
"Krypton's first natural birth in centuries, and he will be free to forge his own destiny."
"Let's find the mastermind. If it's a man, let's beat him to death!"
"Life is worthless. In a death game, everyone knows who you are. That itself is a form of happiness."
"It's almost like the world wanted the orcs to win."
"Raiden threatens Katana and Liu Kang, saying there are fates worse than death."
"Well-trained and outfitted military, we can finally attack our enemies and fulfill Squirt Fountain's true purpose."
"Now you know women can't come back, Felicity's dead, star city's fallen."
"Shota reflected on Mr. Purple's words. It was good advice but it's impossible for him to smile if he doesn't do his job well as a hero."
"To everyone's shock, they are surprised at the way Luffy is speaking to this legend as if he doesn't care who this guy is, but of course he doesn't, that is Luffy."
"Subaru needs to be there, someone needs to be there to be able to help out Amelia."
"He's definitely the best leader ever shown in the show."
"Dying's not scary. I mean, it's psychopath. Becoming a walker's worse."
"Let the past die. That's where the 'let the past die' line comes from, is his rebuttal to him killing his father."
"The idea of forcing humanity to accept mutants or enslaving humanity."
"Voldemort officially being back even after this very paper said he wasn't every day for almost a year."
"Why don't you waste Cyrus? No reason. I just like doing things like that."
"Literally all the Cullens Googling 'vampire baby'."
"I'd have killed Joffrey with a chicken bone if I had to."
"You brave men and women are the only hope of Setia."
"We're gonna work together to stop Zygon. That's the main Easter."
"We're coming for you, Todd Zarnecki."
"We're gonna save Hawkins together."
"...the gaffer replies that 'why' is none of my business or yours, which is a pretty badass thing for a hobbit to say to the second in command of the Nazgul."
"For Prythian, for Tamlin, for their world and my own, these deaths would not be wasted."
"Guru judges that they're worthy to get the Dragon Balls because they're using it for a selfless wish."
"Honestly, the leaf village really ought to be more grateful to me."